The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 671 The heroine’s best mother (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Chuanyu is the heroine after all. She suffered a critical blow from her own mother, but she did not recover from it.

She quickly cheered up——

She has the manpower brought from Zhaojiazhai, the old shopkeeper who moved with her, the land, the machines and inventory moved from Fucheng.

She doesn't have everything.

Going back a year or two, when her own mother was still being coaxed by her scumbag father, Zhao Chuanyu was ready to betray the family and start over.

It's much better now than it was then, right?

Zhao Chuanyu tried her best to comfort herself with such words. She adjusted her mentality in the shortest possible time, rolled up her sleeves, and began to deal with the mess left by her mother.

First, sell that inventory.

There is war now, fighting is happening everywhere, and supplies and other supplies are in extremely short supply.

Zhao Chuanyu has enough goods in hand. His mother has been doing a lot of shopping in the port city, and she has not always been wasted.

Relying on Claude, she successfully broke into the Waiguoren circle in Hong Kong City.

She also spent money to buy Claude a title and joined the ranks of the nobility.

There is no actual right to a title or anything like that, but it is still very useful for Zhao Chuanyu who just wants to do business.

Zhao Chuanyu took Sir Claude's banner and quickly established a foothold in the port city.

Her goods were good enough and she rented them in large quantities, so they quickly sold out.

With the money, Zhao Chuanyu did not dare to delay and quickly started building factories, hiring technicians, workers, etc.

We have to be quick, my mother is also eyeing this money.

"Chuanyu, let's go to the United States. The laboratory there has made breakthrough progress and needs a sum of money to produce drugs!"

"Also, Claude's hospital still needs investment..."

He Tiantian continued to act like an ignorant naughty child, not knowing at all the hardships and difficulties of caring for his daughter, and wanted to divide the little money Zhao Chuanyu had with his fingers.

Zhao Chuanyu:......

I really don’t want to give it!

However, Butler Zhao also explained the situation to her in detail afterwards.

Her own mother didn't spend money recklessly. If nothing else, just the fact that she was able to establish relationships with American capitalists was enough to surprise Zhao Chuanyu.

After experiencing an "escape" and seeing the fall of Fucheng in newspapers, Zhao Chuanyu deeply understood the meaning of war.

This is not a simple war between warlords. No matter how bastard those scoundrels are, they are only robbing property.

And damn it, they want to subjugate China and exterminate it.

Seeing all the tragedies in the mainland reported on the news, especially the disaster in Jinling, Zhao Chuanyu was filled with grief and anger, but also felt a deep fear.

She finally understood the saying, "It's better to be a dog in a prosperous world than a person in troubled times."

The country is weak and those in power cannot protect the people. As an ordinary citizen, Zhao Chuanyu can only find ways to protect himself and his family.

Originally thought that the port city would be safer, but looking at the crazy attack of the ghosts and the retreat and weakness of the Westerners, Zhao Chuanyu felt that the port city so close to the inland would not always be so peaceful.

The United States, which has no war in its homeland, is an excellent choice.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, unless absolutely necessary, Zhao Chuanyu would not take his family away from his hometown.

However, make preparations in advance. Even if you don't go abroad, having a foreigner as a partner can still be considered a backer.

Zhao Chuanyu is by no means a worshiper of foreigners, nor does he want to rely on foreigners for self-respect. However, in this troubled world, with such a weak and turbulent country,

She can only choose foreign aid.

Not to mention that she is a commoner, even the principal relied on the United States and other Western powers to have the capital to get to the top.

Therefore, the biological mother accidentally became a partner with Melanie, which was also an excellent opportunity for the Zhao family.

Not to mention, my biological mother not only built a costly laboratory and pharmaceutical factory, but also a flour mill.

Nowadays, food is so expensive and the country is constantly fighting, so people do not have a stable environment to grow food.

If there is a supplier of crooked fruits, Zhao Chuanyu can transport the grain back to the inland, not only to make money, but also to do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

"Mom, I have a lot of use for this money, so I can't give it all to you!"

After thinking again and again, Zhao Chuanyu endured the pain in his body and squeezed out some money from his hand and handed it to his mother, "Take these to the United States first!"

Whether it is additional investment in the laboratory or whether she continues to expand her social circle in the United States, it is all up to her.

The only thing is that the Zhao family only has this little money at the moment, so my mother must save some money.

At least you can't use this money to spend your days and nights.

