The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 631 The heroine who was counterattacked (20)

There is a reason why the Queen looks down on He Yingying so much:

First, He Yingying's status is really low. She is not as good as He Tiantian back then.

He Tiantian is an innocent farm girl after all, while He Yingying has lost her land and only focuses on doing business, and has become a merchant.

Scholars, farmers, and merchants, although businessmen are rich, they are at the bottom of society.

Secondly, the queen not only has secret letters sent by her confidants, but also relevant information about He Yingying.

Not to mention anything else, the way she married Xu Changsheng was a bit disgraceful.

No parent in the world wants their children to be plotted against and forced to get married!

Especially the queen, who already felt guilty for her second son, and felt pity for him, a noble prince who grew up in the countryside.

Under various emotions, the queen just wanted to compensate her son with the best things.

As a result, just a few days before his confidant found his son, his son was set up to marry a scheming and lowly business woman!

How can the queen not be angry?

The third is also a very critical reason.

He Yingying has a grudge against He Tiantian.

The queen already believed in He Tiantian's identity as a good person throughout her life, and had the idea of ​​"respecting and getting close to her".

As a queen and an elder, she was trying every means to get close to and please He Tiantian.

What's more, He Yingying should have had the best chance, but she suddenly became a mortal enemy of He Tiantian?

"...You are jealous of your cousin being favored, so you unconscionably accuse her of being a disaster star? A monster?"

Not to mention that she was petty-minded and vicious, she just didn't understand the principle of "everything will be prosperous and every loss will be harmed", which made the queen very disgusted.

In ancient times, the concept of clan was particularly important.

"Hiding the arms with folded arms" is not just for favoritism and harmony, but for the sake of family harmony and the reputation of the entire family.

He Yingying, on the other hand, slandered her direct cousin for her own selfish reasons.

He Tiantian has become a monster, what good does she gain from being He's daughter? !

Such people have a narrow vision and no rules, so they can only work in a small door.

However, it happened that such a person used despicable means to rely on his own son. When the queen saw this information, He Yingying was really heartbroken!

Taking a deep breath, the queen suppressed the anger rising in her heart and re-examined the whole matter.


The queen quickly discovered the problem.

Although He Yingying changed from a peasant girl to a merchant girl and her status was lower, her family conditions were much better.

Merchants have money.

And she knew quite a few ways to make money, making the entire He family rich.

Just a secret recipe for hot pot base was sold for thousands of taels of silver.

Such a sum of money would be nothing to a truly wealthy family.

But for ordinary people, it is a huge wealth.

He Yingying is rich and can make money. Perhaps because of her behavior of slandering her cousin, some really wealthy families avoid her.

But there are also some wealthy businessmen who don't care much about this, even royal businessmen, who have taken a liking to her.

She can definitely marry into such a wealthy businessman's family.

She didn't!

But she chose Xu Changsheng, a poor mountain boy with a lot of burdens.

The queen is her own mother and has the filter of family affection, so she naturally feels that her son is very good.

But she must also admit that before her life experience was revealed, Xu Changsheng's conditions were not really good.

However, He Yingying was such an elderly hunter with no money, no education, and a family of scoundrels and vampires, and she would rather use tricks to marry him.

This, this... is really unreasonable.

Of course, it is possible that He Yingying fell in love with Xu Changsheng at first sight and was completely attracted to him.

"The person who was able to use the banner of Prince Liang's Mansion to sell the shop and the secret recipe at a high price for the last time before the second room of the He family was taken away, is she really an infatuated woman obsessed with love?!"

The queen didn't believe this!

However, if this were not the case, He Yingying's behavior of cheating could not be explained clearly.

"Could it be that He Yingying didn't know for sure? Did she know that Changsheng is the prince?"

Such a ridiculous guess suddenly flashed through the Queen's mind.

If it were the past, the queen, who had always been rational and sober, would definitely not have such an idea.

However, I personally experienced that the prince was innocently injured and suddenly recovered.

And after listening to Master Huitong's explicit or implicit speculations, the queen also began to believe in some theories about ghosts and gods.

"He Yingying is Princess Liang's cousin after all. Princess Liang has been a good person throughout her life. Maybe He Yingying also has a great background?!"

With such a guess, the more the Queen thought about it, the more it made sense.

Not to mention anything else, just one point: He Yingying is a farm girl, and the He family has been in the small mountain village for generations. How did she know the secret recipe of the base? !

