The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 693: The long-lost villain (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mo Xiaoxiao waited for nearly a month, and finally, she waited for the person who fell from the sky.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Mo Xiaoxiao held back her excitement and rushed forward immediately.

Because Su Hao successfully introduced Qi into his body, his life was not in danger due to falling off the cliff.

The moment he landed, he even had enough energy to open his eyes and scan his surroundings to make sure he was safe.

So, he clearly saw Mo Xiaoxiao with a hint of joy on his eyebrows.

Su Hao is a very sensitive person, especially at this moment, he is in great insecurity.

Having just stepped onto the threshold of cultivating immortality, he had some spiritual power in his broken Dantian.

He is sharper than before, and his six senses are beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Therefore, he accurately captured the flash of surprise and excitement in Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Something's wrong!

There is something wrong with this woman!

Although Su Hao introduced Qi into his body, he had just started practicing and his body was seriously damaged.

Being able to protect himself from further injuries during the fall was the result of his best efforts.

When he realized that he had landed safely, Su Hao's breath became a little loose.

Although he felt something was wrong with Mo Xiaoxiao, he still couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

"Hey! Can you hear me?"

"Oh, he fainted. Will he be okay?"

Mo Xiaoxiao rushed forward and found that Su Hao had fallen into a coma.

She cautiously stretched out her hand to check her breathing. Fortunately, she was still breathing.

Mo Xiaoxiao's gaze began to look like a searchlight, scanning Su Hao inch by inch.

Well, this one is really pitiful. His hand and leg tendons are broken, his limbs are limp, and he is like a disabled person.

There were severe scratches on his face and body, some of which were broken and bleeding.

This made his originally fair and handsome face look very embarrassed.

"It should be fine, he is the male lead!"

Mo Xiaoxiao was chattering while looking for something handy, preparing to rescue Su Hao back.

She got some branches and vines, tied them up to a simple stretcher, used force to get Su Hao onto the stretcher, and then dragged him all the way, stumbling and stumbling to get Su Hao out of the bottom of the cliff.

Mo Xiaoxiao lives in Mojia Village at the foot of the mountain. Her father is a charlatan with mediocre medical skills and barely makes a living by collecting herbs.

Six months ago, Mo's father passed away due to illness, and Mo Xiaoxiao became an orphan.

Because of the loss of his father, and for some reason, Mo Xiaoxiao didn't want to have too much contact with people in the village.

She simply moved to a small wooden house built by her father in the mountain forest, collected herbs every day, and also went to the bottom of the cliff for a walk.

Hard work paid off. After waiting at the bottom of the cliff for more than a month, she finally found her rightful owner.

Mo Xiaoxiao did not take Su Hao back to the village, but took him to the cabin.

Mo Xiaoxiao got the person to the bed with difficulty. Looking at the half-dead Su Hao, she felt a little embarrassed for a moment——

"According to the plot, his Dantian was shattered, his tendons were severed, and he fell from the cliff and suffered very serious injuries."

An encounter like this would have made anyone else miserable.

In other words, Su Hao is the male protagonist, so he can't die no matter what.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mo Xiaoxiao also knew that even without her rescue, Su Hao could survive this disaster by staying at the bottom of the cliff alone.

Now that Mo Xiaoxiao has rescued the man, so that he does not have to suffer the wind, rain, and beast bites, Su Hao will be better off.

Mo Xiaoxiao always felt that she wanted to be the hero's savior.

It should be "worthy of the name".

In order to prevent herself from feeling too guilty, Mo Xiaoxiao wanted to give Su Hao some medicine.

The system can be exchanged for Peiyuan Pill, which is also known as Rejuvenation Pill in the mortal martial arts world.

No matter what kind of internal injury, one Peiyuan Pill can make people recover as before.

However, when Mo Xiaoxiao redeemed the elixir, he hesitated: What if I interfere too much and cause a butterfly effect?

Standing by Su Hao's bed, Mo Xiaoxiao held the elixir full of strange fragrance, hesitant and extremely embarrassed.

Su Hao introduced Qi into his body, which was considered as one foot on the path of cultivating immortality.

His damaged organs were slowly recovering due to the nourishment of spiritual power.

The magic of "Hongmeng Chaos Jue" also began to be revealed.

Su Hao had just started practicing this set of exercises, and his damaged Dantian showed signs of recovery.

The various changes in the body cannot be seen by outsiders.

Su Haoren was unconscious, but began to gain some consciousness.

However, Su Hao didn't know how to use this "soul power" that seemed to be separated from the body.

