The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 662: The heroine’s best mother (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian was so sad that she couldn't help herself, just like a poor person who was desperate because of a broken love.

Huo Mingting failed to follow He Tiantian's thoughts for a while——

Aren't we discussing Zhao Chuanyu's surname? Why does it involve the question of "like it or not"?

Huo Mingting knew that Zhao Wenxiu liked her, and she also knew that she was a traditional woman who put her husband first.

But he still underestimated the power of the "love brain"!

That is, for women who are crazy about love, nothing matters, they live only for love.

When they find that their love has disappeared and the person they love does not love them, they will collapse regardless of it!

So, under Huo Mingting's confused and horrified eyes, He Tiantian opened the door with a bang, covered his face and ran out.

"Uncle Ninth! Uncle Ninth! Come quickly!"

Like a bullied child, He Tiantian shouted loudly for "parents" to make the decision for her.

Butler Zhao heard the noise and ran out of his room.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Who bullied you! Don't be afraid, Uncle Jiu is still here!"

Butler Zhao felt heartbroken when he saw He Tiantian crying uncontrollably.

Although he was only a few years older than Zhao Wenxiu, he was extremely mature because of his wandering life in his early years, and he always regarded Zhao Wenxiu as a junior.

Having watched Zhao Wenxiu grow up since childhood, and with the kindness of Mr. Zhao for saving his life and supporting him, Butler Zhao has long regarded Zhao Wenxiu as his responsibility!

Seeing his beloved eldest daughter crying like this, Butler Zhao felt heartbroken and felt a strong murderous intention at the same time.

"Aww, Uncle Jiu, he doesn't like me at all!"

"...Dad is right, he just values ​​the Zhao family's money, so he treats me well!"

"Aww, Uncle Jiu, he lied to me! He has been lying to me all this time!"

"Uncle Ninth, Uncle Ninth, I'm so sad, my heart hurts..."

He Tiantian threw herself into Butler Zhao's arms and started crying.

Zhao Chuanyu heard the noise and hurried downstairs, just in time to see his own mother crying like a child.

Zhao Chuanyu:......

Well, my mother seemed to be crying very sadly, but for some reason, she always felt like she was crying.

"Mom, who made you unhappy?"

"Isn't it Gu Xiaoju from the Sanhe class? Or Liu Chunhua from the Liujia class? Or Su Yulan from the Jixiang class?"

Zhao Chuanyu had already guessed who made her mother so sad, but she still deliberately mentioned some famous actors that her mother had been following recently.

These bosses are all around 20 years old, handsome in appearance, in good shape, and most importantly, unique in temperament.

Some are gentle and carefree, some are cold and aloof, and some are crazy about drama. They are really spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, each has its own merits.

He only obsessed over "Zhao Wenxiu", the resentful woman in his boudoir.

Zhao Chuanyu couldn't help but suspect that his mother might have just had a quarrel with his scumbag father.

And the reason why a woman who is obsessed with her husband quarrels with her husband is most likely because of the wild man outside.

Even if it is not directly because of those horns, it is because of the existence of those new loves that women can't help but want to find trouble.

What Zhao Chuanyu has to do now is to add fuel to the fire!

Sure enough, He Tiantian's cry obviously paused when she heard Zhao Chuanyu mentioning Gu Xiaoju, Liu Chunhua, Su Yulan and others.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Then she cried even louder.

Zhao Chuanyu and Butler Zhao could clearly hear that "Zhao Wenxiu"'s cry was loud, but there was not much sadness.

She is more like performing! Or they deliberately use crying to cover up their guilty conscience!

Zhao Chuanyu and Butler Zhao,

The young man and the old man couldn't help but look at each other.



The two of them didn't say a word, but they instantly understood each other's plans!

The two of them exchanged a knowing look, and then continued to work hard!

Butler Zhao continued He Tiantian's words, followed her intention, and said angrily: "Miss, don't be sad!"

"He lied to you, that's all we don't want him to do!"

He Tiantian cried again, raised her head from Butler Zhao's arms, and said timidly: "Is this okay?"

Butler Zhao smiled, his expression seemed to say: Why can't it be done?

"Miss, there's nothing we can't do. As long as it's what you want, the little lady and I will help you!"

So, it depends on what you mean!

Do you want to kick out Huo Mingting's son-in-law?

He Tiantian looked hesitant, alas, after all, it was the true love of the past, or the couple who had been together for more than ten years.

There is also Zhao Chuanyu among them.

Involuntarily, He Tiantian looked at Zhao Chuanyu.

"Mom, what happened?"

Zhao Chuanyu still pretended to be stupid.

