The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 687: The long-lost villain (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

What a pair of eyes those are.

As sharp as a sharp blade, as deep as a cold pool.

At a glance, it feels like you're about to be sucked in by it.

As soon as he looked over, his heart seemed to be trembling uncontrollably.

He Tiantian's heart was shocked, and she suddenly realized:

The person in front of him is by no means a small character who can be manipulated at will.

He is the male protagonist, and he is also a big shot who climbed from the bottom to the clouds with his super willpower.

He has a strong psychological quality, he has extremely sharp intuition, and after experiencing various tragedies, his heart is as hard as iron.

He Tiantian secretly shook her head. She had underestimated Su Hao as the male protagonist before.

With her cleansing, it is impossible to win over such a male protagonist.

Why am I bullying you because I like you?

I'm just too proud and don't know how to express my love, so I can only use this clumsy way to attract your attention.

Why did I think I didn’t like you, but as we got along slowly, I had already fallen in love with you without even realizing it? I was just blinded by reality...

He Tiantian once wanted to use similar excuses to clean up her innocence and shape herself into a woman like Guo Fu - hate because of love.

Because I don’t know how to express myself, I hurt you recklessly!

However, all the calculations disappeared instantly when meeting Su Hao's sharp eyes.

"He won't believe it!"

He Tiantian had such a hunch even if she didn't try.

The first "whitewashing" plan is not feasible!

Fortunately, He Tiantian never makes only one plan.

She has an alternative, and it’s more in line with the original owner’s setting of a vicious villain!

He Tiantian moved her fingers slightly and drew a mysterious thunder talisman in the void.


Thunder exploded in the clear sky, and a bright light like lightning struck directly from top to bottom.

The target is directly at He Tiantian!

Don't get me wrong, He Tiantian doesn't have slippery hands, nor does he hit the wrong person.

She was just biting herself.


He Tiantian was so frightened that she fell to the ground and rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the thunder.

Xuan Lei rubbed He Tiantian's hair and exploded on the ground only half a step away from her.

A small crater was blasted out of the ground, stirring up a layer of dirt and debris.

He Tiantian's face was full of memories of the aftermath of the disaster, but she didn't have much joy.

She seemed to be shocked by this strange scene, and she was completely stunned.

He Tiantian's acting skills are superb, and it is definitely He Tiantian's first time to be slapped by thunder.

Her reaction was partly acting, but mostly instinctive.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to be struck by thunder.

In the past, she used the Xuan Lei Talisman to kill others, which was very satisfying and enjoyable.

Now she was struck by thunder. Although she had done it by herself, this power of nature would indeed make people's souls tremble.

He Tiantian's expression was very exciting, with a mixture of shock, remnant, and a faint fear.

It seemed that the scene before him, although unexpected, was not traceable.

It had an early warning, but "Chu Baozhu" didn't believe in evil, so it really ended up being struck by thunder.

He Tiantian seemed to be really frightened, and couldn't help but mutter to herself, "No, God really wants to punish me?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"I, I just don't want to marry a poor man. Is this wrong?"

"There are so many evil people in the world, and some people have destroyed other people's whole families. Why don't you see God rain down the mysterious thunder as punishment?"


I didn't harm anyone's life, I just wanted him to retreat before the difficulties, so why did I provoke the wrath of God? "

The more He Tiantian talked, the more aggrieved she became. She actually sat on the ground and started crying.

Su Hao:......

He was dumbfounded, okay!

Thunder from heaven?

And almost choked the evil girl Chu Baozhu? !

Su Hao really hated Chu Baozhu, and he scolded this poisonous and stupid young lady countless times.

But, to be fair, Chu Baozhu has not yet reached the point where heaven is angry and people are resentful, and humans and gods are angry.

It's not that she's not bad enough, but this person isn't truly evil.

She was just spoiled, a lawless brat who didn't know the consequences.

Will such a person be punished for his willful behavior?

It always feels a bit ironic.

Just like "Chu Baozhu" herself cried out, she just uses some unsavory methods to disgust and bully people.

She didn't kill anyone, nor did she kill everyone. Even if she was killed by thunder, it would not be the turn of such a naughty child.

As a result, "Chu Baozhu" was struck by thunder right in front of him.

This, this... Su Hao felt incredible.