He was surprised to find that he seemed to be separated from his body.

Su Hao felt that a trace of his mental power could transcend the constraints of his body, floating around his body like a wandering soul.

And Su Hao's mental power just happened to be able to clearly "see" everything around him.

Mo Xiaoxiao held an elixir that looked like an extraordinary pill and hesitated in front of "his" mouth.

Su Hao saw everything.

"Who is this person?"

"She seemed to have known for a long time that I would fall off the cliff!"

"Also, what is this elixir? A life-saving elixir? Or a harmful poison?"

Su Hao was in shock and doubt, and all kinds of speculations made his soul power a little unstable.

"No! I want to wake up!"

"I-I can't be harmed without knowing it!"

Su Hao was extremely anxious and desperately tried to wake himself up.

Just when Su Hao wanted to control the mental power to return to his body so that he could wake up, Mo Xiaoxiao finally made up his mind.

"Save people to the end, and send Buddha to the West! Since you want to be the hero's savior, you must do it in a real and justified manner!"

Mo Xiaoxiao said nonchalantly, pried open Su Hao's mouth, and stuffed the Peiyuan Pill directly into it.

Su Hao: ...Uh, uh, uh, what are you going to do?

Su Hao was so anxious that he released a trace of mental energy. He subconsciously pressed the tip of his tongue to spit out the elixir in his "mouth".

However, it is just a touch of soul power, and it has been released from the body, so it cannot control the body at all.

Su Hao could only watch "himself" swallow the pill.

It’s over!

I, was I harmed by a witch? !

Su Hao was too impatient and angry, and finally couldn't control his outward mental power.

His mental strength was gone, and Su Hao fell into a coma completely.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, in Su Hao's subconscious mind, he had regarded Mo Xiaoxiao, his savior, as a witch with ulterior motives!

Fortunately, Mo Xiaoxiao didn't know this.

Otherwise, I will definitely cry in grievance: In order to save you, I endured the pain of my body and exchanged it for you to get the Yuan Pei Dan. It’s okay for you to be ungrateful, but you still doubt me because of this? !

Of course, these are all things for later.

Su Hao, who was in a coma, was in a very strange state at this time.

The Peiyuan Pill melts in the mouth, and the spiritual power contained in the pill starts from Su Hao's Dantian and travels throughout the body along the meridians.

Wherever the spiritual power passes, the damage will be quickly repaired.

A layer of dirt with a slight stench oozed out from the surface of Su Hao's body.

After a night like this, Su Hao's expression became more and more embarrassing, as if he had rolled several times in a garbage dump.

However, his complexion was much better, no longer as weak as when he was first injured, but full of vitality.

Mo Xiaoxiao was worried that his action would put Su Hao in unknown danger, so after feeding Su Hao the Peiyuan Pill, he kept guarding him.

After watching for a full night, Mo Xiaoxiao saw that Su Hao was fine, and then he lay down next to the bed and fell asleep with confidence.

Early the next morning, the first ray of sunlight shined through the thick branches and onto the small wooden house.

Su Hao woke up leisurely. When his eyes saw the simple beam above his head, he suddenly thought of something.

He woke up with a start.

He shook his head from side to side and looked around with his eyes.

This is a very simple cabin, and I am lying on a hard wooden bed.

Beside the bed, a young woman wearing burlap clothes lay lying on her stomach.

Su Hao saw the girl sleeping soundly, and the memories of yesterday flooded into his brain instantly.

He was thrown off a cliff by the head of the Yun family, and he practiced the "Hongmeng Chaos Art" at a critical moment. There was a girl who had been waiting for a long time at the bottom of the cliff. She rescued him and stuffed him with an unknown pill!


Su Hao's expression suddenly changed when he thought of this incident. He quickly mobilized his inner strength and tried to explore the situation of his dantian.

But, soon, Su Hao thought again: What Dantian? My Dantian has been destroyed!

Although he practiced the Hongmeng Chaos Art and successfully introduced Qi into his body, according to the records of the technique, it still takes a process to rebuild his Dantian.

However, just when Su Hao was frustrated and wanted to give up, he suddenly discovered that his Dantian was not damaged.

In other words, it has been repaired!

This, how is this possible?

His Dantian was shattered to pieces, and he had only been practicing Hongmeng Jue for one night.

Even if Hongmeng Jue is very magical, even if he has the talent for cultivation, it is impossible to achieve such a heaven-defying effect in such a short period of time.

If it’s not Hongmeng Jue, then what is it?

He had no other adventures last night!


