The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 681: The long-lost villain (2)

When classmate Little D heard that He Tiantian was going to do a task, he immediately became happy: "Okay! Tiantian, what channel do you want to choose this time?"

"Ancient words? Modern words? Or a fairy tale?"

Classmate Little D asked while thinking secretly.

Well, the last time Tiantian went to was a period article, which is considered a fantasy modern channel.

According to Tiantian's rules, this time it is estimated that the ancient background will be changed, or -

He Tiantian's answer once again exceeded Xiao D's expectations: "Let's go to Xianxia!"

Classmate Little D: ...Huh?

Xian Xia?

Wrong guess again!

Sure enough, it is not easy for it to guess the thoughts of its friends.

However, out of concern for his friends, classmate Xiao D still asked more, "Tiantian, you, haven't you always avoided this channel?"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind this time? Tiantian, the world of Xianxia is indeed more dangerous than modern words, ancient words and so on——"

Little D really hopes that his friends can do more tasks.

However, it does not want Tiantian to overturn and break its nearly winning record.

He Tiantian said: "I was wrong in the past! The world of Xianxia is indeed more dangerous than other worlds, but risks and opportunities coexist!"

The more dangerous and complex the novel world is, the more generous rewards He Tiantian can receive.

Recalling that at the beginning, in the world of magic sticks, it was not purely about cultivating immortals, but He Tiantian still got the Wuji Jue from his junior uncle.

And relying on this set of exercises, He Tiantian can not only practice in various novel worlds, but also improve his cultivation in reality.

Oh, by the way, there was also the Encyclopedia of Talismans, which also brought her a lot of benefits.

After He Tiantian recuperated and settled in reality during this period, He Tiantian relaxed and became more thoughtful in thinking.

She has done too many tasks of ancient Chinese and modern Chinese. Except for some confusion due to wild writers, the tasks she has done do not seem to be any challenging.

How sweet in the bones,

I still have some adventurous genes.

She doesn't want to repeat those simple tasks all the time. If she takes a little challenge, she may have unexpected surprises!

"...Okay! Then choose the Xianxia channel!"

Classmate Xiao D thinks what He Tiantian said makes sense.

As a considerate and attentive assistant, Xiao D tried his best to help his friends choose a script that was not too dangerous.

Hehe, it is best to be the kind of eldest lady who has family protection and has a close relationship with the protagonist.

In this way, Tiantian doesn't have to work hard for cultivation resources, and can still be perfected by the protagonist's halo.

Little D’s classmate secretly made a plan.

He Tiantian didn’t know that Little D’s classmate had such a kind heart. If she knew about it, she would definitely say: “Dear, no need!”

It's not that she doesn't want a good script, but she doubts Xiao D's ability.

My little friend, tsk tsk, a mentally retarded person may be self-defeating and do bad things with good intentions!

"The mission world opens!"

Little D didn't know that He Tiantian might be worried, so he happily picked a script for He Tiantian and then broadcast it in a rigid manner.

Deep in his core, he was secretly proud: Tiantian, you’re welcome!

With the mechanical sound of classmate Xiao D, the space began to distort, and He Tiantian's soul entered the world of the novel after a brief squeeze.

"Miss, Su Hao has gone to the back mountain, should we follow him?"

He Tiantian opened her eyes, and before she could look around, there was someone who looked like a scoundrel in her ear, nodding and hunching over, making suggestions with a smirk on her face.

Well, this man had lewd eyes, and when he spoke, he would laugh evilly from time to time.

He simply has the word "bad guy" written on his face.

Such characters, whether in novels or film and television works, are probably the kind of cannon fodder who look like minor villains at first glance.

Tsk, it’s so bad that I’m embarrassed.

He Tiantian had a bad feeling.

People are divided into groups.

The body she traveled through was surrounded by such scoundrels, how much better could she be? !

Also, who is Su Hao?

He seems to be someone who doesn't have a good relationship with him.

Because just hearing this name, this body feels a kind of physical rejection and disgust.

He Tiantian knew that this was the remaining consciousness of the original owner.

How annoying is it, just hearing the name, and being so resistant!

He Tiantian had just arrived and didn't know anything yet, so she didn't want to act easily.

He Tiantian knew that most of the nodes she traveled through were key points in the plot.

A choice or an action can affect or change the plot.

