The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 692: The long-lost villain (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian looked deflated!

Her whole face wrinkled into the word "囧".

In fact, if possible, He Tiantian would like to use facial expressions to interpret what "fuck" means!

Her reaction once again pleased Su Hao.

"Ha ha!"

The emotions that had been suppressed for several days suddenly found a way to vent.

Su Hao laughed out loud.


He Tiantian was unwilling to do so, and it was hard to see Su Hao looking so "satisfied".

But she was also afraid of God. When she scolded Su Hao, she couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Obviously, she was frightened by thunder.

Seeing her fierce and cowardly look, Su Hao couldn't help laughing again.

"Dirty! Don't laugh anymore!"

He Tiantian became angry and impulsively ignored it again, shouting at Su Hao.

"If you laugh at me again, I would rather be struck by lightning than accept your 'threat'!"

"And your sister, huh, she's just a little fool, a little bastard. You can trust her to whoever you want. Don't look for me!"

He Tiantian said her cruel words in anger.

Su Hao knew that this young lady was offended by him.

If the quarrel continues, they may really fall out.

"Chu Baozhu" is indeed afraid of being struck by lightning, but she is a naughty child at heart.

Once you become willful, you will ignore it.

Su Hao's purpose was not to laugh at the other party, but to "entrust him".

He raised his hands and said repeatedly, "Okay! Okay! I won't laugh! I'm sorry! It's my fault!"

"Miss Chu, there are a lot of them, please forgive me!"

He Tiantian puffed out her cheeks and snorted angrily, "You're smart!"

When she said this, if she didn't subconsciously glance at God, she might be more powerful.

Su Hao: ...I know that this young lady is a paper tiger.

Maybe she really hates their siblings, or maybe she really isn't a kind person.

But, for now, she is indeed the most suitable person to help her take care of her sister.

Just one thunder from the sky is enough to scare Miss Chu into protecting Su Nuan!

After settling Su Nuan, Su Hao no longer has any worries.

He got rid of the tracking of some people from the Chu family, quietly left Qizhou, and ran all the way towards Yuncheng.

Outside Yuncheng, there is a Taoist temple, which was originally the property of the Su family. After the Su family's accident, it was embezzled by the Yun family.

However, because it is at the top of Yunshan Mountain, far away from Yuncheng and the road is rugged, the incense is not very prosperous.

As early as more than ten years ago, the Taoist temple was idle, with only one or two elderly servants looking after it.

Just because it was relatively close to the Su family's farm, when the Yun family divided up the Su family's property, they took over the Taoist temple.

They occupied it, but they didn't pay too much attention to it, and they didn't even send anyone to garrison it.

Therefore, Su Hao arrived at the Taoist temple very smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

"It went really well!"

Late at night, Su Hao climbed over the wall and entered the Taoist temple. Feeling the extraordinary silence around him, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth in mockery.

Su Hao didn't waste any time and jumped into the hall.

Although the Taoist temple was idle, it was not completely abandoned.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, after something happened to the Su family, the old guard who arranged to guard the house escaped, and no one took care of it. The ground and the incense table were covered with a layer of soil.

Dots of green emerged from the gaps in the bluestone floor.

And the statue of the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty,

It also looked gray, and there was even paint falling off in some places.

Su Hao glanced at it and saw that this dilapidated Taoist temple was somewhat similar to the overthrown Su family.

There was a dark glint in his eyes, but his steps did not stop.

He quickly came to the mud tire and reached out to touch the Patriarch's body.


A clear loudspeaker sounded in the empty hall.

Obviously, Su Hao found the right place and triggered the agency.

He hurriedly groped around in the office and pulled out a small box.

The box is not big, only the size of an adult man's hand.

Su Hao put the box into his arms and closed the mechanism.

But, at this moment, there was a noise outside.

Su Hao curled his lips, but his eyes were cold: Very good, everything that should come has come!

These people hid in secret, peeped, and even tortured him in various ways, just to force him to come and get the Su family's secret treasure.

"Want my Su family's magic? Ha, just dream!"

Su Hao sneered in his heart.

In fact, the Su family's fairy secrets are not hidden here.

In fact, it doesn't even exist.

It cannot be said that it does not exist, but it is not as mysterious as outsiders imagine.

The guesses from outsiders are not too outrageous——

The ancestors of the Su family did have an immortal.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be called Immortal Cultivator.

