The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 644 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Gu Hong's eyes were so angry that his eyes were red, and his fists clenched loudly.

The rich second generation who were watching the excitement had no doubt that if someone provoked him at this time, this guy would definitely get into a rage and beat him up.

Of course, there are also true friends of Gu Hong among them, and they are very worried about Gu Hong.

However, they were worried because they still disagreed with Gu Hong's previous behavior of using a substitute.

They also sympathize with such an innocent girl like "He Mengtian".

They were really worried that Gu Hong would do something irreparable to "He Mengtian" in anger.

At that time, it will not be a simple bloody matter between men and women, but will involve morality, law, etc.

Don't look at the gossip about playboys getting into trouble all the time in the news. In fact, most rich second generations are very "sensible".

They are not very law-abiding, but they know what they should and should not do.

We are now in an era of advanced information. Although there are no short videos a few years later, certain blogs and social media still play a certain role in supervising public opinion.

Not to mention, Gu Hong is not an ordinary rich second generation. He is the CEO of the Gu Group. Once a scandal occurs, it will have an even greater impact on the Gu Group.

"Oh, Lao Gu, forget it!"

"That's right, we are all grown men, why bother with a little woman!"

"Let's break up. Let the past be over!"

Three or two of Gu Hong's best friends rushed forward and grabbed Gu Hong's arm.

There was a young man from a wealthy family who wore glasses and looked very elegant. He directly replaced Gu Hong and said to He Tiantian with a smile, "Miss He, don't say anything about paying back the money!"

"No matter what happened between you and Lao Gu, I believe that when he gave you the money, he must have been sincere and never thought of asking you to return it!"

"In the future, don't worry, Lao Gu will never bother you again!"

"Let's get together and part ways well, everyone is well!"

After saying this, the bespectacled man did not forget to tug Gu Hong's arm, give him a hidden look, and remind him: "Lao Gu, am I right?"

Gu Hong:......

Anger was still welling up in his chest.

However, Gu Hong still received the reminder from his good brother.

He took a deep breath. This matter was already embarrassing enough and could not be made worse.

"Yes!" Gritting his teeth, Gu Hong responded in agreement.

He can indeed cause trouble for "He Mengtian" without knowing it, but after all, he is the president of the Gu family.

Even if he can't cover the sky with one hand in the provincial capital, he still has no problem if he wants to quietly deal with an ordinary family.

Qin Anran stood close to Gu Hong, and naturally did not miss the flash of cold light in his eyes.

Originally, she didn't want to get involved in the sadomasochistic love affair between the male and female protagonists. However, her views and bottom line still made her unable to sit back and watch someone bully others.

Not to mention, He Tiantian shouted out the privacy of Gu Hong's substitute in public. Qin Anran, as another party involved, was also the target of offence.

If she didn't express anything, wouldn't others misunderstand that she and her Qin family were easy to bully?

After being humiliated to this extent by Gu Hong, she must have an attitude.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This kind of substitute game is not a deep attachment to her, but a blasphemy against her!

She ignored Gu Hong and his two or three brothers, but turned to He Tiantian and asked curiously: "He Mengtian, Miss He, I just heard you say that given you a month, you can make a lot of money." three million?"

"I didn't mean to offend you,

I'm just curious, what method did you use to earn three million, oh no, it should be more money! "

"After all, you just said that you have to pay back the principal with interest!"

Gu Hong and his brothers:...

What does Qin Anran mean?

By asking these questions on purpose, is she unwilling to expose this matter easily?

Or, she wanted to support He Mengtian!

In other words, even if they all resent Gu Hong at the moment, they may not be able to become friends.

Not all enemies of enemies can form alliances.

Qin Anran and He Mengtian are more like love rivals in disguise!

"I can trade stocks, and I can also bet on horses!"

He Tiantian looked at Qin Anran with a complicated expression.

Her "complexity" this time was not acting, but really a bit confusing.

As smart and perceptive as she is, how could she not feel that Qin Anran was helping her? !

By the way, this person is a wild copywriter. Shouldn't she be counterattacking the heroine?

The relationship between her and the original heroine is naturally antagonistic.

Even if she abides by her three views and bottom line and is unwilling to take the initiative to frame him, she will deliberately keep a distance, let alone help.

Doesn't she want to complete the mission?

Qin Anran: ...of course!