"What? You don't want to go to the United States with me?"

He Tiantian's focus never seems to be the same as Zhao Chuanyu's!

She was not concerned about running out of money and saving money, but she was very concerned that her daughter did not want to go abroad with her to see the world.

Zhao Chuanyu took a deep breath and suppressed the helplessness in his heart again.

Dear mother, what would you like your daughter to say about you?

You, you are in your thirties and an elder, how come you are so ignorant? !

However, it was okay to complain about this in his heart. Zhao Chuanyu did not say it out loud, let alone reveal it at all.

It's not that she is "filial", but it's useless to say this to her own mother.

Play the piano to a cow, you know? !

"No, I won't go. There are still a lot of things going on here in Hong Kong City."

Zhao Chuanyu calmed down his mood, shook his head, and directly rejected his mother.

"Oh, you can just leave it to Uncle Jiu to handle matters in Hong Kong City. There is also Claude, he can also help -"

He Tiantian refuses to give up and seems determined to take her daughter to the United States for some fun.

"I still have other things I need Grandpa Jiu to do—"

Zhao Chuanyu said with a smile.

Although the Zhao family has established a firm foothold in the port city, Zhao Chuanyu adheres to Mr. Zhao's idea of ​​"a cunning rabbit has three holes" and made some extra arrangements.

She had thought about having her own armed force before.

The villagers in Zhaojiazhai are her people.

While in Fucheng, Zhao Chuanyu obtained weapons through the relationships with several envoys and military attachés.

...In other words, this time Zhao Chuanyu was able to successfully arrive in the port city and transfer most of his assets, because he had enough manpower around him to protect him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Otherwise, Zhao Chuanyu would not dare to make such a big move.

The port city seems to be much more stable than the mainland, but there are many forces.

Zhao Chuanyu knows deeply that in troubled times, if you just have money, you are a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

She must have a weapon in her hand so that she can have a chance to reason with others!

After arriving in the port city, Zhao Chuanyu arranged for Butler Zhao to settle the young men brought out from Zhaojiazhai.

Butler Zhao simply opened a martial arts gym and housed the screaming young people openly.

In addition, Butler Zhao is also preparing to add new blood, recruit apprentices, and adopt orphans... Some of the practices of Mr. Zhao back then have been perfectly copied by Butler Zhao.

Not long after arriving in Hong Kong City, Butler Zhao prepared no less than 300 people for the Zhao family.

In the future, this "team" will grow stronger.

Zhao Chuanyu trusts Butler Zhao. Of course, this trust is also based on Zhao Chuanyu's firm grasp of money and weapons.

However, Zhao Chuanyu believed that her ninth grandfather would not betray her trust.

Therefore, Zhao Chuanyu left all the matters concerning the martial arts school to Butler Zhao.

She is focused on making money and weapons.

As for her biological mother... ahem, she wants to find a man and have all the fun and entertainment in the world.

Zhao Chuanyu has only one request for his biological mother: don't cause trouble and don't hold her back!

Well, I was tricked again by my biological mother before. It was just because Zhao Chuanyu was careless and gave her biological mother too much money.

Well, this time, if she pays less and gives a few more instructions, there should be no problem, right? !


Three months later, Zhao Chuanyu received a telegram from his biological mother. When he saw what was written on it, his eyes widened.

"How is it possible? This, this -"

Zhao Chuanyu has always been calm, but after learning about her mother's sexy tricks, she was still full of disbelief.

"Little miss, what happened to the eldest miss?"

Seeing Zhao Chuanyu's appearance, Butler Zhao's heart was in his throat.

The eldest lady has an unreliable temper, but this time she just went to the United States to sign a few contracts, and the money in her hands was carefully calculated by the young lady.

At most, it's enough for her to eat, drink and have fun, but it won't make any big waves at all.

But why did he look at it? This time, the young lady's expression turned out to be even uglier than the last time when he found out that the eldest lady had ruined her money.

"Grandpa Jiu, my mother is married! To a foreign devil!"

After a long while, Zhao Chuanyu seemed to find his voice.

She said quietly as she handed the telegram to Butler Zhao.

"What? The eldest lady, she, she -" actually got remarried?

She won't encounter a liar again.

Back then, Huo Mingting really scared Butler Zhao.

In the past two or three years, Butler Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu have been guarding against "Zhao Wenxiu" creating another Huo Mingting.

