The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 721: The long-lost villain (42)


A lot of "remains" of monster beasts appeared in front of them.

Shopkeeper He was stunned and complained wildly in his heart: Sister-in-law, how many monsters have you hunted!

Wuji Sea, how are you?

After the shock, Shopkeeper He was endlessly ecstatic.

Big customers, these are the real big customers.

In order to satisfy this big dog owner, shopkeeper He gave the highest price when purchasing.

In order to earn back the spiritual stones from the wealthy owners, shopkeeper He took out all the treasures at the bottom of the box in the business.

Earth-level elixir recipes, fragments of ancient elixir recipes, a complete collection of weapon refining, talismans and jade slips, and all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures needed for elixir refining, weapon refining, and talisman painting!

After some back and forth, He Tiantian emptied her storage bracelet and obtained a lot of exercises and training materials, as well as an additional hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones.

“Fortunately, okay, I finally didn’t waste any money!”

He Tiantian wiped away the cold sweat and muttered, "Otherwise, I have to use Su Xiaonuan's storage bracelet!"

Shopkeeper He was serving He Tiantian diligently. When he heard these words, his feet slipped and he almost fell.


So many elixirs, spiritual weapons, talismans and monsters, only half of the inventory of two aunts?

Do they have the other half that they haven't used yet? !

By this time, Shopkeeper He could no longer feel any feelings of envy and jealousy. He was completely numb!

"Okay, let's go!"

He Tiantian put the things she bought into her storage bracelet, got up and walked out.

"Miss, go slowly. If you need anything else in the future, just come to our Two Worlds Trading Firm!"

"Oh, by the way, our two-world trading firm has branches in every city in Yuancang Continent!"

"The elixirs, talismans, spiritual weapons, etc. you refined,

As long as the grade is good, our firm will buy it at a high price! "

"... Oops, I almost forgot, I give you this VIP token. With this token, you can enjoy the best discounts whether you are selling or buying things!"

"In addition, you can enter the auction held in three days with your token!"

Shopkeeper He bowed his body and followed He Tiantian respectfully.

While sending her downstairs, he took out a small but simple wooden token from his storage bag.

He Tiantian did not reach out to pick it up, but gave Su Nuan a wink.

"Little follower" Su Nuan received the instruction and directly raised her hand to take the token, "Thank you so much, Shopkeeper He!"

Shopkeeper He:...

Well, this young lady is really "fastidious".

By the way, Shopkeeper He can be considered a person who has seen the world. He has dealt with many young ladies and young masters from cultivating families or disciples of famous sects.

There are some noble and arrogant young ladies among them.

However, this is the first time I have encountered someone as pretentious as Miss Chu in front of me.

What's even more rare is that the little girl next to her is so cooperative and even conniving!

These two people are really strange.

Shopkeeper He was thinking secretly, but there was no expression on his face.

The group of people went downstairs, and before reaching the lobby on the first floor, they heard an arrogant male voice from outside——

"Liu Cheng, I advise you to be smart and step aside!"

"Zhao Yuan, I didn't open the Two Realms Trading Company, but you didn't open it either!"

"Liu Cheng, you bastard, you deliberately used what I said to block me, didn't you?"


"Liu Cheng, let me tell you, those two stinky women just offended Fairy Dan, and now Fairy Han and several other immortal disciples are coming to her to demand justice. If you still stop her, you will be the enemy of the four major immortal sects!"

The man who screamed was Zhao Yuan, who was whipped away by Su Nuan.

He was full of pride at the moment and his tone was very arrogant.

Of course he was confident. Behind him were several direct disciples of the four major immortal sects.

Especially Dan Xianzi's disciple Han Susu became angry on the spot when he heard that someone was humiliating his master.

She directly took out a middle-grade Qi and Blood Pill as a reward, saying: Whoever can help her vent her anger for the Master will get this Qi and Blood Pill!

Zhao Yuan: ...Only a top grade one. That outsider surnamed Chu was the first to use the top-grade Peiyuan Pill.

But in this case, Zhao Yuan only dared to mutter in his heart and did not dare to express it at all.

He was afraid of offending Fairy Han.

Besides, the middle-grade Qi and Blood Pill is already very good.

During a battle, if your spiritual power is exhausted or you are injured, a middle-grade Qi and Blood Pill can relieve your pain a lot.

At least for Qi cultivators like Zhao Yuan, mid-grade Qi and Blood Pills are already a very rare treasure.

Even if he has the palace master's palace behind him and has much more money than those casual cultivators, he still can't take the elixirs as he pleases!

