The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 690: The long-lost villain (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian taught Mrs. Xue a lesson and left arrogantly.

She didn't even look at the Chu family leader's smile that didn't reach his eyes, nor did she look at the Xue family and their daughter's suppressed resentment.

She is like a naughty child who succeeds in mischief, regardless of the consequences, regardless of the impact, and only cares about her own happiness.

"Haha! I've long disliked that hypocritical old woman Xue."

"And that Chu Qingqing, just like Mrs. Xue, mother and daughter are just pretending..."

"Hmph, what? Are they the only ones who are kind in the world? Are they the only ones who are pure and flawless?"

"...If you are really kind, why don't you go out and help the world? It's easier. There are so many orphans and poor people in Qizhou City, and I haven't seen them help them a few times!"

"And you, Su Hao! Do you also think that Chu Qingqing is kinder than me? When you are bullied by me, she always comes to comfort you?"

"Ha! Fool! She, Chu Qingqing, only has a kind mouth. If she is really kind, how can she secretly give you medicine or give Su Nuan some food?"

"No! Nothing! She can only say a few nice words and show an expression of 'I'm sympathetic, I'm sad, but there's nothing I can do'. Is she a good person?"

Along the way, He Tiantian chattered.

He seemed to be feeling proud, and he seemed to be complaining.

She didn't care whether Su Hao, who was being carried by several wives, was awake or not, she just said it to him.

Su Hao: ...Let me pass out.

Don't be tortured by the words of this verbose woman "Chu Baozhu".

Of course he doesn't think Chu Qingqing is a good person.

Su Hao is not Su Nuan. He has poisonous eyes, keen senses, and an extraordinary calmness and transparency.

He could see through that the Chu family leader was a hypocritical villain, so how could he not see the tricks of the Xue family and his daughter?

He just felt that Mrs. Xue, Chu Qingqing and others had nothing to do with him.

Whether they are good people or bullies has no effect on Su Hao.

Su Hao hates Chu Baozhu because this wayward young lady always makes trouble for him and bullies his sister!

However, now, Su Hao is not so disgusted with "Chu Baozhu", but has an inexplicable feeling.

Especially after witnessing the "partiality" of the Chu family leader with his own eyes, Su Hao felt more and more pitiful for Chu Baozhu - his own father did not regard her as a close relative, but as a tool to be praised and killed!

"Smelly girl, what are you looking at? Have you never seen such a noble young lady as me?"

Just when Su Hao felt a little sympathetic to Chu Baozhu, her "evil voice and bad breath" came to his ears.

"...No, no! Oh no, I'm not saying, Miss, that you are not noble enough, but I, I -"

The one who answered He Tiantian was a childish voice.

Judging from her voice, she should want to please Miss Chu, but she is young and her thinking and articulation are not that quick.

As she spoke, the little girl stuttered and could not utter a complete sentence.

Su Hao heard clearly that it was his sister Su Nuan's voice.

He was very anxious, fearing that the bad-tempered Chu Baozhu would argue with his sister.

There is no need to deliberately abuse her, just a few scoldings or a few slaps are enough to make little Su Nuan suffer.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What's even more frightening is that "Chu Baozhu" has a whip in his hand.

I just whipped Mrs.

Su Hao tried his best to open his eyes. He moved his lips, trying to say something.

But I saw that "Chu Baozhu" didn't look very good.

He is not even kind to his sister.

One of her hands was always holding the handle of the whip at her waist, and there was a fierce aura in her brows that had not receded.

Su Hao's heart was in his throat, and his eyes followed He Tiantian closely.

Suddenly, Su Hao noticed a flash of malice in "Chu Baozhu's" eyes, but then, she subconsciously glanced at the sky——

Su Hao's heart instantly fell back to its original position.

"I almost forgot that Chu Baozhu was the one who was almost struck by thunder!"

Su Hao didn't believe in heaven, but he believed in some mysterious powers.

In this world, there are legends of immortals.

Not to mention the rumors from the outside world, even their family has relevant records.

Therefore, you can not believe in ghosts and gods, but you must believe in cause and effect.

Chu Baozhu is indeed not a treacherous person, but the Su family are not ordinary people either.

