The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 629: The heroine who was counterattacked (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Are you Xu Changsheng? From Xujiaping?"

Jixiang left. Although Xu Changsheng had many speculations in his heart, he still had to live his life.

He still goes hunting in the mountains every day, and takes three-quarters of the prey he catches to sell in the town or county, and takes one-quarter home.

Xu Changsheng didn't want to take it back and support Xu Lezi's family of four for free.

However, Xu Lezi is such a scoundrel. If Xu Changsheng resists even a little bit, he will yell and go to the county government office to accuse him of disobedience!

These days, being disobedient and unfilial is a serious crime, and parents can basically tell them right away.

Of course, Xu Changsheng could sneak away secretly.

It's just that Xu Changsheng didn't have enough financial support in the past and didn't dare to leave easily.

But now, he has another reason to "wait", so he can only continue to stay in Xujiaping and make mistakes with Xu Lezi's family!

On this day, Xu Changsheng shot a wild deer. He knew that rich people like this kind of thing the most.

So instead of going to the town, he went directly to the county seat.

On the official road leading to the county seat, Xu Changsheng "ran into" a young girl dressed exquisitely.

The man seemed to know Xu Changsheng. When he saw him from a distance, he greeted him warmly.

Xu Changsheng was stunned for a moment and looked at the man carefully, "You, who are you?"

It seemed a bit familiar, but he didn't have a clear memory in his mind.

"My name is He Yingying, I'm from Xujiacun!"

"My grandma's maiden name is Li, and a girl married to your Xujiaping!"

"When I was a kid, I went to Xujiaping with my grandma to visit relatives!"

"I remember you seemed to live next door to my aunt's house..."

He Yingying was almost crazy busy during this period.

It's a hotpot restaurant, and it's an auction of the secret recipe for the hot pot soup.

After more than ten days of hard work, Mrs. Li, her wife and the entire second room were picked up, and He Yingying was finally done.

After finishing her work, she took a breath and started to implement another plan of hers.

However, there were some twists and turns in the implementation of this opportunity.

He Yingying couldn't just run up to Xu Changsheng and do this and that with him.

He Yingying, who has read the original script and is familiar with the plot, knows that Xu Changsheng looks like an ordinary mountain hunter, but he is very sharp and alert.

If she acts too deliberately, the other person will not only have no feelings for her, but will become suspicious.

He Yingying didn't want to make things worse.

Therefore, her contact with Xu Changsheng must be a coincidence.

Because of an "accidental encounter", He Yingying gradually started to interact with Xu Changsheng, and then it became a matter of course!

In the past few days, He Yingying had been planning to have a chance encounter with Xu Changsheng.

It's just that this man's whereabouts are elusive, and He Yingying doesn't dare to send anyone to follow him. She can only follow his habits and either go to the town to stay guard, or stroll along the official road leading to the county seat.

After struggling for several days, today, she finally got her rightful owner.

"My aunt is Second Sister Li. According to her seniority, you should call her Third Aunt!"

He Yingying talked non-stop, not only introducing her identity, but also trying her best to get closer to Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng:...

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This girl is too enthusiastic.

If it were in the past, Xu Changsheng wouldn't think too much.

However, after experiencing Ji Xiang's strange attention, Xu Changsheng guessed that he might have another identity, and he couldn't help but become more vigilant.

Of course, Xu Changsheng himself also knew that his current mentality was not quite right.

Jixiang would "recognize" herself because she came from the capital and should have met someone.

And this He Yingying, although she has been very popular recently, is just a village girl with some abilities.

The farthest place she has ever been is probably Fucheng.

She didn't even go out of her own province, let alone the capital.

Therefore, she should have never met that person and should not be aware that there is anything wrong with Xu Changsheng's life experience.

Since they don’t know this, they don’t need to deliberately curry favor.

"Maybe it's just human nature!"

"Oh, by the way, this girl has opened shops in the county and prefectures. She welcomes and greets diners every day, and she has developed the habit of being warm and hospitable!"

Xu Changsheng comforted himself in this way.

However, he himself didn't notice it, but in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little wary of He Yingying.

Therefore, when He Yingying always looked for opportunities to contact him and used her kind and beautiful image to try to redeem him, a poor man who was treated harshly by his parents, Xu Changsheng's first reaction was not to be moved or grateful, but to be suspicious!

Do you think he is pitiful?

Want to help him?


Is he, Xu Changsheng, so pitiful today?

