The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 695: The long-lost villain (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

One month passed quickly.

Su Hao had the Peiyuan Pill to reshape his Dantian, and the miraculous technique of Hongmeng Chaos Jue, plus he practiced hard day and night.

He successfully broke through to the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

He estimated his cultivation level and found that he had reached the pinnacle of martial arts in the mortal world, which is the so-called innate realm.

With his current power, he can easily crush Family Master Yun, Master Chu and other martial arts elders!

"Okay! I've finally waited for this day!"

Su Hao clenched his fists, and his Dantian was filled with vigorous spiritual power.

Su Hao noticed that his cultivation had entered a "bottleneck period".

It's not that he doesn't work hard enough, or that the skills he cultivates are not good, but that the mortal world is simply not suitable for cultivation.

It is not easy for him to be able to reach the fourth level of Qi training in this place without the aid of elixirs, formations, etc., just by practicing hard.

Su Hao had a hunch that if he wanted to continue practicing and truly embark on the path to immortality, he had to leave here and go to the Yuancan Continent where he could truly practice!

However, before leaving, he must make a break with those enemies.

When he leaves, he will not know whether he will live or die.

The Everlasting Sea is full of dangers. Although Su Hao has Old Ancestor Su's handwriting as a guide, it does not mean that he can really pass through the boundless and turbulent sea smoothly.

Even if he was lucky enough to pass through, he would still have to practice with all his strength after arriving at Yuancang Continent.

The journey to becoming an immortal is long and arduous.

Su Hao himself couldn't guarantee whether he would have another chance to return to Pingyuan Continent in a short time after he left.

If he leaves for too long, if his enemies don't wait for him to take revenge and he dies of old age, illness, or is killed, then won't he have to regret it for the rest of his life?

Patriarch Su wrote in his handwriting: If you want to practice, don't owe karma easily, otherwise it will be easy to give birth to inner demons.

Once you have inner demons, your cultivation will at least stagnate, or at worst, you will go crazy during the tribulation, and all your efforts will be ruined in one fell swoop.

Su Hao didn't want his future self to face such a situation.

More importantly, he must avenge his relatives at home!

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, the Su family's matter must be settled!"

Su Hao did not hesitate, simply packed up and returned to Yuncheng alone.

That night, the huge house of the Yun family was filled with the sound of killing.

The next day, the people of Yuncheng were shocked to find that the Yun family, which had just replaced the Su family as the first family in Yuncheng, had actually reproduced the tragedy of the Su family——

The whole family was wiped out, and the ancestral home was burned into ruins!

Immediately afterwards, there was the former leader of the martial arts alliance.

How he treated the head of the Su family, Su Hao returned it to him exactly the same.

Poisoned, unable to move his body, he could only watch all his relatives being killed one by one.

The last fire covers up all the sins.

"Su Hao, your Su family really has the secret book of the Immortal Family!"

After waiting in fear and expectation for half a month, the Chu family leader finally saw that figure in the middle of the night.

The Yun family and several other families had been overthrown, and the head of the Chu family had long had suspicions in his heart.

But he thought it was unlikely.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao's Dantian was smashed to pieces by himself.

The Chu family has never produced an immortal. Over the years, the head of the Chu family has been trying hard to find out about the immortal.

His first wife, Mrs. Cheng, not only had a miracle doctor Cheng in her family, but also had some legends about immortals.

Through the Cheng family, the head of the Chu family knew some stories about immortals.

It may not be true, but it’s not nonsense either, and it still has some basis.

The head of the Chu family knows that this world is not just the Pingyuan Continent, but also an even more magical world of immortals.

The head of the Chu family also knew that in a sense, cultivating immortality was similar to practicing martial arts, both requiring the Dantian to store "power".

The only difference is probably that what you gain from martial arts training is internal strength, while what you gain from cultivating immortality is spiritual power.

The power is different, but they all need a container to hold the power - Dantian.

Once the Dantian is broken, even the immortal doctors from the Immortal Family can't do anything.

Of course, there are too many magics in the immortal world. Maybe the Su family has a secret method, or they have obtained some heaven-defying elixir.

Before seeing Su Hao, the Chu family leader only secretly suspected.

However, at this moment, seeing Su Hao appear outside the Chu family gate like a murderous god from heaven, the Chu family leader was extremely excited.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right! The Su family does have the secret book of the Immortal family! It's quite unbelievable!"

The Chu family leader's heart was filled with fire, and his desire for the way to eternal life almost suppressed the fear that Su Hao had wiped out other enemies.

"Want my Su family's cultivation secret book?"

Su Hao saw that the head of the Chu family was full of greed. How could he still have the slightest trace of the heroic demeanor of being a humble gentleman and emphasizing love and justice? !

