Provincial capital, Kaixuan New City, He family.

“Mom, what’s wrong with this yogurt?”

He Yongcheng is the little emperor of his family and has long been spoiled by his parents.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, he is 1.7 meters tall but has gained 170 pounds.

At home, he always behaves willfully and doesn't look at other people's faces at all.

Therefore, even though one of He Shengli and Wei Xue had a sinking face and the other was thoughtful, both of which were not normal emotions, He Yongcheng did not care.

The only thing he was concerned about was whether he could still drink yogurt.

This was just bought from the supermarket today, his favorite yellow peach flavor.

As a result, my father received a call from my aunt, and things became strange.

He Yongcheng was just about to open the yogurt carton and prepare to drink yogurt when his father snatched it away.

Afterwards, he and his mother stared at the box of yogurt.

I really don’t know what they are looking at. Is it possible that there are flowers that can be seen on the outer packaging of the yogurt box? !

He Yongcheng didn't have much patience, and he didn't want to accompany his parents to be silly in the living room, so he mumbled dissatisfiedly, "What on earth are you looking at?"

“What’s there to see in a yogurt box?”

While He Yongcheng was chattering, he also looked at the yogurt box carefully.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't look at it. After a closer look, He Yongcheng also discovered the problem, "Huh? Has xxx changed the spokesperson? Who is this person? Is he some newly debuted celebrity or Internet celebrity?"

These days, although Internet celebrities are still criticized, they have also gained a certain degree of social recognition.

Especially Internet celebrities with tens of millions of fans are more famous than some second- and third-tier stars.

Not only will they sell goods in the live broadcast room, but they can also become advertising spokespersons because of their sufficient fan base and popularity.

He Yongcheng looked at the beautiful girl on the yogurt box, which was unfamiliar, yet somewhat familiar.

But he really didn't know him, so he could only speculate that he came across this little star or internet celebrity's video when he was scrolling through his phone.

However, this girl is really beautiful.

The key is to be young, not to use dermabrasion, filters and other high-tech photos to deceive you.

He Yongcheng is fourteen years old, and he has reached an age where he still understands the affairs between men and women.

In fact, he is considered "late". In his class, there are people who have been secretly in love for a long time.

It's just that He Yongcheng is too fat and has a lonely temper, so he is not liked by those little girls.

He could only look at his mobile phone secretly, and secretly give rockets, carnivals, etc. to some anchor girls who could sing and dance.

Now that he saw a new spokesperson on the yogurt box, he was still so young and beautiful, and He Yongcheng became more and more impressed.

Of course, He Shengli didn't know that his son had reached puberty where he could have sex, but he was still made even worse by his son's words——

"What kind of celebrity or internet celebrity? It's immoral and embarrassing!"

He Shengli is a traditional man, and a native of S province known for his conservativeness and rules.

In his view, preparation is the most important thing.

Except for on-the-job work, all other jobs are illegal.

Especially the so-called entertainment industry. If we put it in the past, it would be just actors and the lowest class!

Thanks to his Shengli's efforts, the He family has broken away from the farm and become a prominent figure.

As a result, his daughter ran away to join the entertainment industry.

He Shengli was filled with anger when he thought of her posing in front of the camera at such a young age.

During the Chinese New Year, He Shengli was angry at He Tiantian, an unfilial daughter.

At that time, he thought it was a matter of grasping the situation, but he felt that He Tiantian came back to surrender and bow his head.

Unexpectedly, there was no news at all about this dead girl.

She doesn't contact her parents during the Chinese New Year. Does she really want to sever ties with her biological parents?

There is no way!

Although he did not raise him personally, he paid for it for more than ten years.

He has a son and doesn't expect his daughter to support him in old age, but he can't do business at a loss either.

He Tiantian wants to have a clean break with her biological parents, but it also depends on whether He Shengli agrees or not!

He Shengli felt that his dignity as a father had once again been provoked and trampled upon.

This year, He Shengli was really having a terrible time.

Years later, He Shengli's work was not going well either.

Originally, he had a chance to run for deputy director. His ability and qualifications were sufficient.

But it failed in the end.

He Shengli was unwilling to give in and secretly ran to visit his old leader with gifts.

