The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 651 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Mengtian, thank you for coming to see me!"

Ye Chengze's head was wrapped in a thick bandage, with one arm hanging around his neck, looking very embarrassed.

However, he still tried his best to show his gentle and elegant side.

He is extremely affectionate towards "He Mengtian".

If He Tiantian hadn't seen the indifference in his eyes with her own eyes, she might have been deceived by his superb acting skills.

"Chengze, you are too polite. We are all friends. How can I not come to visit you when you are injured and hospitalized?"

Ye Chengze acted, and He Tiantian was happy to cooperate.

She knew very well why Ye Chengze changed from a programmed pursuit to a "pursuing and violent pursuit".

Haha, Second Young Master Ye felt the backlash from the male protagonist and wanted to recruit her, the female protagonist, to help ward off luck.

He Tiantian didn't like being taken advantage of, but thinking that they still had a common goal for the time being, they just cooperated.

There is no other way, He Tiantian still wants to punish and take revenge on the scumbag Gu.

However, due to the limitations of her trap and personality, she could not kill everyone openly and openly. She could only hide in the dark, like a native who knew nothing, and let these wild writers take advantage of her!

Yes, these!

Because He Tiantian knew that it was not just Ye Chengze who would think of using her to deal with Gu Hong.

Even Qin Anran would actively invite her to "do business" with her.

No, He Tiantian received a call from Qin Anran just after she came out of the hospital.

"Mengtian, there is a project, please invest in it."

Qin Anran is much better than Ye Chengze. She does have the intention of taking advantage of "He Mengtian", but she also really wants to help this new best friend make money.

"What project? An Ran, you also know that I don't have much funds on hand!"

He Tiantian showed some interest, but also hesitated.

"New energy + driverless cars."

This is the key project used by Qin Anran and Ye Chengze to snipe Gu Hong.

Why was a driverless car added? Because there was news from Ye Chengze's informant in the Gu family that Gu Hong was vigorously researching this technology.

He probably still wanted the Qin family to "break the Tianliang King", so after the Gu family's crisis was temporarily relieved, he deliberately set up a project to target the Qin family.

Qin's main focus is manufacturing, and its car brands are their most profitable projects.

New energy vehicles have caused Qin's stock price to skyrocket, attracting large amounts of venture capital investment.

If Gu Hong wants to bankrupt the Qin family, he must completely destroy the Qin family's car brand.

However, Qin Anran had graphene energy in his hands, so Gu Hong tried every means to develop new energy sources.

He is the male protagonist, and his luck far exceeds that of the female and male counterparts.

Therefore, after a period of offering huge rewards, Gu's scientific research institute actually made a breakthrough in nuclear energy technology.

If Gu Hong didn't think it was enough, he added a super artificial intelligence, namely driverless technology!

If the Qin family didn't have a way to deal with it, it was really possible that Gu Hong would succeed in counterattacking.

"...Such a project must require a huge investment." The little money she had was simply not enough.

He Tiantian blinked his eyes and showed a bitter smile.

In recent months, she used the money she earned from horse racing to open a small company with several rich second generations.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I made some money and seemed to be somewhat successful.

However, in order to maintain his character, He Tiantian did not dare to be too public.

Her business can only be considered a small success, not a huge profit.

And the funds she has on hand,

Only one or two million.

It is simply a joke to invest such a small amount of money in a large market such as automobile manufacturing.

Seeing "He Mengtian's" forced smile, Qin Anran knew what this girl was thinking.

Having known "He Mengtian" for several months, Qin Anran finally got to know her——

As expected of a heroine, she has a bottom line when she sees things right.

Even if you become friends with a group of rich second-generation people, it is just a pure "friendship between gentlemen" without too much money or interests involved.

She did not fawn over the eldest princess of the Qin family like Qin Anran, and she never thought about getting any benefits from Qin Anran.

For example, Qin Anran took the initiative to invite her to "invest" this time. Putting aside the secret of the heroine's luck that no one knew, judging from the incident itself, it was definitely Qin Anran who was supporting and taking care of "He Mengtian".

If it were anyone else, he might have accepted it happily.

"He Mengtian" did not. She still stuck to her bottom line and did not regard Qin Anran as a golden thigh or an easy target, but as a true good friend.

Faced with the huge temptation, "He Mengtian" was very clear-headed and wanted to refuse rationally.