He sneered, "Okay! However, if you want to practice my Chaos Art, you must first destroy your Dantian!"

The Chu family leader's face suddenly changed, and he cursed fiercely: "Boy, you are kidding me!"

Su Hao snorted coldly, "What's the point of playing with you? This world is really ridiculous. The hero Yuntian Chu is so righteous and righteous, but he is actually a shameless villain!"

"I, Su Hao, told the truth, but you, Master Chu, refused to believe it!"

Seeing that what Su Hao said was true, the Chu family leader couldn't help but wonder: Didn't this kid lie to me?


Su Hao's Dantian was indeed shattered. He did it himself. The Chu family leader couldn't be more sure.

But the Su Hao in front of him had indeed become an expert far beyond the level of a grandmaster.

Could it be——

Just when the Chu family leader was in shock and doubt, Su Hao took action.

His speed was so fast that the Chu family leader didn't even see him clearly, and before he could react, Su Hao was already approaching.

Raising his arm, Su Hao used the family's Chaos Fist to punch the Chu family leader in the abdomen.

His fists were filled with internal energy.


The head of the Chu family's Dantian was shattered, and the internal strength he had practiced hard for thirty or forty years and spent half his life was destroyed in an instant.

The head of the Chu family was in unbearable pain, and his eyes were split with hatred.

"Shu Zi, you dare!"

"You dare to try to steal the secret treasure of my Su family. Why don't I dare to retaliate?"

Su Hao only thought it was ridiculous.

What kind of gangster theory is this? As long as you destroy my whole family, I won't be allowed to take revenge? !

Su Hao not only wants revenge, he also wants to return everything to his enemy in his own way.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After breaking the Chu family leader's Dantian, Su Hao still didn't forget to "kill his heart", "Speaking of which, I really want to thank you."

"If you want to practice the secret method of the Immortal Family of my Su family, you must first destroy the Dantian!"

"I have never had the heart to do anything. Even if the Su family is wiped out, I am filled with resentment, but I still can't make up my mind!"

"It's you! It's you who helped me! If you hadn't been shameless and vicious, and you didn't hesitate to torture me in order to find out the whereabouts of the secret treasure, and even shattered my Dantian with your own hands, I would never be where I am today!"

"...Uncle Chu, thank you! When you go underground and meet my father, my father will also thank you!"

"It was you who helped me embark on the path of cultivation——"

Before Su Hao could finish his words, the Chu family leader stared at a pair of red eyes and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

After finishing his punishment, Su Hao did not let go of the Chu family leader, and struck another domineering chaos fist.

This time it hit the head of the Chu family.


The head of the Chu family fell heavily to the ground. His skull was deformed and his orifices were bleeding. He was so dead that he could no longer die.

The leader of the Chu family died, but Su Hao did not stop and continued to kill all the way to the inner courtyard of the Chu family.

With his own experience, Su Hao knew very well the importance of "eliminating the roots".

Furthermore, they all say that tit for tat is necessary. The Su family was wiped out. Why should the Chu family be an exception? !

"Don't kill my son, please, Hao'er, please let Jiye go, he's still just a child!"

"These days you have been in the Chu family, I, I have never treated you badly."

"That's right, Brother Su, my mother, and I, we helped you when Chu Baozhu bullied you!"

"By the way, Chu Baozhu! She is the person you should kill the most. She dislikes poverty and loves wealth, she betrays her trust, and she abused you a lot in order to get rid of you as her fiancé!"

Madam Xue and Chu Qingqing, mother and daughter, had already cried without any trace of emotion without putting on a show.

They collapsed on the ground. One endured the fear and desperately begged for his son; the other tried to divert the trouble to the east and let Su Hao seek revenge from his real enemy.

"Chu Baozhu?"

By the way, why did you forget this person? !

Su Hao's thoughts moved slightly.

It's not that he misses this unruly young lady so much, but he misses his biological sister.

Before he left the Chu family, he personally entrusted his sister to "Chu Baozhu".

In the past month or so, although Su Hao has been busy practicing, he still has Mo Xiaoxiao by his side.

This strange girl who looks like a village girl can always bring him back many things that happened in the world.

For example, in recent times, one of the hottest topics in the martial arts world is "The disappearance of Divine Doctor Cheng".

Originally, Su Hao didn't have much idea about Doctor Cheng.

Because they were not familiar with each other at all, Su Hao didn't care whether a stranger disappeared.

However, with Chu Baozhu and knowing the real reason why Chu Baozhu was able to show off his power in the Chu family, Su Hao became somewhat concerned about Doctor Cheng.

When he heard that something happened to Divine Doctor Cheng, he knew: "It's bad! Chu Baozhu's situation in the Chu family may not be good!"

