The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 661 The heroine’s best mother (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Huo Mingting felt a sense of crisis.

Like Zhao Jiu, he began to prepare secretly.

On the one hand, Huo Mingting accelerated the pace of wooing several old shopkeepers, and secretly connected with competitors who were not easy to deal with the Zhao family;

On the other hand, he shaved his beard, found a theater troupe, worked overtime to learn new plays, and tightened his guard against "Zhao Wenxiu".

"Wenxiu, what show did you listen to today? I'll sing a piece for you when I get back!"

After coming out of the factory, Huo Mingting didn't bother to rest and hurried to the Beiyang Theater to pick up He Tiantian.

His eyes were full of tenderness, as if he couldn't see He Tiantian's surprise and panic when she saw him.

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be a panicked wife who had been caught by her husband, but this disguise only lasted for three days.

Three days later, there were expressions of disgust, disgust, dissatisfaction, etc. on her face.

He Tiantian's expression was so obvious that Huo Mingting naturally noticed it.

However, he didn't have much choice.

After all, he is in his thirties and is not as pink and fresh as those teenagers.

In addition, after learning to communicate with his dead father-in-law over the years, he started drinking and smoking, and his throat was not very well protected.

Although my voice is not broken, it is incomparable to what it was back then, and it is even more incomparable to those popular actors now.

And his figure, eyes...

Moreover, Huo Mingting has lived a pampered life for more than ten years and has long forgotten the caution and humbleness he used to be in the theater troupe.

There was no way he could go back to being as groveling and cautious as before.

"Why? I am no longer an actor, but Mr. Huo!"

"I am also a respectable person, and Zhao Wenxiu and I are already husband and wife, and we have a child!"

"Even if Zhao Wenxiu doesn't follow the rules of a woman, she can only keep a pretty boy secretly. She can never do anything to me!"

These days, although there is a movement to awaken women, the mainstream of society still advocates the superiority of men to women.

Just like many people who have read the New School and been educated in the New Thoughts, some are even well-known women in society, they still cannot break free from the shackles of feudal tradition.

According to traditional concepts, since Zhao Wenxiu is married as a wife, she should abide by the three obediences and four virtues, and regard her husband as her heaven.

Even if she recruits a son-in-law, at most she will be a little more confident than an ordinary wife, and she cannot really do whatever she wants like a man.

Secretly keeping an actor was an outrageous move. She could not and did not dare to do anything too ridiculous.

"Can she still divorce me for the wild man outside?"

Huo Mingting found that he could not control "Zhao Wenxiu"'s heart, so he could only comfort himself with rules and etiquette.

He Tiantian: ...Hey, dear, you don’t understand the “love brain” so much!

The essence of love brain is that you can abandon everything for love!

Otherwise, He Tiantian would not have tried her best to create a love-minded persona for the original owner.

Besides, even if Huo Mingting didn't know what love brain was, he had witnessed it with his own eyes when Zhao Wenxiu cried and clamored to marry him, an actor.

Back then, Zhao Wenxiu could disobey his father and become enemies of his entire family for the sake of a beloved man;

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Now "Zhao Wenxiu" can still abandon her scumbag husband who has already abandoned her for the sake of a young man who makes her heart beat.

"Uncle Ninth, Huo Mingting is so annoying. He goes to the theater every day to keep an eye on him!"

"He also secretly bribed gangsters to threaten and harass Boss Gu. If Chuanyu hadn't been clever enough to discover this,

Boss Gu might have been beaten up by those gangsters! "

"Uncle Jiu, how could he do this? I just like listening to Boss Gu's drama. He didn't say he was happy for me, but he actually--"

"Humph, my father didn't do this back then? Otherwise, how could he be alive and marry into our Zhao family?"

He Tiantian deliberately struggled for a week, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran to Butler Zhao to complain.

Butler Zhao's eyes lit up, oh, this scene in front of him was so familiar.

More than ten years ago, my eldest daughter fell in love with Huo Mingting, but the master opposed it in every possible way. This is how she lost her temper.

Now, the person that my eldest daughter likes has changed, and the person who threatens and obstructs her has also changed to Huo Mingting.

Butler Zhao looked at it, why was he so relieved and happy!


You little pretty boy, unruly and knocking on the door upside down, you are what you are today.

After these few days of observation, Butler Zhao is completely convinced that his eldest lady really hates Huo Mingting and has a new love!

It’s great to empathize and not fall in love!

In this way, Butler Zhao would not have to indulge Huo Mingting's son-in-law to show off his power in the Zhao family because he was worried about the eldest lady like before!

"That's right! My uncle is indeed not quite right!"

