The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 650 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


A mobile phone was thrown out of the owner's hands during the fierce struggle.

It fell onto the thick inflatable air mattress and shattered into pieces.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"I'm going to jump down! Bully me, you, they all bully me!"

The young man struggled desperately, but was tightly controlled by several firefighters who rushed forward.

"Zhang Hua! Stop making trouble, this won't solve the problem!"

Ye Chengze hates such people very much. The Ye family is destined to make a joke today!

He said coldly, "Don't worry, I will investigate the project and give you justice!"

"...Fart, you black-hearted capital, you, you will only protect those who take credit from others!"

"Let me go, let me go quickly and let me jump off the building! Didn't you say that I only know how to make trouble and don't dare to jump? I will jump to show you now!"

The young employee named Zhang Hua roared and struggled, and then pointed his finger at Ye Chengze.

"Chairman Ye, don't speak yet, don't irritate him anymore!"

The firefighters were helpless. While controlling Zhang Hua, they angrily "persuaded" Ye Chengze to shut up!

Ye Chengze:......

Noticing the flashing lights around him, Ye Chengze realized that he was so angry that he almost lost control again.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Chengze stiffened his face and said coldly: "Assistant Liu, you are responsible for talking to Zhang Hua!"

Try to suppress the matter as much as possible and find a way to shut up Zhang Hua!

Ye can't have similar negative reports.

"Yes! Dong Ye!"

Among Ye Chengze's assistants, a man in his thirties responded in a deep voice.

When Ye Chengze saw this, he wanted to leave temporarily.

The reporters who rushed up refused to let him go. They cheered and surrounded Ye Chengze.

"Director Ye, I heard that the employees of your company couldn't bear the unspoken rules in the workplace, so they committed suicide in anger!"

"Director Ye, is it common in Ye's family for old employees to bully new employees?"

"...Director Ye, what do you say about today's events?"

"Yes, Dong Ye, just say a few words!"

The reporters were all shouting, and the microphone almost hit Ye Chengze's face.

There were also a few passers-by holding cell phones in the crowd.

Of course, it can also be called self-media.

They are not regular media reporters, so their behavior is even more crazy.

These people squeezed in as hard as they could, constantly pushing the people around them.

Others were naturally dissatisfied with the crowding and pushing of these people, so they pushed and squeezed one after another.

The scene got a little out of control.

Ye Chengze, who was in the center, was like a small broken ship in a storm, almost drowned by the chaotic crowd.

Ye Chengze was upset and irritable, and his vigilance seemed to be lowered.

At this moment, a cold light flashed before his eyes.

Ye Chengze felt a sense of crisis coming over him, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"Ye Chengze, go to hell!"

A young man mixed in the crowd held a dagger in his hand and stabbed Ye Chengze in the chest with a ferocious look on his face.

As expected of a writer, Ye Chengze's body reacts faster than his brain.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's just that he was crowded with people and it was inconvenient to move. He could only avoid key parts, but he couldn't avoid the dagger.


The dagger pierced Ye Chengze's arm, causing severe pain and blood spurting out.

"Ah! Killing!"

"Come quickly, someone,

Someone is attacking with a knife! "


Everyone was frightened when they saw this scene and shouted at the top of their lungs.

The firefighters who were still controlling Zhang Hua saw this situation and quickly left Zhang Hua behind and ran closer.

They pushed through the chaotic crowd and reached out to grab the young man who was still committing the crime.

Ye Chengze endured the severe pain and felt relieved when he saw the firefighters controlled the man and the dagger was confiscated.

"Dong Ye! Dong Ye!"

"Are you okay? Call an ambulance!"

"Yes! Hurry up and fight the demon 20..."

Several assistants and Ye's senior executives were so anxious that they didn't care too much and started shouting.

Ye Chengze: "Don't, don't make any noise, I'm fine!"

"Assistant Li, put this matter down and don't make it a hot search topic!"

An employee jumped off the building to cause trouble, which was enough to embarrass Mr. Ye.

If it is revealed that the CEO has been assassinated again, it will not only be a shame, but their stock price will also be affected!

Ye Chengze endured the severe pain, forced himself to stay calm, and arranged everything one by one.

"Yes! Dong Ye!"

Seeing how calm Ye Chengze was, the flustered assistants and executives also calmed down.

They started to deal with things in an orderly manner.

However, there were too many people at the scene, and some people even started live broadcasting. It was unrealistic for Ye to unilaterally block the news.

