The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 641 Bai Yueguang VS Substitute (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian didn't know about Qin Anran's side of things. Firstly, she didn't open God's perspective, and secondly, she was very, very busy.

After her "engagement", she became increasingly cautious and worried about gains and losses.

"Mengtian, please resign first, I will support you!"

Gu Hong is a standard male chauvinist. Even if he is acting, he is habitually in control of everything.

In his opinion, after a woman gets married, she should return to the family and become a full-time wife, like most of the women he is familiar with.

The male's role outside and the woman's domestic role have lasted for thousands of years in China, which proves the correctness of this tradition.

Moreover, leaving aside tradition and returning to his true relationship with "He Mengtian", Gu Hong does not believe that He Mengtian can continue to work for Gu after the "truth" is exposed in the future.

You have to resign anyway, it's just a matter of time.

If you leave early, you can still maintain a certain amount of dignity and maintain a minimum of friendship.

"……All right!"

He Tiantian looked very struggling, because the original owner was a self-respecting and self-reliant girl.

After falling in love with Gu Hong, she did not accept the house, car or secondary card from the boss, nor did she give up her job.

People continue to go to work and use their labor income to support themselves.

When Gu Hong gave her an expensive gift, she would also try her best to raise the money herself and give Gu Hong a gift that might not be luxurious but thoughtful enough!

He Tiantian: ...Silly boy, you really manage this relationship with your heart.

But little did he know that his sincerity had fed the dog!

You regard others as your true love, but others regard you as a substitute or a tool.

Well, in the original plot, Gu Hong woke up, regretted, began to put aside his self-esteem and pride, and humbly begged the original owner for forgiveness.

But, how do you say that sentence on the Internet?

"Late affection is cheaper than grass"!

The damage has been done, can it be smoothed over with just an apology and double compensation?

A real apology is to make you suffer as much as I do.

If you can't empathize with me, just don't show an apologetic and repentant face!

He Tiantian is full of complaints, but still has to take into account the original owner's character——

He Mengtian was indeed self-reliant and did not want to be a dodder who relied on men, but she loved Gu Hong more than herself.

For him, she could abandon her own principles and persistence.

What He Tiantian has to do is to show the original owner's hesitation, struggle, and then helpless surrender.

Gu Hong was not blind, so of course he saw the grievances of "He Mengtian", but he didn't care.

He has become accustomed to He Mengtian's affection and tolerance for him, and those who are favored are always confident.

"I knew Mengtian was the sensible one!"

Gu Hong wanted to coax him again, so he patted He Tiantian on the shoulder and decided on the matter.

He Tiantian: ...arrogant scumbag!

The original owner really loved him, so he retreated again and again, putting himself in an extremely wronged situation.

He Tiantian would not be like this.

On the basis of maintaining the original character, she wanted to ruthlessly kill the scumbag Gu.

"Well, it just so happens that I also want to enrich myself!"

"If I quit my job, I will have enough time to study..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian said pretending to be shy.

Gu Hong was startled, "Enrich yourself? What do you want to learn?"

Gu Hong no longer took He Mengtian to heart, and he knew that his little substitute had successfully graduated from college.

Does she still want to continue her studies and get a master's degree to improve herself?

"I want to learn horse riding, social etiquette, tea ceremony,

Oh, by the way, I also want to learn a few foreign languages! "

Mentioning these, the "grievance" on He Tiantian's face was wiped away, replaced by excitement.

Her eyes were bright, and the look she looked at Gu Hong was extremely affectionate.

"You want to learn these?" Gu Hong was really surprised.

He Tiandian nodded and said with a slight embarrassment, "I, I know I'm not worthy of you, but, senior brother, I am willing to learn!"

She looked at Gu Hong steadily, her palm-sized face full of perseverance and perseverance, "Don't worry, I will definitely catch up with you and prevent myself from becoming your laughing stock!"

Faced with such sincere and affectionate eyes, it was rare for a self-centered, selfish and arrogant scumbag like Gu Hong to feel guilty and moved.

He knew that "He Mengtian" loved him, but he still didn't expect that she would love him so much.

Admitting one's shortcomings and being willing to chase after them may seem simple, but in fact it is not easy to achieve.

At least Gu Hong couldn't do it.

When Qin Anran went abroad, Gu Hong also wanted to pursue him at all costs.

