The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 696: The long-lost villain (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao couldn't help but feel a little silent after hearing Su Nuan's words.

He knew that the situation his sister mentioned should have happened a month ago.

The head of the Chu family knew that he had fled back to Yuncheng, and wanted to threaten him with his sister.

Fortunately, Su Hao entrusted his sister to Chu Baozhu in advance, and at that time, Chu Baozhu's patron, Doctor Cheng, had not yet had an accident.


However, even if Chu Baozhu protected Su Nuan, it was not because she really had any kind intentions.

She just had to do it.

On one side is her confident father, and on the other side is the merciless God.

Not wanting to be struck by thunder, Chu Baozhu could only protect Su Nuan with all her strength!

The "truth" was indeed true, but Su Hao didn't want to tell his sister directly.

Being struck by thunder or something is too bizarre. If outsiders hear about it, they will definitely get to the bottom of it.

This might be the Su family's trump card left to them by their ancestors, and Su Hao didn't want to expose it easily.

So, let Su Nuan mistakenly think that "Chu Baozhu" has a cold face and a warm heart.

Anyway, they won't have any intersection in the future.

"...Thank you for taking care of Nuannuan for me!"

Su Hao looked at He Tiantian coldly. He had already learned from Chu Qingqing and the servants of the Chu family——

Chu Baozhu has broken up with her biological father, the head of the Chu family!

The reason is also simple. The head of the Chu family had hooked up with Mr. Xue before his original wife, Mrs. Cheng, died.

Cheng's death seems to have something to do with this couple.

The head of the Chu family is Chu Baozhu’s biological father and Chu Baozhu’s “mother-killing enemy.”

In the past, Chu Baozhu didn't know the truth, and the Chu family leader doted on her in every possible way. She and the Chu family leader had a close relationship as father and daughter.

Unfortunately, these are just illusions!

Doctor Cheng disappeared, and all the ugliness emerged.

Father's love is fake, and so is his deep affection for his original wife. There is even a life between the father and daughter!

He Tiantian: ...Ahem, in order not to be regarded as an enemy by the male protagonist and killed together, I also tried my best.

Maybe what happened back then wasn't so ugly.

It is true that the Chu family leader and the Xue family colluded and became an adulterer, but they did not have the guts to murder the Cheng family.

Don't forget, Cheng's brother is a miracle doctor.

If Mrs. Cheng died in an unknown manner, Doctor Cheng would definitely be able to find out.

He will definitely not let the Chu family head go.

The Chu family is the number one martial arts family in Qizhou, and Divine Doctor Cheng is the most powerful miracle doctor in the entire Pingyuan Continent.

In the world of martial arts, many masters and elders have received life-saving grace from the miracle doctor.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Doctor Cheng gives an order, the Chu family will be attacked by countless martial arts people and will be completely destroyed.

In addition to this kind of physical intimidation, the life-saving pills made by Doctor Cheng also deeply attracted the Chu family leader.

The head of the Chu family is just shameless, and he is not stupid. How could he offend the majestic Doctor Cheng over a woman?

Therefore, Mr. Cheng died of illness on his own.

However, it no longer matters what the “truth” is.

The important thing is that He Tiantian now believes that "she" has a grudge against the Chu family leader.

"What about him? Has he been killed by you?"

He Tiantian did not answer Su Hao's words of thanks, but asked coldly.

They didn't say specifically who "he" was, but He Tiantian and Su Hao both knew it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao met He Tiantian's gaze, and his tone was very cold, "That's right! I will do it myself, first destroying his Dantian, and then smashing his temples!"

His attitude was a bit provocative, as if to say: What?

Do you want to avenge your biological father?

He Tiantian was keenly aware of a murderous intent flashing through Su Hao's eyes.

She knew that if she showed any reluctance and affection for the Chu family leader, Su Hao would attack her without mercy.

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots.

This is not cruelty, but caution.

Not to mention, Miss Chu is really not innocent.

If it weren't for He Tiantian's series of coquettish actions before, Su Hao's dislike of her would have been reduced.

She had already gone underground to reunite with the Chu family leader.

He Tiantian is not afraid of death, she is afraid of not being able to complete the task.

But the person she wants to protect is her enemy... Sigh, this situation is really confusing.

