The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 645 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (10)

"I'll play too! Five million."

The speaker was a man about the same age as Gu Hong, but he didn't look as domineering and showy as Gu Hong.

His appearance, temperament, and gentle feeling are more in line with the standards of the affectionate male lead in romance novels.

In fact, he is indeed the male supporting character in the original novel.

Ye Chengze!

When He Tiantian and Qin Anran saw this man, they both called his name in their hearts.

This person is an important character in the original plot. If Zhao Qingming is Qin Anran's die-hard licker, then Ye Chengze is He Mengtian's king-level flower protector.

He is the standard second male setting:

Family background, appearance, talents, etc. are all on par with the male protagonist, and even slightly surpass the male protagonist in some aspects.

He fell in love with the female protagonist earlier and deeper than the male protagonist.

However, the second male lead, who has a deep love for each other and is extremely perfect, seems to be blind and cannot see the heroine, and only regards him as a "good person".

Even if he was heartbroken by the male protagonist, he still had to hang himself from this crooked tree.

As for the lead actor's various efforts, the heroine can only feel grateful and guilty, but can't feel any emotion at all.

No way, this is a routine from ancient romance novels.

Such an outstanding male lead just can't defeat the male lead and win the female lead's heart.

However, the male protagonist ignored the female counterpart who was the right match for him, and instead fell in love with Cinderella, who came from a humble background.

This novel is better. The heroine is not an ordinary, naive, and reckless girl.

The heroine's appearance and talent are not too bad.

Well, of course, this may have something to do with the setting of this article.

After all, this is a stand-in, and the heroine cannot look too ordinary, at least she has to be somewhat similar to the beautiful female counterpart.

He Tiantian complained secretly.

Qin Anran couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

The two of them would embarrass Gu Hong in public like this.

There is also a reason for Ye Chengze.

In the provincial capital, the Ye family is on par with the Gu family.

Moreover, some of the Ye family's businesses are related to the military industry, so the Ye family has some dealings with the military.

In this regard, the Ye family seems to be stronger than the Gu family.

There is cooperation between the Ye family and the Gu family, but more competition.

One is the richest man (Ye family), and the other is the second oldest in a thousand years (Gu family). If the two families could get along harmoniously, even a fool would not believe it.

A few years ago, in order to compete for a piece of land, the two families almost fell out.

People of the younger generation might be able to get together for a drink and whitewash the situation, but everyone in the circle knew that the Ye family and the Gu family were at odds.

And this discord extended to the two heirs, Ye Chengze and Gu Hong.

The two are similar in age and have been compared since childhood.

Fortunately, both of them are very good, and no one is the control group of the other.

But in this excellent situation, it is easy for people to sigh that "it is bright for a moment".

As the parties being compared, even if there is no personal grudge between the two, it is difficult for them to become truly good brothers.

In fact, the relationship between Ye Chengze and Gu Hong is not very good.

In addition to family competition and the fact that they are always compared, the two people's views are not consistent.

Ye Chengze is more like a gentle gentleman. He is not domineering or arrogant, nor does he bully others.

As for Gu Hong, he is the real overlord. Although he is not prone to "Tianliang King Breaking" at every turn, he is also very egotistical and arrogant.

The two people seem to be two extremes, like two parallel lines that do not intersect and dislike each other.

Today, Gu Hong was slapped in the face by He Tiantian and Qin Anran one after another, but he didn't get angry on the spot because Ye Chengze was also present.

He couldn't give someone a handle and give Ye Chengze a reason to criticize the Gu family!

Clenching his fists hard, Gu Hong's eyes were full of anger.

"Director Gu, you don't mind, do you?"

Ye Chengze chuckled lightly, looking very gentle and elegant.

However, his words were quite provocative, "It's just for fun, to join in the fun. Director Gu is a person who does big things, so he won't care too much about it, right?"

Gu Hong: ...Yes, no, you have already said it, why are you asking labor and management?

Gu Hong was so suffocated that he almost suffered internal injuries, but he couldn't explode yet.

He suppressed his anger and said coldly, "I don't mind!"

There was Qin Anran and Ye Chengze today, and he definitely couldn't "mind" it.

However, after today——

A cold light flashed in Gu Hong's eyes.

At dawn, the Qin family should go bankrupt!

Gu Hong discovered that he had really indulged Qin Anran in the past. If he had made the Qin family bankrupt earlier and lost the family's support, Qin Anran would not be so indulgent towards him.