And often just such a small change may affect the direction of the entire plot and even her mission;

Although he didn't know the plot, but seeing the way the dog-legger was fawning over "himself" while still being a little afraid, He Tiantian knew that she might have become a willful and arrogant young lady through time travel this time.

Be willful!

A willful person does things as he pleases.

Therefore, no matter how He Tiantian reacts at this moment, his character will not be ruined!

She deliberately made an impatient expression and waved her hands, "What are you following! I'm not in a good mood today and don't want to have anything to do with Su Hao!"

Dogleg No. 1 was stunned for a moment, and the evil smile on his face froze.

What's the meaning?

Will the eldest lady let Su Hao go today?

Although it is a bit abnormal, after all, it is true that the eldest lady hates Su Hao.

In order to force this annoying guy away, the eldest lady of the Chu family would do anything, and she would not miss any opportunity.

However, Chu Baozhu is the most willful person. It is normal for him to suddenly change his plans because of a bad mood!

Therefore, Dog Leg No. 1 was doubtful but did not doubt He Tiantian.

"And you, who--"

He Tiantian didn't accept the script, and she didn't integrate her memories, so naturally she didn't know the name of the bitch in front of her.

However, as a high-ranking, willful and domineering young lady, it is normal practice to boss people around.

The way He Tiantian behaved was because she was too arrogant and didn't take the Dog Leg No. 1 seriously at all. She casually said "that one" as if calling a cat or a dog.

Dogleg, that one, No. 1’s expression is not very good.

He is indeed a branch of the Chu family who is attached to the eldest lady of the Chu family. In order to earn a living, he is even humbler than a slave.

However, he was a good citizen and a member of the Chu family. Four or five generations back, his great-grandfather and the ancestor of the Chu family were brothers from the same mother.


A flash of resentment quickly flashed in his eyes. Dogleg No. 1 showed a sly smile and reminded: "Miss, I am Chu Jin from the back alley of the Chu family. I am the seventeenth in the family. You always call me Chu Shiqi!"

He Tiantian did not miss the flash of negative emotions in Chu Jin's eyes.

Tsk, is the original owner a failure or too domineering? The bastards around her are resentful of her.

He Tiantian would not think that it was her "arrogance" just now that irritated Chu Jin.

"I know! Can I still remember you, Chu Shiqi?"

He Tiantian waved her hands pretending to be impatient, "Okay, Chu Shiqi, stop talking nonsense! Hurry up!"

Chu Jin:......

I felt resentment in my heart, but more of it was doubt.

hurry up?

What are you doing in a hurry?

Chu Baozhu, this arrogant young lady, has indeed reached a new level of willfulness!

Chu Jin cursed secretly, but his face still looked humble and flattering, "Miss, what are your orders? What do you want me to do quickly?"

When Chu Jin asked this question, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

It seemed like he shouldn't ask that.

Sure enough, He Tiantian's face darkened and she said angrily, "I didn't tell you! I told you to leave immediately!"

This is a direct eviction order.

Oh no, "Expulsion Order" is a polite and euphemistic expression. After all, these three words also contain the word "Ke".

As for "Chu Baozhu," this tone and look were not treating a guest at all, but rather, it was as if he was calling a slave, or even a dog.

Chu Jin pinched his palms hard.

Although, he always considers himself to be Miss Chu's "little leg".

However, the so-called "work of dogs and horses" is just a flattery.

Deep down in Chu Jin's heart, he never really regarded himself as a dog.

In fact, no one would leave a good person alone and become a dog that only wags its tail at its owner!

Now, "Chu Baozhu" really regarded him as a dog who could yell at him at will. Chu Jin only felt extremely humiliated and angry.

However, no matter how much hatred or embarrassment he felt in his heart, he couldn't show it at all.

He also had to look respectful, even saying "It's my honor to be a dog for the eldest lady"!

He Tiantian: ...It’s really hard for this bitch.

He Tiantian bullied others like this, but she didn't feel any guilt at all.

Because she knows people like Chu Jin very well, a real villain who bullies the weak and fears the strong, and is duplicitous.

The more humble he is in front of the powerful, the more domineering he will be in front of the weak.

Once he gains power, he will be more vicious, domineering and arrogant than anyone else!

Even if he is not in power now, he will still use his power to bully others.

He will turn around the grievances and resentments he suffered from the original owner and vent them twice as much on the heads of other innocent people.

But for the wrong things he has done, the blame will not fall on him in the end. Everyone will put the blame on the original owner, the eldest lady.

