The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 694: The long-lost villain (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Su Hao is the male protagonist!"

"Moreover, this male protagonist is a humble gentleman with upright views and a bottom line that is rare in immortality novels!"

"He has gone through ups and downs and suffered a lot, but he still maintains a kind and gentle heart!"

"He will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, let alone repay kindness with hatred... If someone gives him a kindness, he will repay it tenfold!"

Mo Xiaoxiao is familiar with the plot and of course knows that the hero's character is reliable.

It was precisely because she knew that the male protagonist was not the kind of person who was called "decided to kill" but was actually selfish and cold-blooded that she was willing to pay Su Hao's own money to exchange for the Peiyuan Pill.

Although Peiyuan Pill is only a basic pill in the world of immortality, it also needs points to be redeemed in the system mall.

Mo Xiaoxiao worked hard on tasks and finally saved some points. He was not willing to use them, but gave them to Su Hao!

She is interested in Su Hao's character and is investing in advance.

He Tiantian: ...Silly boy, you take it for granted.

You overestimate the hero's character and underestimate his contradictions and vigilance as an avenger.

Just like He Tiantian, she wanted to clear up the original protagonist, but realized that the male protagonist was not the owner of a good lake, so she immediately gave up Plan No. 1 and started a backup plan.

He Tiantian would rather be struck by thunder than to make the original protagonist's "transformation" reasonable and not arouse the male protagonist's suspicion.

As for Mo Xiaoxiao, maybe she was too confident, and maybe she really underestimated the male protagonist. She didn't control her emotions perfectly, leaving flaws in her behavior everywhere.

After experiencing so much betrayal and hurt, how could Su Hao not be suspicious when faced with such a flawless Mo Xiaoxiao? !

"Miss Mo, thank you for saving me!"

Su Hao hid all his emotions and looked at Mo Xiaoxiao with a grateful face.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just happened to pass by!"

Mo Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed by Su Hao's thanks, and quickly said with a smile: "It's true that you don't deserve to die!"

While Su Hao was dealing with Mo Xiaoxiao, he observed her discreetly.

He found that the woman in front of him did not seem to be a scheming person.

Her eyes are clear, her speech is lively, and she looks quite innocent.

Su Hao couldn't help but feel a little suspicious:

This Mo Xiaoxiao is either a very powerful person, and his disguise skills are far superior to his own;

Or she's just really naive.

She will have all kinds of weird behaviors, and there must be something else going on.

She did have some agenda against her, but it seemed like she had no ill intentions!

Of course, Su Hao still won't make a judgment easily, he will observe further.

In fact, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

Mo Xiaoxiao saved him. When he becomes capable in the future, he can just repay him twice as much.

Su Hao's goals are revenge, cultivation, and the road to eternal life.

A village girl like Mo Xiaoxiao was just a passerby on his way of growing up.

He doesn't need to pay too much attention.

"...No matter what, it was you who saved me. I should repay you with a spring of water for saving my life!"

Su Hao solemnly said to Mo Xiaoxiao, "I'm not good enough now. When I recover my martial arts, I will definitely repay you!"

Mo Xiaoxiao was very pleased to see that Su Hao was serious.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Let me just say, the male protagonist is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

But then, Mo Xiaoxiao was shocked to find that Su Hao did repay her kindness, but he only regarded her as his savior.

What Mo Xiaoxiao wanted was not just Su Hao's "double reward".

What she wants is to become Su Hao's little friend,

If she could, ahem, only if she had a close relationship with the male protagonist could she possibly draw enough energy from him.

In this way, she has completed her mission.

If she just becomes the male protagonist's savior and waits for his reward when he becomes successful in the future, but cannot follow the male protagonist all the time, wouldn't her work be in vain?

Wow, her Pei Yuan Dan and her points will all be wasted.

Mo Xiaoxiaocai should not engage in loss-making business.

In the following days, Mo Xiaoxiao continued to try to develop a relationship with Su Hao.

However, Su Hao was busy practicing all day long and ignored her gentleness and enthusiasm.

It was so flattering to show to a blind man, Mo Xiaoxiao was so depressed.

What made Mo Xiaoxiao even more anxious was that Su Hao's body recovered quickly and his cultivation level also improved rapidly.

Su Hao told Mo Xiaoxiao that he had recovered his martial arts.

Mo Xiaoxiao was familiar with the plot and knew that Su Hao was getting started in cultivation and had officially become a Qi Refiner.

Regardless of whether he is practicing martial arts or cultivating immortality, Su Hao already has the strength to take revenge.

