The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 689: The long-lost villain (10)

"Presumptuous! Let's see who dares to stop me!"

He Tiantian's eyes widened and she arrogantly shouted back a group of servants who were trying to surround her.

She sneered, "Hysterical? Humph, I have been so willful since childhood, but today I have become hysterical?"

"I think you are the one who is suffering from hysteria. A woman who was married by my father and came to serve me has the guts to arrest me, Miss Chu!"


"Bah! It's a dream! My mother will always be the only wife of the Chu family. This is what my father said personally in front of my mother's soul and in front of my uncle!"

"You are an Israeli waiter, but you dare to put the name of 'mother' in front of me. I really want to blind your heart!"

He Tiantian didn't show mercy for a long time, pointing at Mrs. Xue's nose and scolding her.

Mrs. Xue almost fainted.

This is no longer embarrassing, but being ripped off by "Chu Baozhu" in public, thrown under his feet, and trampled on randomly and repeatedly.

Mrs. Xue's chest rose and fell violently, and her breathing was rapid and heavy.

At this time, it was really difficult for Mrs. Xue to maintain her former tenderness, kindness and harmlessness.

All the weakness and kindness were burned away by Mrs.

"Do you really think that the master of the family cares for you and loves you? You are just a fool. If-" Without Miracle Doctor Cheng, would you still be able to show off in the Chu family?

Mrs. Xue had no time to finish what she said next.

Because, He Tiantian's whip flew over again.


Bang bang!

It's still not too harmful, but it's insulting.

Mrs. Xue's hairpin was pulled out and her dress was torn. She was afraid and evasive without caring about her manners, which made her whole person extremely embarrassed.

"Disaster? Ha, you, the widow of a husband, have the nerve to call others a disaster?"

He Tiantian cursed angrily,

"If I didn't think you were honest and thought you could serve me well, would you and your daughter be able to step into the door of my Chu family?"

"It's really embarrassing for you, you actually dare to scold me!"

He Tiantian scolded and waved his whip.

After a while, the originally delicate and gentle Mrs. Xue turned into a crazy woman with disheveled hair and rags.

"Chu Baozhu! I, I will fight with you!"

Mrs. Xue's reason was completely overwhelmed by the surging anger. She raised her hands, like an ordinary fight between women, trying to pull He Tiantian's hair and scratch her face!

He Tiantian:......

Oh, it seems like a whip doesn't work.

It doesn’t matter, let’s have another meal!

He Tiantian held the whip with one hand and stretched it hard with both hands. The whip made a thumping sound in mid-air.

He Tiantian adjusted the intensity, preparing to let Mrs. Xue truly experience the pain of being whipped.

Only when it hurts from being beaten will he probably know how to "shut up".


A man's shout came from far and near.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, yo, the foreign aid has arrived!

A majestic figure quickly entered everyone's sight.

"Master! The master is here!"

"Oh, it's great, the master of the house is finally here!"

When the servants and wives saw Master Chu, they all let out a sigh of relief.

However, He Tiantian keenly discovered that behind the Chu family leader, there was a slender and delicate figure - Chu Qingqing!

Very good, as expected, Chu Qingqing is very good. She can't be provoked, so she secretly looks for foreign aid.

"Crazy woman" Mrs. Xue finally waited for the savior, and she was so excited that tears burst into her eyes.

However, the arrival of the Chu family leader made Mrs. Xue, who was almost out of control, become rational again.

She let out a cry, like a poor woman who had been wronged and tortured, and wanted to throw herself into the arms of her god and cry.

Mrs. Xue's movements were very gentle, and her cry was as sad and pitiful as the cuckoo crying for blood.

But He Tiantian was one step faster than Mrs. Xue. She rushed into the arms of the Chu family leader like a cannonball.

When passing by the pretentious Mrs. Xue, He Tiantian "conveniently" pushed her aside.


Mrs. Xue fell to the ground, feeling a little confused.

And what’s even more confusing to her is yet to come——

"Dad, you are finally here! My daughter is going to be bullied to death!"

"Ouch, oh, oh, daddy, a child without a mother is pitiful. All cats and dogs dare to bully me, and they dare to come in front of me and pretend to be my elder!"

"Bah! What are they? They are despicable and despicable. Why do they have so much face?"

"...I don't care! I don't care! Dad, I am your most beloved daughter and the eldest lady of the Chu family. No one is allowed to make me unhappy!"