Butler Zhao wanted to cause sabotage, so he naturally followed He Tiantian's words and said disdainfully, "What is his identity? If it weren't for the fact that you like me, eldest lady, he would still be performing in the theater now!"

"An actor relies on the eldest lady to make himself look good, but now he has forgotten his identity!"

"Keeping an illegitimate wife, producing illegitimate children, and after the old man passed away, he took the mother and son home..."

"He married into our Zhao family. He is a dog raised by our family. Now he actually dares to bite his owner!"

Butler Zhao deliberately reminded "Zhao Wenxiu"——

Miss, please don’t feel guilty!

It wasn't you Hongxing who cheated, but Huo Mingting's betrayal!

He was a surrogate son-in-law, so he shouldn't have taken concubines and raised illegitimate children, but he just did it.

It was only after Mr. Zhao passed away that his true colors were revealed!

Therefore, he is not honest at heart, and he is not as sincere to you as he said.

He Tiantian seemed to be awakened suddenly, with a look of surprise, "Yes, it was him, he was the one who raised the outside room first!"

"Hmph, you said you only regard Hu as your sister, and you said it was just an accident!"

"Can an accident like this happen twice in a row?"

"Huo Chuanyu and Huo Chuanjia are not twins. They are two or three years apart in age!"

When the love brain is no longer obsessed with someone, her mind will become extra clear.

Now He Tiantian perfectly interprets such an infatuated woman who "suddenly wakes up".

When Butler Zhao saw "Zhao Wenxiu" like this, he was almost moved to tears.

Woohoo, great, our eldest lady finally woke up.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

That's right. Huo Mingting's nonsense is clearly a lie.

However, the eldest lady liked him too much in the past and was fascinated by the so-called love, so she was deceived by him like a fool.

The Zhao family also suffered a lot of ridicule from people in the circle!

The eldest lady has a new love, she is no longer obsessed with Huo Mingting, and her mind has returned to normal!

"Yes! Miss, you are right! Huo Mingting is relying on you to like him, so he deliberately deceives you and humiliates you!"

"And that Mr. Hu, who seems to be upright and honest, is actually quite bad!"

"If she hadn't instigated her behind the scenes, how could Huo Chuanfang and Huo Chuanjia, two bastards, dare to bully our little lady!"

Butler Zhao added fuel to the fire.

He Tiantian seemed to be possessed by a loving mother, and her eyes widened: "What? Uncle Jiu, do you think Huo Chuanfang and the others dare to bully my Chuanyu?"

Butler Zhao: ...

Actually, the person who really hurt the young lady the most is none other than the eldest lady.

Huo Chuanjia, Huo Chuanfang, and even Huo Mingting are just trivial.

However, Butler Zhao did not dare to tell such a big truth.

Anyway, all this will pass soon. Butler Zhao just wants to take advantage of the rare moment when his eldest lady is sober, to make her give up Huo Mingting completely, and then drive irrelevant people out of the Zhao family.

As long as Huo Mingting's family of four is gone and the young lady changes her surname back to Zhao, there will be no more turmoil or crisis in the Zhao family!

"No! Especially the Huo family, they think that they are the only male in the family, so they don't take the young lady seriously!"

"Bah! What kind of man is he? His surname is not even Zhao!"

"Our young lady is the heir designated by the old man, and Huo Mingting actually forced the young lady to recognize her ancestor and return to the clan!"

"Bah, bah, bah! He is a wandering orphan whose parents don't know where he is. He was adopted by a theater troupe and took the surname Huo from the troupe leader. That's how he got his name. Where did his ancestors come from?"

Butler Zhao blamed Huo Mingting for all the messy things the original owner had done.

Well, Huo Mingting was all at fault. The eldest lady in their family just loved him too much and was deceived by him.

This is not only to avoid irritating "Zhao Wenxiu", but also because of Butler Zhao's protective mentality as a doting parent!

He Tiantian pretended to have forgotten the wrong things she had done. When Butler Zhao said this, she looked angry: "Uncle Jiu, you are right! Huo Mingting has gone too far!"

"How filial Chuanyu is. Knowing that I like to go to the theater, he helped me find out... Ahem, no, I mean, Chuanyu is the only heir of the Zhao family, and has been recorded in the Zhao family's genealogy by my father. Tomorrow, I will change her last name back!"

When He Tiantian mentioned Zhao Chuanyu, her face was filled with relief and satisfaction.

She deliberately said half and half hidden. Although the words were not clearly stated, the meaning was already very clear——

Compared to her husband Huo Mingting, who is always watching and keeping her in custody, her daughter Zhao Chuanyu is more considerate!

