The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 625: The heroine who was counterattacked (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The speaker was a woman in her thirties or forties, dark and thin, with high cheekbones and shriveled cheeks, giving her a sharp and mean look.

Her eyes were full of jealousy, and there was even more malice in her eyes: "Have you forgotten? She steals people's luck. The better off she is, the more unlucky others will be!"

"Just like me, I just told a few truths and was chased and bitten by the big dog in the village."

"Also, Aunt Feng from the west end of the village had a quarrel with Mr. He's family. She cut her hand with a knife while cutting vegetables. She almost cut off half of her finger!"

"And you, Li Xiaonuo, stole a chicken from the He family, but the chicken bones got stuck in your throat and you almost died!"

"And, and—"

The mean woman said one sentence after another.

The people whose names she called also changed their expressions as they remembered the bad luck they had suffered because of Fu Bao.

"Yes! If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten!"

"Yes, yes, although we are indeed wrong, we are all fellow villagers, but Erya has directly taken away our luck and made us unlucky. It's so vicious!"

"As Sanya said, true Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are compassionate, how can they care about ordinary people?"

"Yes! Yes! Those who will be punished by Yaizi are all evil heretics! He Erya is a monster!"

Everyone attacked together, and the momentum scared Mrs. Li and Yang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law into retreating.

They thought about that day a few months ago, which was the same scene. Everyone looked at Fu Bao as if they were looking at the enemy who killed their father.

If Liang Wang hadn't come forward in the end, Fubao would have been driven out of Hejiacun even if he wasn't beaten to death by them.

Seeing this, He Yingying withdrew her steps to move forward and felt relieved——


These people were successfully brainwashed by her, and the problem could be solved without her taking action again.

But a golden light flashed through Chen Fu's eyes: It turns out that what Master Huitong said was right!

Princess Liang is indeed a very lucky person. If you treat her well, you will get good luck;

And those who have ill intentions toward her will be counterattacked!

"This noble lady, Mrs. He is really not a good person, she is a monster!"

"You, if you can see Prince Liang, you must remind him not to be harmed by the He family!"

The person who said this was the village chief of Hejia Village.

He attended private schools for several years and also went to Fucheng to gain experience.

Therefore, he thinks more and more profoundly than the villagers.

Although He Erya has left Hejia Village, her surname is He and she is a member of the He clan.

If she causes trouble outside, the entire Hejia Village will also be affected.

These days, we no longer believe in "one person does the work and one person is responsible". Instead, we believe in continuous work and clan execution.

Prince Liang is a prince, the son of the emperor. If He Erya really used sorcery to harm Prince Liang...

The village chief didn't dare to think about it at all. Wow, it's not enough to kill the royal family. It's not enough to kill the three clans. He probably has to kill the nine clans!

His legs couldn't help but tremble. The village chief couldn't find a way to break the situation.

He was a small village chief who had never even been to the capital, so how could he go to remind King Liang?

He could only place his hope on the nobleman from Beijing.


Chen Fu had already collected his thoughts, and his face was filled with solemnity, "Who gave you the courage to disrespect Princess Liang?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Also, who said Princess Liang is a monster?"

Chen Fu's eyes scanned the entire audience, and everyone who made eye contact with him lowered their heads or retreated into the crowd.

It was the mean woman who shouted at the beginning,

He plucked up the courage and shouted: "Noble sir, we just said it -"

With so many people testifying, why can't He Erya be judged to be a monster?

"You said it yourself, it was you who had malicious intentions."

"But, but not all Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are compassionate-" The mean woman came up with this sentence that He Yingying criticized Fu Bao again.

"Ha! You only know that Buddha is compassionate, haven't you heard that Buddhism also has the wrath of King Kong?"

"You have evil thoughts towards the good people in the world, and the good people in the world will not punish you, but if you try to harm the good people, you will naturally be repelled!"

Chen Fu scolded coldly.

Mrs. Li and Yang, who had just been frightened by the excited villagers and shrank into a corner, keenly grasped the key point: "Tired, have you been a good person for many generations?"

Are you talking about their Fu Bao?

"That's right, Master Huitong of Fajue Temple is the world's number one Taoist master. He personally met Princess Liang and said that she was blessed with a rich golden light of merit and was the reincarnation of a good person from many generations of good deeds!"


As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

"Isn't it right? Erya is actually the reincarnation of a good person?"

"She is not an ordinary good person, but a good person who has been doing good deeds for many lifetimes. She has done good deeds for countless lifetimes and has accumulated merit!"