He Tiantian could only force herself to "change the show" and make "Chu Baozhu" have a grudge against the Chu family.

It's best to have a legitimate reason that no one will criticize even if you betray the Chu family!

"It really gave him an advantage!"

He Tiantian gritted her teeth with hatred in her eyes, "Ungrateful and unkind! If my aunt hadn't gotten married, would he have been able to ascend the throne of the Chu family head?"

"My mother-in-law has a deep love for him, but he teamed up with that bitch Xue to kill my mother-in-law!"

"This couple of bastards didn't think it was enough for them to harm my mother-in-law, but they even wanted to praise me and kill me!"

Su Hao's eyes lit up and he looked at He Tiantian with a little surprise.

He didn't speak, but the look in his eyes was very clear: Oh, do you still know how to flatter me?

"Nonsense! I have also read books. I know the story of Zheng Burke and Duan Yuyan!"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes and replied rudely.

Then, her mood fell for a moment, "Besides, after so much experience, if I am still the same as before, then I will not be ignorant and naive, but a complete fool!"

"I'm not stupid! I'm just too lazy to care!"

Seeing that Miss Chu, who had always been arrogant and charming, was now so depressed, Su Hao felt a little pity.

He Tiantian didn't give him the chance to "pity" herself.

As he spoke, He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something. She raised her head and glanced sideways at Su Hao, "I think you can best understand my state of mind at this time!"

Su Hao's face instantly turned cold.

What's the meaning?

Does it mean that like you, I have experienced ups and downs in life?

Well, although it's true, you can't just say facts to your face.

"Sure enough, he is a naughty kid! After he suffered a serious injury, he opened the scars of others and made others suffer too!"

Su Hao cursed secretly in his heart.

He finally figured out that "Chu Baozhu" might not be stupid, but she was a real bear.

In order to make yourself comfortable, you would rather hurt others!

People who benefit themselves at the expense of others are really annoying.

Being stimulated by He Tiantian for a moment, Su Hao also lost his temper.

He pretended to be concerned and asked, "I heard that Divine Doctor Cheng is missing?"

Come on, let's hurt each other together!

He Tiantian: ...The male protagonist actually has such a childish side?

Is it because of his nature, or is it because He Tiantian is too high-ranking and actually makes a prudent and steady male protagonist look like a naughty child? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Nonsense! My uncle is not missing!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked angry. She hurriedly retorted, but she seemed a little guilty.

Her expression showed that she also felt that her uncle was in danger and might have died in an unknown corner long ago.

"Yes, they are not missing, they are just dead and dead!"

Su Hao didn't know what was wrong with him. He was not such a mean person.

But whenever he faced "Chu Baozhu", he couldn't help but want to quarrel.

And when it comes to quarreling, naturally the more vicious and poignant it is, the more you have to say something.

Su Hao was not familiar with Miracle Doctor Cheng, but even if they were strangers, they should pay attention to the dead person and not make fun of the "dead person" easily.

"...No! No way!"

He Tiantian was a little anxious. She seemed to understand that she wanted to find an excuse for her uncle's disappearance.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she hurriedly shouted: "Wuji Sea! Yes! My uncle must have gone to Wuji Sea!"

"He is not missing, nor is he dead. He went to the Yuancang Continent to seek enlightenment and immortality!"

Su Hao was shocked.

The Infinite Sea?

Far Cang Continent?

How could Chu Baozhu, a young lady who was raised crookedly, know this?

Could it be that the rumors are true and that the Cheng family has some relationship with the Xian family?

Thinking of Doctor Cheng's reputation as a miracle doctor, Su Hao felt more and more that the rumors were reliable.

Originally, after he destroyed the Chu family, he wanted to part ways with Chu Baozhu.

Instead of killing her to avoid future troubles, Su Hao showed a rare kindness because everyone was the "enemy of the Chu family leader".

Later, Su Hao will take his sister to the Yuancan Continent to let Mo Xiaoxiao have sex, which is a way of repaying his kindness and exchanging benefits.

As for Chu Baozhu, she was not qualified to let him take her with her to find the world of immortality.

However, at this moment, Su Hao realized that Chu Baozhu was not a mortal, and that she might have learned some secrets of the Far Cang Continent from the Cheng family, Su Hao's mind changed...

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