Chu Jin belongs to the eldest lady, so what he did must have been under the eldest lady's instructions.

Perhaps, sometimes it was indeed the eldest lady who instigated it, but He Tiantian believed that there were also other times when Chu Jin was bringing in private goods and letting the eldest lady take the blame for him!

He Tiantian is used to being a villain, and is also used to the character setting of a vicious female supporting character.

She had an inexplicable hunch that the character she traveled through this time might be another top female supporting role.

She may target an innocent person, but a scoundrel like Chu Jin is not only an accomplice, but he may also be the instigator and instigator secretly.

What's more, without the original owner knowing, Chu Jin would bully someone even more under her banner.

For example, Su Hao whom Chu Jin just mentioned!

He Tiantian also had a hunch that this Su Hao might be an important character.

Maybe it's a male protagonist or a male supporting character.

He Tiantian is not afraid of offending the male protagonist or male co-star, but believes that even if she offends him, it should be due to a discord of views or a conflict of interests.

Not for some unimportant reasons, or even because of instigation.

He Tiantian doesn’t want to be the one who takes the blame.

Even if Su Hao is not an important character and has no grudges, He Tiantian doesn't want to bully others.

We are not allowed to allow villains like Chu Jin to use the name of the original owner to bully others and bring hatred to the original owner!

"...Okay! Hey, miss, you are in a bad mood today, so I won't bother you!"

Just as He Tiantian was sorting out her thoughts, Chu Jin had already adjusted his thoughts, and with a smile on his face, he was groveling and preparing to leave.

"Wait!" He Tiantian stopped him.

Chu Jin's eyes lit up. Could this wayward young lady have changed her mind again?

Do you want him to punish that brat Su Hao again?

He Tiantian's guess was correct. Chu Jin would target Su Hao like that not just to please the original owner.

He also had a personal grudge against Su Hao: "Humph, Su Hao's family has been ruined, and he is no longer the noble eldest son of the Su family. When he came to the Chu family, he was just living under someone else's roof. As a result, he remained arrogant and arrogant all day long. appearance!"

"He actually called me a bitch who helped the tyrants commit evil! Bah! Even if I'm a dog, I'm still a member of the Chu clan. I can't be bullied by a bereaved dog like Su Hao!"

Chu Jin's heart was twisted, and he had long been accustomed to dealing with red tops and white tops, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Seeing that Su Hao had lost power, Chu Jin, who had long been jealous and secretly resentful of him, worked hard to stir up trouble and stir up trouble in front of Chu Baozhu.

On the surface, Chu Jin is a vicious dog that Chu Baozhu rushes in front of, helping Chu Baozhu take care of Su Hao, a brat who can't keep his eyes open and doesn't know current affairs;

Secretly, Chu Jin secretly gave Su Hao a stumbling block.

However, in Su Hao's view, Chu Jin's various actions were all directed by Chu Baozhu.

Chu Jin was very proud of this situation. It felt so good. He had bullied someone and vented the anger he had accumulated in his heart without having to bear any infamy.

So, when he heard He Tiantian calling him, he thought that this stupid and poisonous young lady had changed her mind.

He quickly came to his senses and asked diligently: "Miss, do you have any other instructions?"

"As I said just now, I'm in a bad mood today and don't want to deal with Su Hao!"

He Tiantian said lightly.

Chu Jin didn't understand the meaning of He Tiantian's words for a moment.

so what!

What does this have to do with him?

"You are not allowed to go and cause trouble for Su Hao! If I find out that you are acting against the will, haha——"

He Tiantian sneered twice, looking very much like a villain.

She didn't say much about the rest, but the threat was very obvious.

Chu Jin's heart was shaken, and he felt inexplicably panicked.

Could it be that Chu Baozhu knew all the little tricks he did secretly?

But, but he has already passed the clear path in front of Chu Baozhu.

Chu Jin is very smart and knows that his behavior of carrying private goods cannot withstand investigation.

Therefore, sometimes, when he bullied Su Hao secretly, he would take the initiative to report his "confession" in front of Chu Baozhu afterwards.

Chu Jin was eloquent, and it was obvious that he didn't like Su Hao, but his words revealed that he was just trying to vent his anger on the eldest lady.

Therefore, on the surface, he is "confessing guilt", but in fact, he is "taking credit".

But Chu Baozhu, who was not very smart, actually believed his lies.

Not only was he not unhappy, he also rewarded Chu Jin with great satisfaction and gradually regarded him as a confidant...

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