The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 630: The heroine who was counterattacked (19)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The emperor is not the son of the late emperor.

Back then, the two princes under the late emperor had a huge quarrel over the inheritance.

In the end, it ended in a lose-lose situation.

The princes were all dead, and the late emperor was left with only half his life.

The late emperor's death was near, and the empire needed a successor, so he had no choice but to adopt him.

Among the many vassal kings, the late emperor took a fancy to his nephew Prince An.

Prince An was naturally overjoyed after receiving the imperial edict.

However, he also knew in his heart that this trip to the capital would not go smoothly.

Princess An took the initiative to suggest: "Your Majesty, let's go to the capital in two ways, one in the dark and one in the dark!"

Prince An couldn't bear it after hearing his wife's words.

After some consideration and the princess's persistence, she finally agreed.

Therefore, the imperial concubine took her one-year-old son with her, led a large army, and rushed to the capital from the official road.

The crown prince took his four-year-old eldest son and his closest personal bodyguards and took a small road to the capital secretly.

On the way, the imperial concubine's large army was indeed intercepted and killed.

The guards tried their best to protect her, but the princess was still seriously injured, and the second son was taken out by a guard risking his life.

Prince An was not found in the crowd. The assassins knew they had been fooled and quickly evacuated.

The local government learned of the situation and quickly sent officers and soldiers to rescue.

The Crown Princess survived. She ignored her injuries and repeatedly asked the officials to search for the guard.

According to the traces left by the guards when they escaped, the official found the person, but only a pile of bones that had been chewed to pieces by wild beasts were left.

As for the Second Young Master, although no remains were seen, no one had any hope at all.

Are you kidding me? The five to three thick guards were chewed up until only half of their bones were left. The white, tender and tiny baby must have long been——

These people dare not tell the truth to the Crown Princess, but the Crown Princess is a smart person.

Just by looking at the evasive looks and hesitant tones of those people, she knew that something unexpected had happened to her second son.

"I was the one who harmed Erlang!"

The Crown Princess was devastated, and even more so, she felt guilty.

Because from the beginning, she knew there would be dangers on the road, but for the sake of the prince and the overall situation, she still sacrificed herself and her second son!

The prince, who successfully arrived in the capital, also felt very sad.

He felt even more sorry for the Crown Princess's sacrifice.

If it weren't for the imperial concubine and her son using their bodies as bait to hold back the assassins, he would never have been able to reach the capital so smoothly.

Therefore, after being named a prince by the late emperor and ascending the throne as emperor, no matter how many beauties and beloved concubines there were around him, the prince always maintained respect for his wife.

And the second son who "died young" is the eternal pain in the heart of the emperor and empress.

The prince, the current emperor, is a man and does not have as delicate a mind as the queen.

As time passed, the shadow of the second son was gradually forgotten.

After the beloved concubine Shu Fei gave birth to the prince, she directly became his second son.

Of course, in ancient times, children who died young did not have teeth.

The emperor's actions are understandable.

However, this prince was only two years younger than the second son who died young, so the queen was still somewhat repelled by him.

Therefore, in addition to the emperor's partial favor, the reason why she disliked Concubine Shu and the second prince, mother and son, was also due to this incident.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It was also because of the birth of the second prince that the queen clearly realized that the man sitting on the dragon throne was no longer her husband, but an emperor with great dignity.

The Queen's thoughts changed and she became more sober and calm.

Never use past feelings as bargaining chips, only use them when it's most critical.

For example, after the prince fell and was injured, the doctors were not optimistic.

The courtiers wrote memorials one after another demanding that the prince be deposed. The emperor seemed to disagree and was a little shaken in his heart.

The queen had a "nightmare" and woke up from her dream crying and calling "Erlang".

The emperor knew that the empress's "second son" was not the second prince Liang Wang, but the second son who died innocently and tragically on the way to Beijing.

The emperor did not cry, but his heart was touched——

Alas, the queen had only given birth to two sons after being married to him for more than 20 years.

One even died for him!

There is only one prince left. Although he is injured, he may not necessarily become disabled.

Even if he really wants to be deposed, it should be two or three years later, instead of being so urgent!

The queen successfully took advantage of her second son who died in infancy.

Although she was acting, she never forgot her little son in her heart.

Over the past twenty years, many times in the middle of the night, the Queen would dream of the day she was assassinated.

