The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 646 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"I've learned it, but I'm not very good at it! I can play with you all!"

He Tiantian is very humble.

At first, the rich second generation believed her words.

However, after "playing" a few times and seeing her amazing performances with their own eyes, everyone finally became numb.

They even had strong doubts about the words "not very good"——

Ma De, you are playing like this, and you still call it "unable"!

So how do you play to be called "good"?

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank Boss Gu! If he hadn't paid for me to go to various training classes, I, a Cinderella from a commoner background, would not have been exposed to these high-end skills."

He Tiantian experienced a stimulation and seemed to have completely let herself go.

While she was joking with everyone, she didn't forget to stab Gu Hong again.

Gu Hong: ...I really can’t bear it anymore.

I hate that bastard Ye Chengze, who obviously doesn't like these noisy things, but still insists on leaving.

He wasn't like this before. Every time he encountered a gathering of dandies like this, he would just show up, say a few words and then leave.

Today was a good day. Not only did I participate in the gambling game, but I also played it from beginning to end.

If Ye Chengze doesn't leave, Gu Hong won't be able to leave either.

Otherwise, it would be as if he was afraid of Ye Chengze.

Gu Hong was already embarrassed enough and didn't want to lose to Ye Chengze again.

Gritting his teeth and holding back his anger, he watched "He Mengtian" flying around among the crowd like a butterfly.

Gu Hong cursed secretly, "Huh, what a He Mengtian, I really misjudged you!"

In the past, I thought she was a simple, fragile and good girl, but unexpectedly, she turned out to be a vain, money-worshiping little bitch.

I really think that those dandies really treat you as "one of their own" by flattering you.


Each circle has its own rules.

If you are not in the same circle and have to force your way in, you will only be treated as a joke.

These rich second generations, they just treat "He Mengtian" as a casual teasing thing for the sake of Qin Anran.

She really thinks she is a dish.

Although Gu Hong said this to vent his anger, it was not unreasonable.

The circle is different, but if you insist on joining, you are destined to not be accepted.

At first, the second generation of wealthy people did regard "He Mengtian" as an "actor" for their own entertainment.

But as He Tiantian showed her strength little by little, their ideas changed unknowingly.

Awe and admiration are not words, but they are not contemptuous either.

After all, no matter when or where, everyone still has a minimum of respect for those who are truly capable.

Maybe it's just some entertainment projects, but if you can't do it, but others can do it, the other person has merit.

Not to mention, this person is good-looking, and Qin Anran helps support him. Everyone can't treat each other as one of their own, and they won't be too repulsive or disgusted.

Just have fun together and make each other happy, so why make it unpleasant.

In particular, a few people with keen intuition also discovered that besides Qin Anran, Ye Chengze seemed to have a special regard for this "He Mengtian".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


Ye Chengze, the most special being in their circle.

With a good background, good looks, and a clean mind, he is simply a breath of fresh air among the rich second generation.

Like Gu Hong, they are all other people's children.

Moreover, Ye Chengze is more likable than Gu Hong.

Gu Hong is domineering, acting like he is the most arrogant and awesome all day long.

Although the Gu family is indeed rich and Gu Hong is indeed awesome, this arrogant expression really makes people feel uncomfortable.

Ye Chengze was different, as gentle as jade, gentle and gentle.

He would never bully others, nor did he have the superiority complex of "looking at rubbish" when dealing with a bunch of dudes.

Everyone was more willing to get along with Ye Chengze.

It's just that Ye Chengze seems to be easy to get along with, but in fact he is alienated from everyone.

He is about the same age as Gu Hong, but he has never been in a relationship or had any scandals.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, could this person be too aloof and cold, and look down upon the human body?

At this moment, they were shocked to discover that Ye Chengze actually valued Gu Hong's "ex-fiancée", a poor substitute.

Tsk, is Ye Chengze deliberately irritating Gu Hong, or are he and Gu Hong the "true love" who even look at people with the same eye-catching eye? !

Several dudes secretly exchanged glances, and the atmosphere at the scene became a little weird.

As a party involved, He Tiantian naturally felt it.

Ye Chengze should have also seen the eyes flying in the air, but he didn't pay attention.

Qin Anran looked like she was looking forward to a good show. She knew that the male supporting actor would fall in love with the female protagonist.

