The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 635: The heroine who was counterattacked (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Magic stick! Charlatan!"

"You have tricked yourself into the palace, you deserve to die!"

The emperor was not at the scene of praying for rain, but he could know what happened there immediately.

Besides, if you ask for rain, you can just raise your head and look at the sky, so why bother running to the scene?

The only difference is that the emperor did not see Taoist Qingfeng being struck by lightning.

After listening to the little chamberlain's detailed account of what happened at the scene of praying for rain, the emperor was shocked, angry, angry and anxious!

Among the many emotions, there is also a hint of happiness -

Fortunately, I didn’t go to pray for rain myself!

Of course, the emperor believed that he was the destined emperor, and he was protected by the Dragon Luck of the Dynasty, so he should not be struck by lightning.

However, struggling for a long time and failing to get rain would still seriously damage the emperor's prestige and face.

This rain is really not something you can just ask for.

The emperor sighed secretly in his heart, as if he understood very well that raining depends entirely on God's favor.

However, this understanding did not prevent the emperor from venting his anger on Qingfeng.

"Come here, put this demon on death row!"

"Hmph, doesn't he boast that he has lived for more than 130 years and can be rejuvenated and immortal?"

"I want to see if he is mortal? Will he die?"

The emperor was ruthless and decided Qingfeng's fate in just a few words.

However, a charlatan like Qingfeng is easy to kill, so how to deal with the matter of praying for rain?

The drought is still going on, and unrest in Gyeonggi Province is even closer!

The emperor felt depressed and habitually wandered to the queen's palace.

The empress was his married wife, and she used her body as bait at the beginning. The emperor always treated the empress differently.

Whenever there was something bothering him, the emperor would come and talk to the queen.

The queen may not be able to help him solve his problems, but she can always comfort him and slowly calm down his irritable mood.

"Princess Liang is here too?"

As soon as he stepped into the queen's palace, he saw He Tiantian chatting around the queen.

When the emperor saw He Tiantian, he suddenly thought of his son.

Huh? I remember Yong Ennan said that the breeze awakened King Liang. This demon seems to have some skills.

As soon as he thought about it, the emperor asked casually, "How is Sanlang? I vaguely heard someone say two days ago that he is awake?"

He Tiantian quickly stood up and saluted, and when she heard the emperor's question, she deliberately looked embarrassed.

The emperor's heart skipped a beat, "Why, he didn't wake up?"

How could Yong Ennan be so bold? To flatter Qingfeng, he dared to deceive the emperor?


He Tiantian quickly denied it, and then said in detail: "The prince opened his eyes, but he still can't speak or move!"

Therefore, this "awake" is not that "awake".

The only difference between him and the past is that he can open his eyes.

In essence, he is still a living dead!

Emperor: ...I originally thought that even if Qingfeng was not good at Taoism, he was also proficient in medical skills. Unexpectedly, he had two damn swords!

Realizing this, the emperor didn't hesitate at all to kill Qingfeng.

It was determined that King Liang was still a "waste", and the emperor stopped paying attention.

As for He Tiantian's daughter-in-law, he didn't get too close to her. He asked her a few gossips and then sent her away.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian respectfully stepped down, and only the emperor and empress were left in the hall.

"I have heard about your request for rain. Your Majesty, please don't be too upset."

The queen felt the emperor's low pressure,

He personally brought a cup of tea to the emperor.

She comforted him softly.

"...I have already put that charlatan on death row!"

The emperor took the tea cup and took a sip, his irritable mood slowly calmed down.

He cursed bitterly, "This guy is so brave and ambitious. He dares to deceive you..."

He scolded Qingfeng, not only angry, but also ashamed that he had been deceived.

The queen knew the emperor best, and she could tell what he was thinking by listening to his tone.

She hurriedly advised, "Your Majesty, you are concerned about the world and devoted to the people. In order to alleviate the drought, you have tried every means possible, and only then did people with ulterior motives take advantage of the loophole!"

For this kind of thing, we can't blame the emperor for being too stupid, we can only blame the magic stick for being too sinister.

The emperor seemed to have listened to the queen's consolation, and his expression softened a lot.

But soon, he frowned slightly again and murmured: "How can this drought be alleviated?"

If you fail to pray for rain, what else can you do? !

