The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 665: The heroine’s best mother (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What? Cousin Zhou is going to No. 1 Middle School?"

Yu Er is a little bit crazy.

There is a conspiracy!

There must be a conspiracy!

Yu Er was wary of Zhou Anna, and his mind was filled with various conspiracy theories.

However, his doubts were instantly wiped out when he saw his mother's kind, gentle, and unguarded expression.

Well, forget it, it’s better not to tell your mother these things.

Tell her, but she may not understand or believe it.

Even if she believed it, she wouldn't be able to help, she would only have one more person to worry and be afraid of!

My biological father and eldest brother? !

Yu Er shook his head quickly.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Zhou Anna was just a small character.

My own father and eldest brother are busy with military and government affairs every day, so it is simply an insult to them to distract them from paying attention to a little guy!

Yu Er returned to his room and walked around the room several times, but he still had no idea.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind: "That's right! There's also a boss!"

The eldest son of his family is the smartest. Apart from important matters in their respective families, the two of them can discuss all other matters with each other.

For example, Yu Er knew that Zhao Chuanyu secretly funded a poor missionary.

As for Zhao Chuanyu, he also knew that Yu Er secretly watched Marseille and admired the opera with a group of dandy boys!

They are both friends and the guardians of each other's secrets.

Yu Er felt that it would be appropriate to discuss Zhou Anna's matter with the boss.

After all, in addition to their friendship, the boss may also interact with Zhou Anna.

The Zhao family's affairs have been dealt with, and the eldest son may return to school to continue studying.

As for Zhou Anna, she has already coaxed Mrs. Zhou to agree that she will be sent to the No. 1 Middle School in the near future.

Although Zhou Anna is several years older than Yu Er and Zhao Chuanyu, in this era when educational resources are scarce and universal education is not available, it is very normal for classmates in the same class to be several years apart in age!

Yu Er had a premonition that Zhou Anna would go to school to study hard just to be close to him.

She would definitely coax Mrs. Zhou to arrange for her to be sent to Yu Er's class.

The reasons are all ready-made: "Your cousin has just arrived and is not familiar with the place. We study in the same class as you, so we can take care of each other!"

Yu Er: ...Bah, I have a boss, so I don’t need anyone to take care of me!

Furthermore, Zhou Anna must be hiding an ulterior secret, and he doesn't want to have close contact with her.

"Go to the boss, she will definitely help me!"

This idea popped into Yu Er's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

"Oh, by the way, the Zhao family is holding a banquet at Minghu Tower today to officially announce Chuan Yu's return to the Zhao family. My eldest brother has sent Adjutant Ma to watch the ceremony. I'll go and join in the fun!"

Yu Er thought of his boss, and then thought of today's business.

Of course, he didn't really want to join in the fun, but wanted to help his boss stand up——

Did you see it?

Zhao Chuanyu is protected by the Yu family!

Not only did Major General Yu send his adjutants to help, but even Yu Er, the second young master of the Yu family, regarded Zhao Chuanyu as a close friend!

With Yu Er's presence, everyone will only become more wary of the Zhao family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for Zhao Chuanyu's scumbag biological father, he should also know that Zhao Chuanyu is not easy to mess with!

Thinking of this, Yu Er no longer hesitated, changed the clothes he was wearing when going out, said something to Mrs. Zhou, and hurried out the door.

When Yu Er came to Minghu Tower,

It's just the right time.

The adjutant sent by Major General Yu sent a congratulatory gift, but he only stayed at the banquet for a short time. He congratulated the new head of the Zhao family (that is, Zhao Chuanyu) like a show, drank half a glass of wine, and then Leave in a hurry.

When Huo Mingting arrived with a few hired gangsters, Adjutant Ma had already left.

"Yo! Everyone is here!"

Compared with the embarrassment and anger last night, Huo Mingting looked much brighter today.

His attitude was even more arrogant, probably because of the gang thugs behind him who gave him the confidence.

"Just in time, we have some housework at home, and I want everyone to help be a witness!"

Huo Mingting didn't seem to see Zhao Chuanyu sitting on the main seat, nor did he pay attention to Butler Zhao, who had a solemn expression. He came to the banquet unobtrusively, folded his arms and spoke with some force.

"Huo Mingting, what are you doing here? Our lady has already divorced you in the newspaper. You have nothing to do with the Zhao family anymore!"

Butler Zhao narrowed his eyes. He knew that Huo Mingting would not give up.

Even though he was just a son-in-law, he didn't have much capital to fight against the Zhao family.

However, the Zhao family has several enemies in the mall.

The biggest one is the Chen family, which has always been held in second place by the Zhao family.

There are several overlapping projects run by the Chen family and the Zhao family, making them natural rivals!