However, the way to complete the task is not absolute and only.

There is another way.

If "He Mengtian" in front of him was not so innocent, Qin Anran might not be soft-hearted.

Alas, she is indeed not a decisive writer.

It’s even more of a shameful face control!

Wow, seeing He Mengtian crying just now, she seemed to see her favorite Akina Nakamori from the Showa era.

That kind of broken beauty, that kind of pity that makes people cherish, is simply amazing!

Qin Anran thought that if He Mengtian still imitated him, he might not feel so pity.

But today, He Mengtian seems to have been "encouraged" by the engagement. Instead of continuing to be a copycat, he has restored his original temperament and appearance.

This made Qin Anran, who already thought she was innocent, couldn't bear to target her!

Then, "He Mengtian" broke out and slapped the scumbag twice, which was even more to Qin Anran's liking.


That’s it!

Qin Anran hated and resented the masochistic heroine who said, "You can torture me a thousand times, and then I can forgive you easily."

Born to be a bitch.

You deserve to be tortured!

And "He Mengtian" is obviously not this kind of speechless "love brain". She was indeed lost in love, but after recognizing the true nature of a scumbag, she woke up.

Hey, Qin Anran had wanted to do this for a long time by slapping Gu Hong twice!

She, who calls herself a queen, did not do it, but a fragile little woman with an average background did it.

Qin Anran couldn't help but give Tiantian a big thumbs up in his heart.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Stock trading? Betting on horse racing?"

While Qin Anran sighed secretly, he also didn't forget to pay attention to He Tiantian's answer.

She couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Hey, there seems to be no such description in the original plot.

However, the original novel mentioned that the heroine He Mengtian is a smart, capable, self-respecting, and independent girl.

Gu Hong and Qin Anran renewed their relationship, but she did not get entangled, but left decisively.

However, the novel does not detail what He Mengtian did after leaving. It seems that life is not bad.

Without Mr. Gu Ba's care, he could still support himself and his family by relying on his own abilities.

If Qin Anran hadn't continued to be a monster, deliberately pretending to be ill, and forcing Mr. Gu to capture He Mengtian and use it as a blood bank and mobile organ bank, she would have been living a good life.

Of course, Qin Anran was not overly superstitious about the original script.

Because from the moment she came through, the plot changed——

She did not pester Gu Hong like the original owner, but decisively chose to break up.

Such a major change will definitely cause a series of butterfly effects.

For example, in the original script, Gu Hong was not engaged to He Mengtian.

But now, not only is Gu Hong engaged, but he has also been dumped by his fiancée in public!

...So, the script and so on are just a reference.

"Yes! I love him, and I want to become better so that I can be worthy of him!"

When He Tiantian said this, he deliberately showed a sad expression.

This vulnerability passed in a flash, and she quickly became strong again, "Mr. Gu gave me one million, and I took it to sign up for many classes."

"Then, I discovered that I have some talents in stock trading, horse racing, etc. -"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Bai Fumei, the girl with pink ear-hanging ears, sneered, "Hey! Talent?"

Qin Anran glanced at the other person. This person's name was Liu Lina. She went to Pheasant University abroad to get a fortune. She didn't learn anything else, but she got the English name "Lina".

Liu Lina is also a female cannon fodder in the original novel. Because she has a crush on Gu Hong, she not only targets the heroine He Mengtian, but also hates the supporting actress Qin Anran.

Of course, such a vicious cannon fodder will not end well.

He Mengtian will not and has no ability to retaliate against Liu Lina, but Qin Anran is not a kind person.

Not to mention, she is accompanied by a crazy and paranoid Zhao Qingming.

Liu Lina was directly tortured to death by Zhao Qingming and received a lunch box very early.

Leaving the original script and returning to the present, Liu Lina likes Gu Hong, but naturally and instinctively hates Gu Hong's "fiancee".

When He Tiantian slapped Gu Hong just now, Liu Lina almost rushed up and beat He Tiantian.

If she hadn't been pulled by the little sister next to her, if she hadn't been afraid of exposing her secret crush, she would have really failed.

However, she didn't take action, but she deepened her hatred for "He Mengtian" - she didn't know what was good or bad! Not grateful!

What's wrong with using you as a substitute?

You are a small citizen, and Gu Hong treats you as a substitute, just to flatter you!