Next, he will run to find a few enemies to take revenge, kill people, destroy the family... and repay those people one by one for the harm they caused to the Su family.

Then, they went directly to the Wuji Sea and went to the world of immortality to learn from their masters.

If Su Hao is allowed to leave, he will probably repay her for saving her life in the future.

First, the male protagonist’s character is reliable.

Secondly, if a cultivator owes karma, there will be inner demons, and the male protagonist will not let himself fall into that situation.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao wanted more than just the hero's repayment.

"...Forget it, if you want to be in love for a long time, you can't do it step by step and everything will happen naturally!"

Mo Xiaoxiao tried hard several times but couldn't get into a relationship with Su Hao, so she simply gave up.

Moreover, Mo Xiaoxiao finally realized that the male protagonist was not so easy to coax.

When I rescued him, the timing of my appearance was too "coincident", and there were some details that I didn't seem to have done well.

Su Hao is the male protagonist. He has experienced ups and downs. There is no way he is a stupid son of a landlord.

Instead of telling lies that even the male protagonist doesn't believe, it's better to tell the truth.

Maybe you can't become an emotional partner with the male protagonist, but it's good to be able to become an alliance in terms of interests!

Mo Xiaoxiao realized his mistake and quickly adjusted his strategy.

She found Su Hao and went straight to the point, "Actually, I lied to you!"

"I have known for a long time that you are the eldest young master of the Su family, and I have also heard the legend that there are immortals in the Su family."

"To tell you the truth, my ancestors also had adventures. The Peiyuan Pill I gave you was passed down from my ancestors!"

"I was waiting on the cliff near your Taoist temple. I even took out my ancestral belongings to save you. For no other reason than to let you take me to the world of immortality!"

"Don't deny it in a hurry, I know you definitely know how to cross the Wuji Sea and how to reach the world of immortality!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mo Xiaoxiao put on a showdown stance and completely tore apart the warm mask he had created.

Su Hao felt like "it's true" in his heart. Although he didn't completely dispel his doubts about Mo Xiaoxiao, he still somewhat believed in her.

The boundaries between the mortal world and the realm of cultivation are clear, like two parallel lines that never intersect.

However, two continents coexist in a small world.

For hundreds or thousands of years, there are always a few people who will break through the Infinite Sea and come to each other's continent.

In the vast Pingyuan Continent, Ancestor Su would not be the only immortal, there should be other people with great opportunities.

In fact, not to mention others, it is the famous Doctor Cheng, whose Cheng family should also have some relationship with the world of immortality.

"Okay! When I finish that thing and prepare to go to the world of immortality, I will take you with me!"

Mo Xiaoxiao came up with the conditions for negotiation, and Su Hao was able to relax and discuss with her, "However, I am only responsible for leading the way, and I cannot guarantee that I will bring you safely to the Far Cang Continent!"

The Infinite Sea is endless and full of dangers. Even if Su Hao has the notes left by his ancestors, he can't guarantee that he will be able to cross it smoothly.

He couldn't even protect himself, so he couldn't care less about others.

"Don't worry, as long as you take me with you -"

Go on the road together, get along day and night, and survive all dangers and disasters together. Even if we can't become the closest people, we can still become teammates.

Mo Xiaoxiao was thinking secretly.

How did she know that Su Hao had a more suitable teammate.

"Chu Qingqing, what are you doing here?" He Tiantian glared at Chu Qingqing, the uninvited guest.

"Oh, sister, let me see you!"

Chu Qingqing still looked delicate and frail, but the look she looked at He Tiantian was full of malice and faint pleasure.

"You said you were the same. My father wanted to take Su Nuan away, but you still refused to do so, and you used Doctor Cheng to suppress my father!"

"Oh, speaking of Miracle Doctor Cheng, my good sister, you don't know, right? Miracle Doctor Cheng has disappeared. There is no one alive or dead..."

Finally reaching this point, Chu Qingqing couldn't help it anymore and actually covered her mouth and started giggling.

Her gloating look should not be too obvious.

It seems to be saying: You are able to show off your power in the Chu family just because you have an uncle who is a miracle doctor. Now that the miracle doctor Cheng has disappeared and may have died in an unknown place, how can you still be arrogant in the future? !

"Nonsense! You are talking nonsense. My uncle is a miracle doctor. He has superb medical skills and is highly respected and loved by people in the martial arts world!"

"He, there are many people protecting him, how could he disappear?"

He Tiantian stood up pretending to be shocked and yelled at Chu Qingqing with a fierce look.

