The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 640 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


Qin Anran also has Gu Hong's personal mobile phone number, so she also saw this circle of friends.

In fact, even if Qin Anran didn't see it, some of her friends and besties were frantically sending her messages to remind her.

"An Ran! An Ran! Gu Hong actually proposed to a clerk!"

"Oops, An Ran, go check out Gu Hong's Moments, he, he actually made it official!"

"An Ran, what happened? You, you and Gu Hong——"

"...An Ran, Gu Hong goes too far. He always says he can't forget you. But you are about to return to China, and yet he comes like this!"

Qin Anran's V letter was about to explode.

Seeing the new information on the page, she really had a headache.

Qin Anran was too lazy to reply to these people's concerns or gloating.

She simply posted a message in the group where most of them were, "I know about Gu Hong's engagement, so you don't have to go crazy on me!"

"Also, I broke up with Gu Hong a few years ago. We are just friends, no longer lovers."

Therefore, whether Gu Hong is engaged or married, he has nothing to do with Miss Qin.

Qin Anran didn't speak, but her words were full of freedom and carelessness.

Everyone knew that Qin Anran really didn't care about Gu Hong.

Thinking about it, it was Qin Anran who initiated the breakup back then. After he went abroad, he quickly made a boyfriend who was a crooked man, and there was so much affection in his circle of friends.

It's Gu Hong who can't forget Qin Anran, but it's not that Qin Anran can't let go of Gu Hong's old love.

Knowing Qin Anran's attitude, a group of rich second-generation people did not continue to discuss this topic, but began to ask questions——

"Anron, has your flight been booked?"

"When will you come back? I'll pick you up at the airport!"

"Jiefeng Banquet! We must have a grand party, let's have a good get-together!"

Qin Anran is more willing to answer these questions.

She held her phone and replied one by one.

At once... ... ?

At this moment, the cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Qin Anran felt a headache when he saw the call.

However, she still pressed the button.

"Hey, Mom——"

Before Qin Anran could finish saying hello to his mother, he heard the woman on the phone talking loudly as if she had turned on a machine gun.

"An Ran, I heard from your cousin that Gu Hong is engaged to a wild girl from nowhere?"

"Didn't I ask you to coax Gu Hong? Have you ever contacted him?"

"Gu Hong likes you so much. He has never forgotten you all these years! You, you'd better not get mixed up with those crooked nuts!"

"What's the use of those handsome and romantic people? Can they help our family solve this crisis?"

"An Ran, our business really has a big problem. Without Gu's help, our family will go bankrupt!"

"...You, go and call Gu Hong and talk to him. Anyway, it's just a verbal engagement. Your Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu may not know about it."

"If they know it, they will definitely disagree... Oh, An Ran, did you hear what I said!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Qin Anran: ...You shouted so loudly, of course I heard you.

The problem is, you always give me a chance to interrupt.

Qin Anran secretly complained, but Qin Anran did not show his impatience with his mother.

"Mom, I don't love Gu Hong, and I don't want to marry him. I've already made it clear to Gu Hong!"

Qin Anran tried his best to express his feelings to his mother as calmly as possible.

Qin's mother was shocked, "What? Have you contacted Gu Hong? And you still told him that?"

"You, you kid, are really going to piss me and your dad off!"

"What's not to love? Can love be eaten?"

"Our family is about to go bankrupt, and you are still talking about love here?"

Mother Qin only felt ridiculous and had a deep sense of powerlessness.

An Ran, their daughter, was really spoiled by them. How come she couldn't even tell her priorities? !

However, Mother Qin quickly reacted... ?


Hearing the meaning in his daughter's words, Gu Hong still had feelings for her, but it was his daughter who rejected Gu Hong.

That's why Gu Hong suddenly posted on WeChat Moments and talked about getting engaged.

Tsk, this matter was just like a joke. He was clearly trying to vent his anger on his daughter.

Gu Hong must still like his daughter very much, otherwise he wouldn't do this!

With such a guess, Qin's mother became more and more anxious, "Anran, listen to me, hurry up -"

This time it was Qin Anran who interrupted his mother.

"Mom, I don't want it!"

She didn't want to get involved with a scumbag like Gu Hong.

Of course, Qin Anran knew why his mother was so impatient.

She didn't wait for Qin's mother to reprimand her, and said quickly, "Don't worry about the family business, I've got a solution!"

Qin's mother didn't believe that her spoiled and willful daughter would have any good solutions.