That pill!

Could it be that it was not poison, but an elixir that could bring the dead back to life?


Rejuvenation Pill!

This is the most famous elixir in the world. Martial arts practitioners can take this elixir if they suffer serious internal injuries or want to break through to the master level.

However, the Rejuvenation Pill is very precious. The last time it appeared in the world was thirty years ago.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even Doctor Cheng, who was known as a miracle doctor, had only refined an incomplete replacement version of the Rejuvenation Pill and was unable to restore this magical elixir at all.

There was an immortal in Su Hao's family. According to the notes left by Ancestor Su, Su Hao learned that——

The so-called Rejuvenation Pill should be the Peiyuan Pill in the world of immortality. It is a very basic pill.

But, that was in the world of immortality.

In the mortal world, Peiyuan Dan is a life-saving elixir.

Without cultivation and enough medicinal materials, even a miraculous doctor like Doctor Cheng cannot replicate it.

The rejuvenation pills that appear in the world are probably spread from the world of immortality.

Yes, in this world, the mortal world and the cultivation world coexist.

The continent where mortals live is called Pingyuan Continent, and it is the sphere of influence established by the Pingyuan Dynasty;

The area where the immortal cultivators are located is the Yuancang Continent, which is tens of thousands of miles away from the Pingyuan Continent.

Ancestor Su's notes record it very clearly that the two continents are separated not only by a long distance, but also by a natural barrier - the Infinite Sea!

It was by chance that Ancestor Su met an immortal passing by near the Wuji Sea.

When the immortal saw that he had spiritual roots, he became fond of talents and accepted him into the sect as a registered disciple.

Ancestor Su had talent and was willing to work hard. With his own abilities, he gradually changed from an ordinary registered disciple to a personal disciple that the Master valued very much.

The foundation was successfully built, he officially entered the path of cultivating immortality, and ancestor Su returned home in glory.

Not only did he leave a incomplete ancient immortal method to future generations, but he also recorded how he met the immortal, how he became a disciple and learned skills, etc., in a book, which he left in the Su family for future generations to admire.

Su Hao is the heir to the Su family and has studied the manuscripts of his ancestors since he was a child.

He knows a lot about the world of immortality.

He also knows where the Infinite Sea is, how to cross this endless sea, and how to reach the world of immortality.

Therefore, Su Hao knew that the Rejuvenation Pill was the Peiyuan Pill, and he also knew how incredible the real elixir was!

But... Su Hao slowly sat up without disturbing the girl lying beside the bed.

His eyes fell on the girl, complex and deep.

This girl appears too weird.

Looking at her outfit and the cabin she was in, Su Hao concluded that this person was just an ordinary village girl.

But why would an ordinary village girl have a rejuvenation pill in her hand that could cause a stir in the world?

Su Hao was willing to bet that once the news of the Rejuvenation Pill got out, the elders like the Chu Family Head and the Yun Family Head would go crazy.

Their persistence in rejuvenating elixirs is no less than that of the Su family’s fairy secrets!

As a result, it was such an elixir that the martial arts elders flocked to, but it was in the hands of an ordinary village girl.

This girl generously gave him the elixir to Su Hao!

Logically speaking, Su Hao should be grateful.

Not just the elixir, but also the life-saving grace last night.

However, there was a knot in Su Hao's heart. He could never forget that when he fell off the cliff, the girl immediately appeared with a trace of joy that he could not conceal.

And the entanglement and hesitation she felt when feeding herself the elixir...

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This man did save him, but his mind was not pure!

Su Hao is not an ungrateful person, but the overthrow of his family and the betrayal of his "family friends" made him more deeply aware of the darkness of the world and the ugliness of human nature.

He doesn't dare to trust others!

Not to mention, this girl named Mo Xiaoxiao is indeed weird.

She is a village girl who grew up in a small mountain village, but she does not have the humility and cowardice of the lower class people of this era.

Her eyes are clear, her back is straight, and her confidence and pride radiate from the inside out, which is no worse than that of many young ladies from aristocratic families.

Also, Su Hao was very sure that he had never known this person, but she was very close to him.

She had a deep trust in him, as if she believed that he was a modest gentleman and a good person.

Good guy?

Ha, after experiencing so much, Su Hao didn't dare to say that his soul had turned black, but he was no longer the innocent and wealthy young man he once was.

He calculated people's hearts to the core, and even this injury and falling off the cliff were all part of his plan.

Mo Xiaoxiao doesn't know herself at all and has never gotten along with him. Why does she think she is a good person? !

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