The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 653 Bai Yueguang VS Stand (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian remained calm and allowed the peach blossom charm to exert its spiritual power.

As if someone had fallen in love with her, she suddenly became devoted to Ye Chengze.

The eyes she looked at Ye Chengze were full of tenderness, and she could no longer see anyone else in her eyes, including her parents and best friends.

"...Mengtian, you, you!"

As He Mengtian's best friend, Qin Anran discovered something was wrong with He Tiantian immediately.

She didn't think about metaphysics, but was surprised by the progress of her relationship with He Mengtian and Ye Chengze.

Qin Anran felt that although the "He Mengtian" she knew was once a love brain, she was not really a love brain at heart.

She is the heroine and has a minimum of perseverance.

When love goes against her own views and bottom line, she will firmly give up love.

But now, "He Mengtian" fell in love with Ye Chengze even more crazily and obsessively than last time.

Love is humble, love has almost no bottom line.

Ye Chengze was not as scumbag as Gu Hong, nor did he regard He Mengtian as a substitute or some plaything that came and went when called upon.

However, Qin Anran discovered that Ye Chengze was not sincere towards He Mengtian.

Whether a man loves a woman or not is actually very easy to tell.

You don't need too much testing, you can tell by just looking at your usual words and deeds.

Qin Anran is keen and has a super sixth sense.

She had personally witnessed the relationship between "He Mengtian" and Ye Chengze several times, and she could be very sure: Ye Chengze did not love He Mengtian at all.

Ye Chengze clearly didn't love her, so why did he deliberately get close to her?

Fellow writer Qin Anran knows this well.

What else could be done, just use it.

Of course, when Qin Anran accused Ye Chengze of being unscrupulous, he also admitted that he also took advantage of "He Mengtian".

However, she and Ye Chengze are still different.

Qin Anran took advantage of it, but he also paid sincerity.

She really regarded "He Mengtian" as her best friend, and because of this friendship, she gave up taking shortcuts and chose a more difficult and longer road.

Qin Anran has a clear conscience.

As for Ye Chengze, he was just taking advantage and refused to give even the slightest bit of emotion.

Not to mention Qin Anran, even He's father and mother realized something was wrong.

They did not dare to directly dissuade their daughter for fear of arousing her rebellious psychology, but secretly approached Qin Anran.

"An Ran, why do I feel that Second Young Master Ye is interested in our family Mengtian——"

He's mother considered her words and did not say whether Ye Chengze was cheating on He Mengtian.

But what she meant was very clear.

"We are not interfering with Mengtian's feelings. In fact, she has been deceived once, and we don't want her to be hurt a second time!"

Mother He's face was full of worry, and her loving mother's heart was beyond words.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will find a chance to talk to Mengtian!"

Qin Anran comforted He's mother, and then found some time to finally "block" He Tiantian.

Why use "blocked to", and finally?

Because recently, He Tiantian seemed to be Ye Chengze's follower, wanting to be with him all the time.

It wasn't Ye Chengze who was imprisoning He Tiantian, but she was chasing after him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Anyone who looks at this kind of obsession will feel that the woman is too active and has no female reserve at all.

This is also an important reason why Qin Anran becomes suspicious - Meng Tian is by no means such a person who is crazy about love.

There must be some special reason,

Otherwise, Mengtian would never give up even her basic reserve and self-esteem!

"Mengtian, don't you think you have changed a lot recently?"

"You, you and Ye Chengze, are your progress too fast?"

" really love him, so much that you can't help yourself, so much that-" Give up everything? !

Qin Anran looked into He Tiantian's eyes and asked seriously.

He Tiantian still had a dreamy look on her face, and her originally clear eyes were covered with a thick layer of mist.

This makes her look less agile and pure than before, but instead adds a lot of stubbornness and madness.

Something's wrong!

There's something really wrong with Meng Tian's appearance!

Suddenly, Zhao Qingming's crazy look flashed in Qin Anran's mind.

Qin Anran didn't suspect that her best friend was mentally ill, but she was worried that——

Damn it!

Could it be that Ye Chengze also used "supernatural" means on Meng Tian?

For example, some kind of talisman or poison can forcefully turn a normally normal heroine into an emotional puppet!

If Zhao Qingming was plotted, Qin Anran would happily stand by and watch.