And "He Mengtian"!

This woman actually dared to hit him, and she did it in such a humiliating way as to slap him.

Gu Hong hated her so much.

If there was a trace of guilt and a trace of affection for He Mengtian before, now, it all turned into deep hatred.

Originally, he wanted to compensate her and give her a good future.

But now...

Gu Hong clenched his fists hard. He must make He Mengtian regret it!

He Tiantian: ...Haha, I really think that I am the domineering president of Tianliang King Po.

Even Ye Chengze didn't dare to fight hard, so Gu Hong only dared to bully weaker women.

He Tiantian really looked down on a scumbag like Gu Hong.

However, she didn't want to offend Ye Chengze, the affectionate male supporting actor.

In the original plot, Ye Chengze fell in love with "He Mengtian" at first sight today.

Oh, that’s not right either!

Today was not the first time Ye Chengze met He Mengtian.

In fact, Ye Chengze had met her a long time ago and was quite impressed by her.

Compared with the far-fetched brother-sister relationship between He Mengtian and Gu Hong, Ye Chengze is really He Mengtian's schoolmate.

Both of them are students from S University in the provincial capital.

However, Ye Chengze is a graduate student and He Mengtian is an undergraduate student.

However, they are both from the same department and have taken classes from a professor. They are considered relatively serious seniors.

Ye Chengze liked the elegant and soft He Mengtian very much, and then he used his relationship as a "fellow disciple" to get in touch with her.

As the interactions between the two parties deepened, Ye Chengze discovered more and more that He Mengtian not only attracted his heart by her temperament, but also liked her personality, her style of dealing with things, her pride and persistence.

Slowly, he fell in love with this girl with broken beauty but strong self-love, and was willing to do everything for her.

When He Mengtian knew that she was a substitute, she was heartbroken and ready to leave, but it was Ye Chengze who helped her leave.

Later, He Mengtian was secretly kidnapped by Gu Hong, and it was Ye Chengze who found her whereabouts and rescued her.

It's a pity that the heroine just doesn't like such a good supporting male character and insists on having a happy ending with a scumbag who hurts her.

He Tiantian \u0026 Qin Anran: ...Such a setting makes people really speechless!

Of course, complaints are complaints, but He Tiantian will not choose to do this or that with the second male lead just because she is moved.

Well, I’ll leave such a perfect male lead to the readers.

She is a former heroine, she has a career, and she is beautiful alone. Isn’t it delicious? !

"Thank you, Second Young Master Ye, for your support!"

Gu Hao

He Tiantian neatly agreed to Ye Chengze's bet, and then rushed to the club's racecourse with a group of second-generation rich people.

He Tiantian was so polite to Ye Chengze, and there was no sense of disobedience.

Don't worry about exposing anything.

Because in the original plot, Ye Chengze also had a crush first, and then became a king-level spare tire who worked hard and paid silently.

Qin Anran didn't notice anything unusual.


After He Tiantian arrived at the racecourse, he and Liu Lina always had an inexplicable feeling when they chose the horses to bet on.

It's just that the feeling was too subtle, and He Tiantian didn't catch it for a moment.

She simply shook her head, suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, and concentrated on choosing horses.

"I choose horse racing No. 3!"

He Tiantian touched all the horses and finally chose the black horse, which was not the most outstanding.

"Tch! What do you mean by talent? Do you understand?"

Seeing that He Tiantian chose No. 3, who had not been performing well recently, Liu Lina, who was still a little uneasy at first, felt relieved instantly.

She couldn't help but laugh out loud, saying bluntly that He Tiantian didn't know how to pretend to understand.

"I choose No. 6! He is the strongest among the several horses!"

When Liu Lina pointed to her choice, her expression of pride could not be too obvious.

He Tiantian ignored Liu Lina's sarcasm and looked at everyone.

Qin Anran also ignored Liu Lina and said directly, "I will take care of Miss He!"

Zhao Qingming hurriedly followed, "I'm just like An Ran!"

Gu Hong gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take care of Lina!"

Originally, he wanted to leave in anger, but Ye Chengze spoke up and expressed his willingness to participate in the bet. He, Gu Hong, couldn't give in!

Isn’t it just five million? He also followed!

Other rich second generations placed bets one after another. Some chose He Tiantian, but more people still bet on Liu Lina's side.

There is no way, no matter how dandy Liu Lina is, she is still in their circle.

Maybe he is not very proficient in horse racing, but he is much better than the little sparrow who has never seen much of the world.