And all the ways she used to make a fortune, she really doesn’t look like an ordinary village girl!

"This guy is weird!"

The queen said secretly in her heart.

However, she didn't know for a moment whether this weirdness was a good thing or a disaster!

But, no matter what, the queen had doubts about He Yingying!

In this small world, wisps of air currents invisible to the naked eye began to slowly surge.

"Your Majesty, it turns out that Your Majesty has another son, the second son of the Queen!"

"Now that noble man has been found by His Majesty and the Empress, and has been named Prince of Fortune, and is also a first-class prince."

"My lord, you are in a terrible situation. The good second prince has become the third prince."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are a living dead now and you are unconscious. Even if people outside are talking about it, you can't hear it."

He Tiantian stirred up a lot of trouble, but has been hiding behind the scenes.

Except for the emperor and empress, no one knew that the "return of King Fu" was actually the result of Princess Liang.

However, outsiders may not know, but He Tiantian was very happy to tell Prince Liang personally.

Three or four months have passed since King Liang fell into a coma.

His illness never improved, and not only the emperor, but also his biological mother, Concubine Shu, was ready to give up.

Speaking of Concubine Shu, He Tiantian leaned into Prince Liang's ear and continued to stimulate him, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you."

"Last time I went to the palace to pay my respects to the Queen, and I happened to hear someone say that a maid in the Queen Mother's Palace was pregnant. I heard that the pregnancy was pretty good, and she might be a boy!"

Concubine Shu was favored, but she was no longer young after all.

She is almost forty years old, even in modern times, she is considered to be an advanced maternal age.

Concubine Shu wanted to have a son so that she could have someone to rely on for the rest of her life, but she did not dare to go into battle herself.

She then thought of "borrowing her womb to give birth to a child".

Pushing a little palace maid out and then leaving the mother to keep the child is a common method used by the concubines in the palace.

Concubine Shu was unwilling in her heart, but she had no choice.

"It's all Mr. He's fault. This Sangmenxing has killed my Erlang all his life!"

During this time, Concubine Shu secretly cursed He Tiantian.

The maids and maids around her were all used to hearing this.

They didn't even have the guts to correct him, "Mother, now Erlang is the King of Fortune who was raised among the people, not the King of Liang."

They all listened silently. Unless Concubine Shu had any radical thoughts or words or deeds, they would tactfully persuade her.

"Her cousin is right, she is a monster!"

"When she gets better, others will be unlucky... Oh, pity my Erlang, it was He who took away his luck and turned him into a living dead!"

With the return of King Fu, stories about his life experience, his experiences in the past twenty years, and the "bad wife" he married when he was poor and humble quickly spread in the capital.

Not to mention what happened back then and King Fu's past, the fact that his wife was also a daughter of the He family was enough to make everyone talk.

Some people are envious and say, "Tsk! This He family, maybe there is smoke coming out of the ancestral grave, but an ordinary farmer has two princesses!"

Some people scorned: "What kind of princess? Your Majesty did not canonize that little He as Princess Fu."

Some people wondered: "Isn't this a coincidence? How could it be such a coincidence? King Fu, who has been missing for more than 20 years, is actually next door to Princess Liang's natal family?"

There are many rumors in the market, and the relationship and past between the younger and younger He family have been thoroughly investigated by those who are interested.

Naturally, some people in Beijing knew that He Yingying had slandered He Tiantian as a monster and a disaster star.

Others don't believe it. After all, Princess Liang has the approval of Master Huitong, and she is a great virtuous person with golden merits.

Especially in recent months, after He Tiantian took over the affairs of Prince Liang's Mansion, he began to use the savings of the Prince's Mansion to do good deeds.

He also established a Salesian Bureau and regularly sent people to poor villages to give soup and medicine.

In just three or four months, Princess Liang's reputation as a great philanthropist began to spread in the Gyeonggi region.

Regardless of whether Princess Liang was putting on a show or really doing charity, her words and deeds were very consistent with Master Huitong's comments.

Perhaps those dignitaries still had doubts, but ordinary people had already recognized the Liang Palace.

As for He Yingying's "monster theory", everyone basically sneered at it——

"No wonder His Majesty and Your Majesty are unwilling to recognize this daughter-in-law. Not only is Xiao He's status too low, her character is also worrying!"

