The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 628: The heroine who was counterattacked (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

If there is a problem, there must be a problem!

Xu Changsheng has never read a book and has little knowledge, but he has animal-like intuition.

In these years in the mountains and forests, he relied on this invisible and intangible intuition to avoid countless dangers.


The little maid from a wealthy family in front of him was not a savage beast, so why did she feel strange to him?

Could it be that this person has some connection with him?

Xu Changsheng was secretly alert.

Originally, he just wanted to come and take a look. If the third aunt was really in any danger, he would find a way to help.

However, looking at the fight in front of me, it doesn't look like someone is looking for trouble. Instead, it looks like relatives from a wealthy family are coming to give gifts.

It was determined that there was something wrong with Third Aunt Zi's house, and Xu Changsheng should have left.

But because of the weirdness of the little maid, he did not leave, but stood in the crowd, listening to the chatter and discussions of the people around him.

After a long while, the crowd of onlookers began to disperse, and Xu Changsheng also understood the whole story——

It turns out that the third aunt's natal sister has become rich and her granddaughter is going to be taken to the capital to enjoy the blessings. Before leaving, she came to see her!

And the maid that made Xu Changsheng wary was sent by the princess from the capital.


Princess Liang? !

For Xu Changsheng, it is definitely an extremely strange and distant existence.

But for some reason, he had an inexplicable feeling.

It seemed that that place had a certain relationship with him.

This was not Xu Changsheng's random speculation. What happened next only increased the suspicion in his heart.

Mrs. Li came to her sister's house and did not leave immediately. Instead, she stayed at her sister's house for one night.

In the evening, the onlookers had completely dispersed.

Li Ermei's family sat next to Mrs. Li, asking about things curiously and enviously.

As for Mrs. Li, she enjoyed the highlight moments of her life immensely, and she was unequivocal in bragging about her sweet baby.

Jixiang and other maids were busy in Xu's house, cleaning the room and preparing food.

Ji Xiang, as a maid from Beijing, is naturally much more noble than the rough servant maid Chen Fu bought in the county, and she is the leader among them.

She did not do specific work, but was responsible for overall planning.

"Don't kill the chickens and ducks raised by my auntie. Go to your neighbors' houses to see if they have any suitable poultry!"

Jixiang arranged everything in an orderly manner.

Talking about the neighbors, standing in the yard, she couldn't help but cast her eyes to the dilapidated yard on the west side.

Xu Changsheng:...


here we go again!

This weird little maid looked at me strangely again!

"Young Master, may I ask if you have chickens, ducks and other poultry at home?"

Ji Xiang shouted to Xu Changsheng through the low wall.

"I-I'm not a young man, I'm just a hunter!"

Xu Changsheng looked straight at Jixiang and said in a somewhat stiff tone, "My family doesn't raise chickens or ducks—"

His family is a well-known poor family in the village.

Dad Xu Laizi is a very lazy person who likes to eat, and even gambles when he has something to do.

The family was impoverished by him. Even if Xu Changsheng found a way to raise chickens and ducks at home, Xu Laizi would arrest him and bring trouble.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The old queen, Wang Yaksha, was lazy and greedy. She only cared about herself and didn't even want to take care of her own son, let alone take care of the housework like a normal peasant woman.

She was either visiting the host's house or the west's house all day long.

I would rather talk nonsense outside than clean up the house.

There are also his two younger brothers, who are also small gangsters and scoundrels.

...It can be said that in a family of five, he looks like a normal person living a normal life.

The whole family is dirty, but Xu Changsheng, who is hardworking and capable, has become an alien.

Those who are different will always be excluded.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng has been abused by Xu Lezi and his wife since childhood.

He was beaten or scolded, and starving and freezing were commonplace.

Xu Changsheng would have died long ago if his neighbors and fellow villagers hadn't felt sorry for him and would have given him some food or taught him some trap-digging and hunting skills behind his back!

When he was in his twenties, everyone of the same age in the village had several children.

Xu Changsheng didn't even have a wife.

He also wanted to get married, but the Xu family's situation——

Any family that loves their daughters would not send their children into the Xu family's fiery pit.

Xu Changsheng is a good boy, everyone in the village knows it.

Not only is he capable, but the key is that he looks good.

He is tall and tall, with handsome features. If he hadn't often gone to the mountains to eat and sleep in the open air, and his skin was tanned, he would have been more respectable than the rich young master in the county.