Moreover, even if you are a substitute, you were once Gu Hong's legitimate girlfriend and fiancée!

Such an honor, unless there is a special reason, will not be awarded to you at all.

As a result, you still——

He Tiantian \u0026 Qin Anran: ...brainless! There’s cat cake!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yeah, I'm very talented!"

He Tiantian was not polite at all to a brainless cannon fodder.

She nodded very immodestly, indicating that she was a genius.

Liu Lina was almost angered by the arrogant He Tiantian. She laughed angrily and deliberately looked up and down at He Tiantian, "Oh, I really didn't realize that Miss He is still a genius!"

"..." He Tiantian may have been greatly stimulated by the scumbag. She changed from her usual fragility and softness and became extremely flamboyant.

Faced with Liu Lina's provocation, instead of flinching, she smiled calmly.

As if to say, you didn’t see it, I don’t blame you!

Liu Lina:......

She rolled her eyes and suddenly clapped her hands vigorously, "Oh, what a coincidence!"

"Miss He said that she is a genius at horse racing, and the club we are coming to today has a racetrack. How about we go and bet?"

"Well, since it's a competition, there can't be any luck."

Liu Lina deliberately glanced at He Tiantian, full of provocation, "I won't take more, just a hundred thousand yuan-"

Liu Lina felt that for a little sparrow like "He Mengtian" who wanted to climb a high tree, one hundred thousand yuan was already a lot of money for her.

However, she did not expect that Qin Anran would continue to jump out to support He Tiantian.

Seeing Qin Anran imitating Liu Lina's behavior just now, she sneered, "One hundred thousand yuan?" How dare you use this little money to slap her in the face? !

Qin Anran didn't say the rest clearly, but the implication shouldn't be too obvious.

Liu Lina's face turned dark instantly.

She gritted her teeth and deliberately defended herself: "Am I not taking care of Miss He? What if the lottery I offer is too big, Miss He -" What if such a poor person is frightened again.

He Qiongsu Tiantian: “I don’t need you to take care of me, you can do whatever you want!”

Don't use me as a cover. If you don't have money, don't pretend to be a boss!

Qin Anran pouted again.

She discovered that this "He Mengtian" was really to her liking.

On the outside, she looks like a fragile glass beauty, but in fact, she is extremely strong on the inside.

She also has the potential to become a strong woman and a great quarrel!

Qin Anran's laughter stimulated Liu Lina even more.

On impulse, Liu Lina shouted: "One million! Huh, I'll use one million as a lottery, but I don't know Miss He -"

Before He Tiantian could speak, Qin Anran turned to He Tiantian and said, "I'll lend it to you!"

He Tiantian: ...No, dear, we are really not allies, but potential enemies.

If you help me like this, does your system know about it?

Seeing He Tiantian's surprised expression, Qin Anran said as if to explain, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to help you, but -"

She glanced at Liu Lina, and then blinked at He Tiantian. She didn't say it clearly, but He Tiantian understood what she meant.

"Yes, Qin Anran and Liu Lina don't get along very well. I guess at this moment, Qin Anran wants to use me to target Liu Lina."

"It's just that this sister believes in me too much. Doesn't she doubt whether I am a genius in horse racing?"

He Tiantian thought to herself, and soon she thought: Oh, I am really addicted to playing the role of a poor girl.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

How could I forget that for a real Bai Fumei, one or two million is really nothing.

If you can make yourself happy, it would be easy to spend millions.

"Okay! I'll write you an IOU!"

He Tiantian simply agreed.

Liu Lina became even more angry when she saw that their "love rivals" were discussing things like a pair of good sisters.

She suddenly thought of something and started to provoke Qin Anran: "Qin Anran, don't just lend money to Miss He. If you really believe in Miss He, you should play along!"

Qin Anran understood that Liu Lina had bad intentions, but she was not afraid.

"Let's play together, let's play together, isn't it just one million, I'll pay this bet!"

As soon as Qin Anran opened her mouth, her loyal dog licker Zhao Qingming naturally did not leave behind. Instead of being gloomy and silent just now, he came over and said in a low voice: "I will also pay one million, and I will bet on whoever wins the bet on Anran." Who wins!"

When other people saw that they had really set up a gambling game, they all came to join in the fun.

"Haha, I'll also step in, one million!"

"Tsk, if it's just one million, I'll follow..."

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