"Oh my God, no wonder she is so lucky. People often say that good things come to good people. She must have done good deeds for several lifetimes to have such good luck in this life!"

"...No way! Is she really not a monster? But a good person for many generations?"

"Didn't you listen to the words of the noble people from the capital? Even the eminent Buddhist monks have criticized it, and you still don't believe it?"

"Oh, oh, oh, we offended Erya so badly before, and we still have to drive her out, we, we won't suffer retribution!"

"...I'm just telling you why our village has been so unlucky recently. When it's time to harvest the wheat, it's just one day away, and the wheat to be dried has been soaked by the heavy rain! We are being punished by God!"

The villagers were talking incessantly, and some people who were good at association attributed all their recent unhappiness to offending the lucky ones!

For a time, they felt no regrets.

I hate those people who caused trouble in the first place.

"From the He Sheng family, you are the most arrogant. Every day, there are quarrels between the east and west families. Fu Bao backfired. You didn't say you should reflect on yourself, and you even slandered Fu Bao as a monster!"

Someone recalled the original situation and pointed the finger at the mean woman.

Of course, the real initiator is He Yingying.

But everyone has the nature to bully the weak and fear the strong. He Yingying didn't have to do it at the beginning. Now she has opened a shop and has established a relationship with the nobles of the city.

He Yingying, and even the entire He family family, were no longer someone ordinary villagers like them could easily offend.

If you don't dare to target the chief culprit, then you should settle for the next best thing and push out He Sheng's wife, a foul-mouthed woman, and scold her.

The mean woman, He Sheng's wife, couldn't help but feel a little flustered when she saw that everyone was targeting her.


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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Her mouth was dry, and her usually sharp tongue was now stammering.

"It's not me, it's not me! It's, it's -"

In desperation, she defended desperately and involuntarily turned her attention to He Yingying.

Useless things!

Are you afraid of this?

He Yingying cursed secretly.

After coughing hard a few times, He Yingying winked at He Sheng's family, not forgetting to tap the dilapidated courtyard of He's family with her chin.

He Shengjia's brain also reacts quickly, or perhaps at a critical moment, she stimulated the potential of her brain.

With He Yingying's hint, she suddenly remembered the second reason why He Yingying denied that Fubao was a lucky star -

"What kind of good person has he been doing for many lifetimes? If He Erya is really a good person and has done good deeds for several lifetimes, and now he is reincarnated, he should find a rich family!"

He Shengjia scratched his neck with a look of disbelief.

She moved her hand in a circle in the air, and everyone's eyes followed her hand.

As a result, everyone saw the He family's not-so-exquisite courtyard and several brick and tile houses.

Perhaps, the He family's family situation has been greatly improved after Fu Bao was born, and they are living better than most other families in the village.

However, no matter how good their life is, they are still just an ordinary farmer in a remote mountain village.

Not to mention compared with the rich and nobles, even the wealthy families and officials in the city are far behind the He family.

This is inconsistent with what Buddhism says about doing good deeds in this life and accumulating virtue in the next life.

It doesn’t quite fit in with He Erya’s setting of being a good person and possessing the golden light of merit.

Chen Fu: ...Hey, that seems to be the truth.

A good person should be reincarnated into a good family.

"Are wealthy people a good family?"

At this time, the little girl who had been standing behind Chen Fu without speaking suddenly spoke.

The moment she opened her mouth, she immediately drew everyone's attention to herself.

Seeing everyone looking over, she bowed slightly and did not continue speaking in a hurry. Instead, she saluted Mrs. Li, Yang and others first.

"Slave Ji Xiang, you are the little maid beside the princess. On the order of the princess, you are here to visit some elders and take you to the capital!"

When Mrs. Li heard that the person was sent by her precious granddaughter, she was overjoyed.

In fact, when she heard Chen Fu talk about "Princess Liang's family" just now, although she had high hopes, she still felt uneasy.

Chen Fu only said Princess Liang, but did not indicate that he was sent by Princess Liang.

Moreover, when he mentioned Princess Liang, his tone was respectful, but not too close.

Mrs. Li couldn't help but wonder, was this person sent by Fubao?

In other words, is this person from Fubao? !

He might be a servant of the palace, or someone who curry favor with the palace.

She was not Fubao's slave and refused to reveal her identity, so Mrs. Li felt uneasy.

The auspicious words succeeded in comforting Mrs. Li.