This famous scene of "love at first sight" is quite interesting to watch on the spot.

I just don’t know if the heroine will fall in love with the male counterpart.

After all, this moment is different from the original plot. The heroine seems to have completely abandoned the scumbag hero.

With the determination shown by "He Mengtian" just now, she probably won't take Gu Hong's advice again.

And without her, Qin Anran, the vicious female supporting character, to disrupt the situation and help sharpen their relationship, the relationship between the heroine and the hero might really be over.

Without the male protagonist, but with an affectionate, thoughtful and considerate male partner by her side, what choice will the female protagonist have?

Qin Anran was really curious, wishing he could transform into a melon-eating crowd and watch the show all the time.

"Mengtian, you really had a lot of fun today!"

After spending most of the day together, Qin Anran and He Tiantian had become familiar with each other.

No longer the polite "Ms. He" and "Ms. Qin", they began to call each other's names when getting along.

In addition, Qin Anran and several rich second generations who admired He Tiantian's personality and talents all exchanged contact information with He Tiantian.

When it was time to say goodbye, Qin Anran said goodbye to He Tiantian very reluctantly: "When we have time, let's go out and play together again!"

"Okay! Not only did I have fun today, I also gained a lot!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked greedy for money.

There was no clear explanation of what kind of gains there were, but everyone present knew it.

Gu Hong's face darkened unexpectedly.

Ye Chengze watched with a smile, his eyes looking at He Tiantian full of affection.

"Oh! Second Young Master Ye is really tempted!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tsk, I really can't tell that Ye Chengze actually likes this thing too!"

"Tch, what's so good about this woman? Why do two people like her?"

"No! Gu Hong doesn't like her. Have you forgotten that he initially used He as his substitute?"

"Wait! There seems to be something wrong! He is Qin Anran's stand-in. Ye Chengze has taken a liking to He. Could it be that-"

"How big are you! Open your eyes and see how He Mengtian and Qin Anran look alike? They are just two people, okay?"

"...Suddenly I feel like Gu Hong is a little blind!"

Everyone was discussing secretly again.

The look they looked at Gu Hong was full of weirdness.

Gu Hong: ...Today, he was really embarrassed!

"Qin Anran! He Mengtian! Just wait!"

Gu Hong secretly felt cruel in his heart.

Ye Chengze seemed to have noticed Gu Hong's evil intentions. He walked up to He Tiantian and said with a smile, "Junior sister, let me see you off!"

He Tiantian remained calm, with a slight smile still on his face, "Senior brother, will it trouble you too much?"

There was no rejection, but it wasn't very warm either.

It’s the mutual courtesy between friends.

"No trouble!"

Ye Chengze still looked gentle and gentle, but he seemed to be paying special attention to He Tiantian.

Gu Hong endured it for a long time, feeling that if he continued to endure it, he would really become a bastard.

"Second Young Master Ye, what's wrong, do you have a crush on this woman?"

When Gu Hong said this, his tone was obviously filled with disdain for He Tiantian.

As if she were some despicable being.

Ye Chengze frowned slightly and reminded with a hint of dissatisfaction, "Director Gu, Meng Tian is my schoolmate and she is a girl. When you speak, be polite!"

"Polite? Haha, Ye Chengze, you are too hypocritical!"

Gu Hong really couldn't bear it any longer. He didn't care about arguing with Ye Chengze and said directly, "I believe you don't know about the relationship between He Mengtian and I."

As a result, I just broke up with this scheming girl He Mengtian, and you showed that you have a crush on her.

Ye, tell me what you mean?

Are you targeting me on purpose?

Want to use He Mengtian to stimulate me?

Gu Hong is not a writer, he is just a native character in the book. He does not know the plot, so naturally he does not know that according to the original script, Ye Chengze fell in love with He Mengtian.

Gu Hong was sure that Ye Chengze was not going to deal with him.

He is "pursuing" He Mengtian now, not because of some bullshit love at first sight, but because he wants to provoke Gu Hong!

Gu Hong was the overbearing boss and had long been accustomed to being the only one who controlled everything. How could he tolerate such humiliation from Ye Chengze?

"I know, Mengtian is your 'ex' fiancée!"

Ye Chengze deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "front".

Then, he tilted his head, as if he had thought of something, and said in a pretentious tone, "Actually, even the identity of the fiancée is worthy of discussion!"

