The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 720: The long-lost villain (41)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The best Pei Yuan Dan? !

what is this?

I have stopped refining this entry-level elixir for a long time.

He Tiantian's face was full of disdain.

Su Nuan knew her sister Baozhu very well. One look at her appearance and she could tell the eldest lady's inner contempt.

She was worried that Sister Baozhu would say inappropriate words willfully, so she hurriedly said: "Shopkeeper He, I wonder what the price of this top-grade Peiyuan Pill is!"

While talking, Su Nuan winked at He Tiantian.

She seemed to be saying: Sister Baozhu, we really don't care about Pei Yuan Dan, but these people in front of us have never seen the world, and they will still regard the best Pei Yuan Dan as a treasure.

Su Nuan's "hint" successfully pleased He Tiantian.

Miss Chu expressed that she was very satisfied and said nothing. Instead, she left the matter of selling the elixir to Su Nuan.

"One top-grade Peiyuan Pill can cost a hundred low-grade spiritual stones, or one middle-grade spiritual stone!"

Shopkeeper He couldn't figure out the details of He Tiantian and the two for a while, so he didn't bully the students, but obediently told the market price.

Besides, these two female casual cultivators looked like they were new to Wocang Mansion.

But there is Liu Cheng beside them.

This Liu Cheng used to be a guard of the palace master's palace. Because he was seriously injured, his cultivation level fell from the ninth level of Qi training to the third level of Qi training.

His cultivation level declined, and he was expelled from the Palace Lord's Palace by Zhao Yuan.

However, after all, he was once a strong man in the Qi Refining Period. Even if he is now in decline, he cannot be easily bullied.

That is, Zhao Yuan acted recklessly because he was related to the palace master.

Even so, he only verbally insulted Liu Cheng and did not dare to kill him.

The two trading houses are not afraid of a Palace Master who is in the early stage of Jindan, let alone a little Liu Cheng.

It’s just that Shopkeeper He wants to do business in Wucang Mansion. He understands the principle that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake!

Sure enough, after he reported the price truthfully, he saw the "eldest lady" nodding with satisfaction.

Liu Chengze looked like he should.

"What if the quantity is large? Can the price be higher?"

Su Nuan acted like a profiteer and started to bargain.

"A lot? Are they all top quality?"

Shopkeeper He's eyes flashed and he asked.

"Yes! Of course they are the best! The elixirs refined by Miss Chu are basically the best!"

He Tiantian said with a stinking look on her face.

Uh, okay, He Tiantian did brag.

No matter how high her elixir formation rate is, she can't guarantee that every potion will be of the best quality.

Occasionally, it will be high-grade or even medium-grade.

However, these pills were all used by He Tiantian to "fish" monsters!

All the elixirs stored in her storage bracelet are top-grade elixirs.

"Did you refine it?"

Shopkeeper He, who had always acted calmly, finally showed a surprised expression.

"Of course! I am a Xuan-level alchemist!"

He Tiantian raised her chin high and looked at Shopkeeper He through her nostrils.

Shopkeeper He didn't care whether this person was arrogant or not. In fact, so what if he was really arrogant?

People who are capable are somewhat arrogant.

What shopkeeper He really cares about is He Tiantian's words, "Xuan level? You, you shouldn't only have Peiyuan Dan in your hand, right?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Peiyuan Pill is a basic elixir, most of which are refined by Huang-level alchemists.

Xuan-level alchemists usually refine higher-level elixirs such as foundation-building pills, qi-blood pills, and spirit-gathering pills.

"Of course! Qi-blood pill, Po'er pill,

Oh, by the way, there are also foundation-building pills. I have all these mysterious-level pills! "

He Tiantian said proudly, "And they are all top quality!"

Shopkeeper He and Liu Cheng both took a deep breath, "Are they all top-quality elixirs?"

The best foundation-building pill?

Oh my God, what an awesome alchemist this is.

No wonder this eldest lady doesn't take Fairy Dan seriously.

Dan Fairy has reached the Golden Dan stage, but her alchemy level has not yet broken through to the Earth level.

The elixirs refined by Dan Fairy are basically Xuan-level elixirs, or several of her own creations.

However, no matter what type of elixir it is, she only has a few of the best, and most of them are high-grade or even mid-grade.

Occasionally there will be waste elixirs.

There is no way, Dan Fairy is a human, not a god, how can he succeed every time, and the furnaces are all top-notch?

But the arrogant young lady in front of her actually claimed that she could refine the best Xuan-level elixir!

Is it bragging, or is it true?

After Shopkeeper He was shocked, he subconsciously questioned.

"That's right! This young lady only knows how to refine the best elixirs!"

He Tiantian continues to brag!

Su Nuan knew the "truth", but would not expose it in public.