Even if he couldn't ask the old leader to help him, he still hoped to know from the old leader where he lost.

However, the old leader rambled on a lot, and it was so cloudy and foggy that He Shengli was even more confused.

Finally, the old leader saw He Shengli's dazed and confused look and thought that this person might have bad personal ethics, but he still worked very hard in official matters.

The point is, this man is really respectful to him.

They have been together as teachers and friends for more than ten years, and no matter how hard-hearted they are, some feelings will arise.

To this day, the old leader can never forget that when he promoted him to section chief, He Shengli got drunk and cried and said to him: "Boss, you are the best person in the world to me."

"I am a kid who passed the examination in a rural area. I have no background, no connections, and average abilities. It was you who supported me all the way..."

"Wow, you are my reborn parents!"

The old leader has been a leader for many years and has mentored many juniors.

The nice compliments made his ears tingle.

To put it into perspective, He Shengli is not the best or most literate.

Even with a little roughness and shallowness, it feels like a polite word.

He Shengli said this with a sense of stupidity.

However, it is this "silliness" that the old leader likes.

Because it’s true!

At the moment He Shengli hugged his thigh and cried bitterly, the old leader really felt his gratitude and dependence.

His heart was slightly touched.

In the days that followed, the old leader himself did not notice. He seemed to regard He Shengli as his junior.

This "competition" was also the last arrangement the old leader made for He Shengli before retiring.

With his face, He Shengli was not really mediocre, so there was no problem originally.

However, above... alas!

"Xiao He seems to be a very smart kid, how could his future be hindered by family matters?"

The old leader sighed silently in his heart, feeling sorry for the junior he promoted once again.

As a man, he could understand He Shengli's insistence on having a son.

However, even if you want a son, you can't treat your daughter too badly.

Obviously you have already found someone to help raise it, so take good care of it.

He Shengli was lucky, he spent a lot of money, but he still became enemies with his daughter!

Now that the daughter of the He family has become successful, even the superiors are paying close attention to her.

In order to bring justice to the daughter of the He family, He Shengli was even suppressed.

…Originally, the old leader didn’t know about these situations.

But he really cared about He Shengli, a junior. After realizing that his superiors wanted to suppress him, he went to find his old leader with licking his face.

That person has already gone to the province, and may come to Beijing again later, and can know a lot of more confidential information.

The old boss knew his purpose, so he didn't beat around the bush and said directly: "As a public official, how can you blatantly violate the birth control policy?"

The old leader was shocked, thinking that He Shengli's extramarital affairs had been discovered.

He quickly explained, "It didn't violate the policy. Xiao He's family is in a special situation. According to the household registration book, he only has one son."

The old leader's old leader glanced at him and said nothing, but his eyes said - they are all thousand-year-old foxes, what are you doing with me?

Many of these people have only one daughter at home.

Don't they all want a son?

Not to mention others, this old leader’s old leader only has an only daughter.

At that time, his wife once tried to take advantage of the situation and "adopt" a son without telling the truth. It had already been three months, but he still sent him to the hospital himself.

This old leader knows very well that there is no airtight wall in the world.

Once something is done, it will leave traces.

Not to mention, this is a big living person.

No matter how secretive the plan is, as long as you investigate carefully, you will find clues.

The old leader's old leader is a man with great ambitions, and he will never ruin everything for a son!

However, he may not have no regrets in his heart.

As for people, this is often the case. When someone takes advantage of a loophole and does something secretly that they cannot do, they will always feel unbalanced.

It was okay in the past, and I didn't let go of having a second child. Even if I gave birth to an unknown child, I didn't dare to publicize it.

Now, the second and third babies are gradually being released.

Some people who had given away or abandoned their daughters in order to have sons have jumped out to look for their biological daughters.

They have both children, and their family is harmonious and happy. But because of the policy, the parents only had one child, or even lost their only child. How lost and desperate were they? !

The old leader of the old leader is not jealous of such a "son and daughter" person.

But he will also feel uncomfortable.

Of course, violating policies is not the main reason.

He Shengli was suppressed mainly because his abandoned daughter had a future.

If there hadn't been more considerations from above, both He Shengli and his wife might have been dismissed from their posts long ago!

