The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 664: The heroine’s best mother (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Why do you ask?"

Although Yu Er is a playboy, he is not a fool.

For example, the affairs between dad and eldest brother are basically important matters in the military and are confidential.

Even if it is a family member, Yu Er will not reveal it easily.

Of course, for Yu Er, an unmotivated playboy like him, General Yu and Major General Yu would not say anything about military secrets in front of him.

However, dad and eldest brother don't have to say anything, but Yu Er cannot ignore the rules.

Not to mention Zhou Anna, a distant relative who was beyond his reach, even in front of Zhao Chuanyu, whom he recognized as the boss, Yu Er would not reveal a word.

Yu Er clearly divided the priorities.

Hearing Yu Er's impolite inquiry, Zhou Anna secretly cursed "naughty kid" in her heart, but she still had a gentle smile on her face.

"I'm just curious! I heard it's the young lady from the Zhao family?!"

Zhou Anna didn't expect Yu Er, a playboy, to have such a tight mouth.

But she really had no other way to get the information, so she could only find a way through Yu Er.

The focus of Zhou Anna's probing sentence was "that young lady from the Zhao family".

She was eager to know about the Zhao family, especially Zhao Chuanyu.

However, the Yu family seems to be full of flowers, but the house is like an iron barrel.

Zhou Anna wanted to inquire about some "gossip", but the servants all asked questions.

In the end, she could only turn her mind to Yu Er, a playboy.

The focuses of Yu Er and Zhou Anna's concerns are obviously very different——

"Heard? Who did you listen to?"

Yu Er stared, his childish face full of solemnity.

As if to say, who, who dares to gossip in the Yu family?

In their Yu family, whether they are masters or servants, the first and most important thing is to keep their mouths tight enough.

What should be said cannot be said;

Things you shouldn’t say, let alone say.

Let me use what my elder brother often says as an example, that is, "if the king is not secretive, his ministers will lose; if the ministers are not secretive, they will lose their virginity; if a few things are not secretive, it will cause harm."

The Yu family was engaged in marching and fighting. A casual word from the father and brother might involve military secrets.

Therefore, from top to bottom, the Yu family does not have many requirements, just one thing: shut up!

Zhou Anna did not grow up from the Yu family, but came to seek refuge with Yu Er's biological mother and Mrs. Zhou of the Yu family.

She probably doesn't understand the rules, but Yu Er won't condone it.

His face suddenly changed and he asked sternly, "Tell me, who is talking nonsense at home?"

In fact, this is no longer nonsense.

As soon as Zhao Chuanyu left, within a few minutes, Zhou Anna knew that there was a guest at home, and he was from the Zhao family!

Such a situation does not allow Yu Er to think too much.

Anna Zhou: ...No one! No one is talking nonsense.

She, she knew it.

Although according to the plot, it is not the time for Zhao Chuanyu to fight back.

However, the plot is not static.

The butterfly effect is so scary, Anna Zhou will not be overly superstitious about the plot.

Besides, the plot is not exhaustive.

Some details will not be mentioned at all in the script, but in the small world, they will actually exist.

Anna Zhou will not miss any detail, so that she can more accurately control the rhythm of the gaffe!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But, she couldn't say these words.

"Anna Zhou, who did you listen to?"

Seeing that Zhou Anna didn't speak, Yu Er became more and more anxious.

He actually stopped calling me the polite "cousin".

Instead, he called her name directly.

Anna Zhou had a bad feeling.

For the first time, she discovered that a playboy like Yu Er actually had such a terrifying side.

Are all children in the Republic of China precocious?

Or is it that the Yu family is indeed a powerful place, and even their most incompetent son is so cautious and guarded? !

Zhou Anna's heart was pounding, and she suddenly felt that she had underestimated these people and made a serious mistake!

Zhou Anna was secretly anxious, her brain running rapidly.

But she couldn't think of a better explanation, so she could only say vaguely, "No one, I, I just heard someone talking about it, so I got curious!"

"By the way, it seems that Miss Zhao is still a classmate? Are they all students of No. 1 Middle School?"

Zhou Anna felt that her excuse was too bad to fool Yu Er, so she tried her best to change the topic.

"The No. 1 Middle School is the best school in our city, right?"

Zhou Anna didn't notice, her voice was trembling.

Yu Er looked at her intently for a long time before he seemed to be convinced by Zhou Anna's excuse. He followed her topic and nodded, "Well, of course No. 1 Middle School is the best middle school!"

"Cousin, you seem to have read too, right?"

Yu Er regained his playboy look and asked casually.