"Oh, what are you shouting at me? It's not me who made Doctor Cheng disappear!"

"...I didn't make this up. It has been spread all over the world. Dad has already received the news!"

At this point, Chu Qingqing deliberately covered her mouth with a look of surprise on her face. She said pretentiously: "No, didn't daddy tell you?"

He Tiantian was full of resistance and seemed to refuse to believe the news.

But she seems to have believed it, but she just doesn't want to face it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Nonsense! You're talking nonsense! My uncle will be fine!"

He Tiantian seemed to be trapped in her own world and could not hear Chu Qingqing's cynicism at all.

Seeing "Chu Baozhu"'s crazy look, Chu Qingqing was very satisfied: That's right! You are usually so arrogant, but now you know you are afraid!

Humph, you used to rely on Divine Doctor Cheng to whip my mother-in-law and threaten the Chu family leader. Now that you have no backer, let me punish you!

I want to repay you double what you have done to our mother and daughter over the years!

"Besides, even if my uncle really disappears, I, I will still be the eldest lady of the Chu family!"

When He Tiantian said this, she didn't know whether she was threatening Chu Qingqing or trying to comfort herself.

When she spoke, she was obviously not confident enough, and it was obvious that she was feeling weak in her heart.

"Haha! Miss Chu family?!"

Chu Qingqing laughed loudly and severely shattered He Tiantian's "fantasy", "Do you still think you are the eldest lady of the Chu family?"

"My good sister, have you forgotten how much trouble you have caused to the Chu family over the years? How much trouble have you caused?"

"Don't go too far, let's just say that half a month ago, my father just wanted you to hand over Su Nuan to him, but in the end, you kicked my father out directly."

"You said that if you want to hurt Su Nuan, I'll just step on your body!"

"I didn't know that our Miss Chu is still a person who values ​​love and justice. She would not hesitate to go against her own father for the sake of her future sister-in-law!"

When He Tiantian heard "future sister-in-law", He Tiantian subconsciously wanted to refute——

Who is my future sister-in-law?

I take care of Su Nuan because of Su Hao!

Ah, no, I'm not doing it for Su Hao, but, but, Damn, if I weren't afraid of being struck by thunder, I would rather contradict my own father than protect Su Nuan.

He Tiantian didn't say these words explicitly, but seeing her unwillingness and anger, Chu Qingqing had some guesses.

"It seems that grandma's guess is right. Su Hao must have caught Chu Baozhu's hand, so Chu Baozhu will help him protect Su Nuan without any thought!"

I just don’t know what kind of leverage Chu Baozhu, this idiot, has been taken by Su Hao.

If their mother and daughter knew about it, they should be able to control Chu Baozhu.

However, it doesn’t matter what the handle is or what not.

Divine Doctor Cheng is missing and is most likely dead. Chu Baozhu has no backer. She has such a disgusting temperament. The Chu family head will definitely not pamper her as he did in the past.

As for Mrs. Xue, if she takes the opportunity to cry about her grievances and blow her pillow, she might be able to cure Chu Baozhu.

There is no need to work too hard, just find a "good match" for her and send her away directly, which will be enough for Chu Baozhu to suffer for decades to come.

"I don't believe it! You bitch, you must have deliberately made up these lies to deceive me!"

He Tiantian became angry because of shame, or maybe it was the fear in her heart.

She suddenly burst out, whipped out her whip, and whipped Chu Qingqing.

"Someone! Come quickly!"

"Why don't you arrest Chu Baozhu! Why are you still standing there? Doctor Cheng is dead. Chu Baozhu is really unfilial to contradict his father for Su Nuan..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Chu Qingqing received several blows, feeling anxious and angry.

She no longer cared about her weak image and shouted at the top of her lungs.

The servants outside did not take Chu Qingqing's words to heart at first, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, they suddenly realized -

Things are going to change in the Chu family's inner court, and Miss Chu is going to lose her power!

At this time, Mrs. Xue also arrived. As the mistress of the Chu family and the stepmother of Chu Baozhu, she ordered the slaves to control "Chu Baozhu".

"Bitch! You are all bitches!"

"...Xue, you have been hanging out with my father for a long time. Is my mother's death also related to you?"

He Tiantian struggled desperately, but was surrounded by several servants.

In her desperation, she started shouting and yelling.

Faced with her curse, Mrs. Xue did not rush to refute.

Perhaps, she and the Chu family leader had indeed had an affair for a long time.

Or perhaps, in Mrs. Xue's view, "Chu Baozhu" has completely collapsed, and she does not need to explain to a person who is destined to be trampled under her feet...

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