The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 722: The long-lost villain (42)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

An arrogant female voice came from the door.

Han Susu's expression suddenly changed.

She is the direct disciple of Fairy Dan. Fairy Dan is quite respected in Yuancang Continent, and she is also looked down upon by others.

Let alone in the desolate and remote Wucang Mansion, even in Lancheng where dragons and crouching tigers were hidden, no one had ever humiliated her like this to her face!

No, this is no longer a simple humiliation!

It was Chi Guoguo's insult.

"Tsk, what annoys you the most is that you so-called famous disciples don't have high levels of cultivation, but you have a lot of airs!"

"Please! We are all monks, and we have always respected our strength. If you are not convinced, it will be over! What's the matter with being so forced to do so!"

The female voice was still cursing happily.

"You! How could you-" So vulgar!

What a shame!

How unpleasant it sounds.

Han Susu blushed and wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

She is Fairy Han, the most outstanding, noble and most sought-after goddess in the new generation.

Now he is being insulted like this.

Han Susu felt as if her face had been ripped off, thrown to the ground, and trampled on casually.

"Shut up! You are indeed not good people!"

What does it mean to "annoy you the most famous disciples"?

Only demons, or some crooked demons, would be so hostile to famous righteous people.

"Yes! They must be witches!"

The young men and women behind Han Susu seemed to have caught some "evidence" and all attacked Su Nuan.

Only the little girl just now had a daze on her face for a moment when she heard the words "Su Xiaonuan".

She seems to have heard of this name before!

It’s just that I’m not very familiar with it!

Just when the little girl was trying to remember, the arrogant woman inside the door had already walked out.

She also looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a blue gauze skirt made of shark rayon, and her long hair was held casually with a jade bone hairpin.

Her back is straight, her posture is elegant, and her chin is raised high, showing her arrogance and arrogance.

"Sister Baozhu!"

The little girl finally remembered, and a certain scene from ten years ago became extremely clear in an instant.

She blurted out these three words.

Then, she looked at Su Nuan again, her eyebrows full of nostalgia, "Su Nuan, Su Xiaonuan!"

He Tiantian and Su Nuan were both stunned.

Any acquaintance?

How can it be?

They don’t have many acquaintances in Yuancang Continent!

To be precise, since they left Pingyuan Continent and separated from Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao, they had not met many human monks!


Human monk!

Su Nuan's eyes lit up, "Long Jiaojiao!"

He Tiantian also remembered, looked at Long Jiaojiao up and down, and said with a smile: "Oh, she is really Jiaojiao! Where is your master? Why don't you see him?"

Long Jiaojiao was happy to meet old friends again, her fair little face was full of smiles.

However, when He Tiantian mentioned the master, a flash of sadness flashed in her eyes.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and said cheerfully, "My master is in the sect. He, he is getting married, and the Double Cultivation Ceremony will be held next month!"

"Oh, let's not talk about this anymore. Sister Baozhu, Su Xiaonuan, have you just arrived at Wocang Mansion?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Could it be that you have been in the Nine Nether Sea all these years?"

"Have you ever gone to the Undersea Dragon Palace, and have you encountered the ninth-level demon king?"

When talking about "Undersea Dragon Palace\

,"Long Jiaojiao's tone was a little nervous.

He Tiantian captured it keenly.

However, at this moment she is not some smart and intelligent heroine who cultivates immortality, but a vicious and vicious little villain.

She pretended not to notice Long Jiaojiao's slight unnaturalness, and first sighed at Han Xiao's good luck in getting out of singleness, "I never expected that Senior Han was going to get married!"

"The Double Cultivation Ceremony will be held next month, and we should still have time to congratulate you!"

After saying this, He Tiantian's face was full of pride again: "When it comes to Jiuyou Sea Area, haha, little Jiaojiao, you don't know-"

He Tiantian seemed to have finally found someone to show off to, and she was very excited.


