The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 688: The long-lost villain (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Someone is here! Someone is here quickly! Su Hao is injured, someone is here to carry him back!"

He Tiantian yelled at the back door, and sure enough, several rough women came over.

The women came running out of breath. When they heard the shouting, they thought they heard wrongly.

Su Hao was injured?

This is normal. This once beloved guest of the Chu family is now just a poor man with a broken family.

Not only Chu Baozhu bullied him, but also some martial arts family members from Qizhou or other state capitals also provoked and humiliated him overtly and covertly.

In addition, Su Hao also has to go hunting and collect herbs.

There are many dangers in the mountains and forests. Even if no one is trying to harm him, Su Hao will inevitably get hurt.

The servants of the Chu family have long been accustomed to Su Hao's appearance with a bruised nose, swollen face, and severed hands and feet.

Hearing the news that "Su Hao was injured", there was no disturbance at all.

But what shocked them was——

Su Hao was injured. Instead of ordering someone to step on him again, the eldest lady actually had someone carry him back!

This this--

Several maids rushed out of the back door, looked at Su Hao who was lying next to the wall, and then looked up at the sky.

It was indeed Su Hao, and the sun did not rise from the west.

So, did they hear wrongly? !

What the eldest lady said was not "carry the man back", but "beat him again"? !

The minds of several servant girls were full of messy thoughts.

He Tiantian didn't know at all and had no interest in knowing.

When she saw several servants standing in a daze, she cursed angrily: "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you carry them back!"

Servants: ...You heard me right, the eldest lady actually asked them to carry someone.

More scary, okay? !

If they weren't afraid of the eldest lady's temper, they would all want to see if the eldest lady was possessed by evil spirits.

How abnormal!

However, their hearts were tickling, but they didn't dare to delay.

The eldest lady has given the order twice in succession. If they hesitate again, the eldest lady will definitely not have the patience to repeat it again, but will directly order someone to deal with them.

"Hurry up and get to work!"

Several people exchanged glances silently and hurriedly took action.

Some of them held their arms, others raised their heads, and carelessly brought the unconscious Su Hao too close to the back door.

He Tiantian walked in front with a dark face.

Behind her were the servants carrying the injured and unconscious Su Hao.

... No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like Miss Chu bullied Su Hao "again".

The maids and boys passing by had their eyes flying wildly.

Some "clever" people have already rushed to tell the news.

Therefore, before the group of people arrived at the courtyard where the Su family brothers and sisters were, "kind-hearted people" arrived.

This time, it is not the little white flower Chu Qingqing, but the old white lotus Mrs. Xue.

Mrs. Xue hurried over. Although she was in her mid-thirties, she was in very good shape.

He looks like he is in his mid-twenties.

She has fair skin and not very delicate facial features, but she has a good temperament.

Delicate, timid, and weak, her slightly indifferent appearance is a bit more pitiful.

She is obviously a wife and mother, but she still has a hint of the fragility of a little girl.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This kind of Mrs. Xue actually does not match the image of the Chu family's mistress.

She is not like a grown-up woman who takes care of herself, but more like a concubine who needs to be cared for by a man.

However, years of being pampered and aloof have finally made her a little more noble.

There is less of a petty air that comes from being delicate.

Especially at this moment, her face was full of concern, and her eyes had the unique kindness of elders.

He walked a few steps and came closer. Seeing Su Hao who was covered in injuries, he said with pity, "Hao'er, what's wrong with you? How do you feel?"

As she spoke, her tears fell involuntarily.

The crystal clear tears rolled down one by one, without damaging the makeup, nor did it affect Mrs. Xue's image.

It just made her look even more pitiful.

Unfortunately, Su Hao was completely unconscious and could neither hear Mrs. Xue's inquiry nor see her concerned expression.

He Tiantian deliberately looked impatient, as if she hadn't seen Mrs. Xue, and angrily urged the servants: "Why did you stop? Hurry up!"

The servant girl is in a bit of a dilemma. The eldest lady really cannot be offended, but Mrs. Xue is not a nobody in the Chu family.

No matter how bad she is, she is still the wife of the Chu family head and the head mistress of the Chu family mansion.

The eldest lady is the direct daughter of her original wife, so she is naturally not afraid of Mrs. Xue, her stepmother.

But, these servants still have to make a living under Mrs. Xue's hands, and they don't dare to neglect her easily.

"What? Didn't you hear what I said? Or is it that no one is willing to obey the orders of me, the eldest lady?"

He Tiantian's face darkened and her tone became very unkind.

Mrs. Xue squeezed the handkerchief tightly, and veins bulged on the back of her slender and white hands.

