The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 686: The long-lost villain (7)

Su Nuan's small body stood on the chair, lying next to the window, poking a hole in the window paper with her finger, and peeking carefully.

She saw everything that happened in the yard outside.

She is only six years old this year. She used to be a carefree eldest lady and the most beloved member of the Su family.

Unfortunately, due to sudden changes, she saw with her own eyes that her originally warm and gorgeous paradise was burned to rubble.

Her relatives were all burned into charcoal that she didn't even recognize.

Overnight, Su Nuan's world was turned upside down.

At such a young age, she could not bear such an earth-shaking change and fainted on the spot.

Later, Su Nuan's fever persisted, and she was as small as a red-hot coal.

Su Hao did not escape to the mountains and forests to escape from the spying forces. In addition to his many considerations, it was also because of Su Nuan's serious illness.

She needs good doctors and medicinal materials.

And the Chu family has all of these.

Su Hao really had no choice but to carry Su Nuan on his back and evade all the way, fleeing from Yuncheng where the Su family was to Qizhou.

The head of the Chu family is used to putting on a show, and for the sake of fame, he goes to great lengths to put on a show.

They also allocated courtyards, hired the best doctors for Su Nuan, and generously opened the Chu family's medicine storehouse to get some high-quality medicinal materials to treat Su Nuan's illness.

The Chu family has its shortcomings, but Su Hao must admit that the Chu family gave his brothers and sisters a safe place to take refuge, and also saved Su Nuan's life.

Su Nuan took three of the pills that the Chu family received regularly from Doctor Cheng. She lost her high fever and completely recovered.

Seeing his sick sister become lively and energetic again, at that moment, Su Hao felt grateful to the Chu family.

It's a pity that this gratitude was gradually worn away by Chu Baozhu's acting as a demon day after day.

It wasn't until Chu Baozhu killed Su Nuan and caused Su Hao's Dantian to shatter and his meridians to become completely useless that Su Hao truly fell in love with Chu Baozhu and the entire Chu family.

And this series of tragedies all originated today.

As He Tiantian said before, the nodes that writers like them travel through are usually key moments with major plot developments.

For example, today, if He Tiantian hadn't come through, Chu Baozhu would have been encouraged by Chu Jin to run to the outside of the city to block Su Hao.

When Su Hao was collecting medicine, a cloud-patterned Ganoderma lucidum growing on the edge of the cliff accidentally rolled down the cliff.

Su Haorao was good at martial arts, but he was still seriously injured.

However, he needs to be strong most of all, and he knows that even if he is injured, no one will care.

In addition to scaring his little sister and causing her to care and worry at a young age, it will also only attract some evil people who intend to bully him.

Therefore, when he returned to the city, Su Hao endured the pain and pretended to be fine.

Chu Baozhu didn't know that Su Hao was injured, but when she saw that he still stood tall and held his head high, he seemed to be the aloof and aloof person she hated most.

With the instigation of Chu Jin and other scoundrels in his ears, Chu Baozhu, who was vicious and stupid, did not hesitate and directly ordered the maids and thugs around him to "teach Su Hao a lesson".

Chu Jinze took the opportunity to play dirty tricks, secretly kicking and kicking Su Hao's acupuncture points, and also took away the cloud-patterned Ganoderma lucidum that he had collected with his life.

Su Hao was seriously injured and passed out immediately.

Seeing Su Hao collapse suddenly, Chu Baozhu ran to test his breathing.

Finding that Su Hao was still angry, Chu Baozhu, who knew that he had gotten into trouble, did not dare to delay, and ran back to the city with his thugs and slaves.

She left the unconscious Su Hao alone outside the city.

Fortunately, this place was close to the city gate. If it were further away and wild beasts appeared, Su Hao would most likely be fed to the wolves.

Even so, after freezing for half the night, when Su Hao woke up, in addition to internal and external injuries, he also had a fever.

With a strong willpower, he supported himself, crawled and moved, and finally returned to the Chu family before dawn.

He sneaked in through the back door without alerting anyone.

In fact, even if any of the servants saw it, they would secretly laugh at his embarrassment. As expected, the dignified young master Su turned into a beggar.

The servants in the courtyard where Su Hao was, seeing him in such misery, all took pleasure in his misfortune, and no one helped him.

After finally reaching the room and pushing open the door, Su Hao passed out again.

Su Nuan was immediately frightened. She cried and screamed at her brother. She even ran out and begged several servants.

