The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 626: The heroine who was counterattacked (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Does this clear it up?

He Yingying's face looked a little ugly.

She spent a lot of effort, made a lot of preparations, and took several years to finally put Fu Bao on the altar.

He Yingying has successfully taken away the heroine's halo from Fu Bao. As a result, Fu Bao can actually turn around in such a situation!

Could it be that this is the heroine?

Can't be beaten to death?

He Yingying pursed her lips hard. She was not reconciled, let alone convinced!

What made her even more depressed was that during this confrontation, Fu Bao didn't even come forward himself, but instead hired a maid.

But he still won!

He Yingying felt that as a writer, she had suffered huge humiliation.

"Okay! Okay! I know my Fubao is the best!"

"If there is an afterlife, I would also like to continue to be Fu Bao's grandmother!"

"...My blessed treasure, grandma's love for you has indeed not been in vain -"

On the other side, Mrs. Li was deeply moved by the little maid's auspicious words.

She smiled and burst into tears.

She not only relayed Fubao's words for good luck, but also because after Fubao was identified as a "monster", she and the entire He family suffered a huge blow.

Now, the "stigma" has been washed away, and her little boy is not a monster at all, but a good person recognized by Buddhist monks throughout his life.

Old Mrs. Li felt that the boulder that had been weighing on her heart was lifted. She became energetic and her waist, which had been slowly bent, straightened up again.

"Come in quickly! Oh, look at me, an old woman, who only cares about being happy, but forgets how to treat guests!"

"Second brother's family, hurry up and boil water, make tea, and put out fruits!"

Mrs. Li wiped her tears with her sleeve, and then returned to her fierce and capable appearance.

She greeted Chen Fu and others to come in.

"Hey! Mom, I'm going right now!"

Ms. Yang also experienced tears of joy, and her whole person seemed to be reborn.

Speaking of which, Mr. Yang was happier and more excited than Mrs. Li.

Because no matter what, Fubao is her biological daughter, and their second wife only has this hope.

Unlike Mrs. Li, although she signed a family separation agreement and separated the eldest and the third child, these two people are still Mrs. Li's biological sons.

If the old couple does not live well in the future, the eldest brother and the others will also have to be responsible for providing for them in their old age.

After all, dividing a family does not mean severing ties. Sons can ignore their siblings, but they must be filial to their parents.

Today, Mrs. Li seems to be in ruins and has fallen out with the boss and the others.

But people still have a way out.

The second room is different. They are separated and become "relatives" to the boss and the others. If there is no other way out, they will have no choice but to suffer from hunger and poverty.

Now, Fubao had news and sent someone back to pick them up.

Yang's heart felt as if she was on a high-speed train, flying from the bottom of the valley to the sky in an instant!

"And you guys, haven't you already separated? Leave now!"

After Mrs. Li shouted at her second daughter-in-law, she turned around and saw the haggard Sister-in-law He.

Mrs. Li only felt happy, it was really the east of the river and the west of the river.

Mrs. Li tried her best not to separate the family just now, but now, Dafang and the others are probably going to regret it!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Fubao is Princess Liang. Judging from her ability to send people back to her hometown, we know that she has established a firm foothold in the palace and the capital.

Having such a distinguished relative is the dream of countless ordinary people.

Where are the boss and the others?

It was obviously easy to have it, but in the end, it was pushed out by me.

Deserve it!

In recent months, Mrs. Li has really suffered a lot.

She had no choice but to endure it.

Now... haha, her sweet granddaughter has become the princess. The main reason is that her sweet grandson is as close to her grandma as she used to be.

Mrs. Li feels that she will be able to live a very comfortable life for the rest of her life!

As for these heartless white-eyed wolves like Dafang, well, let them stay in their hometown and open their hot pot restaurant properly.

Mrs. Li was so proud that she regained her appearance as a domineering and overbearing old lady.

Sister-in-law He: ...

She no longer cared about her mother-in-law's arrogance, she was beating a drum in her heart at the moment.

How could Fu Bao become a princess?

She is a country girl who has nothing. Could it be that just because she was born with good fortune, just--

Sister-in-law He was very unwilling, and in this emotion mixed with envy and jealousy, there was also a faint fear:

Their family had offended Fu Bao to the point of death.

According to Fu Bao's magical ability, will their family be in trouble soon?