When Mr. Zhao was still alive, he often fought with the Chen family.

After Huo Mingting came to power, in order to annex the Zhao family as soon as possible, he secretly colluded with the Chen family.

Eating inside and outside is the most hateful thing!

However, Huo Mingting was a "baby selling his father's land", using the Zhao family's property as a favor, and he didn't feel bad at all.

The reason why Butler Zhao hates Huo Mingting so much is not just because he breaks his promise and is ruthless.

This person also has a low bottom line and is unscrupulous. If the Zhao family's property falls into his hands, he will either lose everything or be swallowed up by the Chen family.

Mr. Zhao is under Jiuquan. If he knew this, the coffin boards would be unable to hold him down!

As Mr. Zhao's most loyal brother, Butler Zhao would never allow such a thing to happen.

Today, Huo Mingting was able to show up at the Zhao family's banquet with such swagger that he must have the support of the Chen family behind him!

Butler Zhao's sharp eyes scanned the faces of everyone attending the banquet, and finally landed on Chen Sibo, the eldest son of the Chen family who came to the banquet.

In fact, it’s not just Butler Zhao.

Everyone else at the banquet was not a fool.

Seeing that Huo Mingting, a lost dog who was kicked out by the Zhao family, could still show up in a show of force, he knew that there was someone behind his back.

The Chen family is the number one opponent of the Zhao family!

When Mr. Zhao died, the Chen family was about to hold a banquet to celebrate.

In mid-air, everyone's eyes were flying wildly.

They didn't dare to pry directly on Chen Sibo or Butler Zhao, but their eyes were filled with the passion for gossip——

"There's something good to watch!"

"Old Gou Zhao, Wenxiu and I have been in love for many years, but you, a dog slave, deliberately sabotaged it and forced Wenxiu to—"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Huo Mingting said this without any guilt.

Zhao Wenxiu's infatuation and submission to him were famous throughout the city.

Not to mention the past that more than ten years ago, when she was a wealthy daughter, she cried and wanted to marry an actor.

To put it bluntly, after Mr. Zhao passed away, Zhao Wenxiu "allowed" Huo Mingting to take his illegitimate children back to the Zhao family, and forced Zhao Chuanyu to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. This all shows that this stupid woman has been pinched to death by Huo Mingting. dead!

Even if she is not crazy about love, she is still a virtuous and well-behaved woman who regards her husband as her heaven.

Such a woman, without the instigation or coercion of outsiders, would never have been able to make the shocking move of divorcing her husband.

As soon as Huo Mingting said this, the guests present nodded secretly.

Yes, the eldest lady of the Zhao family does not look like Mr. Zhao, and she does not look like a woman who can divorce her husband.

"You said I forced the eldest lady to divorce you?"

Butler Zhao's eyes widened in anger.

He was not angry with Huo Mingting for slandering him, but angry that he actually wanted to take advantage of Zhao Wenxiu.

Huo Mingting and Butler Zhao are the people who know Zhao Wenxiu best in the world. She is actually a spoiled brat.

At home, you might be able to play off the eldest lady’s temper;

But outside, she gets stage fright.

In addition, Zhao Wenxiu should still have feelings for Huo Mingting.

After last night, although she would not regret it, she might not be able to confront Huo Mingting in front of everyone!

Huo Mingting clearly knew this, so he said this deliberately in order to force Zhao Wenxiu to come forward in person.

It was impossible for Zhao Wenxiu to testify, so no one could refute Huo Mingting's lies!

If he were to slander him again and only define Butler Zhao as a "treacherous slave who deceives his master", the situation of the Zhao family might really be turned upside down by Huo Mingting.

Butler Zhao's teeth were itching with hatred, what a Huo Mingting, he really didn't have any sincerity towards the eldest lady.

At this point, he didn't forget to take advantage of her.

However, fortunately, the young lady was smart and predicted Huo Mingting's prediction in advance.

"Who said I was forced by Uncle Jiu to divorce you?"

As soon as Huo Mingting finished speaking, a woman wearing a cheongsam walked in from outside.

Although she tried her best to stay calm, she was not used to appearing in front of so many people.

Her voice was trembling, and her walking posture was unnatural.

She didn't even dare to look directly at Huo Mingting.

Zhao Chuanyu immediately noticed her mother's panic and timidity, and she hurriedly greeted her with a smile, "Mom, why are you here?"

While talking, Zhao Chuanyu held He Tiantian's hand.

With his daughter as support, He Tiantian seemed less nervous.

Approaching He Tiantian, Zhao Chuanyu lowered his voice, then turned his head and said quickly: "Mom, don't worry, you only need to say a few words!"

"When you're done, leave and let Boss Cheng accompany you to the lake!"

