The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 642 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, what really made Gu Hong shut up was not that he "shot himself in the foot."

But Gu Hong was a little stunned——

The look of He Tiantian's playful smile actually overlapped with that of Qin Anran in high school in her memory.

The makeup and clothes are obviously not the same, and the facial features are not the same.

But Gu Hong still felt inexplicably similar.

This is a feeling that cannot be explained.

Gu Hong's heart was pounding. He didn't know that he was actually attracted to "He Mengtian" at this moment, but he stubbornly believed that he found the shadow of Qin Anran in "He Mengtian".

"Sure enough, I made the right choice. He Mengtian really looks like the former Qin Anran!"

Qin Anran at that time was Gu Hong's favorite.

That is to say, he could never forget that kind of beauty, so he could not forget Qin Anran and regarded her as the white moonlight in his heart.

He Tiantian pretended not to notice Gu Hong's dazed look. Hum, she knew that the original owner's playful profile looked most like Qin Anran.

Gu Hong was attracted to the original owner because of this smiling face.

It's not a physical resemblance, but a spiritual resemblance.

Gu Hong stubbornly regarded the original owner as a substitute. He held Qin Anran's photos all day long and forced the original owner to wear the same clothes and apply the same makeup in the name of love.

The original owner looks more and more like Qin Anran in appearance, but the charm is gone.

Painting a tiger is not like a dog!

The original owner lost his own temperament and was completely reduced to a substitute who looked like a copycat.

In the original plot, the main character Qin Anran returns and stands in front of the original owner in a noble and reserved manner.

Seeing such a flamboyant flower of human wealth, the original owner, who was covered in traces of imitation, collapsed instantly.

That kind of blow, that kind of trampling on self-esteem and self-confidence, almost destroyed the original owner.

And although the vicious female supporting character Qin Anran was responsible for all of this, the main culprit was still Gu Hong!

He wiped out the agility and temperament of the original owner, turning her from a confident and beautiful girl into a copycat with low self-esteem and depression.

Fortunately, the original owner was strong enough to choose to leave after suffering such a heavy blow.

Instead of being completely reduced to a pitiful and hateful "third party", let alone stalking Gu Hong.

"Senior brother, do you look good? Why don't you say anything?"

He Tiantian pouted her lips deliberately, looking a little arrogant.

Gu Hong's eyes brightened even more!


It’s so much like Enron!

Back then, this was how she used to play tricks on me.

Gu Hong's mind was filled with the youthful love of the past.

The anger that had just arisen because He Tiantian didn't dress and put on makeup according to his rules dissipated in an instant.


Gu Hong couldn't help but smile, put down his CEO airs, and looked at He Tiantian lovingly like a true lover.

He Tiantian:......


I feel like vomiting!

This way of looking for another woman through one woman is really disgusting.

If you really love Qin Anran, then go for it.

If you can't catch up, just let go.

As a result, I couldn't let go of my boss's arrogance and pursued her, but I turned around and found a substitute...

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian got angry just thinking about it.

"Senior brother, just think it looks good!"

He Tiantian looked relieved, and she said with a bit of joy, "The teacher chose this outfit for me yesterday, and I was still worried-"

Speaking of this, she deliberately glanced at Gu Hong,

He said softly: "This set of clothes is different from the clothes you picked out for me before. I'm afraid you won't like it."

"Fortunately, I remembered what you said, the one that suits me is the best! The teacher said it was suitable and she was a professional, so I believed her!"

He Tiantian's words made Gu Hong, who had a strange feeling in his heart after the surprise, instantly feel relieved again.

Yes, this is the "He Mengtian" he is familiar with.

What's weird?

He Mengtian has always been the silly girl who loved him the most and would give up herself for him!

Gu Hong no longer had any doubts and easily accepted He Tiantian's "transformation".

He Tiantian:......

Don't worry, this is just the first step!

Next, there is the most important step of transformation.

Qin Anran, oh no, they should be those rich ladies who think highly of themselves and are arrogant and willful. I'm looking forward to your performance!

He Tiantian thought to herself, and then sat in the back seat elegantly under Gu Hong's admiring and nostalgic eyes.


Gu Hong's eyes lit up again.

He was completely distracted by He Tiantian's "new look" and didn't pay attention to her demeanor for a moment.

At this moment, Gu Hong discovered that "He Mengtian" had become so elegant.

This is not to say that He Mengtian's manners were not good in the past. The new generation who grew up in a country of peace and rule of law have healthy native families, and their children basically do not have low self-esteem and cowardice.