While in a coma, Su Hao vaguely heard his sister crying out in a childlike voice, "Please, please save my brother!"

"Come on! Help! My brother is dying!"

"Father! Mom! My brother is dying, come and save us!"

"...Uncle Chu, Uncle Chu, help me, please, come and save my brother!"

Childish cries, heartbreaking, half-conscious, Su Hao desperately tried to break free.

He wanted to hold his sister's hand and tell her: Be good and don't cry! Brother will be fine!

However, he seemed to be trapped and unable to break free.

He could only let his sister cry and beg to no avail, and ran outside to find a doctor in despair.

Su Nuan is only six years old, and she is fair, soft and cute.

As soon as he rushed out of Chu's house and ran down the street for a few steps, he was targeted by human traffickers.

Su Nuan struggled desperately, and the trafficker used all his strength to control him. As a result, he used too much force and suffocated Su Nuan to death.

The traffickers casually dumped the body on the street.

When the head of the Chu family heard the news and pretended to send people to look for it, they saw Su Nuan's body.

The head of the Chu family is "furious" and wants a thorough investigation!

This investigation was not a matter of urgency, and it was soon discovered that the servants in the yard had been treating the Su brothers and sisters harshly.

And they were all ordered by Chu Baozhu.

Su Hao was injured this time and was beaten out by Chu Baozhu.

Chu Baozhu:......

She was indeed bad and bullied many people.

But she never took a life.

Su Nuan's death greatly stimulated Chu Baozhu.

Of course, it's more of a fear.

She was afraid that Su Hao would take revenge on her after he recovered from his injury. Wuwu, Su Hao was a person who valued friendship the most.

Not to mention, Su Nuan is his only relative, and the brother and sister depend on each other for life.

Although Chu Baozhu did not kill Su Nuan himself, Su Nuan's death was definitely closely related to Chu Baozhu.

In addition to the previous series of reasons, the head of the Chu family also discovered that the human trafficker seemed to be squatting in the neighborhood near the Chu family.

It was as if he had known for a long time that a beautiful and cute little girl would run out.

Chu Jin was afraid that his secret actions would be discovered, so he ran to Chu Baozhu and whispered in Chu Baozhu's ear——

"Miss, strike first!"

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

"Su Hao is still ill now. He simply destroyed his Dantian and made him unable to practice martial arts again. In this way, even if he wants to take revenge, he has no way!"

"...The head of the family loves you so much that he won't really punish you just for a broken household!"

"Besides, you still have your uncle, Doctor Cheng!"

As long as Divine Doctor Cheng is here, even if Chu Baozhu breaks the sky, the Chu family head will only find ways to help mend the sky instead of using Chu Baozhu to atone for his crime.

After listening to Chu Jin's instigation, Chu Baozhu, who was already confused and brainless, actually became interested.

Sure enough, she followed Chu Jin's "suggestion" and secretly found someone to break Su Hao's Dantian, and also broke his meridians by the way.

Su Hao completely became a useless person.

When Chu Baozhu was doing this, Su Hao was still in a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state.

Chu Baozhu did a good job, and when he asked others to do it, he didn't forget to say a few words——

"Su Hao, don't blame me, I, I'm just protecting myself!"

"I really wasn't the one who killed that damn sister of yours, but I know you will definitely blame me for this!"

"I'm not afraid of you, I just find it troublesome!"

"Those who strike first will gain the upper hand, and those who strike later will suffer disaster... However, you don't have to worry. Although I have crippled you, I will never bully you again!"

"I won't marry you, but I can let the Chu family support you for the rest of your life!"

He Tiantian: ...Silly boy, do you know what ‘villains die from talking too much’?

Are you saying this in front of Su Hao because you are afraid that Su Hao will not find out who the enemy is? !

When He Tiantian accepted the plot, she was amused by the vicious and stupid look of the original owner.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a villain that's so straightforwardly bad and so stupid that it makes people laugh or cry.

He Tiantian was speechless and choked.

Of course, such a villain has value.

Because of her, the male protagonist Su Hao encountered the darkest and most desperate moment in his life.

His only sister died tragically, and he became a disabled person.

The enemy was right in front of him, but he didn't even have the ability to stand up.

However, he is the male protagonist, and all disasters are the most important trials in his life for him.

After Su Hao woke up, he was silent for a while like a wooden man who had lost his soul.

Just when everyone thought he might have resigned himself to his fate and was ready to accept the fact that he was a useless person, he suddenly disappeared from the Chu family.