But He Mengtian is different. She is his good friend and the heroine of this small world. If she is bewitched by Ye Chengze, the consequences will be very serious.

In addition to worrying about his friends, Qin Anran also did not forget that Ye Chengze was his "enemy".

As he becomes stronger, he may fall into passivity or even be in danger.

"Auntie, I, I talked to Mengtian! She didn't listen at all!"

"...You may find it incredible when I say this, but I have such a premonition."

"Auntie, Mengtian may be possessed by evil spirits or be poisoned by someone!"

Qin Anran told He's mother his guess.

As a teacher, Mother He naturally did not believe in ghosts and gods.

However, when it came to her daughter, she went to the doctor because of her illness, but she actually felt that Qin Anran's guess made some sense.

Regardless of whether it's superstition or not, won't you know if you try it?

He's mother and He's father had doubts about Ye Chengze. Unlike Qin Anran, they were natives of the novel world.

When they question why Ye Chengze, a wealthy young man, has metaphysical means, they will attract the attention of the novel consciousness!

However, He's father and mother are not very important characters after all, and their suspicions will not hurt Ye Chengze much.

At least Ye Chengze didn't even notice that his soul was vaguely rejected by the world's consciousness!

Ye Chengze was still immersed in the joy of He Mengtian's obedience.

The "emotion" between the two is developing rapidly.

Within a week, Ye Chengze proposed to He Tiantian.

Ye Chengze did not play tricks like Gu Hong, but held a grand proposal banquet.

The value of the proposal was not a small one-carat diamond ring, but a pink diamond pigeon egg that he bought from the auction house at a high price.

With a huge engagement ring, a luxurious engagement banquet, and a pomp that almost invited celebrities from the entire provincial capital, He Tiantian instantly became the envy of countless girls.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Don't get me wrong, Ye Chengze is not so arrogant because he really likes "He Mengtian", nor does he really want to marry her.

He did this just to slap Gu Hong in the face.

Gu Hong was indeed stimulated. When he saw "He Mengtian" shyly but sweetly nestled in Ye Chengze's arms, he suddenly discovered that "He Mengtian" had already occupied his heart.

Compared to Qin Anran, Bai Yueguang, the person he actually loves is "He Mengtian".

Qin Anran is just a beautiful memory of the past, an obsession that cannot be loved.

"He Mengtian" is his true love, it has already entered his heart and merged into his soul!

Gu Hong regretted it, he woke up, and he wanted to get "He Mengtian" back again!

Ahem, in the original novel, the drama of "chasing his wife in the crematorium" was staged.

However, "He Mengtian" is no longer the original He Mengtian. She fell into Ye Chengze's peach blossom charm.

Facing Gu Hong's confession and crazy pursuit, not only was she not moved at all, but she was also deeply repulsed and disgusted.

"Gu Hong, I don't love you! The person I love is Aze. Don't appear in front of me again, okay?"

"He Mengtian"'s hatred for Gu Hong has reached its peak.

Even when the other party sacrificed his life to save her, she was not moved at all. Instead, she felt that the other party was playing tricks and deliberately came to be a hero to save the beauty.

Gu Hong:......

He was filled with regret, his heart was as sharp as a knife, and he——

In the air, traces of energy fluctuations invisible to the naked eye floated from Gu Hong's soul.

Being hated by the heroine of the romance novel, and having the unbearable experience of constant failure, Gu Hong was finally abandoned by the world's consciousness.

The hero aura around him began to dissipate.

Without the luck protection, Gu Hong would have no adventures.

Ye Chengze and Qin Anran still don't know that Gu Hong's protagonist halo has disappeared, but they have been encircling and suppressing the Gu family.

So, it didn't take long for Gu to go bankrupt.

Gu Hong fell from the clouds into dust. He could not accept this huge gap and always wanted to make a comeback.

However, without the preference of the world consciousness and the backlash of the heroine, his fate is worse than that of ordinary people.

The little capital he had left was destroyed time and time again.

In the end, he couldn't bear this reality and ended his own life.

After Gu Hong left, Ye Chengze wanted to take the opportunity to take over and replace Gu Hong as the new male protagonist of this small world.

However, Qin Anran came to the door with a few people from Xuanmen.

"Peach Blossom Talisman! It's actually an ancient Peach Blossom Talisman!"

"Pindao thought that such a talisman had been lost, but he didn't expect that Ye Dong, a rich young man, could actually get it!"