He Mengtian also learned to dance when she was a child, and she didn't know how to hunch over her breasts.

However, she who comes from an ordinary family is still a little behind compared to those wealthy daughters who have been educated by celebrities since childhood.

I can't tell you the specific shortcomings, but with a little comparison, you can feel He Mengtian's shortcomings.

However, at this moment, He Mengtian's waist was straight and her slender neck was as elegant as a swan's neck.

Even just a sitting position conveys the noble temperament of a wealthy family.

Gu Hong even had the illusion that the "He Mengtian" in front of him was more elegant than the wealthy daughters he knew.

"Tsk, as expected, this money will not be wasted!"

Gu Hong thought of the one million he had taken out, and instantly understood the transformation of "He Mengtian".

Tsk, once the money is spent, your temperament will come out!

Of course, Gu Hong also knew that such amazing changes in "He Mengtian" were inseparable from her talent and hard work.

After all, it had only been a few days before she had completely changed.

In addition to money, there is also her subjective effort.

Gu Hong became more and more satisfied, and his cold thin lips outlined the arc of a smile.

He Tiantian really wants to complain about "thin lips". It is said that the bosses of ancient Chinese literature all have thin lips.

But the problem is, thin lips don’t look good.

It doesn't match the boss's unparalleled handsome persona.

He Tiantian sat elegantly, but she was complaining crazily in her heart.

Gu Hong didn't notice anything unusual about He Tiantian. On the contrary, He Tiantian gave him too many surprises today.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He was extremely looking forward to the reception banquet that was about to arrive.

When An Ran sees such an outstanding "He Mengtian", she will probably be jealous.

Qin Anran: ...I am jealous of your sister!

who do you think You Are?

Should all the women in the world revolve around you?

In a private club on the outskirts of the city, several rich second generations sat together, drinking wine, drinking tea, and chatting.

There are two main points of discussion -

One is Qin Anran, the protagonist of Jie Feng Yan.

Second, Gu Hong, the overlord who is closely related to Qin Anran.

"Hey, do you think Gu Hong and An Ran are really broken up?"

The speaker was a young man in his twenties. He was wearing brand-new brand-name casual clothes. He was sitting on the sofa and asked lazily.

"It should be over. Didn't he 'officially' announce his engagement?"

Gu Lan

The person who chatted was an equally young girl, average-looking, with slightly internet-famous makeup.

With shoulder-length hair and pink earrings, she looks quite "personal".

When she said the word "official announcement", her tone was even more mocking.

It's not a joke.

In their circle, it cannot be said that they are all business marriages, but they are basically well-matched.

It’s not that there aren’t Cinderella and Phoenix men trying to curry favor, but as people who grew up wealthy, they are not as “simple” or stupid as the world imagines!

They have been clear about who they can use to fall in love with and who they can use to get married.

Of course, with so many people, there will always be one or two exceptions.

After all, I have eaten too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, so I always want to try some porridge and side dishes.

But Gu Hong?

Gee, he really doesn't look like a love-crazed love brain.

Even though he is a love-minded person, the one he loves most in his heart is the eldest lady of the Qin family, not a little citizen who appears out of nowhere.

To put it bluntly, if Gu Hong really likes Cinderella and wants to marry her, he should report it to his parents.

Without parental consent, I just posted a photo on Moments.

Who are you trying to fool?

Or are you trying to irritate someone?

The young masters and ladies here are basically friends of Gu Hong or Qin Anran.

It can't be said that they grew up together, but they all know very well about the messy affairs between Gu Hong and Qin Anran.

Qin Anran has been gone for several years, and Gu Hong has not been seen getting engaged.

Just before Qin Anran returned to China, Gu Hong suddenly made an "official announcement".

Haha, if everyone really believed it, it would be an insult to their own intelligence.

"Huh? I heard that He is Lao Gu's secretary. He just graduated this year!"

Another rich man, holding a glass of red wine, pretending to taste it while gossiping.

"Oh, whoever is closer to the water gets the moon first? Rabbits only eat grass on the edge of their nests? Director Gu can do that!"

"Haha, I'm really curious. What does Miss He look like? She actually fascinated our always aloof Director Gu!"

"Tch! What's the use of being good-looking? You're a small bourgeois, so full of petty spirit that you'll be embarrassed even if you bring it out!"

"Don't say that. After all, she is a graduate of a prestigious university, which is much better than the Internet celebrity you like to play with!"