He touched his chin, "If I remember correctly, Director Gu didn't seem to hold any engagement ceremony!"

Therefore, being a fiancée is not justifiable.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Gu Hong and He Mengtian were at best boyfriend and girlfriend, the kind who had already broken up.

Speaking of this, Ye Chengze said affectionately, "My fair lady, a gentleman is so jealous. Director Gu, you have broken up with Meng Tian, ​​so you shouldn't stop others from pursuing her!"

Gu Hong: ...The gentleman who goes to the mud horse is a good man.

You know in your heart whether you like He Mengtian or you want to deliberately provoke me.

Ye Chengze seemed to think that Gu Hong was not stimulated enough, so he pretended to think for a while.

Suddenly he said, "Oh, I thought about it, is there anything else between you and Meng Tian-"

He Tiantian endured the weirdness in her heart and hurriedly came forward to "help".

By the way, He Tiantian didn't hesitate at all when it came to slapping the scumbag in the face.

"No! Gu Hong and I have been dating for less than a year. He transferred three million to me, and I have already paid him back with interest!"

He Tiantian continued to use the three million to stimulate Gu Hong.

Qin Anran, a fan who wanted to see the interaction between the male supporting actor and the female protagonist, took the opportunity to add another punch, "Yes, I can testify."

Although Gu Hong didn't even check his phone, "He Mengtian" had indeed transferred the money.

Qin Anran and several Bai Fumei who didn't mind watching the excitement all witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Gu Hong:......

He was too angry to complain.

Ye Chengze's eyes swept around Qin Anran and He Tiantian.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

The speed was very fast and not obvious, even Qin Anran didn't notice it.

He Tiantian felt something strange, but when she secretly looked at Ye Chengze, there was nothing strange about him.

There was an indulgent and doting look in his gentle eyes.

It seems that he is very satisfied with joining forces with Qin Anran and He Tiantian, the "good besties".


How strange!

He Tiantian's eyes were obviously gentle and doting, but something felt wrong.

However, now is not the time to study this, and He Tiantian can't find the reason even if he tries hard.

She could only suppress it for the time being and focus on dealing with Gu Hong, a scumbag.

"In addition to money, at most there are some small gifts! I will pack these and courier them to the company!"

"Oh, by the way, I also gave Gu Hong some gifts. Of course, they are not valuable. I guess Director Gu doesn't appreciate them either."

He Tiantian continued to target Gu Hong, "Dr. Gu, you don't have to return those things to me. You can just throw them away or burn them!"

After the money was paid back, the gifts would also be returned, so there was no longer any involvement between her and Gu Hong.

He Tiantian's meaning is very clear.

Ye Chengze took over the conversation and said with a smile, "Director Gu, I think when things have reached this point, there should really be some kind of relationship between you and Meng Tian."

Gu Hong gritted his teeth and said nothing.

He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would lose control.

He was really embarrassed today and he didn't want to break the record again!

"If Director Gu doesn't speak, he should be acquiescing!"

Ye Chengze looked gentle and elegant, but he was not someone who was easy to bully.

At this moment, he was even more aggressive.

When everyone saw it, they didn't doubt it, but felt that Ye Chengze really liked He Mengtian, that's why he was so strong.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yes, no matter how gentle and honest a man is, he will become different as long as he involves the woman he loves.

This is a real man!

The white and rich girls looked at Ye Chengze's appearance with cautious eyes.

They couldn't help but envy "He Mengtian".

Gee, this Miss He is really capable. The two most powerful people in their circle are actually related to her.

Regardless of the reason why Gu Hong dated He Mengtian, He Mengtian was indeed Gu Hong's decent girlfriend and fiancée.

Now there is another Ye Ershao as a substitute——

Such "good luck" makes even a girl who has no fond memories of Gu and Ye feel a little bit jealous of He Mengtian.


Ye Chengze heard the whispers of several rich second generations, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He Tiantian caught it this time, and the weirdness and uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

Qin Anran didn't know why, so he helped Ye Chengze and said, "If you don't speak, you will acquiesce. Therefore, Meng Tian has nothing to do with Gu Hong and can accept the pursuit of anyone!"

So, male supporting role or something, come on!

Directly defeat the male protagonist, replace the scumbag Gu, and become the new male protagonist of this small world...

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