Yes, they didn't believe He Tiantian's "talent for horse betting" at all. They just regarded this family's ordinary little stand-in as bragging.

In the end, only Ye Chengze remained silent.

He looked at Liu Lina, then at He Tiantian, and curled his lips, "I choose Miss He!"

Everyone just thought he was going against Gu Hong again.

Even Gu Hong was cursing secretly in his heart: You, Ye Laoer, are always going against me.

Qin Anran was familiar with the plot, and she knew that Ye Chengze must have fallen in love with He Mengtian.

Thinking about it, in the original plot, He Mengtian was so embarrassed that Ye Chengze fell in love with her at first sight.

As for "He Mengtian" at this moment, there is no embarrassment, only broken beauty that makes people feel distressed. Ye Chengze, who likes this relationship, will only fall further.

He Tiantian frowned slightly.


That weird feeling is back!

what happened?

Why do you feel this way?

He Tiantian couldn't help but feel a little wary.

However, her face did not show any signs of it, but showed a confident but inevitably nervous look.

Everyone placed bets one after another. Because of the two "big guys" Ye Chengze and Gu Hong, the total bet in a horse racing game was as high as 27 million.

Several horses came to the starting line, and as the staff waved flags, the race officially began.

"Quick! Run!"

"Yes! Overtake it, haha, quickly overtake it!"

"...Oh, No. 3's performance is very average. If I had known, I would have——" He would have taken care of Liu Lina.

"That's right! But it doesn't matter. It's just one million, so An Ran can take over!"

"Haha, I knew my No. 6 was the most powerful, No. 6! No. 6!" Liu Lina smiled proudly.

However, before she could be proud for too long, she discovered that the situation on the field suddenly changed.

No. 3, who had been lazily following behind, actually broke out at the last moment.

He passed several horses one after another and rushed to the side of No. 6.

In the end, he crossed the finish line first with a one-third horse length advantage.

Lose, lose!

She, she actually lost like this? !

He Tiantian, Qin Anran and others were very happy.

He Tiantian believed in her own vision, while Qin Anran knew that she had the aura of being a heroine.

Tsk, the heroine's luck is no joke.

Therefore, after many writers enter the world of novels, the "shortcut" they are most willing to choose is to counterattack the protagonist and replace him or her as the new protagonist.

In this way, they will have the halo of protagonists and get twice the result with half the effort.

Qin Anran also wanted to take shortcuts, but she didn't like the word "plunder".

Especially this time, the original heroine "He Mengtian" is really to her liking.

She didn't want to fight back and slap her in the face, let alone hurt such an innocent person for no reason.

She chose another way to complete the task: bypassing the heroine and opening up a new story line.

Maybe this road will be more difficult, but Qin Anran feels at ease.

"Miss He, you really know how to form horses!"

Qin Anran suppressed the complicated thoughts in his mind and said to He Tiantian with a smile.

He Tiantian raised the corners of her lips and showed a faint smile, "I don't really 'understand', I just have an intuition!"

"Oh, this is a talent!"

"Haha, good intuition. Miss He, your intuition is really good!"

Several Qin Anran's best friends chose He Tiantian together because of Qin Anran's relationship.

Originally it was just to save face, but unexpectedly, He Tiantian actually made them a small profit.

They happily distributed the money, and everyone was a little more kind to He Tiantian.

They originally wanted to give "He Mengtian" a blow and make her look ugly in front of others.

However, after witnessing the falling out between He Tiantian and Gu Hong, they suddenly felt that this "He Mengtian" was not the money-worshiping girl they imagined, but a sweet-tempered person who dared to love and hate.

This is very appetizing for this group of white and rich beauties!

The most ridiculous thing is to die for men. The world is so big and there are so many men, why hang yourself on a crooked tree?

Especially what Gu Hong did was so disgusting.

Stand-in joke?

He was so kind.

He not only desecrated Enron, but also hurt an innocent girl.

As women, except for Liu Lina, who was so obsessed with Gu Hong that her mind became unclear, there was no one Bai Fumei present who did not secretly curse Gu Hong as a scumbag.

They felt a little more pity for "He Mengtian".

At this moment, Bai Fumei discovered that "He Mengtian" was not a little white flower and a pitiful little girl who could be bullied.

She is a tomboy with contrasting cuteness. Not only does she have a lovable personality, she is also a "genius".

Betting on horses, riding horses, archery, shooting... there is no event that "He Mengtian" can't do in the club!

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