However, he couldn't let go of his status as the heir to the Gu Group, and he didn't want to waste the opportunity to take over the Gu Group.

He can't give up on himself and give his whole heart like "He Mengtian"!

However, Gu Hong was destined to let down such deep feelings.

He avoided He Tiantian's gaze with some embarrassment, and said with a sneer: "Okay! Just learn whatever you want to learn."

"Oh, by the way, don't worry about the cost-"

When it comes to money, Gu Hong seems to have a little more confidence.

This time he did not give He Tiantian a secondary card, but directly took out his mobile phone and transferred 1 million to her first.

"You can use these first. If you don't have enough, tell me again!"

Gu Hong was very forceful and looked like he could not refuse.

He also thought of He Mengtian's behavior in the past when he refused to use his own money, so he softened his tone and said affectionately, "We are engaged and we are members of our own family."

"What's mine is yours, and what's yours is still yours! Can't you tell me apart as clearly as before?"

In the end, he actually imitated the memes on the Internet and made a joke with He Tiantian.


He Tiantian chuckled, and after a brief struggle, she seemed to accept Gu Hong's persuasion.

Yes, when you are in love, it is best for lovers to be aa.

But once they are engaged and have a real identity, it is difficult to distinguish them too clearly.

It cannot be said that it is natural for a man to raise a woman, but in a marriage, a lot of women's contributions are valuable.

The absence of men is also compensated accordingly.

Using "men and women are equal" in marriage and then asking women to be independent and independent is just a hooliganism.


How can we achieve true equality?

One person does half of the housework, and each person is five months into the ten-month pregnancy. When giving birth, the couple will share the ten-digit bone opening and seven-layer caesarean section? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention, the relationship between Gu Hong and He Mengtian is not a real love!

Gu Hong had the intention of taking advantage of He Mengtian from the beginning.

In the past, she was regarded as a substitute, but now she is regarded as a tool to stimulate Qin Anran.

Since it is being used, a corresponding price must be paid.

Ordinary men hire a girlfriend to go home to deal with their parents, and they have to pay for it.

Gu Hong deceived He Mengtian in the name of love, so he should pay for "performance fees" and "mental damage fees"!

He Tiantian put away Gu Hong's money without any psychological burden at all.


"...Well, I, I listen to you!"

He Tiantian felt that it was natural in her heart, but she would not show it on her face.

She continues to maintain the "absolutely infatuated" persona of the original owner, with a look of "I love you and I will be obedient to you."

Gu Hong became more and more satisfied.

After all, after paying for it, the guilt in his heart seemed to be alleviated.

He Tiantian: ...ah! As if your guilt is worth anything.


You have taken advantage of others, hurt others, and made a young girl who is new to the world and has just begun to fall in love lose her beautiful vision of love because of you. Is it only worth a small amount of guilt?


He Tiantian's face was gentle and respectful, but she was secretly cruel in her heart.

one million?

Where did this go? !

I will make you pay the due price for your selfishness and arrogance.

He Tiantian took the money given by Gu Hong and randomly signed up for several training courses, spending less than 50,000 yuan.

She used all the remaining 900,000 yuan to trade stocks.

Thanks to the evil nanny script, although He Tiantian did not have the skills to extract system rewards, she learned a lot of investment knowledge from her stepfather, a finance professor, in real life.

He Tiantian may not be at the level of a "stock god" when it comes to stock trading, but he is very proficient.

On the other hand, He Tiantian has a "golden finger" and she knows the plot well.

It is originally a romance, and the main plot is the emotional entanglement between the male and female protagonists, the female supporting characters, and the male supporting characters.

But when the author was writing, he also did a certain amount of homework and described some episodes of business wars.

Maybe it's not professional enough, but it's not written out of thin air.

For example, the author writes about stocks and several high technologies in the manufacturing industry in a fairly reasonable and well-founded way.

And these, reflected in the world, are reasonable existences, and they operate on their own according to the framework and rules created by the author.

He Tiantian holds the script in hand, and she will not be too superstitious about the development of the plot, but she can still refer to the "economic trends" in the small world.

He Tiantian recalled certain plots, picked a few stocks, and invested all the money in them.

After making the investment, He Tiantian did not stay with Gu Hong. Instead, he used "study" as an excuse and was so busy that he disappeared every day.

Gu Hong: ...I haven’t seen He Mengtian for several days, but I miss him inexplicably.