By chance, the ancestor of the Su family joined the Immortal Sect and officially embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

After he successfully built the foundation, he returned to the Su family once. At this time, the head of the Su family was already his grandchild.

He left a skill called "Hongmeng Chaos Jue" to his grandnephew.

The name sounds very majestic, but in fact, this is indeed an excellent technique.

It was discovered by the ancestors of the Su family in an ancient ruins when they were training.

It's a pity that this technique is incomplete, and ancestor Su himself doesn't dare to practice it easily.

It would be a pity to give up directly.

The ancestor of the Su family simply kept the skills in his secular family.

"Hongmeng Chaos Jue" is divided into two parts. The upper part is about superior martial arts and internal skills.

Ancestor Su refined it into "Chaos Fist" and used it as the Su family's family martial arts secret book.

The second half is about practicing secret techniques.

If you have all the skills, you can practice all the way to ascension.

Although it is incomplete, there is still the most terrible necessary condition——

Well, don't worry, it's not about asking practitioners to commit suicide, but to abolish martial arts.

Yes, if you want to practice "Hongmeng Chaos Jue", you must have practiced Chaos Fist in the early stage.

After the practice is successful, the Dantian must be destroyed and the meridians throughout the body must be destroyed, so that the practitioner can return to the "starting" state and practice again!

The key point is that even if you risk becoming a disabled person and destroy your Dantian and meridians, you may not be able to draw Qi into your body.

With such overbearing and strict requirements, ancestor Su did not dare to practice, and the descendants of the Su family did not have the courage to try it easily.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Because Ancestor Su has an immortal sect, the technique given by his master may not be as powerful as the "Hongmeng Chaos Jue", but it is still a good technique.

As for the descendants of the Su family, they thought that "Chaos Fist" was already very good.

Once you practice well, you can still become one of the best in the martial arts world.

If you are talented, you can use Chaos Fist to reach the master level and become the top being in the secular world.

It is indeed a pity not to be able to cultivate immortality and become an immortal who flies into the sky and escapes from the earth, but at least he can become another kind of strong person.

1% chance of becoming an immortal VS 100% martial arts master.

It is actually not difficult to choose between these two options.

It is no surprise that all descendants of the Su family have chosen the latter.

If the Su family hadn't been wiped out, if Su Hao hadn't been in a desperate situation, he probably wouldn't have taken this risk.

As the heir of the Su family, Su Hao knew the entire "Hongmeng Chaos Jue" by heart when he learned Chaos Fist.

Therefore, there is no secret treasure at all.

The treasures the Su family hid in the Taoist temple were just a few spiritual stones left behind by ancestor Su.

It is said that this kind of thing is a treasure in the world of immortality. It can be used for cultivation and shopping.

Ancestor Su left behind the spirit stone because he thought that if any of the descendants were willing to take risks, or if the Su family faced a desperate situation, the descendants would have to "take risks."

These spiritual stones can help the younger generations introduce Qi into their bodies and officially cross the threshold of cultivation.

Su Hao came to the Taoist temple on purpose, firstly to get the spiritual stone, and secondly to set up a trap!

Abandoning the Dantian and meridians is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

Su Hao was determined to abolish his martial arts, but if he was really asked to do it himself, he might not be able to do it so cruelly.

After much thought, he simply decided to set up a situation——

He knew the truth behind the Su family's extermination, and he could roughly guess who those who did it were.

He even knew that those people were hiding in the dark, staring at him secretly.

As soon as he made a move, they would jump out.

By then, Su Hao will be able to confirm who his enemy is!

At the same time, you can also ask these people to help you "by the way", which is definitely killing two birds with one stone.

Su Hao felt that based on the ruthlessness of those people, they would not be merciful to him.

"...Hao'er, your father and I are close friends. Unless we have no choice, uncle, I really don't want to kill you!"

The head of the Chu family looked embarrassed, but his words still contained false kindness.

"Tell me how to open this box! Otherwise, I will really take action!"

The head of the Chu family was playing with the box containing the spirit stones that had been banned by ancestor Su, and said to Su Hao gently.

"Bah! Hypocrite! Villain! My father doesn't have such a shameless friend as you!"

Su Hao's answer was frothing.

The head of the Chu family quickly avoided being spat in the face by Su Hao.

However, the head of the Chu family was still angry at Su Hao's disrespect.

He no longer coaxed with words, but directly took action.


Su Hao gritted his teeth hard and stopped screaming from the severe pain.

His hand tendons were severed.