The queen had already had an idea, but she still deliberately acted like a joke, "Oh, if I had known that Qingfeng was a magic stick, I would have asked He to try it!"

The emperor was stunned: "He family?"

She is a woman, how can she--


The emperor suddenly thought that Princess Liang He was not an ordinary housewife.

She is the reincarnation of a good person in many lives, and she carries a rich golden light of merit.

She has incredible good luck, and she can "make all her wishes come true"!

Why can't Prince Liang wake up?

Even if a demon with some magic skills came to cast a spell, it only made him open his eyes and still couldn't move? !

Isn't it because Liang Wang, a rebellious son, offended the He family so badly?

The emperor has sent people to the Prince Liang's Mansion to conduct a careful investigation and secretly interrogated Prince Liang's confidants. He found out about his son's deeds of committing suicide——

In order to achieve his own goals, he actually imprisoned He and tortured and abused her!

Although the emperor didn't know what King Liang forced He to do, he already had a guess in his mind when he thought of the prince's accidental fall from his horse and He's refusal to obey.

This rebellious son must have a disobedient heart.

He used He's magical power to silently cause the prince's leg to be broken.

He was not satisfied yet, so he looked directly at the throne under the emperor's buttocks.

However, although He is a woman, she also has awe of the king!

The emperor even suspected that He, a country girl with little knowledge, had no idea of ​​her "magical ability".

He was being used to murder the prince, and he probably didn't even notice.

It was the King of Liang who pushed her further and forced her to murder the emperor. Only then did He wake up, and then she refused...

It has to be said that the emperor's idea is still very close to the truth.

And through this scrutiny, he completely hated King Liang.

This is also the reason why the emperor never visited King Liang after he fell into coma.

Not only busy, but also disappointed and hateful!

In the emperor's heart, Prince Liang, his once most beloved son, was already dead!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

His only contribution was probably to marry a good "lucky" wife and add a mascot to the royal family.

"Yes, He is born with good fortune and all her wishes come true. Asking her to pray might have an effect!"

The queen still had a joking tone, as if she was just chatting to relieve the emperor's irritable mood.

The emperor took it seriously.

He stood up, walked slowly for a few steps, and then said, "Okay, let Mr. He give it a try!"

The queen deliberately looked astonished, and said urgently, "Your Majesty, I just said it casually, but I can't take it seriously!"

"Although He is lucky, she is still a human being. What if -" If the rain doesn't come, we can't blame her!

Seeing that the queen was so anxious, the emperor smiled and said, "I know, I just want her to go to Fajue Temple to pray for the dynasty with Master Huitong!"

If He can really bring rain, then she will be the royal weapon and the royal secret.

The emperor didn't want everyone in the world to know about it, which would attract the covetousness and scheming of careerists.

The blessing ceremony does not need to be too ostentatious, and with Master Huitong helping to share the burden, He will not be too conspicuous.

When the queen heard what the emperor said, she knew that he had doubts about He's ability.

If you don't have too high expectations, you won't be too angry if you fail. In this way, you shouldn't be angry with He.

With this judgment, the queen felt relieved.

It was another auspicious day and without disturbing too many people, He Tiantian went to Fajue Temple.

She knelt on the high platform of the prayer meeting and prayed devoutly.

The monks in the temple followed Master Huitong, knocking wooden fish and chanting scriptures.



Not long after the ceremony started, almost as soon as He Tiantian started reciting a prayer, bursts of thunder rang out from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds gathered quickly, forming a thick layer of clouds.

The emperor in the palace looked at the gloomy sky and couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.

Some were delighted, "He is indeed very lucky. God has received her prayers!"

There is injustice: "I am the right man, but I am not as good as a woman!"

Unlike the troubled emperor, the queen, prince, Prince Fu and others who went to Fajue Temple to watch the prayer meeting were only happy.


Lightning flashed frequently in the thick clouds.

The mother and son were even more delighted, "It's going to rain! It's really going to rain!"

"This He family is really magical!"

"...It turns out it was her who helped me avoid a severe beating back in Xujiaping!"

Mother and son each have their own thoughts, but they have no ill intentions toward He Tiantian.


He Tiantian knelt on the high platform, calculated the time, and started to use the spiritual power of the dragon ball.

Make clouds and rain!

