The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 639 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


Thinking of the tragic ending of the original owner, Qin Anran became increasingly insensitive to Gu Hong, a greasy, arrogant and disgusting scumbag.

She didn't care at all how ashamed and angry Gu Hong was on the other end of the phone, and continued to say indifferently: "Gu Hong, you just said that our two families are family friends."

"Even if we don't become lovers, we will still be friends who grew up together!"

"Stop being so persistent, otherwise, our two families may also have to -"

Before Qin Anran could finish speaking, Gu Hong shouted angrily: "That's enough!"

He, Gu Hong, is the proud son of heaven. The only, oh no, the only setbacks he has suffered since he was a child were all caused by Qin Anran.

The first time was when I was dumped, and today this is the second time.

Compared to the first time, Gu Hong was even more annoyed at this moment - Qin Anran was too rude in what he said.

What does she mean?

Are you saying that I, Gu Hong, am a stalker?

Gu Hong was originally an extremely proud man. He was so groveling today because of his love for Qin Anran.

As a result, Qin Anran regarded her sincerity as a worn-out shoe, and she even threw it on the ground and trampled on it!

How can the overbearing CEO Gu Hong endure this? !

"Okay! I understand what you, Miss Qin, mean. Don't worry, no matter how bad I, Gu Hong, am, I'm not the type to stalk you."

"...Actually, that's all I'm saying. I already have a girlfriend, and our relationship is very good. In a few days, we will get engaged!"

Perhaps because he wanted to save face, Gu Hong started telling lies with his eyes open.

Qin Anran couldn't see Gu Hong's face, but he could still imagine it.

She couldn't help but shook her head secretly: Tsk tsk, you are indeed a domineering president, you can't lose even if you lose!

He just felt sorry for his "girlfriend".

Well, if Qin Anran remembers correctly, Gu Hong's girlfriend should be the substitute.

As a woman, especially a woman who thinks she has the correct views, Qin Anran instinctively sympathizes with her.

There is no third party involved, nor is it vanity...?

The scheming girl has the dreams and sensibility of most daughters. She thinks she has found her destined Prince Charming, but little does she know that she is just a stand-in from beginning to end.

Now, Gu Hong hasn't broken up with the other party yet, and has come to express his feelings to his ex, Qin Anran.

What does he think of He Mengtian?

A tool that can be used at any time?


Qin Anran cursed in his heart for the nth time.


Holding back his nausea, Qin Anran gave Gu Hong a faint blessing.

Gu Hong:......

Qin Anran was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick.

If there hadn't been a hint of reason to remind him, he might have lost his temper again.

"Thank you, thank you!" Gu Hong squeezed out these two words through his teeth.

"...Goodbye!" Qin Anran felt that they had nothing to say, so he ended easily.

Gu Hong really had a strong temper. Hearing Qin Anran's "heartlessness", he refused to admit defeat, so he pretended to be free and easy and said: "Goodbye!"

But his tone was slightly stiff, showing that his mood was not as casual as Qin Anran's.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Gu Hong didn't notice this. He wanted to hang up the phone before Qin Anran, but he was a little slow.

The second Qin Anran heard the "goodbye", he hung up the phone neatly.

Gu Hong heard the "beep beep beep" and couldn't bear it anymore.

Just smashed the phone out.



The phone is cracked and the screen is shattered.

He Tiantian, who was hiding in the bathroom and peeping, saw the phone with a black screen and shrugged helplessly.

This domineering president is not only a proud, conceited, arrogant and selfish scumbag, but he also has a hidden element of violence.

Breaking things at every turn is a sign of not being able to fully control your emotions.

Such a person, in the ancient romance, is replaced by the "new era" and becomes a villain and supporting actor in minutes!

Still want to be the male protagonist?


Gu Hong smashed his phone, and He Tiantian could no longer peek at the screen, so she had to follow the guard... ?

Come out alive.

She knew that Gu Hong's "anger" had not yet been vented.

Next, he will have more speechless operations.

For example, propose!

"Mengtian, come with me!"

He Tiantian put away her makeup and just returned to the office when Gu Hong opened the door and walked in.

His face had regained its composure, his eyes looking at He Tiantian were cold, and his tone was even harsher.

He Tiantian secretly cursed "big pig's hooves", but still wanted to maintain the character of the original owner.

Her face was full of surprise, and her beautiful almond eyes were shining brightly.

