The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 633: The heroine who was counterattacked (22)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Under normal circumstances, He Yingying would not cooperate with Qingfeng Zhenren.

Because there are too many unstable factors in such a magic stick.

Once on board, it is easy to capsize with the other party.

Now He Yingying couldn't care less.

After arriving in the capital, she was keenly aware that this small world was vaguely repelling her.

He Yingying knew in her heart that she should be an important role in the script, and she had doubts about her, which led to her being a stowaway being rejected by the world's consciousness.

That's not the worst.

He Yingying knew that those who doubted her were probably just wondering why she would insist on marrying Xu Changsheng, who was obviously unmatched.

They are probably already speculating that she may be a "prophet."

As a native village girl, He Yingying has lived a very simple life in the past ten years.

There were no Taoist priests, hermits, or powerful people nearby.

Her "transformation" is somewhat unreasonable.

And He Yingying didn't show "different from ordinary people" excellence since she was a child. She seemed to become powerful overnight.

He knows how to do business, and he has several secret recipes.

Even He Yingying's parents, He Youtian and his wife, may not be without suspicion.

However, He Yingying was able to bring them a wealthy life, and they received tangible benefits.

They ignored some details.

As for other people, it has nothing to do with themselves, and they won't mind their own business.

Only Xu Changsheng and the Queen, whose actual interests are affected by He Yingying's existence, will inevitably care about and speculate on He Yingying's words and deeds.

If He Yingying can't explain smoothly why she "predicts the unknown", Xu Changsheng and the others will definitely start to question whether she is He Yingying herself.

Once the characters in the play have such doubts, He Yingying's existence will attract the attention of the world's consciousness, and then she will be directly thrown out of this small world.

"..." He Yingying bit her lip. She found that she was really becoming more and more passive now.

Obviously knowing that Master Qingfeng is unreliable, he still has to go and ask for cooperation!

Damn it!

It had always been smooth sailing before, why did it suddenly become so difficult?

He Yingying's heart was full of frustration, and she even had a bad feeling: She might fail this mission!

"Chang Sheng, you have recognized your ancestors and returned to your clan. It's time to think about your wife's affairs!"

On this day, the queen summoned Xu Changsheng into the palace.

She looked at her son, who had a similar appearance to her own, with a face full of love.

"He, how do you want to deal with it?"

The queen asked softly, but when she said the word "disposal", a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Such a woman who was seriously incompatible with her son was also an ambitious and scheming woman. The queen really wished she could disappear immediately.

In the royal family, it is not easy to let a woman from the back house leave silently.

The queen had long wanted to deal with He Yingying, but she was worried that her son might have some feelings for this woman, and she was afraid that if she did it easily, she would hurt the relationship between mother and son.

The queen has been hesitant during this period.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Mom, there's something weird about Mr. He!"

It has been more than two months since Xu Changsheng was brought back to the capital. He has slowly adapted to his status as a prince.

For the emperor and empress, the initial fear and alienation were gone.

Maybe he still feels strange to his parents,

But he has begun to know how to get close to and respect them.

Seeing that his mother was caring about his marriage with a loving expression on her face, he did not hide anything and slowly expressed the suspicion in his heart.

"You mean, you think the He family should have known that you might be a prince living among the people?"

The queen frowned slightly and her expression became serious.

"Yes. Her approach to me was too deliberate!"

Xu Changsheng said in a deep voice, "Mother, I am not belittling myself. Before my life experience was exposed, my son's situation was really not good!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been a bachelor for so many years.

At the age of twenty-two, even the most ordinary peasant family in Xujiaping looked down upon him and did not want to marry their daughter to him and suffer the consequences.

He Yingying is good, she is young, beautiful, rich and capable, and has a cousin who is a princess, but she is rushing to pay for her.

Xu Changsheng was so indifferent and rejected him several times, but He Yingying seemed to recognize him. In the end, she did not hesitate to use tricks to make a meal out of raw rice.

Being plotted by a high-quality unmarried woman, Xu Changsheng was not at all flattered or secretly proud. Instead, he felt indescribable panic and suspicion——

"What does she want from me?"

"Is it because I'm poor, because I'm illiterate, because I'm good at nothing but hunting? Or because I have a pair of scoundrel, blood-sucking parents?"

Xu Changsheng said slowly, "Mother, I can't figure it out, and her words and actions are unreasonable!"

