The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 719 The long-lost villain (40)

Famous scene, famous scene!

The arrogant little villain maliciously provoked, but was slapped in the face and abused by the real boss!

Tsk, such a classic plot, although it is a bit bloody, it is really fun.

He Tiantian's heart was full of excitement.

She was inexplicably excited——

Chu Baozhu is the vicious female villain. After He Tiantian came in, in order to "turn an enemy into a friend" with the male protagonist, she turned her stupidity and badness into a tsundere and willfulness.

On the surface, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two. They both act willfully, regardless of other people's feelings, and only want to be happy for themselves.

In fact, the former is a matter of character, which is disgusting and hateful.

The latter is a personality issue, which may make people uncomfortable, but after "understanding", you will feel that Miss Chu is still cute.

At least, the latter is just annoying, not hateful!

He Tiantian: ...Oh, I don’t look like a villain anymore.

In other words, when she first came here, she found that she had become a villain again, and she was somewhat expecting it in her heart.

After staying in this small world of cultivating immortals for more than ten years, He Tiantian has been addicted to the poisonous tongue, which is somewhat unenjoyable.

However, there was nothing she could do about it. She had been staying at sea with Su Nuan, and it was not easy to find someone to show off her power to.

Now I finally returned to the Immortal Cultivation Continent and met all kinds of people.

"Famous scenes" and so on, you can definitely look forward to it.

No, I just came to sell a pill, and a blind villain jumped out and asked for a slap in the face!

Su Nuan: ...Sister Baozhu, don’t be so excited yet.

The person that that little guy is targeting is Liu Cheng, not you!

Liu Cheng didn't know that the sisters standing next to him had thought so much. The moment he saw the person coming, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Zhao Yuan, I'm very busy and don't have time to chat with you.

Please get out of the way! "

Normally, Liu Cheng might have had a serious argument with Zhao Yuan.

But not today, there is a rich young lady beside him.

Liu Cheng is very good at distinguishing priorities. He will never make the eldest lady unhappy by fighting with Zhao Yuan.

"Ouch, Liu Cheng, listen to what you are saying. Why, your family runs the Two Worlds Trading Firm? I will get out of the way if you ask me to?"

"You are a little casual cultivator living on the street. You can't even afford a low-grade Peiyuan Pill. How dare you treat a distinguished guest like me?"

Zhao Yuan made it clear that he was looking for trouble with Liu Cheng.

The less Liu Cheng wanted to tangle with him, the more he moved closer to Liu Cheng.

Arrogantly blocking Liu Cheng with his body, Zhao Yuan's slightly mean face was full of pride and arrogance.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh, this little villain looks like a villain.

Look at how he was begging for a beating. If he didn't slap him a few times, he would be sorry for his dignity.

Liu Cheng took a deep breath and tried his best to control his emotions.

He had more important things to do today, and he really didn't want to mess it up because of Zhao Yuan.

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. It's true that I don't run the Two Worlds Trading Company, and I'm really not qualified to let you leave!"

Liu Cheng gritted his back teeth hard, took two steps back, and decided to endure the bad breath.

However, the reality is this - if you retreat, others may not be willing to let you go!

When Zhao Yuan saw that Liu Cheng was timid, instead of "just giving up", he pushed even further.

Liu Cheng took two steps back, and Zhao Yuan took two steps closer, "Oh, no, Liu Cheng, we are old friends after all. We haven't seen each other for a few days, but we bumped into each other today. That's fate. We should have a good chat!"

"Come on, Liu Cheng, tell brother, what are you doing at Two Worlds Trading Company? Oh, you are leading two distinguished guests behind you!"

"Why, you went to work as a helper at the port outside the city again, running errands for others to earn spiritual stones?"

"Liu Cheng, Liu Cheng, I'm not talking about you, you are also a monk at the third level of Qi training. You don't want to stay in the palace master's palace, but you have to run out and become a little gangster!"

"Now I've been reduced to serving people who have to nod and bow down... You don't feel ashamed if you talk about me!"

When Zhao Yuan was mocking Liu Cheng, he did not forget to glance at He Tiantian and Su Nuan out of the corner of his eye.

However, he is provocative, but he is not really brainless.

He couldn't see the cultivation level of He Tiantian and Su Nuan, and he would never foolishly think that the other party had no cultivation level.

These two female cultivators looked like outsiders, and they should have higher cultivation levels than him.

so what?

This is Wocang Mansion, and he, Zhao Yuan, is a relative of the head of Wocang Mansion.

With the big tree of the head of Wucang Mansion at his back, Zhao Yuan is not afraid of two outsiders at all.

