The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 680: The long-lost villain (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What? Lao He, you said, you said this is He Tiantian?"

After hearing what her husband said, Wei Xue was stunned.

How ironic that a mother walked all the way carrying a yogurt with a photo of her own daughter on it, but she never recognized it.

It was only when her husband pointed at the photo and cursed with anger on his face that Wei Xue learned the truth.

She looked at her angry husband and then at the young, beautiful, lively and smart girl on the yogurt box, and she was a little at a loss for a moment.

He Shengli favors boys over girls, and Wei Xue, who is also a woman, does not give in too much.

Fortunately, she is still a highly educated new-age woman, but her brain is wrapped in a bandage.

She was even more disappointed than He Shengli when she gave birth to He Tiantian and found out that he was a girl.

She was not even willing to breastfeed the child, letting He Tiantian cry from hunger.

The nurse couldn't stand it and "reminded" the family members: "If the mother has no milk, then feed her some milk powder. Judging from your appearance, your family's financial situation should not be too bad!"

The little nurse's words were very rude, and both He Shengli and Wei Xue were a little unhappy.

If they had followed their past behavior, they would have complained long ago.

However, looking at the piles of fruit baskets and nutritional supplements placed around the hospital bed, I thought that colleagues and neighbors heard about Wei Xue's birth and came to visit one after another.

Both husband and wife were wilting again.

No, they can't do stupid things.

What if colleagues in the work unit knew that they almost "starved to death" a newborn baby because they disliked their daughter and refused to breastfeed--

Tsk tsk, can you listen to this?

Do they still have their jobs? !

Alas, the only disadvantage of having an establishment is that there are too many non-legal constraints.

Considering her job, even if Wei Xue wanted to throw away this money-losing thing, she didn't dare to do it.

In the end, He Shengli was sent to his hometown, and Wei Xue felt as if she was alive again.

In the following ten years, Wei Xue never took the initiative to visit He Tiantian.

At most, the family of three would go back to their hometown occasionally, or the eldest aunt would come with He Tiantian to enjoy the autumn breeze, and Wei Xue only met a few times.

She and He Tiantian were obviously biological mother and daughter, and they were originally the two closest people in the world.

But Wei Xue doesn't know He Tiantian as well as the property owner in her own community.

At least she could recognize the property lady when she saw her outside and say hello politely.

And He Tiantian——

Wei Xue looked at the sign on the yogurt box. It seemed a little familiar, but also extremely unfamiliar.

"Isn't it just this dead girl!"

Hearing his wife ask about the unfilial daughter, He Shengli growled angrily.

"This damn kid actually wants to be a star! It's embarrassing and ruining the family's reputation!"

He Shengli's anger seemed to have finally found an outlet, and he cursed endlessly.

However, he didn't know whether he really disliked He Tiantian for ruining his family's innocent family tradition, or whether he was angry out of fear.

What kind of golden thigh does He Tiantian have on the list?

How could it even affect his work? !

Even though He Shengli was scolding fiercely, there was already a storm in his heart.

The old leader seemed to have something to say and reminded him to get closer to his daughter.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Shengli has followed this man for more than ten years and knows him best.

The old leader was indeed kind to him, but he was also a very transparent person.

If there was no benefit or fear, he wouldn't be like this.

"...What on earth did He Tiantian do!"

He Shengli was almost driven crazy by this question.

However, he couldn't say these words to others at will.

He Shengli saw all the cautious attitude of the old leader.

After working in the unit for these years, He Shengli is best at observing words and deeds and trying to figure out what's going on.

The old leader had some suggestions about He Tiantian's topic, but it was very vague.

He Shengli knew that the affairs of his unfilial daughter could not be made public.

Besides, it's not a glorious thing to be tricked like this by your own daughter.

He Shengli is a male chauvinist. What he cares about most is his face and his dignity as a father.

Asking him to admit the importance of his unfortunate daughter was almost as unacceptable to him as forcing him to please this dead girl.

"This kid is going to take the college entrance examination this year. Why doesn't he know how to settle down and study hard?"

Wei Xuedao doesn't think it's shameful to be a star.

However, as a college student in the 1990s, even if I don't care about He Tiantian's daughter, I still hope that my child can go to college and follow the right path.

How messy is the entertainment industry?

Some netizens are joking on the Internet, saying: The end of the universe is the system.