Qin's mother knows Qin Anran, and Qin Anran also knows Qin's mother.

She continued to speak first, "Mom, I said there is a way, there is a way. I bought a new technology abroad, related to new energy, it is the most advanced in the United States..."

Mother Qin was stunned.

The Qin family is engaged in manufacturing and has a fairly good car brand.

Some time ago, the Qin family spent a lot of money to develop autonomous driving, but it turned out that there were technical loopholes and was stopped by relevant departments.

Qin's initial investment was lost, and there was a backlog of products worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

If this problem cannot be solved smoothly, the Qin family's capital chain will be broken.

However, the technology of autonomous driving is not easy to overcome.

The Qin family is already prepared to lose money. Now they just want new funds to be injected so that the Qin family will not go bankrupt due to a lack of funds.

The Gu family is the best person for the Qin family to turn to. Whether it is the friendship between the two families for many years or the relationship between Qin Anran and Gu Hong, the Gu family can help the Qin family in critical moments.

However, if the Qin family has new technologies, they can attract venture capital investment even without asking the Gu family.

After all, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the Gu family's help will not be without... ?


If possible, Qin's father would definitely not want to beg the Gu family in a humble way and let the Gu family tear a piece of flesh from his body.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Qin's mother is a housewife and doesn't know much about the company.

But she knows basic common sense.

Mother Qin asked, "New energy? Does it have anything to do with our car?"

"Yes! It's a new type of graphene battery that can be used not only in new energy vehicles, but also in mobile phones!"

As a wild writer, Qin Anran redeemed this black technology through the system mall.

She believes that with technology, the Qin family will be able to attract investment, and the Qin family's crisis will be successfully resolved!

If the Qin family was not bankrupt, she would have no reason to go to Gu Hong.

The male protagonist should be locked in with the female protagonist. Isn’t it good for her to be a vicious female supporting role and be beautiful alone?

To start a career and be a female boss, what kind of little wolf dog or little milk dog? Aren't you just choosing at will? !

Why is she getting entangled with a rotten cucumber who is just playing stand-in? !

"This, this..." Mother Qin only knew some common sense, but she didn't quite understand the specific business operations.

After stammering for a long time, Qin's mother said, "I'll ask your dad!"

After saying that, Mother Qin quickly hung up the phone.

Listening to the "beep" sound coming from the microphone, Qin Anran couldn't help but smile.

However, she did not put down the phone in a hurry because she knew that her biological father would definitely call soon.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Qin Anran's phone rang again.

"Hey, Dad. Yes, my mother is right, I did buy a new technology of graphene batteries..."

Qin Anran had a phone call with his biological father, and the other party was instantly attracted.

Qin's father's mind was filled with graphene and black technology, and in his heart he imagined the Qin family's rapid rise to the sky.

As for asking for help from the Gu family and getting his daughter to marry the Gu family, Qin's father threw it out of the blue.

What kind of marriage?

Their daughter is so capable, and the Qin family is about to rise rapidly with new technology, so why bother about getting married?

Qin's father and Qin's mother only have one daughter, Qin Anran. Before, Qin... ?

The father wanted to pass on the family fortune to his only child.

However, at that time, Qin Anran had no interest in doing business at all. He only cared about eating and having fun and refused to learn at all.

Qin's father could only do the next best thing: either find a stable husband for his daughter and train a son-in-law to work for his daughter; or directly hire a professional manager.

However, there are risks in both situations.

It is most secure to hold one's own property in one's own hands.

And he had just had a careful chat with his daughter. Although her daughter didn't say it clearly, Qin's father still understood what her daughter meant.

She seems to be no longer as resistant to inheriting the family business as she used to be, and when it comes to business methods, she goes one after another.

This can't help but give Qin's father some hope. Perhaps, his daughter can take on the important responsibilities of the Qin Group.

Of course, there is no rush in this. He will have a good talk with his daughter when she comes back.

After successfully appeasing his parents and vaguely conveying his desire to be a female boss, Qin Anran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She started booking flights and preparing to return home.

She didn't tell anyone and embarked on her journey back home alone.

The plane arrived at the international airport in the provincial capital. Pushing the luggage trolley, Qin Anran came out of the exit, took a photo, and then posted it to Moments.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The copy is just three words: "Back!"

Less than a minute after the WeChat Moments was released, Qin Anran's cell phone rang.

She took out her phone, looked at the caller ID, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Zhao Qingming?!"