He Tiantian nailed that look of a little woman looking forward to her lover.

When Gu Hong saw "He Mengtian's" reaction, his heart that was hit and frustrated by Qin Anran was instantly soothed.

"I'm just telling you, how could there be a woman who doesn't like me?"

"Qin Anran is an exception, but I am still very popular!"

Male pride was respected again, and Gu Hong's mood improved.

He just told Qin Anran that he was going to marry his girlfriend, which was the most angry thing.

However, at this moment, seeing that "He Mengtian" had a similar appearance to Qin Anran, but also had a completely different gentleness and love from Qin Anran, he suddenly felt that marrying "He Mengtian" was not a bad thing!


Gu Hong winked at his chief secretary Emily Meng.

Emily understood and nodded quickly. After watching Gu Hong take He Tiantian's hand and leave, she quickly picked up the phone and made a reservation at Gu Dong's favorite restaurant.

Then, she quickly sent a message to Gu Hong to indicate that the matter had been settled.

Sitting in the car, Gu Hong took a glance at his new mobile phone, saw Emily's message, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Mengtian, I've been too busy these two days and ignored you for a while. You won't blame me, right?"

When Qin Anran is not involved, Gu Hong's IQ and EQ are still online.

His observation skills are also very good.

So, sitting in the back seat of the car with He Tiantian,...?

The two of them were almost touching each other, and Gu Hong saw He Tiantian's red eyes and rearranged makeup.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Have you cried? !

Soon, Gu Hong thought that Qin Anran's return to China was not a secret and had long been spread among the Gu Group.

Gu Hong's excitement and the fact that he asked Emily and others to help prepare were not deliberately concealed.

Therefore, in the past few days, the latest gossip in the Gu Group should be "Dr. Gu's old love returns to China, and his new love is about to fall out of favor."

At this time, Gu Hong didn't realize that he had fallen in love with He Mengtian.

He only regarded He Mengtian as Bai Yueguang's substitute.

However, even though he was a substitute, after being together for several months, he developed some feelings.

Maybe it's not love, but it's also a kind of intimacy and harmony like acquaintances.

Gu Hong could not give He Meng sweet love and might break up with her soon, but he never thought of treating this woman harshly.

Either way, she lost herself for months.

Moreover, He Mengtian has a docile personality, is kind and well-behaved. After becoming Gu Dong's girlfriend, he did not bully others and never caused trouble for Gu Hong.

Gu Hong had already thought about it. When he and He Mengtian broke up, he would definitely make up for it.

Now that the situation has changed, Gu Hong not only cannot break up with He Mengtian immediately, but also uses her to stimulate Qin Anran.

Gu Hong's few conscience actually gave birth to a trace of guilt.

He was a little more gentle and patient with He Mengtian.

"...No, I don't blame you!"

He Tiantian pretended to be considerate, but she still said generous words even though she felt aggrieved.

Gu Hong didn't seem to see the compromise in He Tiantian's eyes. He really seemed to be comforted when He Tiantian said "I don't blame you."

"Just don't blame me!"

Gu Hong raised his hand and held He Tiantian's hand, stroking it gently.

He Tiantian showed a shy and sweet smile and carefully snuggled next to Gu Hong, like a humble and infatuated little woman.

Gu Hong was very satisfied with He Tiantian's meekness, and he felt more and more that he had chosen his substitute well!

The car is very...?

Come to a high-end Japanese food store.

This is one of the restaurants that Gu Hong frequents.

As his girlfriend, the original heroine has also been here several times.

However, every time she came, the original heroine had a feeling of panic.


It's so expensive!

It's such a small plate of food that can be eaten with two chopsticks, but it ends up costing hundreds.

After a meal, it starts at five figures.

Her food expenses for half a year have been paid in.

The original heroine knew that Gu Hong was rich, but every time she came to such a high-end shopping occasion, she would feel like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden.

He Tiantian inherited the character of the original owner, and after entering the Japanese food store, she began to feel a little uncomfortable.

When eating, she was even more nervous, fearing that she would make too much fuss or be rude, which would embarrass Gu Hong and make others laugh.

Seeing He Tiantian looking like a formidable enemy, Gu Hong couldn't help but smile.

After suffering great frustration from Qin Anran, he found confidence in "He Mengtian" again.

He man!

He is also a domineering president, so "bullying the weak and fearing the strong", which is really the best thing to do.