Especially when I saw Qin Anran's circle of friends, I knew that she was back today, and she also made an appointment with her friends to get together tomorrow.

Gu Hong increasingly needed someone to vent to.

"Mengtian, have you finished your class?"

Gu Hong is a willful person who will never wrong himself.

If you want to find He Mengtian, just take out the phone.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yeah, today is the fashion etiquette class, and the teacher is taking me to do an internship in the mall."

He Tiantian deliberately pretended not to notice Gu Hong's bad tone and said excitedly.

“‘Internship’ in a mall?”

Gu Hong was stunned for a moment, and then he understood something.

What "internship"?

To put it bluntly, it is to make people buy, buy, buy.

Fashion etiquette?

Isn’t it just clothing matching? Do you know various high-end luxury brands?

Thinking of this, Gu Hong realized that after confirming his relationship with He Mengtian, he seemed to have never given her any expensive gifts.

Whether it's designer clothes, luxury bags, or precious jewelry, there's nothing.

If it were normal, Gu Hong would not have thought of this.

However, I am going to attend Qin Anran's "Wind Reception Banquet" tomorrow.

Not to mention that Qin Anran is a pampered rich lady who is accustomed to enjoying herself. Even the people who come to the party are all second generation rich or nouveau riche.

Men are better, but when women meet, they either compare clothes or bags, or compare jewelry and makeup.

Since Gu Hong wanted to use He Mengtian as a tool to stimulate Bai Yueguang, he couldn't let her look too shabby in front of everyone.

Otherwise, it would not be exciting, but a joke!

Realizing this, Gu Hong no longer hesitated and said directly to He Tiantian: "Mengtian, since you are going to the mall, let your teacher pick out some sets of clothes and jewelry that suit you!"

"Don't look at the price, the right one is the best!"

After saying that, Gu Hong hung up the phone and transferred two million to He Tiantian.

Well, this amount of money may be enough for ordinary people to buy a house.

But for the truly wealthy, it is not enough to buy a limited edition bag.

Not to mention jewelry, a set of truly heirloom-level jewelry usually costs tens of millions of dollars.

Gu Hong really didn't want to embarrass He Mengtian in front of everyone, but he was still reluctant to give up tens of millions to a substitute.

He Tiantian: ...cut! That's it? Are you embarrassed to say that you are the boss? !

However, two million is better than nothing!

He Tiantian took the money and did not choose any high-end luxury brands. Instead, she found a few affordable luxury niche brands and chose a few sets of clothes, accessories and designer bags.

It’s not too expensive, a few sets cost less than 100,000 yuan.

However, He Tiantian has a good vision and knows how to match.

The key is that this body is beautiful and young. At the age of twenty-two, it is the best luxury product in itself and does not need to be set off by external things.

In addition, He Tiantian also seized on Gu Hong's saying "the one that suits is the best" and did not follow Gu Hong's requirements in the past and choose clothes and cosmetics that were not in line with her temperament.

Instead, she chose clothes and makeup that perfectly accentuated all the qualities of this body.

The next day, at the agreed time, Gu Hong came to pick up someone outside He Mengtian's community.

Seeing He Tiantian in a simple and elegant dress, Gu Hong couldn't help but feel a little dazed——

What a jasmine flower swaying in the spring rain.

Elegant, quiet, even the fragrance is light and refreshing.

There is also a feeling of pity and fragility, as if it will be knocked off its branches by the rain in the next second!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, her makeup is not very similar to Qin Anran, the peony-like flower of wealth and wealth in the world.

Speaking of which, He Mengtian and Qin Anran are not very similar.

Without makeup and clothes, her appearance would at best resemble Qin Anran.

This kind of imagination appears in the eyes of the world as a certain angle or a certain expression.

Now, He Tiantian did not imitate Qin Anran's dressing style and makeup style, but instead tried to amplify her original temperament and appearance.

She is even more unlike Qin Anran.

This, this seriously touched Gu Hong's point of view!

"Does it look good? Senior brother!"

He Tiantian pretended to be playful and said with a smile before Gu Hong lost his temper, "My fashion matching teacher specially picked this for me!"

"You said that the right one is the best. The teacher thinks that this kind of makeup is the most suitable for me!"

"I, I don't understand very well, but the teacher is a professional, she will never lie to me, senior brother, are you right?"

The scolding that rushed to Gu Hong's lips was instantly choked back...

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