Su Hao is not worried about whether Chu Baozhu will be wronged. He only cares about his biological sister, who may be implicated by Chu Baozhu.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He was so anxious to take revenge because he wanted to get rid of the cause and effect as soon as possible, but he also wanted to take revenge on his sister.

"Yes! It's Chu Baozhu, your fiancée!"

Seeing that Su Hao's attention was finally diverted, Chu Qingqing thought she had found the right method.

She quickly continued, "Brother Su, have you forgotten that Chu Baozhu has been bullying you since you came to the Chu family?"

"And Nuan Nuan, how old is she, yet Chu Baozhu instructs her servants to abuse her in all kinds of ways!"

Chu Baozhu is the most hateful person in the Chu family and Su Hao's real enemy.

If Su Hao wants revenge, he should go to Chu Baozhu.

Woo hoo, don't look for their mother and daughter. They are not even from the Chu family.

"Where is she?" The great revenge was avenged, and Su Hao missed his only relative even more.

Chu Qingqing mistakenly thought that Su Hao was asking about Chu Baozhu's whereabouts, and she quickly said: "I know, I, oh no, it was the Chu family head who thought she was disobedient, unfilial, and overbearing, so he locked her up in the woodshed!"

"Brother Su, don't kill me, I, I will take you to-"

Chu Qingqing hurriedly got up from the ground, trying her best to please and pretending to take Su Hao over.

However, before she could finish her words, a hole appeared in her chest.

Su Hao is not a murderer. Chu Qingqing looks innocent, but she is not innocent.

If she really helped Chu Baozhu when he bullied the Su brothers and sisters, as she said, Su Hao would not kill her.

But, in fact, Chu Qingqing is not so "kind" at all.

In order to stimulate or flap Chu Baozhu, she often used Su Hao and Su Nuan as rafts.

When they first came to the Chu family, the Su family brothers and sisters were simply the "cannon fodder" in Chu Qingqing's fight with Chu Baozhu.

In addition, to cut the weeds, we must remove the roots!

Su Hao must kill Chu Jiye, and Chu Jiye is Mrs. Xue's son and Chu Qingqing's half-brother.

If Su Hao only kills Chu Jiye and lets the mother and daughter go, there will be endless troubles.

Su Hao himself fell from the clouds into the quagmire and climbed out of the quagmire again. He would not look down on anyone.

Chu Qingqing and Mrs. Xue, mother and daughter, looked weak and harmless.

In fact, they are more scheming and sophisticated than ordinary women.

Don’t say anything else, just listen to what Chu Qingqing said just now——

Chu Baozhu was still the daughter of the Chu family. Just because she no longer had the support of Divine Doctor Cheng, she was sent to the woodshed by Mrs. Xue and her daughter.

Su Hao couldn't help but suspect that if some time had passed, Chu Baozhu might have been tortured to death by the mother and daughter!

Mrs. Xue, Chu Qingqing and others are essentially villains who are determined to retaliate and are narrow-minded.

Therefore, Su Hao killed people without any psychological burden.

After throwing a few quick punches, before Mrs. Xue could react, she tried to scream and escape with her son in her arms, and fell to the ground with her son.

Su Hao killed and searched all the way, and finally found the woodshed!


Su Hao kicked open the door and saw two embarrassed figures, one large and one small.

"elder brother!"

Seeing the tall figure standing with backlight at the door, Su Nuan was scared at first. Then, she saw the appearance of the person clearly and cheered in surprise.

"Be good! Nuannuan, are you okay?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao walked closer and hugged his sister.

He weighed it and found that his sister was slightly underweight.

Also, Doctor Cheng has been missing for a month.

Chu Baozhu, a reckless fool, would not have a very easy life in the Chu family.

Su Nuan suffered with her for a month. The key was to be afraid that the child would inevitably become thinner.

"Everything is over. My brother will never abandon you again. He will always protect you!"

Su Hao hugged Su Nuan tightly and assured her in a deep voice.

"And Sister Baozhu!"

Su Hao didn't take Chu Baozhu seriously. Su Nuan, who had been dependent on Sister Chu for more than a month, did not forget her.

She hugged Su Hao's neck tightly and tried her best to say good things to "Chu Baozhu": "Brother, after you left, thanks to Sister Baozhu for protecting me!"

"That day--"

When this matter was brought up, Su Nuan couldn't help but tremble all over, "Uncle Chu has become very scary and insists on Sister Baozhu handing me over to her!"

"Sister Baozhu refused to fight to the death and protected me firmly behind her!"

Su Nuan remembered that scene deeply in her heart. She was extremely grateful to "Chu Baozhu" and felt an inexplicable closeness to her...

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