And the little son is white, fat and cute.

Perhaps, her son's appearance has long been forgotten, but she always misses him.

It's a pity that no matter how much the queen misses him, she still knows very clearly: her Erlang has died long ago. Although she didn't see the body, there is no possibility for people to imagine.

However, the Queen never expected that Princess Liang He would suddenly one day hesitate to speak to her——

"Your Highness, there is something I don't know whether to talk about or not!"

The queen raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter? Just say it!"

He Tiantian pretended to be hesitant, as if she was in a dilemma, but in the end she seemed to have made up her mind.

She raised her eyes and looked at the Queen, "Your Highness, thanks to the grace of the Duke's Palace, I brought my relatives from my mother's family to the capital some time ago."

The queen nodded. Although this matter was "privately" in the Feng'en Palace, the queen had known about it for a long time.

In fact, this matter itself has the meaning of the queen.

Since she wants to win over Mr. He, she will do everything well.

It's just a matter of sending someone to fetch He's relatives. It doesn't take much effort, but it can make He feel grateful.

The queen did not ask He to protect her and the prince, but it was enough as long as she did not have any ill intentions toward them.

"The person I sent came back and reported that when she accompanied my grandmother to a relative's house to say goodbye, she saw a person——"

He Tiantian started to hesitate again.

The queen smiled, knowing that this was He's acting, but she still cooperated and said softly, "It doesn't matter if you say so!"

"This person looks very much like the Queen."

As if gaining courage from the queen's smile, He Tiantian finished this sentence in one breath.

The queen's smile was a little weak.

What does He mean?

What does it mean to have someone who looks very much like her? !

Conspiracy theories began to form in the queen's mind, and she did not even think about her second son who died young.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian seemed to feel the change in the queen's mood. She pretended to be eager and said, "I know that the world is full of wonders. There are also cases where two strangers have similar looks!"

"But this person..."

He Tiantian paused for a moment, as if reminiscing, "After listening to this servant's report, I suddenly remembered that I had met him when I was a child."

"He is my aunt's neighbor. He is twenty-two years old this year."

"Changsheng, oh, that person has not been loved by his parents since he was a child. People in the village say that he may not be his parents' biological child..."

He Tiantian seemed to be a little flustered, and she spoke in random sentences.

However, the queen keenly grasped the key point.

Twenty-two years old?

Still, still called longevity?

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind. Her usually calm personality was also a little broken.

"What did you say? His name is Changsheng?"

Changsheng was the nickname of her second son. She also ordered someone to polish a small safety buckle with the word "Changsheng" engraved on it for her son to carry with him.

"Yes, his name is Xu Changsheng. However, his parents don't love him very much and don't seem to be able to give him such a meaningful name!"

He Tiantian pretended to be confused and said, "And when his parents brought him back, he was over a year old. Over the years, many people in the village suspected that he was a stolen child of a wealthy family!"

The queen suppressed the surging emotions and tried her best to keep herself calm, "How do you say this?"

What does it mean to be a stolen child from a wealthy family?

"My aunt lives next door. She saw Chang Sheng when he was a child. She said that when he was first brought back to the village, Chang Sheng was white, fat and very cute!"

"It's a pity that his parents didn't treat him well. He was a good child, but after a short time of raising him, he became dark and thin."

"However, Changsheng is very ambitious. His parents are unloving and his brothers are not close to each other. He struggled to raise himself alone."

"My maid reported back that the current Changsheng is eight feet tall and handsome..."

He Tiantian pretended to be serious while observing the queen's face.

"My son, my Erlang, is he not dead?"

This absurd idea rushed into the queen's mind, but the more she thought about it, the more likely it became.

The officials only found a pile of bones, but they could not prove that there were babies among the bones.

Also, Erlang wears a gold collar and a safety buckle around his waist.

These things should not be eaten by wild beasts.

Maybe someone passed by and rescued the child.

Well, well, the queen soon realized that she had beautified people.

Didn't you listen to what He said? Changsheng's parents didn't love him and treated him as a slave.

The most likely possibility is that this scoundrel couple took a fancy to the accessories on Changsheng's body, became greedy, and took the child away.

It is very strange that the queen has not yet met Xu Changsheng and has not confirmed this matter, but she has already determined in her heart that he is her Erlang.