Yeah, yeah, the original number three male, the admirer of the original owner, a king-level dog licker.

In the original plot, the original owner was able to deceive the overlord Gu Hong, and Zhao Qingming definitely helped a lot.

He helped falsify medical records, and he helped hire private doctors from abroad to cooperate in acting... Zhao Qingming did all the bad things for the original owner.

Of course, as a die-hard licker of the vicious female supporting character, Zhao Qingming will not end well.

He comes from a wealthy family and has some official connections on his mother's side.

But because of Zhao Qingming's reckless behavior, the entire family was implicated.

In the end, the family abandoned its soldiers in order to protect itself...?

Bao Shuai exiled Zhao Qingming.

Zhao Qingming was exiled abroad, but Gu Hong still didn't let him go.

In the second month after he went abroad, he died suddenly due to excessive drug use.

"This Zhao Qingming is really not a good person, he is like a gloomy, paranoid snake!"

"However, he is absolutely sincere to the original owner. For her, he would even risk his life!"

Qin Anran sighed secretly.

Zhao Qingming's character is a bit like the male protagonist in some ancient novels - the male protagonist abandons the female protagonist for the sake of the world, but the male protagonist can destroy the world for the female protagonist.

Very domineering, very expressive, and very inspiring!

It's a pity that Qin Anran doesn't want to provoke such crazy criticism.

She came to this world to do a mission, not to save the snake spirit disease.

The existence of snake essence disease is too uncontrollable, and Qin Anran is afraid that it will affect his plan.


Although he had already sentenced Zhao Qingming to "death" in his heart, his ex quickly answered the phone, "Zhao Qingming, I'm back!"

"I know!" A slightly feminine male voice came from the receiver.

Not motherly, but feminine, a feeling that is cold to the core.

It was like the sound of a snake, and Qin Anran felt uncomfortable in his heart when he heard it.

Qin Anran didn't speak for a while, and Zhao Qingming on the other side was also silent.

The two fell into an awkward atmosphere.

After a while, Qin Anran said in a calm tone, "Long time no see. Let's get together after I finish cleaning up."

"Okay!" Zhao Qingming agreed quickly.

After saying this word, he fell into silence again.

Today, there is simply no way to talk!

There is definitely something wrong with this person's psychology.

Qin Anran claimed to be a normal person, but she really didn't want to have a deeper relationship with Zhao Qingming.

The original owner was willing to become friends with Zhao Qingming without even trying. She was also afraid of this kind of crazy criticism of male escorts, but she still became Zhao Qingming's close partner.

The reason is just the word "use".

Qin Anran is not the original owner, she is interested in Zhao Qing...?

If you know you have nothing to seek, you will naturally not get close intentionally.

"My mother is here to pick me up, I'll hang up first!"

Qin Anran did not take the initiative to find a topic, but took advantage of the situation and said goodbye.

Zhao Qingming:......

The feminine big boy, with gloomy eyes, threw the phone away when he heard a beep from the phone.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


An Ran has changed!

In the past, An Ran was not close to him, but she was still willing to show kindness to him.

But now, even if he didn't see the other person with his own eyes, just listening to the voice, Zhao Qingming felt a strong sense of alienation.

She wants to alienate herself, she wants to cut off the relationship with herself?

Does she also dislike herself for being sick?

Zhao Qingming's eyes flashed with madness. He bit his nails unconsciously and tore at the dead skin on his fingers. Soon, his ten fingers were bitten with blood.

Fortunately, Qin Anran didn't see this scene, otherwise, she would have been frightened, and she was sincerely grateful: Fortunately, I didn't get entangled with Zhao Qingming.

Snake disease or something like that, it’s so scary!

After putting down the phone, Qin Anran made love to her mother who came to pick her up at the airport, then got into her car and drove all the way home.

On the way, Qin Anran received several more calls from his "best friends".

"Hey, An Ran, I'm Lina, are you really back?"

"of course it's true!"

"Great, we will hold a reception party for you tomorrow, let's have a good get-together!"


"Also, Gu Hong's Cinderella fiancée will also come. When the time comes, hehe—"

Hearing the other party's malicious smile, Qin Anran instinctively rejected him.

To be honest, she sympathized with He Mengtian because she was really innocent.

However, for the sake of the mission, Qin Anran still has to confront He Mengtian, and she also wants to counterattack and slap him in the face, replacing He Mengtian as the new heroine...


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