After suffering for half her life and finally living a good life, Sister-in-law He didn't want to go back to the past no matter what.

Sister-in-law He is afraid, while He Youtian is regretful.

Alas, we shouldn’t separate our families!

Damn it, it's only half a day later. If those people in Beijing came half a day later, he, he would still be the eldest son of the He family and the uncle of the dignified Princess Liang.

Although He Youtian didn't have much ability, he stayed outside for several months.

He got in touch with noble people in the county and prefectural cities, and his horizons were slowly broadened.

Therefore, he knew how important it was for those of them doing business to have a noble person in the capital.

Their "Du Lailao" hot pot restaurant was able to open so smoothly because of the reputation of Prince Liang's Mansion.

But now, he strongly requested to separate the family and become two families with his second wife.

Fu Bao then took his parents, second wife, etc. to the capital, leaving only their eldest son in his hometown.

Even if outsiders don't know about the family separation, they will understand something - the eldest room and the second room of the He family are not very close.


This thing can be done really well——

He Youtian felt annoyed in his heart. He rubbed his hands and thought about whether he should bow his head to his parents and let go of the separation.

Before he could lick his face and speak, he heard Old Mrs. Li yelling at them to get out.

He Youtian, who had been called "Master He" for several months, felt that he was no longer a poor peasant man who could be trampled upon, but a person with status and dignity.

As a result, his mother told him to get out in public.

Seeing that he refused to leave, the old lady actually picked up a broom and kicked them out!

He Youtian only felt that he had lost all face. In anger, he continued to pretend to be "Master He" and said bitterly: "Just leave!"

Hum, so what if Fu Bao becomes Princess Liang?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The capital is thousands of miles away from them, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. He Youtian doesn't believe that a woman like Fubao can stretch his hand so long!

"His father? Are we really going to leave like this?"

Sister-in-law He was unwilling to leave.

Although she didn't understand the business outside, she also understood the basic truth - Fubao had become a nobleman, and their eldest brother should find a way to hug him.

After all, they are relatives, originally a family, and have the most unique conditions.

It's just a wrong step. As long as you admit your mistake and beg your mother-in-law and siblings, this matter may be over.

"Let's go! People are driving them away with brooms, so what are we doing?"

He Youtian looked ugly, feeling that his dignity as "Master He" had been trampled on.

He seemed to be holding his breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Go to Fucheng! We also have a hot pot restaurant, and we have the secret recipe of the third girl. I don't believe that if we leave the second house, our first house will starve to death!"

But He Yingying shook her head and said lightly: "It's useless, dad!"

In ancient times, hierarchy was strict and power was rampant.

Without a backer, He Yingying's secret recipe, let alone making her rich, would most likely become a source of disaster.

As for the hot pot restaurant, haha, if she hadn't held the tiger-skin banner of Prince Liang's Mansion before, someone would have taken it away from her.

Also, since Fubao sent people to his hometown, he naturally wouldn't come to Beijing just to pick up his grandma and his second wife.

The person who personally labeled Fu Bao as a "monster" was He Yingying. She didn't hate Fu Bao at all if she didn't believe him.

Even though this person is a great benevolent person and a true holy mother, she is unwilling to take revenge.

However, as long as the news of the separation of the He family spreads, and as long as the second room and the others are taken away, the world will know that the eldest room and the second room of the He family have become two families.

At that time, some people may not rob openly, but may do something secretly.

The people do not fight with the officials!

In modern times, no one can avoid being bullied, let alone in ancient times where classes were strict.

He Yingying knew very well that after today's commotion, her hot pot restaurant would not be able to survive.

Not just the hot pot restaurant, no matter what profitable business she comes up with, it is all about making wedding dresses for others.

However, He Yingying will not give up just yet.

"Isn't it just about finding a backer? Isn't it just about using your power to suppress others? I can do that too!"

He Yingying pinched her palms hard to calm herself down in the shortest possible time.

She is indeed not as "lucky" as the original owner, but she has the golden finger of "knowing the plot well".

Therefore, the battle between her and Fubao, the original heroine, is not completely over.

It’s not certain who will win in the end!

He Yingying left Hejiacun with her family and temporarily lived in a newly bought house in the county town.

As for the hot pot restaurant, He Yingying didn't wait for anyone to come to provoke, so she took advantage of the opportunity before the news of the separation of the He family spread, and prepared to transfer several shops out at high prices.