"So, when the people you sent revealed the mystery of my life experience, but He was not too surprised, I became suspicious of her!"

The queen's brows tightened, "Is this what happened?"

In fact, she had similar doubts in her heart.

However, she did not doubt He Yingying's foresight. She was still thinking that He Yingying's cousin was a good person and had incredible good luck.

Does He Yingying have similar luck?

However, at this moment, after listening to her son's detailed account of his past with He Yingying, the queen had other worries.

Could this person be some kind of lonely ghost or evil heretic?


Just when the words "lonely soul and wild ghost" flashed through the Queen's heart, in Prince Fu's Mansion a few streets away, He Yingying felt that her soul was beginning to become unstable.

not good!

The consciousness of the world seemed to have discovered her as a stowaway and began to reject her as a wandering soul!

He Yingying didn't dare to delay any longer, so she sneaked out of Prince Fu's Mansion while Xu Changsheng was away.

In the evening, Xu Changsheng came back from the palace, with several amulets and a consecrated magic weapon given to him by the queen hidden in his arms.

These were all obtained by the queen from Fajue Temple and hand-painted by Master Huitong. They can resist all evil spirits.

Although Xu Changsheng had talismans and protective weapons, he was still a little worried.

Is He Yingying really a monster? Or some evil spirit?

But, no matter what she is, she is definitely not a real country girl.

Xu Changsheng grew up in a small mountain village, so he knew what a real village girl looked like.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention the appearance, just the kind of temperament, you can find something abnormal at a glance.

A real village girl, because she is illiterate and has little knowledge, may not be able to leave her hometown for the rest of her life.

Once you go to a strange and prosperous place, you will involuntarily feel inferior and timid.

As for He Yingying, she has never been in such a panic and uneasy situation.

As if overnight, she became very confident and powerful.


She is so abnormal!

He Yingying: ...It’s dirty, please don’t be so sharp, okay?

Her spirit became more and more unstable, and she became very urgent.

Therefore, when negotiating with Taoist Qingfeng, she was at a disadvantage.

There was no other way. She was the one who wanted something, not Qingfeng, the magician. She could only let him manipulate her.

"Worship me in Qingfeng Temple, become my lay disciple, and help me become the national master of the dynasty!"

Qingfeng is like a lion with his mouth wide open.

It was obvious that he was just helping He Yingying to tell a lie. He didn't even need to speak, he just acquiesced.

But he still made many requests very rudely.

He Yingying resisted in her heart, but she did not refuse.

She really had no other choice.

If Xu Changsheng, the Queen, and others were allowed to continue to doubt her, she would definitely be thrown out of this small world.

Damn it!

It’s all because of He Tiantian.

If she hadn't sent a little maid to cause trouble, how would she have aroused Xu Changsheng's suspicion?

She had made a lot of preparations. If He Tiantian hadn't intervened in advance, she would have become Xu Changsheng's goddess and his salvation!

...Everything was ruined by He Tiantian!

He Yingying felt that hatred in her heart.

She forgot that she was the first to attack the original heroine.

She slandered others, and while they were clearing her name, they counterattacked her... This in itself depends on their own abilities.

When you lose, you should admit it instead of complaining.

As a wild writer, He Yingying may not have such a concept, but she has repeatedly been defeated, and now she is in a panic of failing the mission.

Her mentality was inevitably a bit broken, and her actions became chaotic.

Qingfeng's lion opened his mouth, and He Yingying passively agreed.

She also followed Qingfeng's wishes and reached an alliance with Concubine Shu's natal family, Baron Yongen.

He Yingying could no longer think about whether being too close to Concubine Shu would cause dissatisfaction among the queens.

Anyway, the Queen didn't like her from the beginning, and if she wanted to eliminate a certain suspicion, this in itself would arouse the disgust of the Queen and Xu Changsheng!

No one wants to be plotted against!

The way He Yingying eliminated suspicion was to tell everyone clearly: I just plotted against Xu Changsheng.

Therefore, she, the Queen and others were already on opposite sides.

Now add someone who is close to the enemy and eats the inside and outside, which is nothing.

"What? He Yingying is actually a lay disciple of Master Qingfeng?"

After He Tiantian came back from the Salesian Bureau, she first went to King Liang, and successfully made the glaring King Liang close his eyes and fainted, and then returned to his courtyard with satisfaction.