"No, it's normal for the youngest daughter's family to be jealous, but to be so jealous that she actually slanders her own cousin is a bit too much!"

Some people refuted He Yingying, and a few people believed her.

Such as Concubine Shu!

As a client who had personally experienced He Tiantian's "magic", Concubine Shu had long suspected that He Tiantian was weird.

She refused to believe that He Tiantian was the reincarnation of a good person, because if she accepted this statement, wouldn't she be calling her and her son evil people?

Only evil people who try to harm good people will be counterattacked by the golden light of merit!

Even if Concubine Shu did have ill intentions towards He Tiantian, she would not admit it!

If you are not a bad person, then you are a good person.

And those who harm innocent and good people are demons, monsters, and evil spirits!

He Yingying's slander seemed to embolden Concubine Shu, "I'm just saying, there must be something wrong with that bitch!"

"It turns out that she is a monster that sucks people's luck. My son must have been harmed by her!"

And she, the concubine, probably also lost her luck and body protection, so she would always be unlucky when facing the He family.

"Wow, what a He family, how dare you murder a concubine or the prince!"

Concubine Shu decided that her cheap daughter-in-law was a monster and began to think of ways to break the situation.

"Since it's a monster, you should find an expert to take it away!"

"It's just that Master Huitong has already colluded with that bitch and is definitely not willing to take action..."

Concubine Shu thought secretly, and then secretly found someone to search for Taoist masters and strange people among the people.

Concubine Shu was ill and sought medical treatment urgently. In addition to orthodox Buddhism and Taoism, she also asked people to search for some goddesses and magic sticks.

Concubine Shu's confidants were a little panicked, "My dear, this is not appropriate!"

Concubine Shu's various actions were, at best, for the purpose of praying for blessings.

But if someone knew about it, he might be labeled a "witch".

And "witchcraft" was taboo in the palace.

Once it breaks out, it will be a bloody tragedy.

"What's wrong? I'm looking for an expert to slay demons!"

Concubine Shu is already a little crazy.

Or, she is not crazy, but has to take risks in order to break the situation.

Concubine Shu knew very well that she and He had reached the point where they would never stop fighting.

If she cannot conquer the He family, even if she has a new son, she may not be able to live a good and honorable life.

"This bitch actually went to curry favor with the queen! Doesn't she know that the queen and I are enemies?"

Concubine Shu really has a reason to target the He family.

If you don't want to sit back and wait for death, and don't want to be liquidated by the Queen, then you can only take the initiative.

"...Mother, I have found a Taoist priest who travels all over the world. He has quite a lot of tricks!"

Concubine Shu's confidants tried their best to dissuade Concubine Shu, but her natal family strongly agreed with Concubine Shu's idea.

Concubine Shu's brothers and nephews sent out many people to search for strange people and strangers in every possible way.

Don't tell me, they actually found one.

Concubine Shu's sister-in-law hurried into the palace and whispered to Concubine Shu secretly, "He can make soldiers by spreading beans, and he can also make clouds and rain!"

"By the way, it hasn't rained recently. Even His Majesty has been praying for rain..."

These words of my sister-in-law are not her own thoughts, but the conclusions reached by her family members after discussion and consultation with experts.

"Just let that master pray for rain. As long as he succeeds, he can surpass Master Huitong and become the number one master!"

And as long as Master Huitong is crushed, the emperor, courtiers, and people will believe it if the master says that Princess Liang is not a good person, but a monster.

"That makes sense!"

Concubine Shu nodded, but she was still a little worried, "He can really make clouds and rain?"

This is no longer a simple Taoist master, but a land god.

Concubine Shu's first reaction was that she didn't believe it.

"Of course!"

The sister-in-law nodded vigorously, "Mr. Lang saw it with his own eyes, how can it be false?"

The husband she talks about is Concubine Shu's biological brother and her most loyal supporter.

Concubine Shu has great trust in this younger brother.

Hearing that he had seen it with his own eyes, Concubine Shu believed it, "That's good! As long as he really prays for rain, your majesty may even make him a national advisor!"

Although Master Huitong is powerful, he can only draw a peace symbol and recite a sutra.

Master Huitong simply cannot do anything like praying for rain.

He couldn't do it, but the Taoist priest Shu Fei found could do it...

Concubine Shu narrowed her eyes. She had already begun to imagine that when one of her own became the national counselor, she would not only be able to deal with that witch of the He family, but she might also be able to bring down the queen...

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