"That's right. Lao Gu is so picky, so he definitely doesn't want plastic surgery. That Miss He should have a natural face. She's a beauty, so she's not really worthless!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What's wrong with Internet celebrities? Today's celebrities are not as good as Internet celebrities. I think you are just jealous!"

"Why are you jealous of you? Are you jealous of the crappy live broadcast you watch every day?"

"...Okay, okay, let's talk about Lao Gu and An Ran. Why are they coming at me?"

Several young men and women were laughing and making a fuss.

At this moment, Gu Hong arrived with He Tiantian.

"Are you all here? Let me introduce you to He Mengtian, my fiancée!"

Gu Hong scanned the audience with his slender red phoenix eyes. He was a little disappointed when he didn't find the person he liked.

He thought to himself: An Ran hasn't come yet? Or, she refuses to come?

Probably the former.

Although An Ran is arrogant and willful, he has a character that sticks to his words.

If she promised to come, she would definitely come back.

Probably too late!

Gu Hong was guessing in his heart, but his face didn't reveal it.

He didn't even take the initiative to ask Qin Anran, but pushed He Tiantian in front of him and introduced him to everyone.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"sister in law!"

"Hello, Miss He!"

"Oh, this is Miss He. I have long admired her name!"

"Brother and sister, haha, I am Lao Gu's good brother. Just call me Brother Chen!"

Several rich second generations greeted He Tiantian enthusiastically.

Of course, it’s hard to say whether this kind of enthusiasm comes from the heart or is deliberately disguised.

He Tiantian was keenly aware of the eyes of these people and the malice hidden in them.

Very good, there are Qin Anran's best friends or best friends here.

Especially a feminine young man sitting alone in the corner. He didn't get up, let alone say hello to He Tiantian.

But the malice emanating from him was the strongest. Even if he lowered his head and seemed to be immersed in his own world, He Tiantian could feel his malice that was almost substantive!

Could this person be——?

He Tiantian is familiar with the plot, and naturally knows that the vicious female supporting character has a die-hard licking dog next to her.

Zhao Qingming?

This feminine man should be the biggest villain in this simple article about chasing a wife.

He's paranoid, he's severely mentally ill.

The bright and brilliant Qin Anran is a light in his heart and his belief.

For Qin Anran, Zhao Qingming did all kinds of bad things.

What Qin Anran hates the most is the heroine He Mengtian, so Zhao Qingming targets her everywhere.

If He Mengtian hadn't had the aura of being the heroine, and if Gu Hong hadn't woken up in time and tried his best to protect her, He Mengtian would have been killed by Zhao Qingming.

He Tiantian thought of some of the plots in the original novel, and subconsciously became wary of Zhao Qingming.

Although the ending should be he, He Mengtian will also have a happy ending.

However, she really suffered.

These injuries cannot be compared with simple words.

He Tiantian has traveled through time too many times and knows very well that the characters on paper are actually real people in the world.

If you get hit, you will feel pain.

If you get a cut, it will bleed.

Zhao Qingming...this yandere is a complete and utter pervert.

The heroine suffered a lot at his hands!

However, this time, it should be different.

The wild writer disguised himself as Qin Anran, who seemed to have a good outlook on life and broke up with Gu Hong neatly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Without the scumbag Gu Hong, there would be no love rival relationship between Qin Anran and "He Mengtian".


He Tiantian was not sure for a while whether this wild writer had any ill intentions towards the original heroine.

This time is not like the last world. As soon as He Tiantian passed through it, she had to face the harm done to the heroine by a wild copywriter.

The wild writer this time has been around for a while. She just broke up with Gu Hong and did not target "He Mengtian".

She didn't use the evil dog Zhao Qingming to hurt people secretly.

He Tiantian was a little confused. Qin Anran, a wild copywriter, didn't seem to be someone who would do whatever it took to get the job done!

Of course, these are just speculations. To get the final confirmation, you need to meet Qin Anran himself.

"Eh? Chen Ming, do you think this Miss He looks familiar?"

"... Damn, you said I haven't noticed yet, but what you said does sound a bit familiar?"

"Who does she look like to you?"

"Fuck! Qin Anran! Qin Anran in high school!"

While He Tiantian was sizing up Zhao Qingming secretly, several rich second generations were also discussing secretly.

Their voices were not quiet, at least He Tiantian and Gu Hong heard them.

Gu Hong looked as usual and showed no reaction.

He Tiantian deliberately looked shocked and confused.

At this moment, the rich second generation started shouting again: "An Ran is here!"

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