Qin Anran feels more and more friendly with "He Mengtian", and is more and more glad that he made his original choice - not thinking about counterattacking and becoming the enemy of the heroine. But become good best friends with her who appreciate and help each other!

Before He Tiantian could refuse, Qin Anran hurriedly said with a smile: "Mengtian, don't think that I am letting you take advantage!"

"Actually, there's something I've never been embarrassed to tell you!"

Qin Anran deliberately looked uncomfortable, as if he had done something disgraceful.

He Tiantian deliberately opened her eyes wide, her round almond-shaped eyes full of doubts: "What's the matter?"

"What about that, Meng Tian, ​​have you noticed that you are very lucky!"

Qin Anran lowered his voice and said something mysteriously.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh, the supporting actress made a good excuse.

It sounds mysterious, but it also makes some sense.

He Tiantian continued to act like a simple and easy-to-deceive girl, "Am I very lucky?"

She was full of doubts. Firstly, she didn't really believe that she had any good luck. Secondly, she didn't understand what her good luck had to do with Qin Anran asking her to buy shares.

"That's right, look at how easily you won on the horse race back in the club!"

"And your subsequent entrepreneurship has been smooth sailing!"

"Mengtian, I know, you may say that luck is too mysterious and has no reason or basis!"

“However, for those of us doing business, this kind of invisible and intangible luck is very important.”

"...Haha, just think I'm superstitious. Anyway, I just think you're lucky, so I brought you here to be a koi for me!"

"Mengtian, we are good sisters, you won't stop helping me!"

"I have invested all my wealth in this new project, and there is no room for any mistakes..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Qin Anran had already said this, and if He Tiantian refused again, it would be a bit unkind.

However, she still pretended to be embarrassed and said, "I can help you! But, I really can't guarantee good luck-"

"Haha, I don't need your guarantee! I said, I just feel at ease!"

Seeing He Tiantian relieved, Qin Anran smiled and promised, "You just need to be the mascot for my new project, and you don't have to worry about anything else!"

"Mascot?" He Tiantian deliberately widened her eyes, seeming a little uncomfortable with her new title.

"Yes! You are definitely my mascot, the lucky cat and the wishing koi!" Qin Anran continued to joke.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, "Humph, whatever you think! Just don't regret it in the future!"

"No regrets! Definitely no regrets!"

I'm so sorry, the heroine's luck is definitely not a joke.

With her helping to resist the hero's halo, they will definitely be able to defeat Gu Hong this time!

Qin Anran had a cheerful smile on his face, but secretly swore in his heart.

When Ye Chengze heard about Qin Anran's investment in "He Mengtian", he seemed to like it and gave He Tiantian a share of his own shares.

The reasons are all ready, "Haha, An Ran is right, Meng Tian's luck is indeed very good!"

"I seem to have a little Mercury retrograde recently, Meng Tian, ​​can I lend you a little luck?"

Ye Chengze seemed to be joking, but his attitude was sincere and his tone was sincere. If He Tiantian didn't agree, it seemed like he was deliberately trying to make others unhappy.

"You're all making fun of me!"

He Tiantian pretended to be embarrassed and complained, and said, "Whatever you think. Anyway, I'm going to say something ugly first, I'm not a koi."

"If I can't bring you good luck in the future, you can't regret it either!"

Ye Chengze, like Qin Anran, shook his head crazily, "I don't regret it! I promise I won't regret it!"

So, He Tiantian also invested one million yuan and obtained 5% of the shares of the new automobile project from Ye Chengze.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but after formally signing the share agreement with "He Mengtian", Ye Chengze felt that his injuries seemed to be recovering faster.

"It's definitely not an illusion! The world's consciousness is so biased, and the heroine's luck is indeed very strong!"

Ye Chengze didn't show it on the surface, but he was resentful in his heart.

He blames the unfairness of heaven and blames the protagonist for having a unique destiny despite being a loser.

But people who work hard and struggle like him can only work harder and may not be able to defeat the protagonist.

"Don't be afraid! With He Mengtian this time, I will definitely be able to trample Gu Hong under my feet!"

After he defeats the male protagonist, the female protagonist and so on will have no value in existence.

While Ye Chengze was recovering from his injuries, he was secretly making plans.

Of course, he still needs to figure out the male and female protagonists and so on.

The first person he wants to take revenge on right now is none other than Zhao Qingming!