"Otherwise I'll go find my uncle! Huh, my uncle loves me the most and sends me all kinds of pills every year——"

He Tiantian cried so hard that it was fake. She howled for a long time without even a single tear.

She howled and insulted mercilessly.

What does it mean to complain first, what does it mean to bully others, what does it mean to speak openly...

Not only the Xue family and their daughter, who were well versed in the art of filing complaints, were dumbfounded, but even the head of the Chu family was speechless.

There is no need to ask carefully about the story. Just look at "Chu Baozhu" and Mrs. Xue, one has a full beard and tail, and the other looks like a beggar, and you can tell who suffered the big loss.

Also, Chu Baozhu, you naughty kid, can you not rub your nose on my clothes?

The head of the Chu family endured the nausea and wanted to vent his anger.

He does love Chu Baozhu, his daughter, but there is a prerequisite, that is, his face and interests cannot be compromised.

Today, this kid is so outrageous.

No matter how bad Mrs. Xue is, she is still the wife he is marrying, and she is the wife of the dignified Chu family.

Chu Baozhu is willful and stubborn, and does not want to regard Mrs. Xue as her mother, but she should also be regarded as the mistress of the Chu family.

As a result, Baozhu, the bastard, whipped Mr. Xue in public!

This, this... if word spreads, Chu Baozhu will definitely not have a good reputation, and the Chu family will be ridiculed.

There was also Chu Baozhu's humiliation of Su Hao, which almost ruined the Chu family leader's plan.

He had long wanted to teach this naughty boy a lesson.

Due to old and new grudges, the head of the Chu family believes that he can no longer "indulge" Chu Baozhu.

However, just when he lowered his face and wanted to scold his daughter severely, he heard He Tiantian's words, "Otherwise I will go find my uncle."

Doctor Cheng!


Behind Chu Baozhu stands an uncle who is a miracle doctor who is well-known in the martial arts world.

In recent years, although Divine Doctor Cheng could not visit her often, he would regularly order people to send things to Chu Baozhu every year.

There were gold and silver jewelry, cloth and medicinal materials, and some pills secretly made by Doctor Cheng.

The head of the Chu family was good at coaxing people. He didn't care about the jewelry and clothes, but he valued the various pills made by Doctor Cheng himself.

The head of the Chu family coaxed and lied, and kept all the pills sent by Doctor Cheng for himself.

These are treasures with a price but no market in the world.

At critical moments, it can save lives.

At first, Su Nuan was so dizzy with fever that many doctors couldn't explain it.

The head of the Chu family reluctantly took out three pills and asked Su Nuan to take them for three days. The high fever immediately subsided and she quickly recovered.

Such magical pills are one of the "trump cards" of the Chu family.

However, these do not really belong to the Chu family head.

Without Chu Baozhu, he wouldn't even be able to touch the hem of Doctor Cheng's clothes, let alone get so much good medicine on a regular basis.

The head of the Chu family closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were filled with the signature "pampering".

He was extremely gentle and loving in his business dealings with He Tiantian.

"Baozhu, what's wrong? Why have you been wronged? Just tell Dad!"

That doting tone and focused eyes made it seem as if the "Chu Baozhu" in front of him was really a peerless treasure that he held in the palm of his hand.

Mrs. Xue's heart sank rapidly.

She is too familiar with this kind of Chu family leader.

Whenever she saw the head of the Chu family acting like this, Mrs. Xue knew that he was favoring Chu Baozhu without any principles or bottom line.

Chu Qingqing also realized this. She lowered her head to cover up the jealousy and resentment in her eyes.

She tore the veil hard, trying to vent the frustration in her chest - the whipping A Niang received today was in vain!

He Tiantian: ...for nothing? !


My goal is to make you lose your wife and your troops.

"It's not Mrs. Xue! She actually said that I was suffering from hysteria and ordered people to arrest me!"

He Tiantian pouted, her face full of arrogance, "By the way, Dad, when you married Mr. Xue, did you ask her to serve me?"

"You want that Chu Qingqing to be my playmate?"

He Tiantian did not leave Chu Qingqing behind this time.

Well, since they are biological mother and daughter, they should live together as a family.

Mrs. Xue's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes with hatred: What a Chu Baozhu, she actually opened and shut Mrs. Xue, and didn't even say "Madam".

Now he even brought Qingqing along with him.

What does she want to do? !

Didn't she humiliate herself enough today? !

