The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 670: The heroine’s best mother (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

General Yu had already made up his mind, and he was a little more patient with his silly brother.

Seeing that Yu Er was still worried about the girl from the Zhao family, General Yu said softly, "That girl has probably arrived in the port city!"

Why was he forced by his unreliable biological mother to sell off even the Zhao family's property? !

After all, General Yu had interacted with Zhao Chuanyu several times, and he had gained an understanding of this little girl.

It is true that there is an unreliable biological mother, but she will be forced to have no way out, but she has great moisture.

General Yu suspected that the rumors among the people were most likely spread intentionally by Zhao Chuanyu in order to escape from the city smoothly.

Facts have proved that Zhao Chuanyu did succeed.

Not only did he successfully sell off most of his property, he also brought the whole family out of the city.

Now, people have probably gone to Hong Kong City a long time ago. With money in hand, they can buy new properties and still be wealthy.

Oh, by the way, I heard that her impure biological mother also bought some kind of title for her little lover, although it was just a false title, it was enough to protect them from being bullied in the harbor city!

Compared with other people, the Yu family is more like a bereaved dog.

Only a few hundred of the 30,000 soldiers and horses were left, and my father was so frightened by the ghosts that he lost his fighting spirit. He just wanted to hide in the concession and work as an apartment owner.

Yes, the Yu family will not be too miserable, but compared with the one who was in charge, it is still very different.

Major General Yu couldn't accept it.

Heroes have emerged in troubled times since ancient times. He, Yu, grew up in the military and attended military academies abroad.

He will never remain silent.

Of course, before going to Fog City, Major General Yu wanted to arrange his home.

Although my younger brother is not very old, he is still fifteen or sixteen years old and can take on the responsibility of taking care of his parents.

Therefore, along the way, General Yu often gave some tips and taught his younger brother.

General Yu talked about the Zhao family's affairs smoothly, and used Zhao Chuanyu as an example for Yu Er to learn from it.

"...No, is the boss so powerful?"

This, this is too thoughtful.

The key is to be too calm.

Also, would Aunt Zhao be so cooperative?

Was she always pretending in the past?

"Of course not! Zhao Wenxiu, ahem, is indeed a bit unique!"

General Yu was more reserved and did not say that Zhao Wenxiu was a weirdo.

However, being unique is not a good word to praise.

Yu Er:......

Therefore, Aunt Zhao is indeed very evil, but Zhao Chuanyu knows how to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it? !

"Awesome! You are worthy of being my boss!"

Yu Er sincerely admired him.

Seeing the innocent look of his stupid brother, Major General Yu suddenly felt that it was appropriate for such a young child to take care of his parents.

"No! Brother, I want to join the army!"

Major General Yu was worried that his younger brother was too stupid to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

Yu Er is not happy to stay at home.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll go to military school!"

Yu Er will never forget the arrogant and cruel faces of those ghosts on the day they left Fucheng, as well as the helplessness and panic of the people in the city.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At that moment, he really felt extremely ashamed.

"How old are you? You should just stay and study in the Magic City."

Of course Major General Yu disagreed. His younger brother was only fifteen years old, so he was still a child.

"Brother, when you went to Germany,

Only sixteen years old! "

Yu Er, however, had a rare moment of stubbornness in front of his brother, holding on to his neck and saying, "If you don't let me go, I'll go secretly."

"...Okay, if you insist, then come with me to Fog City."

When their family arrived in Shanghai, it was New Year's Day.

Jinling also fell, and the military academy and so on were moved to Shu.

It happened that General Yu wanted to go to Fog City to join his old classmates, so he could successfully bring his younger brother with him.

It's better to have him take the lead than to let his brother run around like a headless fly.

As for his parents, General Yu also wanted to take them to Fog City, at least it was not an enemy-occupied area.

However, my father felt that the southwest was not as prosperous as the Magic City and was unwilling to go there at all.

And he also has a few old friends in the concession, and I heard that they can give him some errands.

Major General Yu:...

My biological father's bottom line is really unexpectedly low.

However, Major General Yu can also understand that for those old-school warlords, changing mountains is very common.

They really have no concept of family, country and world.

Let it be!

There is really nothing General Yu can do about his biological father.

Just like General Yu cannot control his son, neither father nor son obeys the other!

As for my mother, she is a traditional woman who regards her husband as her first priority.

Moreover, she is weak-tempered and will not disobey her husband.