Sister Baozhu only has this hobby. As her little sister, how can Su Nuan be willing to cause harm?

"..." Shopkeeper He didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a long while, he finally found his voice and said, "Miss, can you let me take a look?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't believe you, it's actually that our two businesses pay attention to genuine products at a reasonable price——"

He said it was "not that he didn't believe it", but that was what Shopkeeper He said.

He Tiantian was slightly dissatisfied, "Huh! You just don't believe me!"

"Don't dare!" Shopkeeper He hurriedly smiled.

He Tiantian made a sound, but still gently brushed the storage bracelet.

The next moment, a pile of small porcelain bottles appeared on the counter in front of Shopkeeper He.

Shopkeeper He:...

His forehead twitched first, then he reacted and rushed forward like a hungry wolf.

Picking up a small porcelain bottle, he opened the lid and said, "The best Qi and Blood Pill!"

Then, there was another small porcelain bottle, and he sniffed, "The best Po Erdan!"

And then... "The ultimate spirit-gathering pill!"

At the end of the movie, several top-quality foundation-building pills that were very rare in Wucang Mansion were discovered. Shopkeeper He was completely numb!


Shopkeeper He swallowed, opened his arms, and leaned on the counter, "I want it! Both of our trading houses want these pills!"

There are so many top-grade Xuan-level elixirs, whether they are in the small Wucang Mansion or even in a core and prosperous city like Lancheng, they are all valuable treasures.

If Shopkeeper He can purchase so many elixirs for the company, he will definitely be a hero of the company.

In ancient times, there was no emphasis on KPIs, but with sufficiently impressive results, Shopkeeper He would definitely be rewarded by the firm.

Perhaps, he could take this as an opportunity to transfer away from a barren town like Wucang Mansion.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"I can give it all to you! But we must explain the price clearly!"

Su Nuan is about to break through to the golden elixir stage, so she has no use for these mysterious level elixirs.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in selling all the elixirs.

However, you can’t sell things cheaply if you don’t need them anymore.

"No problem! Fairy, don't worry, I will definitely give you a fair price!"

Shopkeeper He didn't hesitate at all.

Lowering the price?

Ha, only a fool would do this!

If he didn't acquire it at a premium, he would be considered a profiteer.

Shopkeeper He diligently led He Tiantian and Su Nuan to the second floor, where he called in the store's clerks, worshipers, etc. to check the elixirs and calculate the prices.

As for Liu Cheng, he wanted to follow, but in the end he was just a follower leading the way.

It was already very inappropriate for him to see He Tiantian take out so many pills.

Su Nuan asked Liu Cheng to stay downstairs and wait.

It's not that I'm suspicious of anything, but that I still have to be cautious.

Although Su Nuan has been away from the continent of human monks since she was a child, Su Nuan has been following a willful and ignorant eldest lady, and she is particularly precocious and transparent.

Although Liu Cheng had some small calculations in his heart, he also understood Su Nuan's precautions and waited obediently below.

"By the way, Shopkeeper He, will your firm accept the Xuan-level spiritual weapon?"

Just as he sat down and drank a cup of spiritual tea, He Tiantian seemed to suddenly think of something and asked casually.


The Lingcha water in Shopkeeper He's mouth spurted out instantly.

He looked at the water stains on the ground, which made his body hurt.

Wow, this sip of spiritual tea is worth ten low-grade spiritual stones, and he is not qualified to drink it.

Today, I got a chance to taste it because of the favor of a "big customer".


However, this is not the time for Shopkeeper He to cry. His eyes widened, "Spiritual weapon? Mysterious level?"

What kind of fairy lady is this?

Why are there still spiritual weapons?

Judging from her casual tone, it seems there are quite a few!

"Yes! Shopkeeper He, I see you are also a monk, why are you so deaf like a mortal!"

He Tiantian glanced at Shopkeeper He dissatisfiedly, and even said a rude comment.

Shopkeeper He didn't take it seriously.

Haha, as long as the customer is generous enough, don't say that the customer is making fun of him, even if he is scolded like a third grandson, he can still smile and endure it.

In the business world, if you don't have the ability to do it yourself, what business would you do? !

"Hehe, the little old man lost his temper and made the eldest lady laugh!"

Shopkeeper He stayed with the smiling face, and after dealing with this conversation, he continued to return to the whole body, "Miss, the spiritual weapon you mentioned——"

The ending sound is prolonged, and the meaning of testing is very obvious.

He Tiantian was unequivocal and caressed the storage bracelet.


Bang, dang, dang!

Several large and small spiritual weapons appeared in front of him instantly.

There are flying spiritual weapons, attacking spiritual weapons, and vivid monster puppets!

Shopkeeper He has such a big mouth that he can almost swallow a fist.

"It really is a mysterious spiritual weapon!"