This is the dragon's racial talent.

He Tiantian inherited it perfectly.

Moreover, this kind of rain formation cannot be compared with a high-level rain talisman.

The rain talisman is only in a small area, and it is raining lightly.

He Tiantian is able to lock down large-scale rainfall in the entire Gyeonggi region.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As long as He Tiantian has enough spiritual power and she is not willing to use it up, she can spend as many days and nights as she likes until the drought is completely relieved!

This time, the clouds and rain are not only for the mission, but also to save countless people.

Of course, He Tiantian will not be stingy with spiritual power.

She almost exhausted all the spiritual power she had cultivated after traveling through time, and she just let the timely rain fall for three days and three nights.

The dry land was moistened, the dry river was filled, and the declining well water was raised several levels...

The emperor promptly announced to the world——

In order to alleviate the drought, the royal family specially sent the Queen, Prince, Prince Fu, Princess Liang and other nobles to go to Fajue Temple to pray in person.

Therefore, this rain did not fall for nothing, but was "requested" by the royal family!

The courtiers may not believe it, after all, they have not seen it with their own eyes.

However, the people were very convinced, and their awe and gratitude towards the emperor reached its peak.

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Your Majesty is merciful, Your Majesty is wise!"

"The Queen is kind, Your Highness the Prince is kind..."

"A thousand years old! A thousand years old! A thousand years old!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Under the curtain of rain, countless people knelt and worshiped devoutly in the direction of the palace.

The voice of the mountain shouting "Long Live the Mountain" resounded throughout the entire capital.

He Yingying, who was hiding in the inn, saw the heavy rain outside and heard the shouts one after another, and it seemed as if all her energy had been drained from her whole body.

Qingfeng was beheaded by the emperor, and Qingfeng Temple was confiscated.

As Qingfeng's publicly recognized "disciple", He Yingying has also become a street rat.

Infamies such as "witch", "charlatan", "goddess stick", etc. were all added to He Yingying's head.

She clearly felt that the halo of heroine she had taken away from the original heroine was rapidly passing away.

In addition, with the downfall of Qingfeng, the Queen and King Fu began to doubt her again——

Qingfeng is a magician, so his so-called fortune-telling skills should also be deceptive.

So, how did He Yingying predict King Fu’s identity? !


He Yingying suddenly felt a huge force pulling at her soul.


He Yingying began to lose control of her body, and a white air ball was ejected from He Yingying's body.

The physical body suddenly fell to the ground, and the white air ball still wanted to struggle, desperately trying to get back into the body.

However, the body seemed to be wrapped in a transparent cover, and the white air mass could not get close at all.

There was a strong force, and the white air ball was thrown directly out of the novel world.

"Ding! The task of expelling the wild copywriter is completed, and the reward points are 12 points!"

"Ding! Earn 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! Received a reward of 10,000 points."

At the moment when He Yingying's soul was expelled from the world of the novel, a familiar mechanical sound sounded from the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Little D finally jumped out of the dark room, "Tiantian! You are great! You have successfully completed another task!"

When she heard the chattering noise of her classmate Little D again, she felt inexplicably nostalgic.

Everything is good for this kind of task, except that you have to shield Little D’s classmate so that she will feel somewhat lonely.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tiantian! The mission is completed. Will you continue to stay in this novel world, or will you choose to leave?"

Little D didn't know what He Tiantian was thinking. If he knew that He Tiantian thought about it, he might not be excited.

It shook its furry little body and asked earnestly.

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "Leave!"

She has basically finished all the things in this small world.

She didn't need to stay and waste any more time.

However, thinking of the hardships the original owner had suffered, He Tiantian suddenly asked: "Little D, can you bring back the remnant soul of the original owner?"

He Tiantian has been thinking about a question for a long time: After she traveled through time, where did the remnant soul of the original owner go?

Their Dianniang library is not a wish-making system, and the original owner does not need to sacrifice his soul.

All tasks are issued by the system, and all requirements are for the sake of the novel itself, not revenge for the original owner.

"Yes. Those remnant souls have been gathered into a specific space by the system. If you, the writer, are willing, you can summon the original owner back..."

It is more labor-saving and worry-free for the original owner to continue to maintain the running of the character than for the writer to separate his soul to maintain it!

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