"...On the cruise ship, it's just you and Boss Cheng. He sings for you and you make tea for him. How comfortable it is!"

In order to make her mother stay away from the scumbag, Zhao Chuanyu, a daughter, did not hesitate to personally make plans to let her mother go on a date with the pretty boy!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although this kind of thing is not done according to the rules, it is even a bit shocking.

However, the effect is indescribable!

"Zhao Wenxiu", who was flustered and uncomfortable just now, suddenly brightened up when he heard that he would soon be able to swim in the lake with his favorite boss Cheng and be alone together.

Not only was she no longer afraid, but she suddenly gained a bit more aura like a young lady.

Pointing at Huo Mingting, He Tiantian said coldly, "Huo Mingting, what have you done without knowing it?!"

"Take the Zhao family's money to raise an illegitimate child and an illegitimate daughter. As soon as my father left, you took the mother and son to the Zhao family!"

"Huo Mingting, don't forget, you are the son-in-law of my Zhao family!"

"You act like this with amnesia, do you care about the rules and etiquette?!"

"In the past, I was so lenient with you because of our relationship of more than ten years. Unexpectedly, I allowed you to become even more arrogant."

"...No one encouraged me, and no one forced me. It was me, Zhao Shi Wenxiu, who didn't want you as my son-in-law anymore, so I went out of my way to advertise it in the newspaper!"

Having said this, He Tiantian glanced at the audience and said with great force, "You are all well-known people in Fucheng, and you are old acquaintances with my father!"

"It just so happens that everyone is here today, please help me bear witness!"

"From now on, Huo Mingting has no relationship with the Zhao family, and I have severed all ties with Huo Mingting!"

He Tiantian has a firm attitude and speaks loudly.

Everyone present was shocked by Miss Zhao's momentum.

Some people couldn't help but sigh: "After all, she is Mr. Zhao's daughter. Even if she is simpler and weaker, she is not too disgraceful!"

"Yes, this kid probably valued friendship too much in the past, so he was deceived by his adopted son-in-law!"

"No! Fortunately she woke up in time!"

"How could she wake up in time? Isn't that husband-in-law too arrogant? After all, he pretended for a few years, but the result... tsk tsk, it looks so ugly!"

This is an old guy who has some friendship with Mr. Zhao.

Although they would not interfere too much in the Zhao family's household affairs, they were also happy for Mr. Zhao when they saw that "Zhao Wenxiu" could stand up.

And when they said, "It looks too ugly to eat," they deliberately glanced at Chen Shibo.

It was obvious that they were making a pun. On the surface they were scolding Huo Mingting, but secretly they were connoting the Chen family.

We are all well-known and wealthy businessmen in the city. If we want to compete, we should compete in the business field.

It's good for the Chen family to use such despicable methods. Tsk, it's really not a glory!

Young Master Chen, Chen Shibo, felt a few meaningful glances and couldn't help but move his buttocks.

Although I wasn't ashamed, I was still a little uncomfortable.

However, what has been done has been done, and there is no use in sugarcoating it.

He coughed lightly.

Hearing his hint, someone in the crowd shouted, "Miss Zhao, you can't say that!"

"Although Mr. Huo is a son-in-law, he is still your husband. As a woman, she should be virtuous, chaste and obedient. How can she just open her mouth and ask for divorce?"

"Also, you and your wife have a child after all. Regardless of your relationship as a couple, you should also consider the child!"

This person started moral kidnapping, but such rhetoric had a certain market in later generations, not to mention the fictitious Republic of China, which still had a lot of feudal remnants.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At the banquet, some people nodded secretly.

Butler Zhao \u0026 Zhao Chuanyu:... Damn, you know what children these people will use to make trouble!

But this topic cannot be avoided.

No matter how Huo Mingting was his son-in-law, he was also Zhao Chuanyu's biological father.

But at a time when filial piety is as great as heaven, blood ties cannot be cut off.

"Bah! What kind of virtuous, chaste and obedient person? Don't you understand human speech?"

Something happened that surprised Butler Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu. "Zhao Wenxiu" actually performed exceptionally well.

She spat in the direction of the man and said disdainfully, "What is a son-in-law? Don't you know?"

"The so-called son-in-law is just a tool that our Zhao family spends money to buy into our family to carry on the family lineage. It's almost like marrying a daughter-in-law in your family!"

"Why, your family can tolerate the woman you spent money to marry and have children with to hook up with other men, and can you tolerate the bastards outside?"

"Okay! If you, Mr. Wan, can tolerate all this, then I, Zhao Wenxiu, will not divorce!"

He Tiantian was so awesome that she even singled out the Chen family’s Ma Zai who was mixing up the rhythm in the crowd...

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