The couple had been in love for more than twenty years. When General Yu was in power, he never let down his wife.

Now that she is down and out, she will not treat her badly.

After careful arrangements, General Yu took Yu Er and set off together.

Along the way, they encountered devastation and enemy invaders rampant, and Yu Er became more determined to serve as a soldier to defend the country.

After arriving in Fog City, General Yu successfully became the military staff officer of a certain general with the help of his old classmates.

As for Yu Er, Major General Yu arranged for him to enter the military academy.

Both brothers have their own belongings and have settled down temporarily.

In his spare time, Yu Er will also think about all the things in Fucheng and his boss Zhao Chuanyu.

"Eh? Why does that woman look familiar?"

While wandering around during the holidays, Yu Er was in a bookstore and accidentally caught a glimpse of a woman wearing a cheongsam.

However, what he saw was the other person's back, and he passed by in a flash.

He felt vaguely familiar in his mind, but he couldn't figure out who the other person was.

I still returned to school, turned off the lights, lay on the bed, and couldn't help but think about the past again, and suddenly a figure flashed in my mind——

"Fuck! It's her!"

"Why did she come to Southwest?"

Yu Er suddenly sat up. In the darkness, a pair of eyes reflected the light, and he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign country is a happy event for others!

But to him, that person didn't seem to be a friend, but a potential threat.

The next day, Yu Er found a reason to take leave and ran to the bookstore alone.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I circled around inside and outside, left and right, for a long time, but I never saw that figure again.

"Am I dazzled? Did I see something wrong?"

"Or, she doesn't live here, but just passes by by chance?"

Yu Er's mind was full of questions, but he couldn't find the answers, so he could only put this matter in his heart for the time being.

Port city.

Zhao Chuanyu, who was determined by General Yu to live a good life, was so angry that he almost ascended to heaven.

"Mom, what did you say? Did you invest all your money in that shabby drug factory?"

Just after arriving in the port city, before the mother and daughter could tell about their separation, Zhao Chuanyu heard such sad news.

At first, she felt that although her mother was selfish, she was not stupid, so she safely gave all the money from the sale of her property to her mother.

As a result, the cattle moved to BJ are still cattle. Unreliable people, even if they are not stupid, are still unreliable!

With the money, my mother bought a house, land, and a gentleman's title for her little lover.

According to Zhao Chuanyu's plan, the remaining money will be used to open textile mills, flour mills, machinery factories and other factories.

Just like in Fucheng, Zhao Chuanyu even moved the relevant machines.

As a result, my mother only bought land, but did not build a factory. Instead, she was encouraged by that foreign pretty boy named Claude to invest in a hospital and build a pharmaceutical factory!

This this……

If there is still a surplus after running other factories, Zhao Chuanyu would not mind opening another hospital to save the world.

But, the Zhao family has never done anything like pharmaceutical manufacturing.

This kind of factory, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, requires a "secret recipe".

The Zhao family has nothing, and if they open a pharmaceutical factory rashly, they will only lose money!

When he was in Fucheng, Zhao Chuanyu deliberately used the fact that his biological mother opened a hospital in Hong Kong City as a cover, just to let the Zhao family escape from Fucheng smoothly.

She simply didn't believe that her own mother could be so unreliable!

The truth is, she was right.

After hearing about his mother's "feat" from housekeeper Zhao, Zhao Chuanyu really didn't know whether to blame himself or his mother for being too silly.

It seems that she should blame herself more.

Because my mother loves to be a monster for a day or two, I actually thought she could be reliable for once!

After closing his eyes hard, Zhao Chuanyu's anger was suddenly extinguished.

She stretched out her hand numbly, "Give me the land deed of the pharmaceutical factory!"

If the money doesn't come back, then we can only run the pharmaceutical factory well.

Fortunately, my mother obediently followed her requirements and bought some land and shops before setting up a pharmaceutical factory.

Otherwise, their Zhao family would really be defeated.

It's ridiculous, the Zhao family was not destroyed by the war, but because of the unreliable Zhao Wenxiu——

Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore, there’s no need to get angrier as you talk.

Now Zhao Chuanyu just wants to minimize the losses.

"Chuanyu, are you angry?"

He Tiantian looked innocent and confused.

It seemed that she didn't know where she had offended her daughter.

Zhao Chuanyu:......

Don't be angry! Don't be angry!

This is my biological mother, biological mother, biological mother!