Seeing that he seemed to be confused by her, Zhou Anna secretly let out a breath.

"Yes, I attended the New School in my hometown for a few years. I was supposed to be in middle school, but I didn't expect that my dad..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Anna deliberately pressed the corner of her eyes with the handkerchief.

There was a slight choke in her tone.

It was obvious that she was mentioning her sadness.

If Yu Er was a good boy who was well versed in human relations and worldliness, he would considerately say "Sorry, I mentioned my cousin's sadness" when he saw Zhou Anna looking like this.

But, Yu Er is not!

He is a dandy, a naughty boy!

"Oh, yes! My cousin, who has traveled so many miles, just died of illness last month! As for my cousin, she left you and ran away with a crew member——"

Her father and mother eloped, leaving Zhou Anna alone and helpless, so she had no choice but to come and seek refuge with a cousin who lived several rooms away.

What Yu Er said is absolutely true.

But, you can’t tell the truth, it’s very hurtful, okay?

Although Zhou Anna didn't care about this, she still felt embarrassed——

For Yu Er to be so honest, he definitely does not have low emotional intelligence or is a straight man.

But he didn't pay attention to her distant cousin at all!

Zhou Anna felt extremely humiliated by being looked down upon and being an unmotivated brat.

Unfortunately, she couldn't have an attack yet.

Twitching the corner of her mouth in embarrassment, Zhou Anna wanted to show a tolerant smile, but was a little embarrassed.

Damn it!

Such a naughty kid deserves to be hung up and beaten. He is so tolerant and generous!

"...Fortunately, I still have my cousin, who is the most loving and kind, and she took me in!"

Enduring the resentment of being humiliated, Zhou Anna forced a smile, her tone even more grateful.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yu Er rolled his eyes: How fake!

He hates Zhou Anna, not because she is a poor relative who comes to fight against the autumn wind.

But because he always felt that this person was too fake.

She is obviously not a generous, gentle, and kind-hearted person, but she always acts like a caring big sister.

She restrained herself when she came to seek refuge. As a result, the servants of the Yu family called her "Miss Cousin" several times, and she really regarded herself as a lady.

If Zhou Anna was just pretending to be a fake person, Yu Er wouldn't be so bored.

If Zhou Anna wanted to act, she could do it by herself, but she just ran to Yu Er and acted as some kind of "elder".

He always secretly looks at himself like a scum.

Zhou Anna thought she was covering up very well, but in fact, she did deceive the real stupid and sweet Mrs. Zhou of the Yu family.

But Yu Er, although he is a dandy, he is really not stupid.

He may not be as good as his father and brother, but he has animal-like intuition.

And relying on this intuition, he made friends with Zhao Chuanyu and guarded against people with ulterior motives.

He didn't have any great achievements, but he didn't bring trouble to the family either!

Zhou Anna's rank was not too low, and Yu Er just relied on his intuition to think that there was something wrong with her, without any actual evidence.

However, you are a naughty kid, you are not a court or police station, so why would you care about evidence?

His intuition told him that there was something wrong with Zhou Anna, so he believed in his intuition.

Zhou Anna's question just now confirmed Yu Er's guess.

"Well, my mother is indeed kind!" Her level of innocence is only slightly better than that of Boss Zhao's biological mother!

But it doesn’t matter.

Mrs. Zhou has a strong husband and a shrewd son. Even her youngest son is a little fox who is neither stupid nor stupid, so his life will not be too bad.

As for the eldest lady of the Zhao family, she had a powerful father in the past, and now she has a daughter who is better than her predecessors. Although she has suffered some setbacks, she should live a good life in the future!

Yu Er complained secretly in his heart. He still had the look of a naughty little playboy on his face, but he secretly drew a line on Zhou Anna's name.

There is something wrong with this man! You must be more prepared!

Zhou Anna knew that she had made a mistake today and was very upset.

After returning to his room, he desperately tried to think of a solution.

Remedy was impossible. Yu Er must have doubted himself.

However, no matter how imaginative Yu Er was, he probably couldn't guess the "truth".

And Zhou Anna's identity is true, without any loopholes.

In this regard, Zhou Anna is still relieved.

But what she wants is not just to live in the Yu family smoothly, but to understand the situation of the Zhao family and find ways to get close to Zhao Chuanyu.

That night, Zhou Anna lay on the comfortable Western-style princess bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

The next day, with big dark circles under her eyes, she ran to greet her aunt, Mrs. Zhou, as usual.

"Oh, Anna, why are you so haggard? Did you not sleep well at night?"

Mrs. Zhou is about forty years old this year. Because she lives a comfortable life, she looks like she is in her thirties.