...But, I saw with my own eyes that Liu Cheng was just leading people, and if he said a few flattering words, he could get one, oh no, two top-quality pills.

Zhao Yuan's heart felt as if weeds had grown there.

He ran back to the Palace Lord's Mansion and told Han Susu about someone's blasphemy against Fairy Dan.

In addition to wanting to "revenge", I also have a little thought -

If Han Susu and several other disciples of the great immortals came to teach two outsiders a lesson.

He will definitely be able to tidy them up.

Liu Cheng was just a waste at the third level of Qi training. Zhao Yuan took the opportunity to snatch away the two pills from Liu Cheng...

The more Zhao Yuan thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and his heart became even more eager.

Therefore, Zhao Yuan was very active during the whole process.

When he led Han Susu and other Immortal Sect disciples to the door of Liangjie Trading Company, he rushed to the front like a "pioneer".

Liu Cheng saw a group of people arriving in a mighty manner, and looked at a group of boys and girls in gorgeous clothes, confident and flamboyant, and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

He instinctively wanted to escape.

He has already obtained two top-grade elixirs and is very, very satisfied.

He and He Tiantian are just strangers, with no friendship at all. He has already brought people to the two trading houses, which can be regarded as completing the task of "leading the way."

It's not too much to escape at this time, right?

That’s right!

Although Liu Cheng fell into the dust and became a low-level person who relied on gangsters to make a living.

But at his core, he is still a proud and upright guard of the Palace Lord.

Of course, apart from Liu Cheng himself being a pretty good character, he also has his own plans——

He was seriously injured and his cultivation level dropped drastically.

The Dantian was even damaged.

If there is no opportunity, he will only be able to stop at the third level of Qi training in this life.

Such a small amount of cultivation is not enough to give him a long life.

He will experience birth, old age, illness and death like an ordinary mortal!

Liu Cheng was unwilling to give in. He had been a monk and experienced such a wonderful life. How could he be willing to be ordinary?

[Miss Chu, maybe this is my chance! 】

Liu Cheng secretly took a look at his worn storage bag, which contained two small porcelain bottles.

The best Pei Yuan Dan!

A treasure that he never had when he was still the guard of the palace master at the ninth level of Qi training!

Miss Chu rewarded him so easily!

One shot is two!

Liu Cheng was definitely lying when he said he wasn't moved or thought about it any more.

[This eldest lady, I, I am determined to follow! 】

With this thought in his mind, Liu Cheng became extra tough and brave when facing the provocative Zhao Yuan!

"Liu Cheng, you! Don't force me to do it!"

Zhao Yuan was so angry that Liu Cheng was shaking all over.

Although he has been "bullying" Liu Cheng, he basically just said some unpleasant things.

He has never really made a move with Liu Cheng!

First of all, Liu Chenghui was injured to protect my Cang Mansion and the Lord of the Mansion.

After he was injured, he took the initiative to resign, and the master of the palace tried every means to persuade him to stay.

Really unable to keep him, the master of the palace reluctantly allowed him to leave, but told him that as long as Liu Cheng was still in Wocang Mansion, no one would be allowed to bully him.

Secondly, Liu Cheng is an old resident of Wucang Mansion, and three generations of his family have lived here.

He may not be a big shot, but he is also a well-connected householder.

Zhao Yuan claimed to be a relative of the palace lord, but in fact he was only a distant relative.

If Zhao Yuan really gets into trouble, the palace master will not bypass him first!

At this moment, he became the "vanguard" of several major immortal sect disciples. He showed off his momentum, but was blocked by Liu Cheng.

Zhao Yuan was angry and anxious.

He was angry that Liu Cheng was against him.

He was also worried that if he did not perform well, he would dissatisfy Han Susu and other distinguished guests!

"Zhao Yuan, when did I force you? It's obviously you who has been forcing me!"

Liu Cheng glanced at Zhao Yuan coldly and said lightly.

"...Liu Cheng! Now is not the time for us to play around. Let me tell you, those two little bitches are really in big trouble -" They offended Fairy Dan!

Zhao Yuan was so anxious that he started to insult him.


A wave of spiritual power rushed out from the door.

The transparent spiritual power was like a palm, hitting Zhao Yuan's face with several positive and negative slaps.

This is definitely not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

Zhao Yuan was unprepared at first and was directly "surprised".

His face was burning and hurting, and he was extremely embarrassed and angry.

Zhao Yuan mobilized his spiritual power, ran his skills, and raised his hand to break up the transparent palm in mid-air.

However, Zhao Yuan tried his best, but could not break up.