But, it’s so beautiful that you can’t eat it for food.

As long as Xu Changsheng does not leave the Xu family, no one will be willing to marry him.

Separate the family?


Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha are not stupid. Their family relies on Xu Changsheng's hunting to support them.

If he were separated, what would their family of four eat? What to drink?

Xu Changsheng used to be greedy for family affection and had illusions about his parents.

If he makes money from hunting, he will stupidly give it to his family.

However, when he found out several times that his parents were behind his back, using the money he handed over to give his brothers delicious food, but only hiding it from him, he knew that he was asking too much.

Later, Xu Lezi pretended to be stupid and refused to marry him, and threatened him with the words "If you dare to disobey, I will go to the Yamen to sue you." Xu Changsheng completely gave up.

He no longer paid foolishly, but began to hide his private money.

Xu Changsheng thought about it. When he saved enough money, he would leave Xujiaping to find his biological parents.

That’s right!

biological parents!

Over the years, not only Xu Changsheng, who has experienced it personally, but also people in the village have doubts——

"I'm afraid the child Changsheng is not the biological child of Xu Lezi and his wife."

There are reasons why everyone has such doubts:

First, Xu Changsheng was brought back from outside by Xu Lezi and his wife.

When the family returned to Xujiaping, Xu Changsheng was already over a year old.

People of the older generation still remember that Xu Changsheng at that time was fair and chubby. Although his appearance had not yet grown, he was delicate and good-looking.

As for Xu Leizi, he was short and thin, with scars all over his head, triangular eyes, and rosacea...anyway, he didn't look like a person.

His daughter-in-law, Wang Yaksha, was no less generous. She was short and fat, with squinty eyes, a flat nose, a big mouth, and a layer of fine hair on her lips. She was actually more masculine than a man.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Otherwise, she would not have been nicknamed "Yaksha".

It is impossible for such an ugly man and woman to give birth to a child as beautiful as Xu Changsheng.

Second, Xu Lezi and his wife treated Xu Changsheng very badly.

No matter how bad or bad a person is, they will always be soft-hearted towards their children, especially their eldest son.

Also, even if a man's heart is more hard-hearted, as a mother who is pregnant in ten months and gives birth once, as long as there is no special reason, she will cherish her own flesh and blood.

Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha did not show any kindness to Xu Changsheng.

They have been beaten and scolded constantly since they were young, and they ignore the children who cry when they are hungry.

If Li Ermei, the neighbor next door, hadn't secretly fed the child some food when she saw how pitiful the child was, Xu Changsheng would never be alive today.

"Maybe Xu Leizi stole this child back from outside."

"Yes, Xu Leizi, this bastard, has been sneaking around since he was a child. When he left his hometown, he got into trouble and ran out to seek refuge."

"Oh, it's so pitiful that Changsheng has such a good child, but he was delayed by Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha!"

Growing up, Xu Changsheng had heard such words many times.

As time passed, he couldn't help but wonder: Maybe, I really am not the biological child of my parents.

With such speculation, Xu Changsheng had the idea of ​​​​finding his biological parents.

He had no illusions about how rich his biological parents were. Hehe, it was not a good family to lose his own flesh and blood.

However, Xu Changsheng always thought that no matter how bad he was, he should not be worse than Xu Lezi and his wife.

He doesn't really want to find his biological parents, he just wants to have a legitimate reason to get rid of Xu Leizi's family completely!

He doesn't expect to be rich and powerful, he just wants to be like a normal young man, marry a wife and have children, and live a normal life as a family.

Without a sense of belonging to the Xu family and wanting to escape, Xu Changsheng would naturally not regard the Xu family as his own home.

Raising chickens and ducks?

What are he thinking? If he wants to eat chickens, ducks, or eggs, he can just go to the mountains and have everything.

If you keep them at home, these things will eventually become cheaper for others.

Xu Changsheng is not a foolish fool!

Therefore, when he heard Ji Xiang's question, he directly said: "I don't have chickens or ducks at home."

However, before Ji Xiang could be disappointed, he lowered his voice and added, "I can get game!"

"Hare, wild fowl, wild boar, wild deer... you can do it!"

When Xu Changsheng said this, a flash of hope flashed in his eyes.

This little maid is from the capital. She is a servant of Prince Liang's Mansion and must be a wealthy person.