Not to mention, during the recent period, many elite disciples from the four major immortal sects have come to Wucang Mansion.

And he successfully won the respect of a certain powerful disciple, and has successfully climbed the high branch of the Alchemy Cauldron Sect.

... He has so many backers that he is not afraid of two casual cultivators.

"I'm not embarrassed!"

Liu Cheng was still restraining himself.

He was not carried away by anger.

When arguing with Zhao Yuan, he did not forget to praise his "distinguished guest", "It is an honor for me to serve the eldest lady!"

He Tiantian was pleased, "Well said! Haha, Liu Cheng, you really have a future!"

He Tiantian laughed proudly, raised her hand and took out a small porcelain bottle from the storage bracelet.

"Here! I reward you!"

Liu Cheng was overjoyed.

Originally, he just wanted to flatter this young lady.

I didn't expect this person to be so generous.

In other words, this person is really easy to coax.

Liu Cheng hurriedly caught the small porcelain bottle. He resisted the urge to open the lid and check it, and pretended to put the things into his old storage bag.

"Oh, what is it? Could it be some amazing elixir!"

Zhao Yuan looked ugly and raised his hand to grab the small porcelain bottle.

He Tiantian's move was definitely a slap in the face.

Zhao Yuan is used to showing off in Wucang Mansion, but he has never been humiliated like this before.

Of course, Zhao Yuan's so-called "never" is not because he is really awesome and others dare not provoke him.

But he knows how to read people's faces very well.

He never dares to provoke people who should not be provoked or cannot be provoked.

He will only bully low-level monks like Liu Cheng who have no foundation, or outsider monks like He Tiantian and the two!

When he met those big bosses who truly had status, origins, and cultivation, he could only grovel.

Zhao Yuan looked down on Liu Cheng, and he didn't even take He Tiantian and Su Nuan who were hanging out with Liu Cheng seriously.

Although he did not confront He Tiantian directly, his action of reaching out and grabbing the small porcelain bottle from Liu Cheng's hand was still a bit presumptuous.

He Tiantian curled her lips, it felt so familiar, the bad and stupid little villain.

His existence is just to make the protagonist or important characters slap in the face and abuse them!

"Of course it's amazing, this is the elixir given by the eldest lady!"

Liu Cheng was so anxious that he stretched out his hand to take it back.

"Tch, look how anxious you are! No matter how good this elixir is, can it still be compared to the elixir from the Dan Fairy?"

Zhao Yuan was full of disdain.

He quickly opened the bottle cap, and a strong fragrance of red pepper came to his face.

The ridicule on Zhao Yuan's face suddenly froze——

The best Pei Yuan Dan!

How can it be?

How come there is the best Peiyuan Pill in Wucang Mansion?

Even Han Susu, Fairy Han, is the direct disciple of Fairy Dan, and the Peiyuan Pill in her hand is only of medium or high grade.

Even if Fairy Han had the best elixir in her hand, she would not be willing to give it to the little followers around her easily.

"Of course it's the best Pei Yuan Dan!"

When Zhao Yuan was stunned, Liu Cheng quickly took back the small porcelain vase.

He did not forget to say a few words, "I told you, this is what Miss Chu rewarded me for. Miss Chu's elixir is the best!"

"That's right! My elixir is naturally the best!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Zhao Yuan, "Who is the Pill Fairy? She is very good at refining pills? What grade of pills can she make?"

He Tiantian's tone was a bit unkind and looked down upon by her colleagues. Although she had never heard of or seen the so-called Dan Fairy.

But she has been successfully aroused by Zhao Yuan to fight, and she looks like she wants to compete with Dan Xianzi.

Su Nuan held her forehead, I knew this would happen!

If it involves other aspects, Sister Baozhu may be able to tolerate it a little bit.

However, when it comes to the field she is best at, Sister Baozhu should not go too far!

Of course, Su Nuan didn't think that Dan Fairy was better than Sister Baozhu.

In her mind, Sister Baozhu is the best alchemist.

"Who are you? How can you be disrespectful to Fairy Dan?!"

Zhao Yuan finally came to his senses. He felt ashamed and angry at his gaffe just now.

When he became angry from shame, he actually felt angry at He Tiantian.

Moreover, Zhao Yuan's targeting of He Tiantian wasn't just for venting.

He also wanted to "express himself".

Han Susu is in Wucang Mansion. If Zhao Yuan reprimands a casual cultivator for Dan Fairy in public, and the news reaches Fairy Han's ears, she will only be happy.

He Tiantian was too lazy to argue with Zhao Yuan.

Who is she?

She is the dignified Miss Chu!

How could such a noble person quarrel directly with a young monk!