Mrs. Xue's head was buzzing, and the raging anger almost broke through her chest.

However, she restrained herself in the end.

After the anger, fear slowly emerged.

Chu Baozhu, she is completely going to break up with their mother and daughter.

The head of the Chu family has always been "partial" to this little bitch. How will their mother and daughter live in the Chu family from now on?

Just when Mrs. Xue was worried about herself and her daughter, the voice of the Chu family leader rang in her ears, "...Yes, I married Mrs. Xue to take care of you!"

"And Qingqing, she is similar in age to you and can play with you and grow up together!"

He Tiantian raised her chin proudly, "Humph, I knew that my father loves me the most!"

"Of course, you are my precious daughter, the apple of my daddy's eye!"

The head of the Chu family endured his dissatisfaction and continued to play the role of an old father who dotes on his daughter.

"Huh! No! Dad doesn't love me at all!"

He Tiantian's face suddenly changed, she was complaining, and her eyes were darting between Mrs. Xue and her daughter.

Tsk, this hint shouldn't be too obvious.

Mrs. Xue and Chu Qingqing: ...that thief Chu Baozhu, you are really pushing your limits and being unreasonable.

The head of the Chu family was also unhappy.



For the sake of Doctor Cheng and those pills, he had no choice but to wrong his wife.

"Ms. Xue, how dare you curse Baozhu to make her sick? And you want to lock her up?"

The head of the Chu family had a cold face and said sternly to Mrs. Xue: "I think you are the one who needs to stay behind closed doors to recuperate!"

"From today on, you will stay in your own yard, take good care of yourself, and reflect well!"

Mrs. Xue's face was filled with sadness.

This time, she was really shameless.

However, just being grounded is not the worst.

She is still in the Chu family's mansion, she is still the wife of the Chu family, and her son is still the most orthodox heir of the Chu family.

Mrs. Xue could only comfort herself desperately, suppressing all her emotions so that she did not seem to be resentful.

He Tiantian didn't think it was enough, she pursed her lips and snorted: "Behind closed doors, there are good food and drinks and monthly routines, don't live a comfortable life!"

Mrs. Xue almost couldn't hold it back and glared at "Chu Baozhu".

Damn it, you're still "comfortable" even though you're grounded.

Can I give this "comfort" to you? !

However, Mrs. Xue did not dare, she could not even show any dissatisfaction with He Tiantian.

She finally saw that this idiot "Chu Baozhu" was instigated by someone, and he actually targeted her and Qingqing.

The safest thing to do now is to be patient, patient, patient. No matter what, "Chu Baozhu" can't be caught!

Mrs. Xue tried her best to tell herself to be patient, but she heard the Chu family leader say: "Yes! Baozhu is right!"

"Let's do this. I'll punish Xue's monthly schedule for half a year. Besides, there are some good things in my father's warehouse. How about I go pick out a few more orbs?"

Mrs. Xue:......

A mouthful of blood choked in her throat, she was so depressed.

If she had known that something like this would happen today, she would never come here to provoke Miss Chu.

Whether Su Hao was injured or not, was he injured by Chu Baozhu? Does this have anything to do with her?

Why did she have to take a trip into this muddy water? !

Mrs. Xue was filled with regret and resentment. The complicated emotions, coupled with the physical pain of being fined and confiscated her money, made her eyes darken and she fainted.


Chu Qingqing shouted sadly, tears rolling down her face. It didn't look like her mother was in a coma, but rather her mother had burped.

He Tiantian cursed angrily, "Cry! Cry again! It's not like I'm dead, so I cry all the time!"

Chu Qingqing:...

"Gone, gone! What bad luck!"

After He Tiantian finished making trouble and received many benefits from the Chu family leader, he left with satisfaction.

Su Hao, who had long been forgotten by everyone, woke up for a while.

He listened to the scene and roughly understood Chu Baozhu's "status"——

Looking favored, he seems to be at the top of the Chu family's food chain.

In fact, her condescension is too nihilistic. It is not based on her own abilities or true feelings.

Everything is just profit!

Once the interests change, for example, something happens to Doctor Cheng...

Chu Baozhu will fall from heaven to hell in an instant.

The head of the Chu family can favor Chu Baozhu regardless of the reason today.

Tomorrow, the head of the Chu family, who only has interests in his eyes, will abandon Chu Baozhu without any hesitation, without any reluctance or pity!

Suddenly, Su Hao actually sympathized with Chu Baozhu...

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