The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 634: The heroine who was counterattacked (23)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Good master?


This bitch is just an old magic stick who knows some magic.

If it were normal, He Yingying, as a copywriter, would not even bother to deal with such a charlatan.

But, now, He Yingying needs this person's identity and has to be conceited with him.

She couldn't even show her disgust, but instead diligently acted as a "think tank" for the other party.

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Qingfeng was definitely asking questions knowingly.

He knew very well what He Yingying meant by "already half successful."

What else could it mean?

Of course, he woke up King Liang, although King Liang still couldn't speak or move.

But when he could open his eyes, he was much better than before.

But Master Huitong couldn't even do this.

Therefore, from this aspect alone, Master Qingfeng has already defeated Master Huitong.

However, Master Huitong has been "famous" for many years and is quite prestigious in the Gyeonggi area.

From the royal family to the common people, they all respect him very much.

Master Qingfeng is a foreign Taoist priest. He has just arrived and has no brilliant achievements. It is really difficult to trample Master Huitong under his feet in one fell swoop.

Even though the breeze awakened King Liang, it caused a bit of a sensation among the people.

But when it comes to who is the "master" that everyone is most convinced of, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is Master Huitong.

"Master, you have awakened King Liang, and you are already better than Master Huitong!"

"It's just that everyone is ignorant and doesn't know how powerful you are!"

"However, Master, please rest assured. I have already arranged for manpower to spread the word about your rescue of Prince Liang 'truthfully' in all the major teahouses and wine shops in the capital!"

If you want to become an "expert", in addition to having real abilities, you also need appropriate hype.

Master Huitong has a reputation that he has accumulated over many years, but if Qingfeng, an outsider, wants to become famous, he must increase his publicity efforts.

He Yingying is familiar with the modern method of hype, and after coming to the world of books, she often follows the same method.

The power of public opinion is always very huge.

She was able to slander the original heroine as a monster before, and she also borrowed the power of public opinion!

The methods that He Yingying was accustomed to made Qingfeng's eyes brighten.

However, in order to maintain his image as a master, he still pretended to be reserved and smoothed a few strands of his long beard, nodded and said: "You did a good job!"

He Yingying smiled shyly and said, "You are a real person and you have real abilities. Otherwise, no matter what I say, others won't believe it."

She flattered Qingfeng a little, then changed the subject and got to the point: "However, if you want to overpower Huitong and become the most powerful person in the dynasty, these are not enough!"

Of course Qingfeng knew this, "Yong Ennan also mentioned it, and he recommended me to pray for rain for His Majesty!"

In recent months, it has not rained in the Gyeonggi area.

The fields are parched and the crops are dying of drought.

If it doesn't rain, food production will stop and farmers will not be able to survive.

Once there is a wave of people fleeing famine, the capital will be in turmoil.

Therefore, during this period, the most important thing in the court was the upcoming drought.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The situation was so urgent that even Confucian officials who had always "respected ghosts and gods and kept away from them" began to suggest praying for rain.

The emperor is the Son of Heaven, and it is his destiny to pray for rain, which should be more effective.

However, the emperor is a noble person. If his prayer for rain fails, someone will secretly slander him.

He was said to be unkind, and the drought was caused by his ignorance.

The emperor was originally an adopted heir, so he was not considered a good person.

Once someone criticizes and those vassal kings take the opportunity to provoke, the entire dynasty may be in chaos.

The emperor was very cautious and did not dare to try to pray for rain in person.

But if we don’t ask for rain, it’s not a problem if the drought continues like this.

Officials and people could not help but murmur, feeling that the emperor did not love the people, was not considerate of the people, and was not even willing to ask for rain!

The emperor was in a dilemma. At this moment, Yong Ennan came to see him.

"Taoist Qingfeng from Qingfeng Temple?"

After hearing the reply from his cheap brother-in-law, the emperor couldn't help but ponder.

"Yes! It was this expert who awakened His Royal Highness Prince Liang!"

Yong Ennan throws out Liang Wang as a case.

"Er, oh no, Saburo is awake?"

During this period, he was busy recognizing his second son who was living among the people, and was worried about the drought. The emperor ignored Prince Liang for a while.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, His Highness was indeed awakened by Master Qingfeng!"

Yong Ennan concealed the fact that King Liang could only open his eyes, but was still a living dead who could not speak or move his hands, and only emphasized Qingfeng's contribution.