He Yingying is also planning to hold a small auction for the secret recipe of hot pot soup base, and finally use the power of Prince Liang's Palace to make a huge profit.

"...This He Sanya is really a shrewd person!"

After hearing Chen Fu's reminder, Ji Xiang couldn't help but sigh.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Miss Jixiang, don't you care about her?"

Chen Fu is the steward of Fengen Palace and cannot interfere too much in the affairs of Princess Liang's family.

He told the little maid Jixiang the news he had learned.

"Oh, Manager Chen, I told you not to be so polite. I'm not a girl!"

"I'm just a little maid beside the princess, I really can't afford it."

Ji Xiang politely gave in and said softly, "Don't worry about her, she won't be arrogant for long anyway!"

This matter is not something Jixiang made on his own.

She was a palace slave assigned to Prince Liang's Mansion by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When Princess Liang was selecting someone, she saw that she was articulate and smart, so she chose her and stayed with her as a servant.

The queen's natal family, the Chen family of Feng'en Gongfu, wanted to make friends with Princess Liang.

After investigating, it was found that she still had relatives in her hometown. When Mrs. Feng Engong came to pay her respects to Princess Liang, she pretended to be casual and said:

"It's a coincidence that the farm where my mother-in-law was married is in Qizhou. Every year I send a steward to Qizhou to handle things."

Qizhou is very close to the small county town where the He family is located, and it can be reached in half a day on horseback.

When Princess Liang He Tiantian heard Mrs. Feng En's words, she knew that she wanted to help.

He Tiantian followed suit and pretended to be surprised and said, "What a coincidence? Oh, that's great!"

"I'm in a dilemma about something. It just so happens that you're here, madam, so I'll take the liberty to ask, when your manager goes to Qizhou, can he drop by my hometown..."

When Mrs. Fenggeng saw He Tiantian being so polite, she quickly smiled and said, "The princess is just polite, nothing presumptuous, it's just a matter of convenience!"

In this way, the two parties agreed that Chen Fu, the steward of Feng'en Palace, would help pick up the He family when he went to Qizhou to run errands.

With the help of Duke Feng'en, as a party involved, He Tiantian couldn't leave alone.

After a few days of observation, she found that Ji Xiang was very smart even though she was young.

The key is that this child lives a very transparent life, which can be called sober in the world.

From a former official lady to a palace slave, she is not ashamed and angry, and she is not resentful. She does not have too much negative energy in her body.

On the contrary, there is a kind of tenacity like a weed. Even if it is crushed into the mud, it still struggles to stand up again.

He Tiantian admires such tenacious and tenacious people.

It just so happened that He Tiantian could use this "business trip" to test Ji Xiang's ability.

She first told Jixiang about the grudge between Fubao and He Sanya, and the infamy that Fubao was given.

Afterwards, He Tiantian briefly mentioned the sophistry she had in mind to "break the situation".

He Tiantian did not use the example of things that could overthrow even the rich and powerful. On the contrary, He Tiantian was auspicious and did not shy away from what she had experienced.

He took the initiative to remind He Tiantian, "Princess, not all wealthy families are good. Throughout the ages, many wealthy and distinguished families have fallen into the dust of history."

Not to mention their family, even great poets have used poems to explain this situation.

"In the old days, the swallows in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people."

Thousand-year-old families like Wang Xie have become history, not to mention those powerful people who claim to be wealthy.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Seeing Ji Xiang's transparency, He Tiantian felt more and more that this girl was a talent.

She didn't promise anything to Jixiang, but she already had an idea in her heart: if Jixiang could always be so transparent, she would definitely help her escape from her humble status in the future.

"Okay! You're right!"

He Tiantian originally just wanted to fill that loophole by saying "I like the simplicity and happiness of farm families".

With Jixiang helping to add the reason, it seems even more perfect.

He Tiantian felt more and more that she had chosen the wrong person, so she gave Ji Xiang another task.

He Yingying guessed right. He Tiantian sent people back to her hometown not only to clear her name and bring her relatives to the capital, but she also had a big trick up her sleeve.

"He Yingying knows the plot well, why don't I, He Tiantian, know what will happen next?"

He Tiantian studied He Yingying's temperament, and she accurately predicted He Yingying's prediction...

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