Seeing "Chu Baozhu" whose face was stained with dirt, howling and crying, and described as being in a very embarrassed state, Su Hao felt a little pity for her.

"God, you're unfair! You, you bully the weak and shy away from the strong!"

He Tiantian cried for a while, but still seemed to feel full of anger. She suddenly raised her head, pointed a finger at the sky, and shouted loudly.


Another thunderbolt lingered in the air, crackling and full of threats.

He Tiantian quickly hugged her head and gave up, "God, I was wrong, I, I don't dare to do it anymore!"

"Oh, oh, I, I just feel wronged."


The thunder continued, and "God" seemed to be dissatisfied with He Tiantian's reaction.

He Tiantian became even more frightened and quickly made a promise, "God, don't worry, I will never dare to bully others again!"

"Oh, by the way, there are Su Hao and Su Nuan... I, the best I can do is ignore them, that's not enough!"

At the end, He Tiantian's voice was filled with tears.

Wow, she is so wronged!

She, she is so pitiful!

Su Hao witnessed this scene with his own eyes. He was surprised and a little amused at the same time.

It wasn't that he felt relieved to see his "enemy" defeated.

In fact, although he has been bullied by "Chu Baozhu" during this period of time, Su Hao does not hate her.

At most, it's the kind of disgust towards the arrogant and willful young lady.

Still far from the level of hatred.

Even, at some point, Su Hao sympathized with "Chu Baozhu"——

She obviously wanted to break off the engagement and didn't want to marry a poor man, but she was forced to fulfill it because her father was a hypocritical villain.

Tsk, Chu Baozhu, the eldest lady of the Chu family, is far less favored than the outside world says.

At least in the heart of the Chu family leader, Chu Baozhu, his biological daughter, does not have much weight at all!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There were no more thunders in the sky, the sky was blue and the clouds were white, as if the strange scene just now had never happened.

He Tiantian held her head and curled up into a ball. After waiting for a long time, she was not struck by thunder again, and then she carefully moved her arms.

She cautiously raised her head, looked up at the sky, and searched everywhere, but could not find Xuan Lei's shadow.


He Tiantian often exhales, the feeling of joy of surviving a disaster, the small pride of escaping a disaster, she interprets it vividly.

Su Hao, who had been leaning against the wall in embarrassment and watching, saw such a "Chu Baozhu".

She looked like a wolf that he had never seen before, and her expression was a coward that he had rarely seen before. However, for some reason, Su Hao actually found her a bit cute.

He Tiantian realized that she had finally escaped the "Thunder Tribulation" and quickly got up from the ground.

Patting the dirt on his body, he looked up and saw Su Hao covered in scars.

He Tiantian didn't pay attention to Su Hao's injury, but shouted to him with a sullen expression: "Did you see it just now?"

Su Hao said nothing.

He was a big living person right in front of him, neither blind nor deaf. The thunder was so loud, how could he not see him?

Of course, Su Hao knew that "Chu Baozhu" was not really asking him if he had seen it, but was "threatening" him to keep it secret.

Sure enough, when Su Hao didn't respond, a flash of anger flashed in "Chu Baozhu's" eyes.

She raised her eyebrows, raised her voice, and subconsciously wanted to curse.

However, when the words came to his mouth, he seemed to have thought of something, and another layer of fear appeared on his face.

She controlled her temper forcefully.

It's just that her control was very stiff, or in other words, she didn't want to be like this from the bottom of her heart.

Her facial features were a little distorted, and her face was full of anger.

"Su, I'm warning you, you don't need to tell others what you just saw!"

"Don't be silent. Did you hear me?"

He Tiantian was like a wild cat with explosive hair, shouting angrily at Su Hao.

"What will happen if I don't listen to you?"

Seeing such a "vivid" "Chu Baozhu", Su Hao suddenly became interested in teasing her.

He tilted his head, with a cynicism on his bruised face.

He Tiantian seemed to be offended by his "rogue" and "emboldened" appearance.

She wanted to lose her temper, but she subconsciously wanted to look up at the sky.

That kind of entanglement and that kind of fear only made Su Hao feel very happy.

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Su Hao couldn't control himself. He endured the pain all over his body and smiled like a child.

He didn't know why he was laughing, but he just had an inexplicable feeling.

It seems that something has become different.