Not only did he not care about her listening to the opera and admiring the actors, he also took the initiative to help her inquire about and choose the opera troupe.

What a good girl, even if she is more comfortable than a dog man, she seems to be more reliable than a dog man!

The emotions in He Tiantian's eyes changed gradually, as if she just said it casually at the beginning, but as she said it, she suddenly discovered that a daughter is more reliable than her husband!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Butler Zhao's forehead twitched.

What, a daughter is looking for a man for her own mother, this is really not nice to hear!

However, Butler Zhao understands very well and is extremely supportive.

Zhao Chuanyu is not a pampered rich lady like Zhao Wenxiu, but an heir trained by Mr. Zhao.

If you want to be an excellent profiteer, you need to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

In fact, Butler Zhao was only relieved to discover that Zhao Chuanyu could accurately grasp his mother's fate, secretly encourage and encourage her, and then achieve the purpose of dividing her parents' feelings.

He doesn't think that his little lady is treacherous or that her methods are not honorable enough!

The biggest rat in the Zhao family now is Huo Mingting.

In the past, because of Zhao Wenxiu's jade vase, Butler Zhao, Zhao Chuanyu and others were obviously angry and resentful, but they could not do anything.

Especially Zhao Chuanyu, who was disinherited by her biological mother and couldn't even keep her surname. She was already angry and resentful.

Previously, Butler Zhao was worried that his young lady would run away from home out of shame and anger.

Now, seeing that the young lady not only did not lose her temper, but also found a way to break the situation, Butler Zhao was really happy from the bottom of his heart!


Well done!

As expected of the heir trained by the old man himself!

"Yes! The eldest lady is absolutely right. You and the young lady are the masters of the Zhao family!" Others are just things to make the masters happy!

Butler Zhao didn't say anything else.

Because he knew that although his eldest daughter was fed up with Huo Mingting, she had not yet reached the point of expelling him.

After all, they have been in a relationship for more than ten years, and they have a child.

As a couple, they can't just break up.

"Okay, then I'll tell Huo Mingting tomorrow!"

He Tiantian seemed to be guided by Butler Zhao, and finally showed her willful and domineering side.

But soon, she became a little timid, "But, Uncle Jiu, what will happen if Ming Ting doesn't agree?"

Butler Zhao: ...I knew it!

However, after these few days, Butler Zhao finally figured out the fate of his eldest lady.

"Why didn't my uncle agree? Doesn't he like you the most?"

If he doesn't agree, it means he doesn't love you!

Butler Zhao is using his spear to attack his shield!

At first, Huo Mingting deceived Zhao Wenxiu with his love words.

Now, Butler Zhao talks about "love" and lets Huo Mingting experience what it means for a mute to eat coptis!

"Yes, Ming Ting likes me the most!"

He Tiantian had a dreamy look on her face, and she seemed to be thinking of the good times the two had had more than ten years ago!

But soon, He Tiantian was "slapped in the face"!

Huo Mingting originally felt that "Zhao Wenxiu" had changed his mind and was not as obedient to him as he had been in the past.

He was secretly anxious, even a little irritable.

Suddenly I heard He Tiantian say, "Mingting, I'm going to let Chuanyu change his surname back to Zhao!"

Huo Mingting immediately exploded.

What does Zhao Wenxiu mean?

Did she regret it, or was she instigated by someone?

Huo Mingting actually didn't care whether Zhao Chuanyu's surname was Zhao or Huo.

What he really cares about is the ownership of the Zhao family's property.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If Zhao Chuanyu's surname is Zhao, then he has recognized the fact that Mr. Zhao cultivated Zhao Chuanyu as his heir.

Only by letting Zhao Chuanyu change his surname, Huo Mingting can gradually vilify the Zhao family's heirs, and use Zhao Wenxiu's hands to embezzle the Zhao family's property!

The plan was obviously going well, and Zhao Chuanyu seemed to have accepted her fate.

Zhao Wenxiu suddenly made such a request.

What on earth is she going to do?

Could it be that she had really changed her mind and wanted to kick Huo Mingting out? !

Various thoughts filled Huo Mingting's brain, and the panic that he was about to lose everything hit him even more.

"No! I don't agree!"

Huo Mingting finally broke out, shouting with a dark face and a high voice.

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be frightened and took several steps back.

"Why? Why don't you agree? Didn't you say that you would listen to whatever I say?"

"Isn't it just a matter of changing your last name? It's not a big deal. Why are you so angry?"

"Or, you don't like me at all? That's why you treat me like this?"

He Tiantian gave another progressive performance, from simple strangeness, to questioning, to accusation, vividly portraying an infatuated woman who finally understands the true face of a scumbag.

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