If you sell wild game to her, you should get a lot of money.

"Young master, you can also hunt!"

Jixiang is still very respectful to Xu Changsheng.

When she saw Xu Changsheng's face, she was always distracted involuntarily.

so similar!

It’s so similar!

The hunter from the mountain village in front of me looks exactly like that noble man!

Because of this similarity, Jixiang's attitude is particularly good.

"What is she looking at?"

Xu Changsheng was alert and keenly discovered Jixiang's anomaly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He carefully observed Ji Xiang's expression, and then, he suddenly had an illusion——


She is not looking at me, but looking through me, trying to find the shadow of another person!

Has she ever seen someone who looks similar to herself?

Looking at Ji Xiang's instinctive respect, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but suspect that the person who looked similar to himself must be someone with status.

Could it be his relative? !

"Well! I have been hunting since I was a child. There is nothing I can do. If I don't go to the mountains, I will starve to death!"

Xu Changsheng's thoughts moved slightly and he deliberately told about his miserable childhood.

Sure enough, when he heard that Xu Changsheng had to venture into the mountains in order to survive, Ji Xiang's face quickly flashed with regret and a hint of anger.

It seems that a person who should be noble is being abused like this!

Xu Changsheng's thoughts became more vivid.

"...Young master has suffered a lot. However, there is a saying that if you are extremely lucky, you will definitely have great luck in the future!"

By this time, Jixiang was somewhat convinced.

Before leaving the palace, she was a little surprised when she heard the princess's instructions. She felt that the princess's statement was too whimsical.

However, after seeing this young hunter with his own eyes, Jixiang couldn't help but doubt his identity.

Jixiang remembered the princess's instructions, smiled and chatted with Xu Changsheng for a few words, then gave him two taels of silver as a deposit and asked him to help hunt some game back.

"By the way, I don't know what to call the young master?"

Ji Xiang asked casually.

"My name is Xu Changsheng!" Xu Changsheng was secretly happy after receiving the money.

He had finally saved up enough.

"Immortal? What a name!"

Jixiang followed the princess's wishes and reminded Xu Changsheng without leaving any trace, "I think your parents must love you very much, so they gave you such a meaningful name!"

Xu Changsheng: ...Bullshit love! them--


Immortality, hoping that the child will live a long life. This is indeed a name with great meaning.

It can be seen from the name that his "parents" must love him very much.

Of course, this parent does not refer to Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha.

...So, he is indeed not the biological child of Xu Lezi and his wife.

And therefore, his biological parents actually loved him very much, and they had no choice but to lose him.

Xu Changsheng's mind was churning.

Suddenly, he remembered that when he was a child, he heard villagers murmuring: "Xu Leizi must have made a fortune from outside, so that he can pay off the money in the gambling house in the town."

"Yes! That's right, otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to come back. And the thugs from the gambling house didn't come to settle accounts with them!"

Get rich?

And he came back with a child who looked nothing like his wife?

Xu Changsheng suddenly remembered the storytellers he had heard in the county town. Many clues were strung together by him into a complete clue!

The auspicious reminder was over. Seeing that the tall, slender young man was deep in thought, she turned around and got busy.

After a while, Xu Changsheng came back to his senses.

After shaking the silver in his hand, Xu Changsheng didn't waste any time and went for a walk in the mountains.

An hour later, before it was completely dark, Xu Changsheng carried a bunch of prey to Li Ermei's yard.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Ji Xiang collected the things and gave him the balance of three taels of silver.

Including the deposit, the total is five taels of silver.

This is already a very large fortune for Xu Changsheng.

He secretly ran to a dilapidated old house in the village and buried the money in the same place where he had hidden his release money.

"Thirteen taels of silver!"

This is all his savings.

Although it wasn't a lot, it was enough for him to leave his hometown and go find his relatives!

However, looking at the silver in the earthen jar, Xu Changsheng gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

He had a hunch that Jixiang would definitely take action after returning to Beijing.

Perhaps, as long as he waits in Xujiaping, he will have good news!

Xu Changsheng's idea was not wishful thinking.

No, when Jixiang was waiting for Mrs. Li to leave the next day, she passed by Xu Changsheng and looked at him with that weird look.

Xu Changsheng and Ji Xiang's eyes met, and his guess became more and more firm.

Jixiang may not come back, but she will definitely tell someone about her existence.

And he can wait until his biological parents...

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