This little maid was Fu Bao's slave, and she came to visit them on Fu Bao's order.

Oops, Fu Bao is still alive and she really became Princess Liang.

She is indeed the good granddaughter she has loved for more than ten years. When she has a future, she immediately comes to these elders.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for not receiving any news from Fubao for several months, Mrs. Li can understand——

"Well, after all, she is a newly married bride, and she is still married to a royal family. Fu Bao is alone, so he must slowly adapt to it!"

"Once you have a firm foothold in your husband's family, Fu Bao can be free to take care of your relatives back home!"

Thinking like this, Mrs. Li felt a little sorry for her precious granddaughter: "This child must have suffered a lot of grievances in the capital!"

"Even if you are lucky, you are still a wife for someone else. How can you be free and comfortable at home?"

Mrs. Li only cared about her heartache and forgot that she was still confronting the villagers at this moment.

It's still auspicious, and I haven't forgotten the business.

After giving gifts to Mrs. Li, Mr. Yang and others, she continued the topic: "Are rich families really good families?"

"Why is it bad? You don't have to worry about food or clothing, you don't have to work hard, and you still have people to take care of you!"

He Shengjia's face was filled with envy and jealousy, and his words were full of yearning and longing.

"Yes! How nice it is to be a rich and aristocratic family, with popular food, hot drinks, three wives and four concubines, and hordes of slaves..."

The villagers also echoed.

Ji Xiang shook his head, "You only see the good things about rich people, but you don't see the dangers of rich people!"

"Don't talk about others, just talk about me. My grandfather was once the Minister of Household Affairs, with a third-rank official position. My father was also an official in the imperial court. He came from a scholarly family and had been in officialdom for many generations!"

"But what am I now? A palace slave!"

Jixiang revealed his shortcomings on his own, but there wasn't much sadness on his face.

It seems that she has already become accustomed to her identity.

Think about it, in the past ten years, many wealthy families have been overthrown due to the struggle for the throne.

The daughter of a noble prince who was still a high-ranking prince the day before was thrown into the dust today. She was either fined and confiscated and became a palace slave, or she was sent to the Jiaofang Department.

All of them have been relegated to lowly status, and their children and grandchildren will be slaves and maids throughout their lives.

It is extremely difficult to become a free citizen.

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Are rich people still in such danger?

They simply couldn't imagine that the nobles who were once so high would one day fall into the abyss.


Official prostitute?

Actually he is not as good as ordinary people.

At least they, the mountain villagers, are still free, have good citizenship, and have the opportunity to transcend social classes.

"Even if you are not overturned, you may not be happy and peaceful in a deep house."

Jixiang continued, "Wives and concubines are at odds with each other, concubines are fighting against each other, and even flesh and blood can turn against each other!"

"How can there be so much filth compared to the harmony and warmth of ordinary people's homes?"

"Our princess said that she is extremely lucky that she was reincarnated into the He family. Not only do she have parents who love her, but she also has a grandmother and grandfather who treat her as a treasure!"

"The brothers and sisters are also in harmony. She grew up carefree. All she experienced and felt was beauty and happiness!"

"If there is an afterlife, she is willing to be a daughter to her parents and a granddaughter to her grandmother!"

These words of Ji Xiang are not fabricated out of thin air.

He Tiantian sent her to Hejia Village with Chen Fu, the steward of Chengen Palace, just to make her say these words in public.

After all, it doesn’t make sense for the original owner to have the good fortune of having a koi but to be reincarnated into a poor family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And He Yingying seized on this point and used it as one of the reasons to criticize the original owner, and successfully turned the original owner from a lucky star into a monster!

He Tiantian asked Jixiang to say this to defend the reincarnation of the original owner.

Ahem, this is also a bit of a quibble.

However, the original character's character is that of a koi girl who "makes all her wishes come true".

He Tiantian said that she did not want to go to a complicated wealthy family, but she liked the simplicity and happiness of a farm family, so she was reincarnated into the He family, which was in line with the setting.

In this way, this loophole was barely patched up!

"Yes, not all wealthy families are good families. Sometimes, they are not as happy as ordinary people like us."

"Although the He family is a little poorer, Mrs. Li really feels sorry for Fubao. Tsk tsk, Fubao has never suffered hardship since she was a child, and the whole family treats her as a treasure!"

"Yes! Yes! If I have done good deeds and can choose the next life, I must find a good family who loves me and treats me as their beloved!"

Jixiang’s words were actually recognized by everyone...

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