"Mengtian, marry me!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian pretended to eat while secretly scolding a certain scumbag.

As a result, without any foreshadowing, without getting down on one knee, and without a diamond ring, Gu Hong said the words of marriage lightly.

He Tiantian raised her head suddenly, her face full of surprise.

"Brother, what did you say?"

He Tiantian covered her mouth in "disbelief", the surprise and excitement seemed to overflow.

After Gu Hong and He Mengtian established their relationship, while they were chatting, He Mengtian unexpectedly learned that Gu Hong had gone to attend several classes at the business school of her university.

Rounding it all off, the two of them can barely be considered half "same disciples".

In private, He Mengtian calls Gu Hong "senior brother", which can be regarded as a little love between young lovers.

"I said, let's get engaged!"

Didn't say marriage, just engagement.

One word... ?

The difference was enough to prove that Gu Scumbag had never thought about marrying He Mengtian.

"I, I -" He Tiantian was so "excited" that she couldn't even speak.

Seeing her look like this, Gu Hong knew it, but he still pretended to be disappointed and asked, "What? You don't want to marry me?"

"Yes! I want to marry you!"

He Tiantian nodded crazily, and his eager look made Gu Hong very excited.

His stern expression finally melted, and his thin lips formed a smile.

Seeing him smile, He Tiantian seemed to realize that she was being played. She was ashamed and annoyed and turned her head aside.

If the love relationship between the two is equal, He Tiantian should have a more violent reaction if he is teased by her boyfriend.

However, in this stand-in game, He Mengtian, who did not know the inside story, was always in a passive position. She had low self-esteem, she worried about gains and losses, and she loved humblely.

Therefore, even if she was teased and felt unhappy, she did not dare to lose her temper arbitrarily.

He Tiantian: ...Sigh, the original owner is too humble.

She probably doesn't know the bad nature of men. What they don't get is the best. If they are too docile and sensible, they will often be let down!

"Okay, I know I was wrong! I shouldn't bully my little sweetie!"

Gu Hong was like a pet in the mortal world, apologizing casually without any sincerity.

Of course, He Tiantian could hear his perfunctory tone, but she still snorted, turned her head, and said in an annoyed tone, "Humph! I guess you're sensible! I forgive you!"

"Then you agreed to my proposal?" Gu Hong looked at He Tiantian with a smile, his superior attitude should not be too obvious.

He Tiantian endured the nausea, her face was full of shyness, then she nodded and squeezed out a "hmm" from her throat!

Just like that, without flowers, rings, or kneeling down on one knee, He Tiantian easily agreed to Gu Hong's proposal.

Of course, Gu Hong is not a straight man who really doesn't understand anything.

Besides, if you want to stimulate Qin Anran, you also need "props".

After eating, Gu Hong took He Tiantian to a nearby jewelry store and picked out... ?

A one-carat diamond ring was put on by He Tiantian who was almost crying with joy.

"It's too late to order now. I'll go to the auction house to buy some pigeon eggs in a few days, and then I'll order an engagement ring for you!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

A one-carat diamond is indeed too small.

Gu Hong didn't feel that "He Mengtian" was wronged by wearing such a diamond ring, but that such a prop was not exciting enough.

"No, no need for pigeon eggs, this is just fine!"

He Tiantian seems to like this small diamond ring very much. After putting it on, she can't help but admire it.

Although Gu Hong was not satisfied, he still took a photo with his mobile phone of holding hands with He Tiantian, and also took a close-up of the diamond ring on He Tiantian's finger.

Then, he sent the picture to Moments with the copy——

"My little Tiantian, I have wronged you today. I will definitely give you a pigeon egg in the future!"

Gu Hong used his personal number to create a circle of friends, so most of them are his relatives, friends, classmates, and close subordinates.

Emily: ...fuck! This is too fast.

Emily didn't believe that Director Gu really wanted to marry "He Mengtian", but she still liked it immediately and sent her blessings, "Congratulations to Director Gu! Congratulations to Miss He!"

Later, Gu Hong's special assistant, driver, etc. also all praised it.

With these comments from his confidants, Gu Hong’s relatives and friends finally knew——

"Damn! Gu Hong is actually engaged to a girl named He?"

"Didn't you say that Qin Anran is coming back? Gu Hong said a few days ago that he would hold a grand reception banquet for Anran. Why did he suddenly-"


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