Asking his subordinates to bring all the information about Zhao Qingming and the Zhao family, Ye Chengze studied it carefully, and soon, he had a "revenge plan"!

Xu Shi pulled the heroine "He Mengtian" into his camp and had common interests with the heroine. Ye Chengze seemed to have really changed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

For such a serious injury, he was almost healed after being hospitalized for a month.

Although the attending physician would not exclaim a "miracle", he felt that Ye Chengze's recovery speed was much faster than normal.

Ye Chengze: It’s definitely not normal. Others don’t have the heroine’s luck and body protection!

Regardless of the attending physician's secret exclamation, Ye Chengze was discharged from the hospital smoothly.

The incidents of employees jumping off buildings were also resolved smoothly.

Ye Chengze continued to work with Qin Anran on new projects.

This time, with the help of "He Mengtian", the research and development of the new project became particularly smooth.

Ye and Qin felt that they should be able to successfully encircle and suppress Gu Hong this time!

"Director Ye, next week is the eightieth birthday of the Zhao family. Mrs. Zhao has sent an invitation. Do you want to attend?"

The assistant came in with an invitation and asked politely.

Ye Chengze glanced at the red and gold invitation, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but there was still a gentle smile on his face, "Go! The eightieth birthday is a happy event, let's go and be happy too!"

"Okay, do you want me to help you prepare a birthday gift?" the assistant asked thoughtfully.

"No need! I'm ready!"

In addition to the official birthday gift, Ye Chengze also prepared a super gift for the Zhao family.

Tsk tsk, I just don’t know if the Zhao family likes this gift he gave.

The old man of the Zhao family is Zhao Qingming's grandfather and the founder of the Zhao Group.

The old man has two sons. The eldest son is in business and inherited the Zhao Group.

The second son became a soldier, and after changing careers, he also engaged in military-related work.

The relationship between the Zhao family and the military depends entirely on this Second Master Zhao.

And Zhao Qingming is so arrogant and domineering because he has a good second uncle to help him clean up the mess.

Ye Chengze's "car accident" was not the first time.

The Zhao family was not completely unaware of Zhao Qingming's condition.

As early as when he was in junior high school, he had an accident due to illness, and the Zhao family tried to suppress it.

It is estimated that from then on, the Zhao family knew that Zhao Qingming was a snake spirit.

However, firstly they came for the family reputation, and secondly they felt sorry for Zhao Qingming. They did not make the matter public, nor did they send Zhao Qingming to a professional mental hospital for treatment.

On the contrary, they tried their best to conceal it and released Zhao Qingming to continue causing trouble to the world!

Zhao Qingming became so "dangerous" because his illness was one reason, and his family's connivance was another reason.

Ye Chengze's revenge was not only against Zhao Qingming personally, but also against his family members who protected and condoned him.

"An Ran, you're here!"

Zhao Qingming did not know that his "end" was coming.

A smile instantly broke out on his feminine face when he saw Qin Anran arriving at the banquet on time.

However, the smile turned cold before it reached her eyes.

Because he discovered that Qin Anran did not come by herself, and there was an eyesore "He Mengtian" beside her.

"This woman! Why do you always pester An Ran?"

Zhao Qingming's cheeks twitched a little, and his fingers stretched out and curled up involuntarily.

He really wanted to bite his fingers and taste the blood.

But, he can't!

The remaining reason reminded him that he could not lose control in front of An Ran, he would scare An Ran.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Qingming endured it with difficulty, but in his heart he drew a big cross on the name "He Mengtian".

"We can't keep her any longer, she's really an eyesore!"

Madness and cruelty flashed through Zhao Qingming's eyes, and he began to outline how to kill "He Mengtian" in his mind.

He Tiantian:......

Suddenly, I felt an uncomfortable feeling, as if I was being targeted by a vicious snake.

She didn't even need to search deliberately. She just glanced at Zhao Qingming, who had a gloomy face, and she knew who had malicious intentions towards her.

This snake spirit disease... Tsk, Ye Chengze, why don't you take action?

He Tiantian also had contact with Ye Chengze, and knew that this man was a man who was determined to retaliate.

Zhao Qingming wanted to kill him, but He Tiantian didn't believe that Ye Chengze would not fight back at all.

Soon, the counterattack came!


The best five-star hotel in the provincial capital, the scene of a luxurious birthday banquet, a woman's scream broke through the sky...

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