There was a warm smile on her face.

She didn't seem to feel the embarrassment of being ignored, but she smoothed things over in a very good-natured manner, "Baozhu's temper is still so impatient. But you should also take it easy."

"Baozhu, it's normal for unmarried couples to have some fights, but you can't just rely on Hao'er's good temper, just-"

Before Mrs. Xue could act like her stepmother, trying to comfort her on the surface, but in reality, she was angry, He Tiantian raised her hand and whipped Mrs. Xue.

That’s right, whip!

Last night, He Tiantian found a soft whip in the original owner's bedroom.

This was a weapon that the original owner liked to use to bully people.

Later, after being "framed" by Chu Qingqing, the Chu family leader tried every means to use a dagger studded with gems to make the original owner temporarily abandon the whip.

The original owner was easily coaxed by the Chu family leader and stopped using the whip.

He Tiantian is not the original owner and will not be arbitrarily manipulated by the Chu family leader.

She found this soft whip tanned with fine cowhide from the corner, tried it on, and found that it worked very well.

Since you want to be a villain, then do whatever you want and fight evil with evil.

However, if you slap him directly, your hands will hurt.

Use martial arts?

Ahem, the original owner is not willing to endure hardship, and the Chu family leader does not really value this cheap daughter of the original owner.

He only pampered her, but never thought of teaching her martial arts.

The original owner only knew a few tricks like the three-legged cat, but if he wanted to use it to "teach" people, it was simply not enough!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

So, let’s use weapons.

The whip is very good, it can be used far or near, and you don't have to bear the reaction of force.

It’s more in line with the original owner’s “evil villain” temperament!

When he went out today, He Tiantian wrapped a soft whip around her waist as a decoration.

He Tiantian couldn't help but guess who would be the first to fall into her hands and let her fully show what a "willful young lady" should look like.

The candidate she originally thought of was Chu Qingqing, who liked to step on the original owner to gain reputation points.

Although he attacked her once yesterday, this person would never give up easily.

After working hard for more than ten years, why would you give up just because of a "frustration"?

He Tiantian had the intention of "fishing", so she deliberately asked the servants to carry Su Hao around in the Chu family's courtyard.

No, "Our Lady" bumped into her.

It's just that the choice of the candidate is slightly off. It's not Xiaobaihua, but Mrs. Xue.

It doesn’t matter, it’s all the same anyway!

Hearing Mrs. Xue's habitual acting, He Tiantian waved her whip without any hesitation or any nonsense.


Mrs. Xue screamed.

In fact, He Tiantian's whip was not very powerful.

Mrs. Xue was more shocked, ashamed and angry.

She knew that Miss Chu looked down on her and never regarded her as her "mother".

However, she, Mrs. Xue, was already married to the head of the Chu family, who was Chu Baozhu's stepmother.

A stepmother is also a mother.

Maybe people in the world don't pay attention to secular rules and etiquette, but filial piety is the most basic principle of human ethics.

Over the years, no matter how arrogant Chu Baozhu was, he might not have a good face when he saw her, but he didn't dare to take action directly!

Whip your stepmother?

Simply appalling!

He Tiantian: ...hurt your sister’s hearing!

Don’t you know I’m a villain?

Don’t you know that I am a famous evil woman in Qizhou City? !

Moreover, the original owner has such a bad reputation, all thanks to his father, the head of the Chu family, his stepmother, Mrs. Xue, and his stepsister, Chu Qingqing.

The original owner was indeed not kind enough, and even a little bad.

But it's not so bad that everyone in the city reviles him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, she is just like a female bully who disobeys her parents, bullies her siblings, runs rampant and oppresses good people.

The original owner will become worse and worse, and there may be reasons for "breaking the jar and breaking it".

Since these people have given the original owner a bad name, they might as well experience for themselves what a real female bully is.

Didn’t it mean that Chu Baozhu disobeyed her parents?

Very good, He Tiantian just "disobeys" and has a look.

"Baozhu, you are so shameless. No matter what I say, I am still your stepmother."

"You don't have to think of me as your mother, but I am still an elder. How can you--"

Holding her whipped arm, Mrs. Xue was frightened and angry, almost unable to maintain the mask of kindness.


He Tiantian reminded him coldly.

"What?" Mrs. Xue was stunned.

What does "Chu Baozhu" mean?

He Tiantian raised the whip and said coldly: "You can also shout Baozhu?"

Mrs. Xue's face turned red instantly.

There are reasons to be angry, but more of them are shame and anger.