Their requirements for Zhao Wenxiu are very simple. She can change men at will, and it doesn't matter whether they are married or not. The only thing they want is: it's okay to have fun, but don't "marry" someone back home!

With strict precautions and various guidance, "Zhao Wenxiu" has always experienced the beauty of love, but has never thought of remarrying.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Housekeeper Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu thought that their eldest daughter (biological mother) had thought better of it and understood the beauty of "not giving up the entire forest for a tree" and would not get married again in the future.

But, but——

Butler Zhao quickly grabbed the telegram and read it word by word.



The eldest lady is marrying Melanie's cousin, the heir to an American conglomerate?

She doesn't look like a pretty girl who cheats money, but she looks a bit like her eldest lady who has reached a high level.

Butler Zhao rubbed his eyes and carefully read every word on the telegram again.

Zhao Chuanyu, on the other hand, quickly reacted after the initial shock.

She also keenly discovered the key point, "Grandpa Ninth, my mother and this Richard seem to be getting married!"

His own mother is a love-minded person, but Zhao Chuanyu doesn't think that a new generation of elites who dominate shopping malls in the United States will be a fool who only thinks about love and love.

There must be something behind this marriage.

Soon, the answer was revealed——

"The sulfonamide developed in the laboratory is the most effective anti-inflammatory drug currently, and its price is comparable to gold!"

The owner of this laboratory is "Zhao Wenxiu", and the ownership of sulfonamides naturally belongs to her!

How can those capitalists who only care about profit not covet such a golden chicken that can lay golden eggs?

Richard was close at hand, and because of Melanie's relationship, he successfully became friends with "Zhao Wenxiu".

However, being just friends is not enough to share benefits.

The best cooperation, no matter in ancient or modern times, at home and abroad, has only one shortcut - marriage!

It happened that Richard had never been able to get married because he was busy with business all year round.

As for Zhao Wenxiu, although she is married for the second time, she still has a daughter who is fourteen or fifteen years old.

But she married young and was actually one year younger than Richard.

Moreover, the Oriental is particularly young. She is beautiful and has the traditional oriental classical beauty. Even apart from the money-spinner of Sulfonamide, she is still somewhat attractive in her own right.

Therefore, Richard did not feel too much grievance or unwillingness when he proposed to "Zhao Wenxiu".

He even liked this little oriental woman a little bit.

He Tiantian:......

It doesn't matter, anyway, I have a puppet talisman. Whether it's keeping a pretty boy or having a remarried husband, she doesn't have to go into battle personally.

That's not He Tiantian's pretentiousness. Although in the world of work, she has not only experienced all kinds of things that a woman should experience, but she has even been a man.

She is not unfamiliar with those things between men and women.

But, in reality, she is still a teenager and has not yet fallen in love or gotten married.

In a certain aspect, He Tiantian is still a little insistent!

Outsiders don't know He Tiantian's methods, and she has superb acting skills. Even Richard, the client, thinks that he and his new wife are in love and are incomparably compatible, both emotionally and physically.

The couple had a good relationship and shared common interests. Richard and his family seemed to regard sulfonamide as their own treasure and promoted and hyped it desperately.

The Richard family is a veteran capitalist and has a certain status in the United States.

There have even been governors and vice presidents in the family.

Therefore, with the protection of the Richard family, important drugs such as sulfonamide have not been plundered and stolen by other capitals, but it has also allowed the Richard family to move to a higher level.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The Richard family is better, and "Zhao Wenxiu" will only be better as Richard's wife.

Not only did she successfully save Sulfa, but she also obtained sufficient food and weapons from Richard.

Even for fighter jets, a major weapon that the United States strictly keeps secret, the Zhao family obtained more than a dozen and generously donated them to Fog City.

"Zhao Wenxiu" mother and daughter became the guests of the principal and his wife. Zhao Chuanyu also received the Yunding Medal and became a proper patriotic businessman!

Zhao Chuanyu:......

She made a special trip to the foggy city and set foot on the inland land again. She had an unreal feeling.

She even felt that her biological mother was not a burden to her at all, but her patron saint.

Relying on her own mother, she didn't even have to work hard, she could just lie down and win.

I really can't blame Zhao Chuanyu for having random thoughts. His mother's tantrums, oh no, it was a magical operation.

Not only did he get her a golden chicken that lays golden eggs continuously, but it also improved her identity and status.

She is no longer a fat sheep to be slaughtered, but has officially entered the privileged class...

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