Almost at the same time that Ye Chengze was "assassinated", relevant videos and reports appeared on the Internet.

"Yip's employees jumped off the building to accuse the unspoken workplace rules!"

"The CEO of the Ye family was assassinated!"

Horrifying titles like this quickly became hot searches.

Ye's public relations department hurriedly spent money to remove the trending search, but the power of the masses is too terrifying.

As soon as they removed a few articles, new related reports were pushed onto the hot search list.

Ye Chengze: ...Modan, who is messing with me!

Lying in the ambulance, Ye Chengze had realized that he had been framed.

Maybe even the employee who jumped off the building might have been instigated by someone else.

There was also the man who stabbed him with a dagger. As soon as Ye Chengze closed his eyes, he could recall his ferocious face.

He really wants to kill himself!

It's not a threat, it's not something to cause trouble, it's really about killing people!

Ye Chengze closed his eyes forcefully——


Who is it?

Ye Chengze went through it carefully in his mind, and there were people he might have a personal enmity with.

The first one on the list must be Gu Hong.

Ye Chengze and Gu Hong were originally a pair of "enemies". From childhood to adulthood, both of them had the indignation and helplessness of "how to be good when they are good".

Recently, after Ye Chengze came through, he teamed up with Qin Anran to encircle and suppress the Gu family.

If Gu Hong didn't have enough protagonist aura to survive, the Gu family would have gone bankrupt.

The boss himself knows better than anyone what will happen to a bankrupt boss.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Due to old and new grudges, Gu Hong definitely had reason to kill him!

However, Ye Chengze quickly denied this speculation.

Gu Hong did hate himself, but he was not a fool.

Even if you want to retaliate, you will choose a legal method.

Instead of buying murder to kill like today!

The boss is not stupid. He can bring down a company by means, but he dare not openly override the law!

If it wasn't Gu Hong, then it might be Zhao Qingming.

"Yes! Zhao Qingming!"

This man is a jerk and has no concept of morality and law.

He will only do what he wants to do.

Although he thought it was unlikely, after all, Ye Chengze did not provoke Zhao Qingming on purpose.

However, Ye Chengze is a normal person, and he cannot understand the brain circuitry of snake essence disease at all.

Perhaps, in Ye Chengze's view, he was just having a normal meal with his partner (that is, Qin Anran), but in Zhao Qingming's eyes, it meant that he was having a private meeting with Qin Anran!

When he first chose to cooperate with Qin Anran, Ye Chengze had thought that Zhao Qingming might misunderstand him!

And for a lunatic like him, if he misunderstands, he will kill someone!

This obviously crazy and clumsy method of paying someone to kill someone was most likely the work of Zhao Qingming.

Ye Chengze was thinking this way, and suddenly, the driver of the car exclaimed: "Oh, is the driver of the garbage truck drunk?"

As the driver cursed, the car began to shake.

It was obvious that the driver was steering the wheel, trying to avoid the oncoming garbage truck.

Ye Chengze opened his eyes suddenly and looked forward with all his strength.

Through the window of the ambulance, Ye Chengze was shocked to see a garbage truck that seemed to be out of control, crashing straight towards them!


The driver turned the steering wheel desperately, but in the end he still couldn't avoid the crazy garbage truck.

The weight and power of a huge truck with a bucket full of dirt can be imagined.

After colliding with such a "Big Mac", the front of the ambulance was flattened.

The whole car was like a toy car. It was knocked out and rolled on the ground several times.

As if the garbage truck wasn't enough, it actually chased the emergency vehicle that was about to fall into pieces.

At the critical moment, the nearby traffic police were dispatched.

They tried to force the garbage truck to stop. Although the driver looked crazy, he still had a hint of awe for the police.

Suddenly, the driver turned the steering wheel and hit the flower bed only a few steps away from the ambulance.


The garbage truck overturned, the garbage was scattered all over the floor, and the driver fainted on the spot.

"Save people! Hurry, save people!"

Traffic police and enthusiastic passers-by gathered around him.

In the ambulance, the driver had fallen into a coma with blood all over his face.

The two first responders were doing better and suffered only minor injuries.

Ye Chengze was more unlucky. His arm was injured, and the car rolled over him, hit his head directly, and passed out.

Before he fell into coma, a thought flashed through Ye Chengze's mind, "Zhao Qingming, you idiot, I'm not done with you!"