"Are you going to tell me?" The person who was angry this time was the head of the Yun family, Yun Zihe's biological father.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao answered him with a disdainful eye roll.


The hamstring was also torn.

Su Hao was shaking all over in pain, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"My nephew, why are you doing this? The Su family's secret method can indeed make you an immortal. But there is a prerequisite, that is, you are still alive!"

"Oh, no, it should be because you are still a healthy person! Once your muscles and veins are severed and your Dantian is shattered, you will not be able to practice even the magic of gods!"

The speaker was an old man with white beard and hair. Su Hao had seen him before. Hehe, he was the previous leader of the martial arts alliance.

He was once so upright and chivalrous throughout his life, and was highly respected by his fellow martial artists.

As a result, even though he was old, he still wanted to become an immortal because he was afraid of death, so he even collaborated with the heads of several famous families to destroy the entire Su family!

Now, they are using despicable means to coerce and lure an innocent young man!

Su Hao looked at the old man with eyes full of resentment and disdain.

It was as if the man in front of him was no longer the respected former martial arts leader, but a shameless person who was afraid of old age and death.

In fact, this man is quite shameless.

If it weren't for his good reputation, if he hadn't deliberately coaxed him, how could the head of the Su family, who had already half-stepped into the master realm, be poisoned by him?

If the head of the Su family was not poisoned, how could the Su family be?

Xu Shi saw that Su Hao had become a prisoner in the palm of his hand, and the bosses did not continue to pretend.

In order to stimulate Su Hao and completely destroy his psychological defense, they took the initiative to tell the story of how they destroyed the entire Su family.

Su Hao guessed right, these people are all murderers and his mortal enemies!

"Hao'er, stop being so stubborn! Uncle, I really don't want to do things so badly!"

The head of the Chu family stretched out a hand and hung it on Su Hao's dantian.

His meaning was very clear: if Su Hao still refused to fight to the death, he would destroy Su Hao's Dantian with one palm.

As a martial arts practitioner, once his Dantian is broken, Su Hao will become a useless person.

From now on, let alone practicing martial arts, even if you want to cultivate immortality, it will probably be a problem.

Su Hao glared at the Chu family head hatefully, as if the coldness and determination in his eyes could turn into reality.

He bit his lip hard, and streams of blood flowed down.

The Chu family leader looked at him for a long time, and finally, a fierce look flashed in the Chu family leader's eyes.

He mobilized his inner strength and slapped down hard with his palm.


The Dantian was shattered, and Su Hao fainted from the pain.

The bosses didn't give Su Hao time to wake up. They directly found cold water and poured cold water on Su Hao to wake him up.

Su Hao endured the severe pain, his eyes full of madness: "I have become a useless person, are you still unwilling to let me go?"

"Open the box and we will let you go!"

The Patriarch Yun's patience was about to run out. Seeing that Su Hao looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, he was so anxious that he actually lifted Su Hao up with one hand.

When they came to the cliff next to the Taoist temple, the head of the Yun family hung Su Hao on the edge of the cliff and said with a ferocious smile: "Are you going to tell me or not? If not, I will let go!"

This may not be a cliff of ten thousand feet, but it is still several feet above the ground.

Such a height may be nothing to those who practice martial arts.

But now Su Hao has become a useless person.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If someone throws him off a cliff, he will definitely die!

"You should let go! Don't just say it but don't practice it!"

Xu had dealt with "Chu Baozhu" several times, and Su Hao, who had always been calm and mature, actually learned the ability to make people angry.


The head of the Yun family was so angry that he actually let go of his hand.

The body suddenly fell, but Su Hao didn't have much fear.

The moment he fell into the cliff, he quickly used "Hongmeng Chaos Art".

Perhaps all his potential was unleashed at the critical moment, or perhaps Su Hao was gifted. As he was falling, he managed to successfully draw Qi into his body.

The box held in the hands of the Chu family leader, with several pieces of spiritual stones inside, instantly turned into powder.


Su Hao fell to the bottom of the cliff, but did not die on the spot, but fell into a coma temporarily.

The Chu family leader and others blamed the Yun family leader for being impulsive, but the Yun family leader, the former martial arts leader and others focused on the box in his hand.

Almost at the same time, several old foxes took action.

On the cliff and beside the Taoist temple, several top martial arts masters were fighting together, with swords and swords flashing, and it was very lively.

In the forest not far away, there is a girl dressed as a village girl, who comes to the bottom of the cliff every day to search...

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