She has fair skin, delicate facial features, and a harmless and innocent temperament, which makes her look like a beautiful woman in a traditional boudoir.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In fact, it was because of her good looks and little white rabbit-like temperament that she was attracted by the bandit-turned-General Yu.

General Yu became interested in seeing the appearance, but he didn't like the new or get tired of the old.

Partly forced and partly induced to marry Zhou, General Yu was very kind to her.

Later, for the sake of his wife and son, he was ordered to live by the government, and he changed from the king of the mountain to the officer and soldier of the previous dynasty.

The previous dynasty was overthrown, and all the heroes rose up. General Yu led his troops to occupy the city and became a powerful force.

After becoming successful, General Yu also flirted with women outside, but he never thought about letting his wife go to court.

First of all, his wife is a woman he has truly loved, and even though she is old and yellow, he has been in love with her for many years.

Secondly, his wife gave him two sons and a daughter. The eldest son was extremely outstanding. For the sake of his children, he could not abandon his wife.

Thirdly, his wife has a simple temper and is never competitive or jealous. With such a "generous" lady, General Yu's backyard is very stable.

For various reasons, General Yu still respected his first wife, Mrs. Zhou.

As General Yu established his prestige in the army, Mrs. Zhou's position in the Yu family became more stable.

No, even a distant relative who was even remotely close to her would be treated as a serious "cousin" by the entire Yu family.

Mrs. Zhou herself had no feelings for a distant cousin whom she had not seen for many years.

However, after all, they all have the surname Zhou, a relative passed down from their ancestors.

Zhou Anna pitifully came to seek refuge. Mrs. Zhou temporarily softened her heart and cared about her hometown, so she kept her here.

Zhou Anna is young, but she is very transparent, and her clever mouth makes Mrs. Zhou, who has been staying in the empty house for many years, very happy.

Feelings come from everywhere.

Zhou Anna has not been in the Yu family for a long time, but she devoted all her energy to conquering Mrs. Zhou, and naturally got the rewards she deserved.

Although Mrs. Zhou gave birth to two sons and one daughter, the eldest son was busy with military affairs all year round and could not see anyone from morning to night.

The eldest daughter got married last year, and this year the son-in-law was transferred to Daocheng, and the eldest daughter followed him.

Not to mention the youngest son, he is just a naughty kid who plays tricks on cats and dogs.

Mrs. Zhou has no husband, and her children are no longer with her. The appearance of Anna Zhou fills the biggest vacancy in her heart.

However, in just one month, Mrs. Zhou treated Anna Zhou as her niece.

Seeing that Zhou Anna's eyes were full of black and blue at this moment, Mrs. Zhou asked with concern, "What, are you having a nightmare? Or are you being bullied?"

Mrs. Zhou took Anna Zhou’s hand and rubbed it gently while speaking softly and caringly.

Zhou Anna's face was full of gratitude, and she said sheepishly, "No! Aunt, who dares to bully me while you are here?"

"Yes, I just had a dream last night——"

Zhou Anna hesitated to speak, her words were vague.

Mrs. Zhou became more and more worried and asked quickly, "What did you dream about?"

Poor kid, he really had a nightmare.

"I dreamed about my dad!"

Zhou Anna sniffed deliberately, showing a sad and nostalgic look.

"Your father?" He is also her cheap cousin.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

That is to say, they met once or twice when they were young. After twenty or thirty years, Mrs. Zhou had long forgotten what the other party looked like.

However, after Zhou Anna came to the Yu family, she often told Mrs. Zhou's ears about various stories about her hometown and her biological father.

Mrs. Zhou is homesick and timid, and she actually has the filter of family affection for her relatives whose memories are vague.

With Zhou Anna's detailed description, she began to have a relatively clear figure in her mind——

She is three years older than her and is a rare person in the Zhou family who can read.

At a young age, he passed the examination of the former scholar. Unfortunately, he was jealous of talents. Although he was full of talents, he was in poor health.

Unable to continue the imperial examination, and faced with the change of dynasties, he could only stay in his hometown and become a private school teacher.

This year, a cold wind directly claimed the life of this talented cousin.

And the unruly cousin actually left her daughter and ran away with a passing wild man.

As a result, Anna, a girl, was left alone and had no choice but to travel thousands of miles to seek refuge with her aunt.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhou sighed even more, "Oh, what a pity for your father!"

"My father's biggest regret is that he can't continue the imperial examination. And his biggest wish is that I can inherit his mantle——"

At this point, Zhou Anna raised her head with pleading eyes, "Aunt, I want to study!"

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