Therefore, it is better to get admitted to a good university and continue to take public exams after graduation.

If you really don't want to, becoming a teacher, or a doctor or nurse, etc. is also great for a girl.

The current environment is not very good, and all walks of life are facing difficulties.

Even the entertainment industry has also ushered in a cold winter.

It is better to have a well-established organization and a solid job.

Wei Xue is not a loving mother, at least not to He Tiantian.

But as she got older, she also started to like to give tips and teach younger generations.

He Tiantian now is a familiar stranger to her.

She has not raised her in the past and will not expect one in the future.

She just regarded He Tiantian as a stranger.

Of course, Wei Xue is very smart and knows her husband's thoughts, so she won't say anything in front of her husband.

When her husband complained and cursed, she would chime in with him.

"...She doesn't need to take the college entrance examination. She has already received the admission letter from Beijing University without taking the exam!"

Wei Xue's "agreement" failed to satisfy He Shengli this time.

He spat out these words even more gloomily.

Wei Xue was shocked, "Exemption from examination admission letter? She, she was admitted?"

Or Beijing University, the top university in China? !

This, how is this possible?

Wei Xue really didn't care about He Tiantian, but in recent years, her sister-in-law had often used He Tiantian as a cover in order to get money from the couple.

In He Shengnan's mouth, He Tiantian seemed to be a careless naughty child.

He has a gloomy personality, is unpopular, and is not lovable. The key is that his academic performance is not good.

Especially after I entered high school, I was always wandering downstream.

According to her results, if she gets admitted to Beijing University, she won't be able to pass even the key exams in the province.

At most, you can go to a junior college, or go directly to a private school like 3+2.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Wei Xue didn't care about this daughter who had given up long ago. When she heard that her grades were not good, she became even more disgusted.

Now that she suddenly heard such news, she was even more shocked than He Shengli.

"How could this happen? Her, her grades have always been bad!"

"Recommended to Peking University? Firstly, she has not won any awards in science, and secondly, she has no expertise in art or sports. What qualifications does she have to be recommended?"

It wasn't that Wei Xue didn't want to see He Tiantian having a good life, so she deliberately said something to discourage her.

She was really confused.

If He Tiantian was really good, her eldest sister-in-law would have come to take credit for it.

But over the years, my sister-in-law said that she had worked hard, and He Tiantian was also an unmotivated loser.

Moreover, according to the sister-in-law's stubborn and calculating temperament, even if the money was taken from He Shengli and his wife, not all of it would be spent on He Tiantian.

It would be great to be able to let her study normally.

As for those extracurricular tutoring classes, art specialty classes, etc., don’t even think about it!

"You ask me? Who am I asking?"

Hearing Wei Xue's words, He Shengli said angrily.

Wei Xue:......

Taking a deep breath, Wei Xue, who knew her husband's bad temper very well, followed his words and reminded him: "Does eldest sister know about this?"

Who are you asking?

Of course, ask He Shengnan.

She raised He Tiantian. It’s not clear whether He Shengnan knew He Tiantian, but at least she had a share of the responsibility.

Over the years, my eldest aunt has often asked for money from them.

Once you get the money, you should do things well.

As a result, she ended up looking like this!

Wei Xue felt that as a "buyer", she had the right to ask for after-sales service from the "seller"!

He Shengnan:......

I thought that seeing He Tiantian's advertising poster in the business hall would be shocking enough.

Unexpectedly, she heard something even more shocking from He Shengli's mouth——

"What? Tiantian was recommended to Beijing University?"

He Shengnan was stunned.

And then her brother's question made her even more angry: "You asked me? Who should I ask?"

As expected of siblings, the two of them spoke exactly the same words.

However, compared to He Shengli's confidence, He Shengnan felt somewhat guilty.

She had raised He Tiantian, but after not seeing him for a year or two, the child had changed so much.

But she didn't know anything about it, so it was a bit inappropriate to say it.

Furthermore, He Shengnan still counted on her younger brother to support her and did not dare to offend her too much.

After shouting out the phrase "Who am I asking?", He Shengnan felt a little regretful.

She said quickly before her brother got angry: "In this case, I will go back to the county and ask her class teacher and classmates!"

Maybe there was some arrangement by the school, and He Tiantian took advantage of it, so he got such an opportunity.