"Okay! Great!"

The emperor was very happy to hear that his son had woken up.

Then, he got to the point again, "That Qingfeng, is it really so powerful?" Even more magical than Master Huitong?

"It is indeed very powerful! He is superb in Taoism and proficient in talismans. Oh, by the way, Xiao He, Prince Fu's civil wife, was his lay disciple and learned the art of physiognomy from him!"

Yong Ennan was eager to prove Qingfeng's ability and directly pulled He Yingying out as an example.

"..." The emperor's face looked a little ugly.

He had already heard about Xiao He's plot against Prince Fu from the Queen.

Ordinary people are not willing to let their children be plotted against, let alone the emperor.

However, I am not happy at all. Xiao He's incident can indeed prove Qingfeng's ability from the side.

A lay disciple who has learned a little bit from Qingfeng can tell that Xu Changsheng, who lives among the people, is a noble person.

Then, as Master Qingfeng, his Taoism will only become more powerful.

"Master Qingfeng can also scatter beans and make soldiers, and he can spread clouds and rain!"

Seeing that the emperor's expression had relaxed, Yong Ennan continued to brag, "Wei Chen once witnessed a real person setting up an altar to pray for rain..."

"The clouds and the rain?!"

The emperor was really moved.

Because of Master Huitong's talismans, magical instruments, etc., the emperor knew that there were magical spells in this world.

In addition, Princess Liang's incredible good luck also let the emperor know that there is karma and the reincarnation of good people in this world.

Therefore, when he heard Yong Ennan's words about spreading beans to make soldiers and spreading clouds to spread rain, he not only didn't think it was ridiculous, but actually a little yearned for it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If the breeze can really bring rain, then his current predicament will be successfully solved.

Moreover, by letting Qingfeng set up the altar, the emperor could advance and attack, retreat and defend, without being put on fire and in a dilemma!

"Okay! Then let him give it a try!"

The emperor made a decision and issued the imperial edict happily.

Master Qingfeng pretended to choose an auspicious day, and then set up an altar for the ritual in the front hall.

The emperor did not attend in person, but asked the princes, Prince Fu and other princes to participate with the courtiers.

In the seventh month of Liuhuo, the sun was blazing. Everyone stood in the bare open space without any shade, and they were sweating profusely from the sun.

The hairs all over his body seemed to be on fire, and his body felt as if it had been eaten and roasted to produce grease.

The strong sunlight touched the bluestone floor and reflected a dazzling light that made people feel dizzy.

The young people were better off, but the older ministers were all dizzy and swaying a little.

But they all gritted their teeth and persisted.

Tsk, the prince's leg injury is just fine, isn't he standing in front?

There were also several young princes, the youngest of whom was only five years old. Their faces were red from the sun, but they did not dare to move.

On the altar directly in front, Qingfeng was wearing a gorgeous Taoist robe, holding a lightning-struck mahogany sword in his hand, dancing with great interest.

The prince looked at him coldly, knowing that this man was found by Concubine Shu's family.

If he is really capable and successfully prays for rain, the Shufei family will definitely be able to shake things up.

But the prince is the crown prince and the heir to the dynasty. For the safety of the capital and the safety of the people, he hopes it will really rain.

Alas, it’s really confusing.

The prince didn't show it on his face, but he was secretly conflicted in his heart.


As the talismans thrown into the air by the breeze spontaneously ignited, a thunder sounded in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds began to surge rapidly, forming thick clouds that covered the blazing sun!

"It's thundering! It's cloudy! It's going to rain soon!"

"God opened my eyes. Is it really going to rain?"

"Why is God so open-minded? It's obviously Master Qingfeng who has superb Taoism and is doing the magic himself to spread the rain!"

"...Are there really ghosts and gods in this world?"

The courtiers were all surprised when they saw this amazing change.

They didn't dare to make loud noises and only whispered in low voices.

Because He Yingying carried out "publicity" in advance, the people in Beijing also knew that today the real person from Qingfengguan went to the palace to set up an altar to pray for rain!

As a result, countless people walked out of their homes, knelt on the road, and prayed in the direction of the palace.

When they heard the sound of thunder and saw the clouds gathering in the sky, they all became excited and kowtowed vigorously in unison.

Sitting on the second floor of a certain teahouse, He Yingying saw this scene with satisfaction.