As soon as I sat down, I heard Jixiang whispering back.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian was a little surprised, but soon she understood why He Yingying became Qingfeng's apprentice.

She must find a justifiable reason for her "unpredictability".

Dreaming or something like that is too vulgar and sounds unreliable.

The ancients were not fools. They would rather believe that it was He Yingying who became a disciple of Qingfeng and learned the art of fortune telling, rather than believe in any predictions in dreams.

"Back to Princess, the news has spread throughout the world, and Mrs. He even personally went to Qingfeng Temple to salute Master Qingfeng!"

Ji Xiang has become the most useful maid around He Tiantian. In addition to paying attention to the trends in the palace, she also works part-time to inquire about news from outside.

She bowed and stood aside, and replied, "I heard that Mrs. He met Master Qingfeng who traveled around the world a few years ago, and learned a little bit about physiognomy from him!"

At this point, Ji Xiang became more cautious and lowered his voice and said, "There are rumors in the community that Mrs. He saw in advance that His Royal Highness Prince Fu had a good background, so she relied on him in advance..."

He Tiantian:......

If He Yingying did this, it would definitely be considered a self-inflicted loss.

She did resolve the doubts Xu Changsheng, the Queen and others had about her, but she also completely broke up with her "husband" and "mother-in-law".

In a rage, the queen would most likely order He Yingying to be driven out of Prince Fu's Mansion.

However, He Tiantian could still understand He Yingying's approach: she had reached a desperate situation, and if she couldn't find a way to struggle, she would directly fail the mission.

Moreover, He Yingying probably doesn’t really want to be Princess Fu.

She is a wild writer and is not greedy for the wealth of the novel world.

Her ultimate goal is to defeat He Tiantian, the original heroine, and continue her counterattack.

Although boarding Qingfeng's ship involves great risks, it is not without any benefits.

First, of course, there is a convincing reason for one’s “prediction”.

Second, He Yingying can use Qingfeng to overturn Master Huitong's criticism and characterize He Tiantian as a "monster" again!

As long as Qingfeng can prove that he has higher cultivation and more exquisite Taoism than Master Huitong, and brings Master Huitong down from the altar, He Tiantian will naturally be unlucky.

"Speaking of which, you have already succeeded half way."

He Yingying looked like a dog-headed military counselor and slowly spoke to Master Qingfeng.

He Tiantian expected it to be true, and the queen was furious when she heard that He Yingying knew how to count faces and therefore deliberately relied on her youngest son.

Without even reporting it to Emperor Ming, he directly issued an edict to divorce He Yingying, his wretched wife, on behalf of King Fu.

Then, the queen asked people to drive He Yingying out.

Half the street was in uproar, but the onlookers could understand the Queen's anger after hearing the cause and effect.

The daughter-in-law (uncle-in-law) is not afraid of being of humble origin, but the daughter-in-law is of bad character.

As ambitious and eager for quick success as Mr. He, ordinary people would not want a daughter-in-law like this.

Some people who are accustomed to eating can't help but shake their heads: Since they have seen that King Fu, who has fallen into the common people, has a noble face, why not tell King Fu directly?

This is also a kindness, and the royal family will reward it well in the future.

It's a good thing for Xiao He. He refused to take the smooth road and insisted on taking a crooked way. Now that he has angered the queen, he deserves to be divorced and kicked out of the house!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The queen divorced her poor wife in place of her son, but she did not arouse public attack.

Although the royal family doesn't care much about this, the queen is still very happy to have a good reputation.

"Changsheng, don't worry, I will definitely choose a gentle, virtuous and good wife for you!"

The queen was worried that her youngest son would be sad, so she tried her best to make a promise to her son.

"..." Xu Changsheng, who has become King Fu, really doesn't care about this.

"It's all up to grandma to make the decision!"

He had already made up his mind that he would be a good, obedient son and a good, peaceful brother.

He is illiterate and doesn't understand any big principles, but he has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

He firmly believes that as long as he keeps to himself, his parents and brother will not harm him.

Sure enough, seeing Xu Changsheng like this, the queen felt guilty and became more and more satisfied. She began to make mental decisions about what kind of wife she should choose for her son.

As for the little He family that she had driven out of Prince Fu's Mansion, the queen didn't care at all where she was now.

Where else can Xiao He go?

Qingfeng Guan, after all, Qingfeng is her good master...

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