However, when she asked, she had a strong look on her face, "Don't worry, as long as Grandpa Jiu and I are here, no one can bully you!"

Zhao Chuanyu exudes tyranny in his bones, and he looks very much like Mr. Zhao.

He Tiantian was in a daze for a while, and she couldn't help shouting softly: "Dad!"

Soon, she shook her head. Disappointment first flashed across her face, and then there was a sense of hope. "Chuanyu, you will always take care of your mother like your grandfather, right?"

Zhao Chuanyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Of course! You are my mother, and I will always take care of you and never let you suffer any injustice!"

At this time, Huo Mingting and Hu Xiaoting both chased him out.

He Tiantian's eyes drifted towards the brothers and sisters.

Huo Chuanfang and Huo Chuanjia, the siblings, were also poking their heads at the stairs.

He Tiantian glanced at them again.

Her eyes were very complicated. Looking at the family of four, and then at Zhao Chuanyu, she finally made a decision——

She is not the only woman with a husband, but she is the only biological mother of her daughter.

As a man, your husband is not the only one, there are many younger and more obedient cuties out there!

It's strange that He Tiantian didn't say anything, but Zhao Chuanyu and Butler Zhao, who had been paying close attention to her, actually heard her "voice".

Zhao Chuanyu: ...My mother's selfishness and love-mindedness once made her very painful, but now, she is extremely happy.

Fortunately, my mother just enjoys it, and does not really favor sons over daughters and regard husbands as the first priority.

Otherwise, the Zhao family would never be able to get rid of such a scourge like Huo Mingting!

Butler Zhao: ...Well, although it is too challenging for the world and etiquette for a woman to keep a pretty boy, but as long as the eldest lady is happy, as long as the Zhao family can solve the crisis, these are nothing!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Huo Mingting and Hu Xiaoting were not as observant as they were, and they were not aware of "Zhao Wenxiu's" thoughts.

But none of them are slow to react.

Seeing He Tiantian hugging Butler Zhao and crying bitterly, but Butler Zhao showed a cheerful expression, the brothers and sisters had a very bad feeling.

"Wenxiu, I'm sorry, I just lost my temper!"

"If anything happens, let's discuss it carefully when we go back, okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Huo Mingting suppressed all the anger in his heart and spoke to He Tiantian softly.


He Tiantian, however, was like a naughty kid who had found support. He raised his chin and snorted, "Huo Mingting, I want to divorce you!"



In the Republic of China, divorce was allowed.

Huo Mingting was the adopted son-in-law. When he first entered into the marriage, he signed the adoption documents.

In the marriage document, it was clearly written that as the woman, Zhao Wenxiu could file for divorce at any time.

Besides, this time it was not "Zhao Wenxiu" who broke up without any reason, but Huo Mingting who made the mistake first.

Whether it was a foreign wife, an illegitimate child, or forcing Zhao Chuanyu to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan after his father-in-law passed away, it was a wrong thing to violate the marriage documents.

Taking out one at random is enough for Zhao Wenxiu to kick Huo Mingting out.

In addition, Zhao Wenxiu is not alone. She has Butler Zhao and several old shopkeepers.

As long as she gives the order, Huo Mingting will always be just a soft rice king who lives with the Zhao family.

He Tiantian: ...That’s why I say the original owner is the best!

He obviously had a lot of good cards, but he suddenly made himself and his daughter miserable!

"What? Divorce?"

Huo Mingting knew that something was wrong, but he still didn't expect that "Zhao Wenxiu" would divorce him.

He took a step forward, his eyes full of disbelief, "Wenxiu, you, what did you just say?"

"We have been married for more than ten years, and you and I are in perfect harmony and love each other very much——"

Before Huo Mingting could finish speaking, He Tiantian interrupted him squeamishly: "What kind of love? You don't like me at all!"

"Why don't I like you?" Huo Mingting knew that his woman was a fool, but he could figure out her thoughts in the past.

But at this moment, he was completely out of touch with the other party's thoughts.

Why don't you like it?

During this period of time, he didn't even bother to keep in touch with the shopkeepers. He either lowered his status and went to the opera troupe to learn how to sing, or he came back to hang around Zhao Wenxiu.

He had already groveled to such an extent that he was just kneeling at Zhao Wenxiu's feet and acting like a lapdog. This damn woman actually said that he "didn't like her"?

"You lied to me! You raised an illegitimate daughter and an illegitimate son!"

He Tiantian seemed to have finally become wise. She did not dwell on love too much, but pointed out Huo Mingting's faults one by one.

"Also, my father clearly designated Chuanyu as the heir, but you deliberately asked her to change her surname to Huo!"