"...Ye Dong, can you tell us where your peach blossom charm comes from?"

"What a peach blossom charm? I think it's a peach blossom charm. Such a harmful thing should be destroyed!"

Several Buddhist and Taoist masters gathered around the jade bracelet and marveled at it.

Ye Chengze didn't expect that Qin Anran would think of using people from metaphysics to deal with him.

He is not afraid of these Taoist priests and monks. What he is afraid of is that he cannot explain the origin of the talisman, which will arouse the suspicion of the characters in the novel.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Masters, let's put aside the origin of the talisman for now. Can you help my friend unlock the talisman first?"

"Yes, masters, we want our daughter to return to normal as soon as possible!"

The focus of Qin Anran, He's father and He's mother has always been to save "He Mengtian".

After listening to Qin Anran and others' request, several Xuanmen members turned their attention from the jade bracelet to He Tiantian.

They saw clearly that He Tiantian's appearance was indeed not normal.

Her eyes were not dull, but they were no longer clear, but seemed to be covered with a layer of something.

Her soul also seemed to be bound by waves of pink evil energy.


Several Xuanmen practitioners worked together and exhausted almost all their spiritual power before breaking through the Peach Blossom Evil.


The jade bracelet broke into pieces and fell to the ground, turning into scum.


Ye Chengze spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground suddenly.

Everyone, including Qin Anran, believed that Ye Chengze had suffered backlash from Fu Lu.

None of them noticed that the fingers of the poor "He Mengtian" who needed to be rescued had moved slightly.

He Tiantian took action directly and wiped out Ye Chengze's soul.

It's not expulsion, but a killing blow.

Ye Chengze's soul disappeared in the novel world without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Even the consciousness of the world only thought that this outsider had been counterattacked by the heroine's halo, and did not conduct any in-depth investigation.

After obliterating the wild copywriter Ye Chengze, there was no proper notification sound in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

She knew that the task was not completed yet!

In this small world, there are two wild writers.

However, He Tiantian had no intention of expelling or obliterating Qin Anran.

She took advantage of the situation and absorbed all the luck from Ye Chengze, leaving this small world without a so-called "male protagonist".

What kind of man do you want? Wouldn't it be better to have two big heroines?

He Tiantian regained consciousness, but Ye Chengze turned into a vegetative state.

He Tiantian knew that this was due to "lost soul".

In fact, if He Tiantian hadn't used his spiritual power to protect the poor body of the original owner who had been transported, the original owner would have died the moment "Ye Chengze" was obliterated.

In this life, becoming a vegetative state is already a blessing among misfortunes.

He Tiantian will continue to nourish the few remaining souls of the original owner, and then give it a chance to be reincarnated!

Therefore, He Tiantian still believed that Ye Chengze was the widow, and took over Ye and Ye Chengze, who were in a vegetative state.

When the Gu family collapsed, Qin family, Ye family, and He Tiantian all got a big share of the pie.

Even if He Tiantian didn't annex the Ye family, she was still a new member of the wealthy family.

After taking over the Ye family, and with the full support of the Qin family, He Tiantian became a female boss on par with Qin Anran.

The two are best friends, business partners, and rely on each other.

In the restless era of fire prevention, theft prevention and best friend protection, they became a pair of truly peerless best friends.

They vacation together, work together, do charity together, support and rely on each other, and are each other's most trusted people.

They are just like the twin flowers of the shopping mall praised by the media.

This friendship lasted until the end of Qin Anran's life.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian, who was also gray-haired, sent away Qin Anran, who was over eighty years old.

Feeling a wave of energy, He Tiantian knew that Qin Anran's soul had finally left this small world.

"Ding! The task of expelling the wild copywriter is completed, and the reward points are 12 points!"

"Ding! Get 2000 achievement points!"

"Ding! Get a reward of 20,000 points!"

"Ding! Discover the hidden wild copywriter and get 6 bonus points!"

On the third day after Qin Anran's death, He Tiantian also left the world of the novel, bringing a successful end to this unprecedented relationship between best friends.

The moment he entered the library space, a series of beeps finally sounded from the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

He Tiantian breathed out gently, "It's finally over!"

In other words, it has been a long time since she spent a long life in the novel world.

This time, although it took a lot of time, she also gained a lot, and it gave her new insights...

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