Because all the details she heard could be combined into a complete chain of clues, and this chain of clues pointed to the truth - Xu Changsheng was her immortality.

Of course, when it comes to royal blood, one cannot rely solely on the queen's feelings.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Still need evidence!

This is easy to handle!

"Recruit! I'll recruit them all. Changsheng is indeed not my biological child, it's me, I picked it up on the road!"

"...The black-faced man had only one breath left. When he saw me, he begged me to take the child away. He also said that all his belongings should be given to me as money to raise the child."

"Oh, by the way, he originally wanted to say something, probably to tell me the identity of the child, but as a result, he stared and died without even taking a breath!"

"Master Qingtian, I, I am really not greedy for money, I am doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. I, I saved that child!"

Xu Leizi was interrogated by the people sent by the Queen. He was neither sent to the Yamen nor tortured, so he easily confessed.

Of course, in the process of confessing, Xu Lezi tried his best to beautify his behavior.

However, he is too ugly and has a vulgar look on his face. Even if he tries to quibble, he won't be very convincing.

Because soon people came asking about the whereabouts of gold collars, safety buckles and other items. Xu Laizi hesitated for a long time before saying with an embarrassed face: "I, my family is poor and I have to raise a child. I really can't afford it, so... At once--"

The Queen's confidant: ...Is it for the sake of the children, or specifically to pay off gambling debts?

Now that they know the target, they will naturally investigate carefully.

Xu Leizi's situation, even the old accounts from more than 20 years ago, were all found out by them.

For example, Xu Leizi left his hometown because of gambling debts.

After the couple came back with their children in their arms, their gambling debt was paid off.

In addition, the shopkeeper of a pawn shop in the county recalled that they did collect a gold lock and safety buckle.

Because it was a dead pawn, it didn’t take long for their pawn shop to change hands.

These situations are recorded in the pawnshop's account books.

"Wait a minute, sir, I, I still have one piece of clothing!"

Seeing that his interrogator had a dark face, Xu Leizi also knew that his behavior of pawning those things was unkind.

He was afraid of being beaten, so he quickly turned his head and tried to think of a way to save his life.

In the end, he really thought about it.


The Queen's confidant's eyes lit up, okay, okay, finally there is physical evidence.

"Yes! It's the clothes Chang Sheng was wearing when he first met him."

Xu Leizi was really grateful for his original decision.

Originally, after Wang Yaksha gave birth to their biological son, he wanted to give his son the clothes of immortality.

Xu Leizi felt that it was stained with blood, which was bad luck on the one hand, and easy to be discovered on the other.

In the end, Xu Leizi wrapped up the clothes and hid them in the kang hole of his home.

The fierce-looking men in front of them looked as if they wanted to eat him after hearing him pawning things.

Wow, luckily I still have clothes, which can barely help him get through this section.

The Queen's confidant: ...I have abused my young master for more than 20 years, and why do I really want to "get over it"? dream!

By this time, they were eighty-nine percent sure that Xu Changsheng was the person they were looking for.

Later, the suit of clothes was found from the Xu family's kang hole, and the unique embroidery pattern of Prince An's Mansion was found on the cuffs of the clothes. Xu Changsheng's identity couldn't be more certain!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Xu Leizi and Wang Yaksha were frightened: "What? Changsheng is actually a prince?"

No matter how ignorant they are, they still know that offending the royal family is a capital offense.

And all the things they had done in the past were no longer simple offenses, but fucking abuse.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! After all, we saved Changsheng and raised him up! The emperor can't be unreasonable!"

Wang Yaksha tried his best to comfort himself and his husband.

But, in this case, even they themselves don’t believe it.

"Immortality! Immortality! Please help us beg for mercy. No matter how bad I, we are, we can still raise you to such a big size by shit and pee-"

In desperation, Wang Yaksha could only cry and howl at Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng:...

He himself seemed to be in a dream, his whole person was in an extremely unreal feeling.

Not to mention his parents, who were no longer close to him for a long time, he couldn't even care about his new wife.

But He Yingying felt like "it's finally here."

She was even more confident, "He Tiantian, just wait, when I enter Beijing, I will trample you under my feet!"

Little did she know that after the queen received the letter from her confidant Fei Ge, after she was overjoyed, she began to think: "That He Yingying, her status is too humble, how can she be worthy of my Erlang?!"

PS: Something happened today, so I’ll update it first, please forgive me!

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