The blood of immortals flows in their veins.

Perhaps his ancestors had left him a trump card, such as setting some restrictions, and if someone hurt him, there would be backlash.

As for why the Su family would be exterminated despite the immortal ancestors, perhaps this was a destined ordeal.

Or maybe the ancestor’s immortal magic is limited and can only protect a heir like him!

While half-conscious, Su Hao thought a lot.

He felt that although his guess was absurd, it was not unreasonable.

Whether it was the protection of her ancestors or the care of God, no matter what, this had a certain deterrent to Chu Baozhu, so that she did not dare to bully him and her sister again.

Su Hao was not afraid of Chu Baozhu, but felt that such trouble could be reduced as much as possible.

In this way, he can spare more time to practice martial arts and track down the whereabouts of his enemies!

"Hmph, you little girl, I'm really taking advantage of you!"

Just when Su Hao was thinking wildly, the reluctant beeping sound of "Chu Baozhu" sounded in his ears again.

Su Hao couldn't help but want to laugh. Telling an arrogant and willful young lady to stop messing around was definitely to unlock the trap for the monkey.

Before Su Hao could be happy, he was thrown onto the bed.

Su Hao almost screamed when he was thrown. He pursed his lips tightly to prevent the attack from breaking.

"And you! Huh, I'm giving you an advantage too!"

He Tiantian was so reluctant, but due to some kind of intimidation, she had to restrain her temper.

Deliberately letting the servant girls throw Su Hao in pain was probably the last sign of her stubbornness.

"Come on, find a doctor!"

"Oh, forget it, go directly to my father and ask him for one of the pills my uncle sent me!"

He Tiantian shouted impatiently to the maid.

The maid was a little worried. She didn't know why the eldest lady became so strange today and was so kind to Su Hao.

However, seeing the eldest lady whip the madam with my own eyes made everyone know that the eldest lady was still the same eldest lady, she just became more willful and defiant.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He even dares to hit his wife, tsk tsk, this is no longer simple arrogance, but lawlessness.

You can't mess with it, and you don't dare to mess with it!

Let her say whatever she says, don't delay, let alone talk nonsense.

Several maids exchanged glances silently, and then began to follow He Tiantian's instructions.

"Oh, by the way, let's get this little oil bottle some food!"

"Hmph, did you make yourself so thin on purpose? So that others would mistakenly think that our Chu family is deliberately treating you harshly?!"

He Tiantian looked a bit like she was looking for trouble and wanted to be beaten. She was obviously asked to give Su Nuan food and drinks, but what she said was very unpleasant.

Su Nuan is too young to understand this. She is just instinctively afraid.

Even when the servants brought things, she didn't dare to reach out and huddled timidly by the bed, holding Su Hao's hand and refusing to leave.

"...You are so shameless, huh! You deserve to be starved to death!"

He Tiantian cursed a few times, and seeing that Su Nuan was even more frightened, he simply waved his hand and left.

Looking at the back of "Chu Baozhu", Su Hao's eyes were complicated and deep.

In the future, this eldest lady should not bully him again, but his troubles have not diminished.

For example, today, when he came back from collecting medicine, he was blocked outside the city by Yun Zihe, his old enemy in Yuncheng.

After a "discussion", Su Hao was seriously injured due to collecting herbs, and was also internally injured by Yun Zihe and his henchmen.

Fortunately, "Chu Baozhu" was afraid of thunder, so he gave him the medicine from Doctor Cheng, which saved him from getting more injured.

However, Yun Zihe is really difficult to deal with.

Early the next morning, Su Nuan got up, first obediently checked her brother's injury, and then washed and ate.

"Miss Su, there is someone outside who says he is an old friend of yours in Yuncheng. He knows the secret of the Su family's destruction and wants to tell you!"

A little maid came to report to Su Nuan.

Perhaps because of what happened yesterday, the maids and servants in the yard, no matter what they thought in their hearts, were all very polite to the Su brothers and sisters.

Su Nuan was a little uncomfortable, but she was a young lady from the Su family, and she was used to being served.

Hearing what the little maid said, she even thought: The secret of the Su family being wiped out?

She wanted to know so much that before her brother woke up, Su Nuan went out alone...

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