Seeing that the old leader really cared about He Shengli, the old leader reminded him: "It's not just a violation of the policy, He Shengli's daughter was admitted to Beijing University for an interview."

Although being admitted to Beijing University is not an extremely noble or rare thing.

However, considering He Tiantian's family situation, she was able to get such an opportunity either because her personal abilities were particularly outstanding, or--

We are all in this circle, so there are some things that we don’t need to say too clearly.

The old leader understood instantly.

However, the old leader has been cautious in his words and deeds all his life, so he naturally knows the relevant regulations.

If you shouldn't say anything, you can't say it even to your closest relatives.

This is a rule and a principle.

Therefore, no matter who he told, the old leader would never say that He Shengli was implicated by his own daughter, let alone that He Tiantian might have embraced the golden legs of the country's father.

At this moment, facing the confused He Shengli, the old leader would never tell the truth.

He only said vaguely, "Well, as a public official, only the Qi family can bring peace to the world!"

This is not a fooling He Shengli.

As an old leader, he still hopes that He Shengli can have a smooth career.

Actually, when the old leader mentioned He Shengli like this, he had a little bit of thought.

He Shengli's biological daughter has a future, and she and He Shengli are blood relatives after all.

Blood ties are unbreakable.

Now the little girl hates her biological father, but as long as He Shengli and his wife put down their posture and give him some good coaxing, they might be able to win the child's heart back.

When the time comes, how can He Shengli's future be any worse if he has a biological daughter who can alert the superiors? !

"Shengli, I heard that your daughter, who was adopted by your sister, has been recommended to Beijing University!"

After the old leader organized his thoughts, he made further points: "We are both father and daughter, and there is no overnight feud——"

Children are born with the desire to be close to their parents. As long as He Shengli treats his own daughter with the same respectful attitude as before, he will definitely succeed!

He Shengli:...

He finally got some advice from his old leader, but he didn't feel any joy at all.

what's the situation?

The old boss wants him to kneel down and lick his own daughter? !

He Tiantian was recommended to Beijing University?

This incident surprised He Shengli.

But what happened to being recommended to Beijing University?

Is it still some kind of death-free gold medal? !

This is not the ancient times, where a person can do whatever he wants if he wins the first prize.

Even in ancient times, even if He Tiantian won the first prize, she still respected filial piety.

She, she...this damn girl is indeed an unfilial and rebellious little beast.

He Shengli was full of resentment and anger. As soon as he got home, before he could talk to his wife, he received a call from his sister He Shengnan.

"Shengli, I, I went to the business hall today for the 5G package, and I actually saw a sweet advertising poster!"

"What on earth has this child done? How could she become a spokesperson?"

After He Shengnan said this, he was worried that his brother would not believe it, so he quickly sent several photos.

He Shengli: ...If you were not recommended, why would you go to the entertainment industry to become a star? !

At this moment, He Shengli's brain was even more confused.

He numbly clicked on the picture and looked at it carefully.

So, this is my daughter?

She is quite beautiful, and has perfectly inherited all the advantages of her parents and ancestors, and even a lot more.

He Shengli and Wei Xue can only be regarded as good-looking, but He Tiantian seems to have been carefully carved by God on the basis of their husband and wife.

The facial features are delicate and beautiful, but there is a faint trace of the Victory couple.

I can’t say how similar they are, but if outsiders see them standing together, they will definitely think that they are a family.

He Shengli had not met He Tiantian several times, so the shadow of this daughter in his mind had always been vague.

Now, this shadow had a face, and He Shengli discovered that she was similar to him, but there was not much surprise.

What are you happy about?

If I can't go to a good university, I have to go to the entertainment industry.

Where is the entertainment industry?

Big dye vat!

Hidden rules are everywhere, especially for beautiful girls with no family background or background. If they want to get ahead, they may have to pay a price.


He Tiantian's grades were not very good either. How did she get recommended?

Is there any shady deal involved here?

He Shengli was so angry when he thought that his pure and upright family style was actually ruined by an unfilial daughter.

This dead kid had even harmed himself. He Shengli wished he could drag He Tiantian in and beat him to death immediately.

It happened that at this time, Wei Xue came back from the supermarket and bought his son a box of his favorite xxx yogurt.

And on the yogurt box, He Tiantian's photo was printed...

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