As a child, he was even more pitiful.

At that time, he did not have the ability to support himself, and he did not even have the ability to resist against such vicious parents as Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha.

After He Yingying "reminisced about the past" again and again, Xu Changsheng also vaguely remembered the intersection between himself and He Yingying——

He was already eleven or twelve years old that year, and He Yingying seemed to be only four or five years old.

She and her two sisters came to visit Li Ermei's house with Mrs. Li.

Several little girls from the He family were playing in the yard with the children from the Xu family, while Xu Laizi from next door was chasing Xu Changsheng all over the yard with a wooden stick.

Xu Changsheng is tall, but he is only half a child after all.

Years of starvation and beatings left him severely malnourished and he looked extremely thin.

He is no match for the fierce Xu Laizi.

Xu Changsheng was beaten by Xu Laizi on the spot and rolled all over the floor, begging for mercy.

How pitiful he is!

But He Yingying didn't help her. Instead, her cousin, a fat girl named Fubao, yelled at Xu Laizi and ran into the house to call her third aunt.

The third aunt is very popular in Xujiaping. Her family has even bought a shop in the town. She is one of the most wealthy households in the village. Even the village chief and clan elders look up to them.

Xu Lezi is the poorest person in Xujiaping and has the worst reputation. Almost no one wants to associate with him.

If the village chief hadn't taken his surname into consideration, he would have driven him out of Xujiaping long ago.

Even so, Xu Lezi did not dare to easily offend the "reputable" people in the village.

For example, Xu Laosan next door, Xu Leizi was a little afraid.

As soon as the third aunt came out, Xu Laizi stopped beating the child.

He dropped the stick, muttered a few curse words, and ran out to gamble with the wild bird he snatched from Xu Changsheng.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At that time, he needed the warmth of others even more, even if it was just a little bit!

However, He Yingying did not give it to him.

Now, Xu Chang is a head taller than Xu Laizi, and he has developed many skills from hunting in the mountains all year round.

Xu Leizi no longer dared to beat him, so he could only threaten to complain to the Yamen.

With his skills, he no longer went hungry, he could often eat meat, and he saved several taels of money for his private life.

He already lives better than most families in the village.

This He Yingying has the face of "You are so pitiful, you need redemption"!

She was even more gentle and caring towards Xu Changsheng.

Faced with such considerate, kind and beautiful He Yingying, Xu Changsheng didn't feel any emotion in his heart, but actually wanted to laugh!

If it were not certain that He Yingying should not know the mystery of her life experience, Xu Changsheng would have suspected that this person was placing a bet in advance.

In fact, Xu Changsheng himself was not sure whether he was the son of a nobleman in the capital.

Jixiang and the others have been away for almost a month, but there has been no news.

As time passed, Xu Changsheng began to feel a little guilty.

Perhaps, biological parents and so on are really just a fantasy of his.

He might be Xu Leizi's son.

Xu Changsheng began to think wildly, and his heart became confused.

However, there was He Yingying beside her who was working hard, which made Xu Changsheng even more irritated.

He Yingying: ...Are you annoyed? I’m still annoyed!

He is just a mountain hunter who has lacked love since he was a child. Why is it so difficult to handle him?

It is said that children who are neglected or even abused by their parents are most eager for love and care.

Just like the plots in those redemption novels, the kind-hearted heroine doesn't do much. Just a pure smile or a piece of steamed bun secretly slipped in can make the beautiful and powerful male protagonist become the white moonlight in her heart.

Why was it her turn? She cared and gave things to her. She worked hard for nearly a month, but she still couldn't get Xu Changsheng's "heartbeat"!

If time permits, He Yingying also wants to continue boiling frogs in warm water and have a long-lasting love with Xu Changsheng.

However, with the departure of Mrs. Li and the second wife of the He family, the news of the separation of the He family slowly spread.

Not only the people in the county knew that their eldest brother and Princess Liang were not closely related, but also had a vague feud, even the people in the capital also heard about the He family's grudges!

He Yingying had predicted and sold the hot pot restaurant and the secret recipe of the base in advance.

However, even though the hot pot restaurant and the secret recipe were sold, He Yingying could not completely get out of trouble.

What's more, the wealthy businessman who had paid a high price to win the secret recipe for the hot pot base was very angry when he found out that the He family's eldest family was disliked by Princess Liang.

Originally, they didn't need to spend so much money, just because they were worried about Prince Liang's Mansion.