What's the meaning?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Chu Baozhu" actually asked the dignified Mrs. Xue to address her as "Miss"!

What does she think of her stepmother?

A servant girl at home?

Or is she a bitch and a lackey that she can call around and drink at will? !

Mrs. Xue only felt that she had been humiliated.

"What? Do you feel wronged?"

He Tiantian tilted her head, looking innocent.

She deliberately said in a doubtful tone, "But how do I remember that when my father married you, he said he wanted you to serve me?"

Mrs. Xue's eyes were red, she was still so angry!

What a wait!

It’s obviously taking care of you!

Although the meaning is similar, the latter is obviously more decent in literal meaning.

As for the former, nakedness is humiliation.

But Mrs. Xue couldn't say such sharp words.

Because she is a weak, kind, harmless, beautiful and good woman.

However, although He Tiantian's words were unpleasant, they were also said by the Chu family leader himself.

Although many people knew that this was just an excuse used by the Chu family head to deal with the world and deal with Divine Doctor Cheng.

However, this kind of thing cannot be explained through seeing through it.

And once it was revealed, Mrs. Xue could only eat coptis in silence and endure the humiliation of He Tiantian!

Mrs. Xue doesn’t want to bear it!

She is no longer the helpless and weak little widow she was back then. She has been the wife of the Chu family for more than ten years.

Whether in the inner courtyard or outside, he is a respected and sought-after existence.

She was indeed afraid of Chu Baozhu, but after many years of getting along with him, Mrs. Xue knew that Chu Baozhu was a fool.

As long as her temper is accurately grasped, she is a tool that can be used by their mother and daughter at will.

The most important point is that Mrs. Xue discovered that the head of the Chu family did not love Chu Baozhu as much as he claimed.

In the heart of the Chu family leader, the status of Chu Baozhu, the "eldest lady", is probably not as good as Chu Jiye, the legitimate son born to Mrs. Xue for the Chu family leader.

Just listen to the name and you will know that Jiye Jiye, Mrs. Xue’s son, is the one who will inherit the Chu family’s property!

Apart from his name, the head of the Chu family has been very strict with Chu Jiye since he was a child.

When he was five years old, the head of the Chu family personally taught Chu Jiye martial arts.

As for Chu Baozhu, she couldn't even enter the inner hall.

She was a pet kept by the head of the Chu family. She was used to build her reputation and maintain her relationship with Divine Doctor Cheng!

Mrs. Xue became more and more confident, and she became more and more "unruly" towards Chu Baozhu.

In addition to appearing to be worried about Miss Chu on the surface, she didn't take Chu Baozhu seriously from the bottom of her heart.

As a result, today she was beaten by the idiot "Chu Baozhu" who she considered to be no threat, and she was whipped in public!

Her face and dignity as the head of the house were completely thrown to the ground by "Chu Baozhu" and trampled on.

How can Mrs. Xue not be angry?

She didn't yell at He Tiantian at this moment. She knew how to restrain herself.

"Chu Baozhu, you are getting more and more outrageous!"

"Your father said before that you should be disciplined strictly. It was my persuasion and begging that allowed you to escape punishment!"

"I didn't expect you to know anything about gratitude, let alone rules and filial piety..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mrs. Xue did not answer what she said "back then", but pointed directly at He Tiantian's fault today.

However, before she could finish her scolding, He Tiantian whipped her whip sharply.


He Tiantian looks very much like a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The first lash was on Mrs. Xue's left side, and the second lash was on her right arm.

Symmetrical, perfect!

Mrs. Xue: ...perfect size!

She was shaking with rage.

The arm was whipped, but it wasn't very painful.

But her face hurt.

"You are all idiots. Didn't you see that the eldest lady is hysterical? Why don't you stop her quickly?"

A cold light flashed in Mrs. Xue's eyes, and she directly labeled He Tiantian as "hysterical".

She is trying to make "Chu Baozhu" become a snake spirit disease.

Even if the person cannot be sent away, she must be locked up.

After all, hysteria or something like that can hurt people, and the most important thing is it's embarrassing.

The Chu family is the number one family in Qizhou, and they really can't afford to lose this person.

Mrs. Xue was confident in persuading the Chu family leader. She knew that the Chu family leader was also a little tired of Chu Baozhu, a stupid daughter who only caused trouble.

Now it is not that Chu Baozhu is being beaten or killed, but that she is being locked up for "recuperation". Mrs. Xue believes that the Chu family head will not object.

He Tiantian: ...You are thinking about PEACH!

If the scumbag dad dares to show off, then let him experience the feeling of having a female bully and an unfilial daughter!

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