"Of course it's true! Oh, I said you, the shopkeeper, are not only deaf, but you also like to chatter!"

He Tiantian was full of disgust.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Nuan stood up and negotiated the price at the right time, "Shopkeeper, please make a price!"

She still has such a spiritual weapon in her storage bracelet.

Of course, the main reason is that the level is too low and Su Nuan's cultivation improves too quickly.

The spiritual weapons can’t keep up.


Shopkeeper He rubbed his hands in excitement, "Miss, please wait a moment, I-I'll have someone calculate the price right now!"

"Don't worry, I will never let you suffer!"

He Tiandian nodded and threw a big thunder at random: "Where are the spiritual talismans? Do you want them? The mysterious thunder talisman, the explosive talisman, the fire talisman... are all Xuan-level!"


Shopkeeper He, who had just sat back on the chair, fell directly from the chair!

"Ling, spiritual talisman?"

Shopkeeper He was completely numb.

If he had just seen He Tiantian take out so many pills, he still had a little calculation in his heart.

So at this moment, he completely ran out of ideas.

Are you kidding me?

Can someone who can produce so many treasures really be an ordinary person?

Not to mention their own cultivation, there must be a huge family or sect behind them to support them!

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for a casual cultivator to be able to specialize in a skill to the Xuan level.

The young lady in front of me is a cultivator of elixirs, talismans, and weapons!

And each item has been cultivated to the Xuan level!

In addition to his incredible talent, he definitely needs enough support.

Not to mention anything else, the materials needed for cultivation alone are beyond what a small family can support.

He Tiantian: ...Hey, the endless Nine Nether Sea, so many monsters, so many islands, and underwater ruins are enough for me to practice.

Su Nuan: ...If I hadn't gotten enough training equipment for Sister Baozhu, I wouldn't have made the Nine Nether Sea area into an uproar, even alarming the ninth-level demon king!

"Okay! Both of our trading houses have accepted it!"

Shopkeeper He said proudly.

Although their Wucang Mansion is a little poorer, the two business houses are quite impressive.

As long as the goods are good, Shopkeeper He will dare to buy them at a high price!

After some calculations, Shopkeeper He finally reported the total price: "There are a total of three hundred and two thousand, three hundred and twenty low-grade spiritual stones. You can also exchange them for mid-grade or high-grade spiritual stones!"

He Tiantian was impatient with these "trivial matters" and winked at Su Nuan.

Su Nuan had already made a plan, "Give me a small fraction of the low-grade spiritual stones, and replace the rest with mid-grade and high-grade ones!"

This is easy to settle and easy to carry.


Shopkeeper He was very straightforward and quickly gave Su Nuan three small piles of spiritual stones according to Su Nuan's request.

When He Tiantian saw that she had received the money, she stopped delaying, stood up and left.

Su Nuan coughed lightly.

He Tiantian turned her head and asked silently: What's wrong? Everything is sold out, why don't you leave?

Su Nuan resisted the urge to hold her forehead, and silently reminded her with an exaggerated mouth shape: "Alchemy! Kung Fu!"

He Tiantian reacted instantly, yes, I still want to buy the elixir recipe.

Not to mention anything else, He Tiantian didn't know how to refine the elixir that Su Xiaonuan needed to form the golden elixir.

"Shopkeeper, I heard that your two trading houses sell everything?"

He Tiantian sat back on the chair and asked carelessly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yes! Miss, what do you want to buy?"

After doing such a big deal, Shopkeeper He's heart felt like it was flying to the clouds.

When he heard that He Tiantian wanted to buy something, he was extremely attentive and said, "Our two business houses dare not say that it is all-inclusive, but we have everything!"

"Alchemy recipe! Weapon refining handbook! Cultivation techniques! Formation jade slips..."

Shopkeeper He listed them one by one.

He Tiantian was very proud, "I want it all!"

She is an all-round female nun, and she is not short of money!

Su Nuan: ...Sister Baozhu, are you sure?

Why do I feel that the spiritual stone I just acquired will most likely be returned to the Two Worlds Trading Company?

"Oh, by the way, there are some natural treasures, I want them too!"

He Tiantian didn't hear Su Nuan's inner voice and continued to spend money like a nouveau riche.

Shopkeeper He's eyebrows were bent with a smile.

What is a big dog owner? This young lady in front of me is it!

Su Nuan glanced sideways at Shopkeeper He, took out the purchase list, and threw it directly to him.

In the VIP room on the second floor, shopkeeper He was doing the calculations.

Although not all of the three hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones were returned to the two trading houses, there was not much left.

He Tiantian glanced at Su Nuan's face and asked guiltily, "Shopkeeper, does your firm accept the blood of level four monsters, the bones and teeth of level five monsters..."

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