When he appeared again, he was already a top expert.

He killed Chu Baozhu and massacred the entire Chu family. He found the murderer who destroyed the entire Su family and killed them one by one.

...The plot unfolds step by step according to the settings.

Su Hao's path of cultivating immortality as a mortal also expanded bit by bit.

And the starting point of all this is today, from a "nonsense" of the willful and arrogant young lady Chu Baozhu.

He Tiantian shook her head secretly. She would not seek death like the original owner, nor would she take the initiative to harm the male protagonist.

However, the original owner does need to "sharpen".

He Tiantian had a guess in her heart. She wanted to see if the world consciousness would take the initiative to "correct" the plot after the vicious villain "strike."

He Tiantian deliberately went to the yard where the Su family's brothers and sisters were, and used the mother-in-law's words to pave the way for her "cleansing."

She glanced at a certain window seemingly casually, her gaze only lingered for a moment, and then she quickly moved away.

Su Nuan continued to hide behind the window and peek, but she didn't realize that she had been discovered.

She was still young, but despite the huge changes in her family, she seemed to have grown up overnight.

She became very obedient and sensible.

In the Chu family, she was bullied by Chu Baozhu and treated harshly by the slaves, but she never complained to her brother.

Because she knew that the Chu family was the final destination for their brothers and sisters.

She also knew that her brother was working very hard. He had to collect herbs and hunt to make money to support himself, while also working hard to practice martial arts.

She couldn't help her brother, so she could only try to cause as little trouble as possible so that her brother could rest assured.

Sensible is sensible, but there are some things that Su Nuan still doesn't quite understand.

For example, Su Nuan didn't quite understand what the mother-in-law said.

The mother-in-law bullied them. It was because the subordinates had figured out the master's intentions and deliberately wanted to show off.

Why is Miss Chu still angry?

"Why! These adults are so strange!"

"...How about I wait until my brother comes back and ask him about it?"

"Yes, ask brother, he is the smartest, he knows everything!"

Su Nuan was lying by the window, watching and thinking secretly.

"It's just, when will brother come back?"

"It's getting dark, and my warm belly is growling..."

After He Tiantian taught Diao Nu a lesson, he left with a group of people.

She didn't bother Su Nuan, as if she made such a trip just to beat someone up and vent her anger.

Chu Qingqing discovered that "Chu Baozhu"'s willfulness had reached a new height.

This man is almost turning into a madman.

Su Nuan didn't know what these adults were thinking. She stayed in the house alone, waiting obediently for her brother to come back.

However, she was a little worried as she watched the sky outside slowly darken but her brother never came back.

Resisting her growling stomach, Su Nuan quietly opened the door, crossed her legs, looked toward the south of the city, and waited.

The servants in the yard were beaten by He Tiantian as a warning to the monkeys, and they felt as if they understood what the eldest lady meant.

They did not dare to treat the Su brothers and sisters openly, and in the evening, they even brought a rare hot meal to Su Nuan.

Su Nuan was shocked.

He looked at the servants who were trying their best to smile submissively as if they were ghosts.

Servant: ...You are the ghost! Your whole family is a ghost!

Well, it seems that the Su family are all dead, and they have indeed turned into ghosts.

Oops, what a mess of ideas, they just want to be slaves in the Chu family safely.

If you do your duty and don't get involved in the master's affairs, you should be fine.

As a result, this dead girl from the Su family didn't even buy it.

"I'm not hungry, I-I want to wait for my brother!"

Su Nuan endured the growling in her stomach, pursed her lips tightly, and stubbornly stood guard in the yard.

The servants and wives did not persuade them, but they did everything they had to do anyway. These people did as they pleased.

Su Nuan waited until midnight and felt so sleepy that she lay down on the steps of the corridor and fell asleep.

That night, He Tiantian didn't sleep well.

She ordered people to stand guard outside the Su brothers and sisters' yard and pay close attention to Su Hao's movements.

As a result, it had been all night, but Su Hao still hadn't come back.

In the early morning, He Tiantian got up and looked at the bright light outside the window. She secretly thought: It seems that I guessed right. Without the "assist" of the vicious villain, the world consciousness took the initiative to correct the plot.

He Tiantian got up, quickly changed her clothes, and sneaked to the back door without disturbing anyone.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw an embarrassed figure and a pair of extremely cold and profound eyes.

Those eyes seem to be able to see through everything... Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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