He Tiantian glanced at Su Nuanfei.

Su Nuan: ... Got it!


Zhao Yuan didn't react at all, he flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

"How dare you disrespect the eldest lady!"

Su Nuan also responded to Zhao Yuan's words directly.

At this time, a group of onlookers had gathered around.

They were all secretly happy when they saw Zhao Yuan, who had always been domineering and bullying, being whipped out!

"you you!"

Zhao Yuan was ashamed, angry, and frightened.

His cultivation level is not high and he has no talent.

If he hadn't obtained some elixirs by currying favor with his cousin, the Palace Master, he would not even be as good as Liu Cheng.

Even so, Zhao Yuan could only barely raise his cultivation level to the fourth level of Qi training.

His cultivation level is not high, but in a small town like Wucang Mansion, Zhao Yuan cannot be easily whipped out.

What is the origin of this female casual cultivator in front of me?

Her cultivation level must be far higher than mine!

"What are you? You're such a stupid person who looks down on others, and you actually dare to look down on me, Miss Chu!"

He Tiantian looked like a successful villain, raised her chin high, and said provocatively: "If you want to find someone to take revenge, just come to me!"

"Also, don't forget to call that Dan Fairy! Humph, who the hell dares to call himself the 'Dan Fairy'!"

After all, Miss Chu still cares more about this "Elixir Fairy".

She, Miss Chu, is about to break through and become an earth-level alchemist, and she can produce the best alchemy every time.

With such cultivation and such terrifying level of alchemy, Miss Chu did not even call herself the "Alchemy Fairy".

That Dan Fairy, why is she so arrogant?

Su Nuan:......

She was too lazy to hold her forehead. To be honest, Su Nuan was a little unconvinced in her heart.

Her sister Baozhu's level of alchemy is so high, she has not even been given the title of Alchemy Immortal or Alchemy God.

That Dan Fairy is really a little frivolous!

As for whether He Tiantian's remarks will cause big trouble.

Su Nuan doesn't care at all!

She practices cultivation to seek immortality.

But if Changsheng is just "suffering" and living a humble life, Su Nuan would rather not have it!

In the past ten years in the Wuji Sea and Jiuyou Sea, Su Nuan has been fighting monsters every day.

Sometimes we have to fight against storms at sea, or wildfires break out...

Su Nuan looks like a cute and cute girl, but she is actually very strong at heart, even a little perverse and cruel.

Even if Dan Fairy and his ilk are highly cultivated, can they still reach the stage of becoming gods?

She, Su Nuan, has beaten even the ninth-level demon king.

Again, just do it!

"You! You!" You are so brave, you dare to directly diss Fairy Dan!

This is no longer a matter of "disrespect", but a blatant provocation.

Zhao Yuan's face was ashen and he couldn't speak a complete sentence at all.

"Liu Cheng, is this guy a stammer? Why can't he say anything except you, you, yours?"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes in disgust, then raised her chin at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng was smart and instantly understood what the young lady meant.

He hurriedly left Zhao Yuan behind, nodded and walked in front, greeting enthusiastically: "Miss, please!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction and stretched out a slender hand out of habit.

Su Nuan was very cooperative and hurriedly came to He Tiantian like a "little Suzi", put up her arms and supported He Tiantian.

Although there were only two "master and servant", He Tiantian managed to act like a princess on a tour.

The shopkeepers of the two trading houses witnessed the whole process with their own eyes.

He didn't take it seriously and didn't think that He Tiantian and his party had offended Fairy Dan.

Haha, Fairy Dan is indeed famous, but their two trading houses are not small businesses either.

In recent years, the reason why Dan Fairy's name has spread throughout the Yuan Cang Continent is that the two trading firms have helped a lot.

"This eldest lady, the younger one's surname is He, is the shopkeeper of our firm!"

Shopkeeper He greeted him politely.

Originally, he didn't have to be so diligent.

However, when Liu Cheng and Zhao Yuan had a dispute just now, they mentioned the "Excellent Peiyuan Pill".

Tsk, this is good stuff.

If this eldest lady really has the best elixir in her hands, Shopkeeper He can treat her as an ancestor if he is too polite.


He Tiantian responded lightly, with a very arrogant attitude.

Liu Cheng was very smart and helped, "Shopkeeper He, our eldest lady wants to sell some pills!"

Shopkeeper He's eyes lit up, "Is it the best Peiyuan Pill?"

Liu Cheng was stunned for a moment. Although he wanted to curry favor, he was not really a follower.

He had no idea what specific elixir He Tiantian wanted to sell.

He turned his head and asked cautiously with his eyes... Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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