That palm even became more aggressive, chasing Zhao Yuan and continuing to "slap" him in the face.

Ahem, what a slap in the face!

Snapped! Bang bang!

There was a loud slap in the face, and Zhao Yuan, who was extremely ashamed and angry, only stared at the elite disciples of the Xianmen who were standing far away, pretending to be noble!

How can you beat someone like this?

It is said that in their world of cultivating immortals, if they really take action, it will basically be a back-and-forth, open and close battle.

It looks like this, not for beating people, but just for humiliation, well, it's really rare!


"How could she just rely on her high level of cultivation to insult people so casually?"

"That's right! What an arrogant casual cultivator. First she was disrespectful to my master, and now she is so humiliating to the palace lord's nephew. Has she ever put our Cang Mansion and the Tianyuan Sect in her eyes?"

Several young men and women, whose average age seemed to be around twenty years old, were stimulated by the scene of Zhao Yuan being beaten.

Although they didn't take such a small role as Zhao Yuan seriously.

However, Zhao Yuan is their vanguard today. He is working for them and can barely be considered one of their own.

Beat the dog to see its owner.

The woman in the goose-yellow dress acted like this. She was not slapping Zhao Yuan in the face. She was clearly showing no mercy to the four immortal sects.

Especially the Danding Sect and Tianyuan Sect.

The former is because "Dan Fairy was humiliated" was the trigger of the whole thing.

The latter is because the head of Wucang Mansion is a disciple of Tianyuan Sect. Rounding up, Zhao Yuan can be considered as half of Tianyuan Sect!

"It's tolerable, but what can't be tolerated!"

"We cannot allow a female cultivator of unknown origin to act so recklessly in Wu Cang Mansion!"

"That's right! If you are so arrogant, you must not be a disciple of a famous family, but maybe a demon cultivator!"

"Yes! The demonic energy of our Cang Mansion is overflowing, and there must be demon cultivators causing chaos. There must be something wrong with these two women!"

Several young monks, while talking, actually labeled Su Nuan a "witch".

One of the girls, who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, couldn't help but twitch her lips a few times when she heard these words from her companion.

She really wanted to say something fair: "Slapping someone in the face" was indeed a bit insulting, but it couldn't be used to judge the other person as a "witch".

Besides, she could see clearly just now that it was the person named Zhao Yuan who was provoking him all along.

The words he said were actually quite unreasonable.

Not to mention anything else, just saying "bitch" is enough to make people slap their mouths!

You are a bitch and you deserve to be beaten!

Not only did the little girl not think Su Nuan was acting erratically, she actually thought she was frank and cute!

Right, this is the person who truly enjoys grudges.

The other party already called her a bitch, so shouldn't she be allowed to slap him and double the insult back to him?

However, the little girl is no longer the innocent character she used to be.

In the days since she followed her master to the Far Cang Continent, the little girl has encountered a lot.

Malice, kindness, she experienced it all firsthand.

Especially the Dan Fairy from the Alchemy Cauldron Sect seemed to be particularly hostile to her.

She was always picked on, and she was always said to be too naughty, and sooner or later she would bring trouble to Master.

The head master was so persuaded that she was not allowed to follow the master anymore, but he chose a mission for her.

On the surface, it was for her to go out and experience with the new generation of the four major immortal sects.

In fact, it was to separate her from her master.

In addition, Master seems to be acting strangely!

Sometimes, Master still treats her as he did in the past, pampering and loving her in every possible way.

Sometimes, he would suddenly change his face and scold her for not working hard enough or being sensible enough.

In just one or two months, the little girl seemed to have experienced the most difficult moment in her life.

She began to suppress her own nature and became cautious in her words and deeds.

For example, right now——

If it were left in the past, she would definitely follow her own heart and stand up to fight for that little girl.

However, now she doesn't dare at all.

She is no longer very gregarious. If she continues to speak for the "enemy", she will only be doubly ostracized!

The little girl bit her lip, feeling aggrieved and ashamed in her heart.

"Killing can only be done with a nod of the head! Fellow Taoist, it's really too much for you to humiliate a monk like this!"

Just when the little girl was thinking wildly, Han Susu had already led everyone to the front.

She did not rush to take action, but prepared to "be polite first and then attack."

"Too much? If you can't stand it, just help him make the decision!"

Su Nuan said coldly without even looking at Han Susu.

"That's right! I think this Fairy Han is hypocritical!"

"You obviously can't beat my Su Xiaonuan, but you still insist on the air of 'courtesy first, then attack'!" Remember the website address of this website, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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