Qin Anran \u0026 He Tiantian, who heard the news one after another:... Damn it, he is really a crazy critic.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Like Ye Chengze, they, after Ye Chengze's accident, the first thing they thought of was Zhao Qingming.

This guy is horrible and makes no sense.

He wouldn't even consider that Ye Chengze and Qin Anran might just be ordinary partners. He just wanted to kill everyone around Qin Anran.

It was "He Mengtian" who did not become Qin Anran's love rival this time, but became her best friend, which also made Zhao Qingming feel an eyesore.

If it weren't for the fear of Qin Anran being angry, Zhao Qingming would probably have killed He Tiantian.

As paranoid as he is, he just wants Qin Anran to only see him in her eyes and heart.

Not to mention friends, Qin's father and mother, Zhao Qingming secretly disliked him and wished he could kill them all.

The best situation is probably to imprison Qin Anran, and only he can guard him.

Qin Anran saw videos related to Ye Chengze's assassination, car accident, etc. on the Internet, and he was in a state of horror.

She knew that Zhao Qingming was crazy, but she still didn't expect that this person would be so crazy.

She couldn't imagine what terrible things Zhao Qingming would do to her in the future if she couldn't control him.

Imprison her, break her bones, or just kill her! ?

Abnormalities and snake diseases written in various novels kept flashing in Qin Anran's mind!


We can no longer allow such a snake spirit disease to come out and cause harm to the world.

This time it was Ye Chengze, next time it would be Qin Anran's turn.

Even He Tiantian felt that she could no longer tolerate dangerous elements like Zhao Qingming.

In the past, He Tiantian was worried about ruining her character, but without a proper reason, she couldn't take action rashly. ;

But this time——

"An Ran, who wants to harm Second Young Master Ye?"

He Tiantian pretended to be panicked and discussed with Qin Anran, "Young Master Ye is such a gentle and kind person. When doing business, he has never behaved in a domineering or unforgiving manner."

"Who is it that hates him so much that he wants to kill him? Or twice in a row?"

Qin Anran: ...Of course it’s Zhao Qingming’s crazy critic.

However, Qin Anran couldn't talk nonsense about this matter without evidence.

Qin Anran can also understand "He Mengtian"'s doubts.

After all, "He Mengtian" is different from her. She doesn't know the plot, and she doesn't have a God's perspective.

She is just a heroine with the aura of the protagonist——

Wait, the protagonist’s halo!

Qin Anran suddenly thought that besides Zhao Qingming's madness, Ye Chengze might be so unlucky because of "luck".

Ye Chengze is always against the male protagonist, and he is more or less subject to the backlash of luck.

Before Gu Hong made a move, Ye Chengze suffered double the damage when he criticized the third male actor like crazy!

"So, it's not easy to counterattack the male protagonist."

Qin Anran thought of Ye Chengze's tragic situation and once again lamented that he had not chosen the wrong path.

"I don't know, the police are still investigating. I believe there will be results soon!"

Qin Anran secretly rejoiced, but still had a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes! The police will definitely find the real culprit!"

He Tiantian pretended to be indignant and said, "That person is too scary and cruel! How can he kill someone?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When Qin Anran saw the heroine "He Mengtian", she expressed that she wanted to find out the truth as soon as possible. She felt that the heroine's luck should be able to offset part of the backlash that Ye Chengze suffered.

Sure enough, on the third day after Ye Chengze was admitted to the hospital, the police discovered that the person who assassinated Ye Chengze and the driver of the garbage truck had received huge transfers.

In this way, both incidents are identified - not an accident or a vent of anger, but deliberate murder!

However, the person behind the scenes was very cautious. The account used for the transfer was a secret overseas account, and the police could not find it at all.

The clue was lost.

Ye Chengze didn't care about this, because he knew who the real culprit was without evidence.

He also knew that even if Zhao Qingming was found, the Zhao family only needed to show cases from earlier years, and Zhao Qingming could still escape legal sanctions.

Not to mention, the Zhao family still has some official connections.

It is not easy for Ye Chengze to make Zhao Qingming surrender or pay the due price.

Moreover, Ye Chengze also realized that he would be hit one after another because of his unlucky nature.

"The male protagonist's luck backfires, he is really domineering!"

Lying on the hospital bed, Ye Chengze couldn't care less about Ye's stock price. He just wanted to break the situation as soon as possible!

"...I still have to pursue He Mengtian!"

Ye Chengze closed his eyes and muttered helplessly in his heart...

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