As expected, she was not wrong in her bet. Qingfeng was indeed a bad guy, but he also had some real abilities.

He may not be as magical as Yong Ennan boasts, but he holds several high-level talismans.

A rain talisman can only bring a little rain in a small area, but it cannot alleviate the drought in Gyeonggi.

However, He Yingying's concern has never been about solving the drought, but Qingfeng's ability to establish a master's personality.

At this moment, the spiritual power of the rain talisman spread, thunder sounded and clouds gathered.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Yingying knew that soon, raindrops would fall over the altar.

As long as it rains, the breeze can overwhelm Huitong and become the tallest man in the dynasty!

And with Qingfeng on the altar, He Yingying can use him to completely convict He Tiantian as a monster!

By then, her mission will be successfully completed.

He Tiantian: ...dreaming.

He Tiantian did not stay in Prince Liang's Mansion, but found an excuse to come to the palace to accompany the Queen.

She is closer to the "altar" than He Yingying.

Therefore, He Tiantian can feel the spiritual power fluctuations more clearly.

Rain talisman?

Still high-end!

It seems that Qingfeng really has an adventure.

He Tiantian muttered to herself, but she was not idle.

She moved her fingers slightly and drew a talisman in the void.


He Tiantian silently muttered in her heart and directly destroyed the spiritual power of the rain talisman.

"Huh? Why did the clouds disperse again?"

"Yes, the thunder has stopped too!"

"What's going on? Yu, Yu didn't ask for help?"

"Please give me some damn rain, can't you see the sun is so big above your head?"

The officials around the altar made a noise.

The people on the street were even more disappointed.

Some impatient people have already begun to curse:

"What nonsense is Master Qingfeng? Could he be a charlatan?"

"That's right, why do you scatter beans to make soldiers and spread rain? You have magical powers, but you can't even get a single raindrop!"

Everyone on the street was cursing, but He Yingying stood up in the teahouse in a hurry.

what happened?

The rain talisman actually failed?

How can this be?

He Yingying has traveled through the supernatural world, so she also knows some Taoist magic.

Although she has no cultivation level, her six senses are sharp.

Just now, she clearly felt waves of spiritual power, which was the spiritual energy of the rain talisman.

But, suddenly, those spiritual energy seemed to be dispersed by some huge force.

Are there really monks in this world?

Or is the way of heaven determined that the original heroine will not be able to fulfill their wishes of all those who oppose her?

Just when He Yingying was in shock and doubt, something happened in the palace again!

The clouds gathered by the rain talisman dispersed quickly, making Master Qingfeng anxious and angry.

There were big beads of sweat on his forehead, and his steps were a little messy as he walked around.

"Damn it! What's going on? Why did the rain talisman fail?"

When he picked up the secret book, he also found several high-quality talismans.

There are rain talismans, thunder talismans, and wind-calling talismans.

Relying on these few blessings and his half-baked skills, Qingfeng, who was originally a martial artist, became a master of Taoism.

This was the second time Qingfeng used the rain talisman. The first time, he succeeded.

Therefore, he never doubted that he would miss this time.

Gritting his teeth, Qingfeng took out a rain talisman from his clothes with great pain.

This is the last one. If he still can't succeed, he, he has no choice.


Qingfeng An gave a low shout and threw the talisman into the air.

The talisman became natural again, and the spiritual power spread out.


This time, there was no thunder from the distant sky, but a loud thunder exploded directly above the altar!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But before Qingfeng could breathe out, his whole body froze!

Because, right after, another bolt of thunder struck down from the sky, heading straight for Qingfeng's head.

"Oh my God! Master Qingfeng was struck by lightning?"

"No, is it true? Is it true that someone will be struck by lightning?"

"...How many evil things has he done to be struck by lightning from the sky?"

"What's going on? I set up an altar to pray for rain but it didn't come, but I got struck by lightning!"

"God is angry! God is angry!"

Both the courtiers in the palace and the people outside the palace were all shocked, and all kinds of speculations were blurted out.

Qingfeng was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

Prince: ...I really don’t know whether I should be happy or disappointed.

He Yingying closed her eyes hard. She did not see the scene of Qingfeng being struck by lightning, but she heard the shouts coming from the palace gate and the noise of the people outside.

It’s over!

This time she is really finished!

He Tiantian sat next to the queen, as if she didn't know anything, she just put away her fingers silently...

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