Some of them even wanted to use this to sell themselves well to Prince Liang, and then build relationships with Prince Liang's palace.

Otherwise, they would never foolishly spend a lot of money to buy some secret recipe!

What a shame, this little bitch, He Yingying, who had clearly turned against Princess Liang, still dared to use Prince Liang's Mansion as a banner, and defrauded them of so much money!

This damn girl thinks they are all being taken advantage of.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What is intolerable is unbearable.

As a result, many people began to secretly seek trouble for the He family.

He Yingying does not have a shop for the time being, but the He family lives in the county town.

In front of her house, a dead rat, cat or dog would be thrown away at every turn.

Sometimes the door was covered with excrement.

The He family was disgusted, and the surrounding neighbors were also miserable.

They have started to work together to force the He family to move!

There are also He Yingying's two brothers who were sent to private schools by He Yingying.

It was fine at first. Although the two were a little older, they were diligent and studious. Whether they were teachers or classmates, they were still close to them.

But suddenly, the two of them were disliked, and even suffered ostracism and cold violence from their classmates!

Finally, the conflict escalated, and the two sons of the eldest son of the He family were put in sacks on their way home and beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

"We're not going to study anymore! Woohoo, we're not going to study anymore!"

"Dad! Mom! Let's go back to Hejiacun..."

The two brothers were frightened by the beating. Their faces were bruised and bruised, and they cried and talked to He Youtian and his wife.

He Youtian: ...I also want to go back to my hometown.

His son was beaten, and he, the former Master He, was also bullied by gangsters and gangsters in the county town.

There are also Sister-in-law He and the two daughters-in-law of the He family. They are all full of bitterness.

In the county seat, without power and offending others, it is really difficult to move forward.

Not to mention the violent acts, the He family spends more than others on daily purchases of food and firewood.

Otherwise, they would not be able to buy even a vegetable or a grain of rice.

Only He Yingying knew that these were just trivial matters.

If the problem cannot be solved as soon as possible, the He family will encounter a greater crisis.

For example, someone would set up a trap to deliberately seduce He Youtian and his son to eat, drink, and gamble.

And once you get involved with these things, your family will be destroyed.

As a wild writer who has traveled through several book worlds, He Yingying knows these routines all too well.

Because in a certain book world, she once designed a rival family to become addicted to gambling.

Once a person becomes a gambler, he ceases to be a person.

If there is such a scourge in the family, no one else needs to take action, and the family will be ruined.

He Yingying does not have deep feelings for He Youtian and other family members, but if she becomes He Yingying, she has to bear the consequences.

Besides, in ancient times, it was important to sit together.

If her family is not good, no matter how good she is, she cannot marry into a good family.

If He Tiantian is not married as well as the original heroine, He Yingying's counterattack will not be considered a success, and her mission will also fail!


Absolutely not!

He Yingying secretly felt fierce in her heart. She wanted to speed up her pace. She wanted to win Xu Changsheng's heart as soon as possible.

Only this person can suppress King Liang.

Only by becoming his wife can she defeat He Tiantian and launch a desperate counterattack!

However, no matter how hard He Yingying tried, Xu Changsheng seemed to be stuck.

"Straight man of steel! This man deserves to be single!"

Once again, He Yingying showed the blind man a flirtatious look, and He Yingying couldn't help but curse in her heart.

never mind!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If you don’t do it step by step, it will happen naturally!

When she found out that someone was really trying to lure He Youtian into making money, He Yingying knew that she really couldn't drag it out any longer.

So, she came up with a "cooked rice".

Xu Changsheng:...

Just after having dinner with He Yingying, he had sex with He Yingying in a daze and was blocked in the room.

The doubts in Xu Changsheng's heart became more and more intense, but he could not figure out why He Yingying, a capable, rich, young and beautiful girl, insisted on clinging to him!

Doubts remain doubts, but Xu Changsheng had to marry He Yingying.

Everyone in Hejiacun \u0026 Xujiaping:...are you still wronged? Not so Versailles!

What's wrong with He Yingying?

The dowry alone brought so much, Xu Lezi and Wang Yaksha all drooled when they saw it.

The villagers in Xujiaping often made harsh remarks like "There is smoke coming out of Xu Lezi's ancestral grave."

However, it didn't take long for the villagers in the two villages to know that Xu Changsheng had indeed been wronged.

"What? Changsheng is actually the prince? Or is he a biological brother from the same mother as the prince?!"

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