"Miss, the matter of opening a pharmaceutical factory is indeed rushed!"

Butler Zhao couldn't bear it. Alas, it was also his fault. He thought the eldest lady was just making a small fuss. Unexpectedly, she actually used all the remaining money to cause trouble.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What about that? He hasn't told the little lady yet.

The eldest lady not only opened a pharmaceutical factory in Hong Kong City, but also sent people to set up a laboratory in the United States.

I heard they were developing some new medicine, and the money was being spent everywhere.

In fact, a pharmaceutical factory would not harm the Zhao family at all.

The real big head is abroad.

The eldest lady worked with the wife of an American envoy who returned home urgently. In addition to a laboratory, she also built a flour mill.

Flour mills are more reliable than pharmaceutical factories and laboratories, which is one of the main reasons why Butler Zhao did not firmly oppose it.

In troubled times, or in times of war, food is the most valuable thing.

The envoy's wife, her name is Melanie, her natal family is a farmer, and I heard they have thousands of acres of land.

There is simply no way to finish the food in the fields.

In the past few years, many of them rotted in the ground.

With Melanie as a big landowner, the eldest lady will definitely be able to get a lot of food in the future.

In the eyes of Butler Zhao, the laboratory is the "certificate of submission" for the cooperation between the eldest lady and Melanie.

It's spending money to pave the way.

It is precisely with these considerations in mind that the housekeeper turns a blind eye to the eldest lady's prodigal behavior.

The young lady was very angry at the moment, and in front of the eldest lady, Butler Zhao couldn't say it clearly.

He thought that he would find time to tell the young lady all these situations later.

Based on the little lady’s intelligence and overall perspective, she should be able to understand.

Alas, I really can’t blame the young lady for being angry.

The eldest lady's hands are too loose. A laboratory costs so much money, and even Butler Zhao feels distressed.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Opening a pharmaceutical factory is a big business!"

He Tiantian didn't pay attention to Butler Zhao's efforts to smooth things over, but she cocked her neck and said willfully.

"Claude said that there are wars everywhere now, and wars involve casualties and require a lot of medicine!"

"Especially effective anti-inflammatory drugs, which are simply a necessity for war preparation."

"The person in charge of that laboratory has recently been researching an anti-inflammatory drug called sulfonamide, or something like that. As long as he succeeds, he can make a lot of money!"

"That is to say, Claude and I have an irreconcilable relationship. Otherwise, such a good business would never come to our Zhao family!"

"Chuanyu, don't worry, our laboratory can be worth a dozen textile mills and flour mills..."

He Tiantian showed off proudly.

However, Zhao Chuanyu only felt that his eyes were going dark, "Laboratory? Why is there still a laboratory?"

What did my mother lose?

One pharmaceutical factory is not enough? !

"Of course there is a laboratory. I specifically asked Melanie to help buy this laboratory!"

"Oh, by the way, we will go to the United States in a few days to formally sign various documents!"

"Hehe, Melanie said it in the letter she sent me. The United States is much more prosperous than the port city. There are cars everywhere, and there are many handsome blond guys like Claude!"

When He Tiantian said "little handsome boy", it made him salivate, almost drooling.

Zhao Chuanyu's face was numb.

So, what lab, what makes the big money?

My mother’s real purpose is to go to the United States to find more pretty girls.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Chuanyu thought that she was used to her mother's love-mindedness, but she still didn't expect that her mother could still do this!

For the sake of men, he has repeatedly harmed his daughter and ruined the Zhao family's property.

Zhao Chuanyu felt that she not only dug up her mother's ancestral grave in her previous life, but also that she had done things that were sorry for her in the previous life and the lifetime after that.

God punished her to be her mother's daughter for the rest of her life!

“Mom, you, you—”

Zhao Chuanyu's chest was so clogged that he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"Chuanyu, are you also surprised? Do you also want to go to the United States to see the world?"

"Don't worry, mom will take you with her."

"Also, you're not young anymore, you can try to get a boyfriend."

"Well, how about you find a handsome American guy?"

He Tiantian is still irritating Zhao Chuanyu's poor nerves.

Zhao Chuanyu: Mom, please, just shut up.

It’s okay for me to just be a little girl who falls in love every day, but I actually want to drag my daughter into the water with me.

He Tiantian secretly glanced at Zhao Chuanyu, who looked hopeless, and secretly laughed: Good girl, don't worry, your mother will give you a surprise...

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