Having said this, He Tiantian turned to look at Zhao Chuanyu, "Chuanyu, from now on, your surname will still be Zhao!"

"Also, you go and summon some shopkeepers tomorrow. From now on, the family business will be left to you!"

Zhao Chuanyu knew that she had captured her mother's fate, but she still didn't expect that her mother would be so powerful.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Things were going too smoothly.

However, Zhao Chuanyu did not faint with joy.

She knew that Huo Mingting would never give up.

Moreover, in the past year, although Huo Mingting did not completely control the Zhao family.

But he also made many small moves to win over some people.

For their own benefit, these people will never let Huo Mingting lose power and let Zhao Chuanyu take over!

Sure enough, Huo Mingting changed his face and said, "Zhao Wenxiu, what did you say?"

"You want Huo Chuanyu, a girl, to take over the Zhao family's business?"

Haha, is this woman too stupid or too naive?

Is it true that the Zhao family's affairs can be decided by her in just a few words?

Huo Mingting is not a waste.

After the old guy from the Zhao family died, he was busy.

Although the main old shopkeepers refused to let go easily, some young managers had already been won over by him.

Now that Zhao Wenxiu wants to take away the property, even if Huo Mingting agrees, the managers will not agree easily.

"Zhao Chuanyu!" He Tiantian said abruptly.

Huo Mingting didn't react for a while.

"I said, Chuan Yu's surname is Zhao, not Huo!" He Tiantian continued to test as if he was trying to die.

Huo Mingting's face turned black with anger.

He was discussing the Zhao family's property with her, oh no, it was about divorce, why was Zhao Chuanyu involved again, oh no, it was Huo Chuanyu!

Huo Mingting really didn't care what Chuanyu's last name was.

He only cares about the names of those businesses!

Taking a deep breath, Huo Mingting decided not to argue with a fool.

Don't let her lead you to a wrong pace.

Huo Mingting looked at He Tiantian coldly, "Wenxiu, what you said just now, I just thought you were joking -"

"I'm not joking!"

He Tiantian interrupted Huo Mingting again.

If she had shouted "divorce" just now, there would have been a hint of anger.

But at this moment, seeing Huo Mingting's changed face, He Tiantian seemed to be inspired with her rebellious psychology and her eldest lady temper.

"I told you, I want to divorce you!"

"You are the son-in-law of our Zhao family. Chuanyu will definitely follow me. Her surname is Zhao, and everything in the Zhao family should be inherited by her!"

He Tiantian seemed to have an impulse and said the words "brother-in-law" herself.

You know, the original owner cared about Huo Mingting very much, and was afraid of hurting his face and self-esteem, so he never mentioned his son-in-law in front of him.

Even the fact that Huo Mingting had been an actor was deliberately erased by the original owner.

However, when He Tiantian said such words at this moment, no one present, including Huo Mingting, Butler Zhao and others, found it strange.

When quarreling, it's all about talking and attacking each other with words that can hurt the other party the most.

Huo Mingting was ashamed, angry and secretly resentful, "I know that Zhao Wenxiu says he loves me, but in fact he still looks down on me!"

"Sister-in-law! Ha, yes, I, Huo Mingting, am the intruder. But so what?"

"The Zhao family has lost that old man, and Zhao Wenxiu is a confused and stupid woman. Those in charge will not make fools with her!"

"Only the old fox Zhao Jiu is too difficult to deal with, but don't be too afraid. In the end, Zhao Jiu is just a servant!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Huo Mingting's brain was running rapidly, and the more he thought about it, the more confident he felt.

However, just when Huo Mingting felt that he didn't need to be too afraid, Zhao Jiu, the housekeeper, suddenly spoke.

"Huo Mingting, didn't you hear what our eldest lady said? Why don't you take your wife and your little bastards and get out of the Zhao family?"

Butler Zhao suddenly turned against him and refused to even call him "uncle" politely.

"Zhao Jiu, you are so presumptuous! I am Zhao Wenxiu's husband and the master of the Zhao family. How dare you do this?"

Huo Mingting was so angry that he pointed at Butler Zhao's nose and scolded him.

"And you, Zhao Wenxiu, you don't follow the rules of women, you, you are a married man, but you still have the nerve to support an actor, you -"

Seeing that the flames of war were actually burning on her body, He Tiantian became "angry" from shame. As if she had exhausted her last trace of friendship for Huo Mingting, she shouted loudly: "Drive them out! Uncle Jiu, drive them out quickly!"

This is what Butler Zhao was waiting for.

"Come here! Didn't you hear the eldest lady's instructions? Drive Huo Mingting and the others out of the Zhao family!"

Butler Zhao gave the order, and a dozen strong men gathered around him...

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