He Shengnan thought to himself, and couldn't help scolding He Tiantian: "You are indeed a careless loser who always gets me into trouble!"

"Okay! Go and ask! You must ask clearly!"

After hearing what his sister said, He Shengli's anger calmed down a little.

He still had a little plan in mind, what, if his sister could find out the whereabouts of He Tiantian, that would be the best!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although He Shengli did not want to give up the dignity and majesty of being a father, if He Tiantian really affected his career——

Ahem, it’s not impossible to say a few soft words and put down your posture to coax him!

After staying in the provincial capital for more than 20 years, he has long been the pride of his hometown. He Shengli has always felt that he is the pillar that shines on the lintel of the He family.

And he was used to this kind of life of being envied and sought after by others. He couldn't imagine whether he would be able to adapt if he lost his job or was never promoted.

"...I, I'm not doing it for myself! I'm doing it for the whole family!"

He Shengli worked hard to build himself up mentally.

He seemed to feel that he was Gou Jian who endured hardships, and Han Xin who endured the humiliation of his crotch!

He Tiantian: ...Dad, you have so many things going on in your heart.

Of course, He Tiantian didn't know everything about the He family.

After dealing with matters in the capital, He Tiantian returned to the First Island with Yuan Mei and the six retired veterans and their families that Yuan Mei had found.

There are three small islands on the first island. The main island is He Tiantian's residence. She does not plan to arrange too many people.

There is a pier on the small island on the left, which is regarded as the transportation hub of the first island and the gateway to the first island. It needs to be guarded.

He Tiantian arranged for two veterans and their families to live in this place.

There are two rows of houses left behind by the construction company during infrastructure construction on the island, as well as basic water and power grid and other supplies.

The two families can settle down directly.

There is a piece of flat land on the island on the right, which He Tiantian wants to develop into a farm.

So, four other families were arranged to go there.

There are also buildings, water and electricity grid and other facilities.

Except that it is far inland and there are not many residents, life here is basically the same as on land.

Several retired veterans originally thought that the first island was a desert island and they wanted to bring their families to endure hardships.

Unexpectedly, this place is not a desert that needs to be reclaimed, but a sea resort.

The air is fresh, the infrastructure is complete, the machines needed for all kinds of work are complete, and there is ample seafood without pollution.

Of course, the most important thing is the benefits.

Salaries, bonuses, five social insurances and one housing fund, as well as island subsidies... definitely exceeded their expectations.

The six veterans originally wanted to use their remaining energy and continue to contribute to the country.

As a result... they were more willing to stay on the first island.

I am also very grateful and close to He Tiantian, the "island owner".

They and their families all went to work immediately and worked hard in front of everyone.

There were a few more families on the first island, and everything seemed to be getting lively.

On He Tiantian's main island, she and Yuan Mei were still the only ones.

Duan Yong stayed in Beijing and was responsible for the management and operation of the studio.

In order to be a better Ma Zai, Duan Yong also enrolled himself in courses such as business administration.

Although He Tiantian didn't trust him much, she was quite satisfied with him.

Duan Yong, regardless of his character, is still very capable.

The key is to know the interests and current affairs!

He Tiantian likes such smart people.

Back on the first island, Yuan Mei paid more attention to the families on the small islands on both sides.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian simply sent her to wander around more, whether it was to help her old comrades or to supervise them, it was up to her.

Now that there are several more families, there seems to be no danger on the first island.

Yuan Mei was not as cautious and trembling as in the past. She did not continue to be an old hen guarding He Tiantian, but began to busily shuttle around the islands on both sides.

Sometimes, when she is busy with work, Yuan Mei will spend the night directly on a small island.

He Tiantian stayed alone on the main island. Not only was she not lonely, she actually enjoyed the rare silence.

Sitting on the swing in the yard, blowing the fresh and cool sea breeze, drinking pure natural and pollution-free coconut juice, my two feet were dangling in the air at will, and there were strings of shells and pearls hanging on my wrists and ankles. The chains jingled...

This day is so pleasant.

Little D’s classmate was a little jealous and jumped out to show his presence, “Tiantian, don’t just enjoy it, do a mission!”

He Tiantian leaned on the back of the swing chair and closed her eyes slightly. When she heard the noise from classmate Little D, she did not reprimand her. Instead, she said cooperatively: "Okay!"

After resting and doing a few things, He Tiantian felt that it was really time to do the task...

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