"You, you are still laughing! Su, don't think that even if God helps you, I, I won't dare to deal with you!"

"If you dare to be so presumptuous again, I will, I will—"

He Tiantian looked like an angry child.

He wanted to intimidate and threaten the other party, but he had no choice.

I said the word "I will" for a long time, and finally the naughty kid's trump card came out: "I will tell my dad!"

Su Hao felt that Miss Chu in front of him was even more "cute".

Haha, he is really a child, and he always complains to his parents.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, this should be what a child who thinks he is loved should look like.

Because I have a backer, I don’t have to bear too much on my own.

The former young master Su may not be as "bearish" as Chu Baozhu, but he was also a man who was confident and fearless because of his family and his father.

...Unfortunately, his family was destroyed and his father died!

Now he can only grit his teeth and bear all the burdens.

Su Hao smiled, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

He shook his head to get rid of the useless liquid.

He is no longer Mr. Su, he is just an avenger who bears family feud and has many mysterious enemies.

He has no right to be willful or weak.

He wants to become stronger, he wants to take revenge, and he wants to revitalize the entire Su family step by step!

Su Hao suppressed the softness that suddenly appeared in his heart, and wrapped himself into a sharp sword.

But, something has become different.

And "Chu Baozhu" is not such a disgusting existence to him, but a stranger who makes him have complicated feelings!

"Hmph! Are you afraid?"

He Tiantian is still perfectly maintaining the character of the original owner.

She thought she had scared Su Hao, so she raised her chin and walked straight to the back door like an arrogant little peacock.


In mid-air, Xuan Lei, which had disappeared for a while, unexpectedly appeared again.

He Tiantian was anxious and scared: "No, are you still coming?"

"God, I have already promised that I will not bully Su Hao again. What else do you want me to do?"

He Tiantian was like an angry snake, talking to the sky.


God's answer was simple, just to show off one mysterious thunder after another.

He Tiantian:......

I really want to give God the middle finger.

She performed "Chu Baozhu"'s forced aggrievedness and anger very well.

Su Hao, who was about to fall into coma, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw the appearance of "Chu Baozhu".

Suddenly, He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something, and shouted to the sky in disbelief: "No, God, you, you don't want me to help Su Hao?"

The thunder in the air finally paused for a moment.

The "answer" is self-evident.

He Tiantian was so angry, but she dared not speak out because she didn't want to be hit by thunder again!

In desperation, she could only grit her teeth, turned around, and rushed to Su Hao angrily, "Hey! Su Hao, how are you? Do you need my help?"

Su Hao was in a better mood. He twitched the corner of his mouth and wanted to say something.

However, the pain that he had been holding back seemed to suddenly burst out.

His vision went dark, his hands and feet were out of control, and he leaned against the wall and fell limply.

Before falling completely into coma, Su Hao heard the furious voice of "Chu Baozhu", "Those surnamed Su are not allowed to faint!"

"...God, you, you are partial!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hao suddenly felt his arm being grabbed by someone.

It touched his wound and caused him a lot of pain.

However, at this time, he was already in a semi-conscious state, and the pain seemed to be reduced.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although he couldn't feel much pain, Su Hao still couldn't help complaining in his heart——

Damn it!

Chu Baozhu, where is your brain?

I know you're stupid, but I still didn't expect you to be so stupid.

When bullying others, don't forget to lead a bunch of losers in front of you.

Now, I want to help others, but I don’t know how to call someone, but I stupidly do it myself.

Are you really too stupid and forgot to call someone, or are you too confident in your own "strength" that you think you can lift up Su Hao, a grown man, with your thin arms and legs? !

Just when Su Hao was complaining crazily, "Chu Baozhu", who he stamped as "idiot" again, seemed to have finally discovered the problem.

She quickly let go of her hand and said to herself: "By the way, I'll call someone!"


Su Hao, who had just been lifted up a little, was "thrown back" to the wall by He Tiantian.

His body made close contact with the wall.


Before Su Hao completely fell into coma, he clearly experienced the pain.

He Tiantian:......

There was no way, although He Tiantian couldn't cleanse the original owner, she still tried her best to "wash" the original owner's badness and poison into recklessness and recklessness.

Although they are not good words, the latter is an honest mistake and seems to be easier to forgive...

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