Han Susu and others were stunned when they saw Long Jiaojiao suddenly jumping out to "recognize her relatives".

After a while, several people finally reacted.

Han Susu shouted in dissatisfaction and looked at Long Jiaojiao with a very unkind look!

This Long Jiaojiao is indeed a little white-eyed wolf.

It was obviously her cousin who saved her and accepted her as his disciple, but she was not grateful at all.

She didn't respect the Han family enough, and relied on her cousin's favor for her to do whatever she wanted.

Fairy Dan suffered a lot of grievances, and almost reluctantly gave up her relationship with her cousin because of her!

He is still the head of the two major immortal sects, Danding Sect and Tianyan Sect, and he doesn't want the marriage between the two families to be ruined by a naughty kid.

While persuading Han Xiao, he was trying to find a way to send Long Jiaojiao to do the task.

Fairy Dan finally calmed down a bit and broke off her engagement with Han Xiao without any decision.

Han Susu is from the Han family, so she is Han Xiao's distant cousin.

In his early years, Han Xiao fell out with his family and almost betrayed the family.

But as Han Xiao joined the Tianyan Sect, practiced all the way, and became the best new generation in the Far Cang Continent, the Han family began to intend to reconcile with Han Xiao.

It's a pity that Han Xiao has a tough temper, loves to hold grudges, and is rebellious. No matter how many respected people come to make peace, he is unwilling to return to the Han family.

In the end, Han Xiao was so entangled that he had no choice but to run to the Nine Nether Sea to practice.

There was no news for decades.

If his natal lamp in Tianyan Sect hadn't been burning all the time, everyone would have thought he had died.

Even so, Han Xiao gradually disappeared from the Yuancang Continent.

A few months ago, Han Xiao, who had disappeared for more than 40 years, made a glorious return.

Not only was he not injured, but he broke through the Nascent Soul stage and became the youngest Nascent Soul monster in Tianyan Sect and even the entire Yuancang Continent!

The entire Tianyan Sect was filled with joy.

As for the Han family, they are happy but also a little worried at the same time——

They all experienced Han Xiao's decisiveness firsthand.

Now, Han Xiao is becoming more and more powerful, and the Han family no longer supports him, but still needs his protection.

He and the Han family seemed to have no more reason to "reconcile"!

However, just when the Han family was worried, Han Xiao took the initiative to mention his marriage to Dan Xianzi.

Dan Fairy Yang Yunrong was born in the Yang family of Lancheng.

The Yang family and the Han family are family friends and have been married to each other for hundreds of years.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When Han Xiao was a child, he had a verbal engagement with Yang Yunrong.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao's father died and Han Xiao's uncle became the head of the family.

Han Xiao went from being the eldest young master of the Han family to a poor little boy dependent on the Han family.

His status has plummeted, and the most terrible thing is that Han Xiao's spiritual roots are extremely poor, and he is a loser with five spiritual roots.

He was completely reduced to an abandoned son of the Han family.

Han Xiao disappeared for a while and reappeared in front of the world, which was a grand event for recruiting disciples once every ten years.

He still has five spiritual roots, but he has successfully introduced Qi into his body and successfully passed the test of the Wenxian Stone.

An ancestor of Nascent Soul Dzogchen of Tianyan Sect had some friendship with Han Xiao's grandfather. Seeing that Han Xiao was pitiful, he made an exception and accepted him as his direct disciple.

Entering the Tianyan Sect, I have an ancestor who is at the half-step stage of becoming a god as my master.

Han Xiao seemed to have some luck, as he suddenly transformed from a loser into a practicing genius.

After ten years of foundation building and thirty years of golden elixir, he has become a rising star in the world of immortality.

Han Xiao refused to reconcile with the Han family, and he was not too close to the Yang family, his in-law family.

The marriage contract between him and Yang Yunrong was more like a joke between the two parents.

The Yang family is about to give up.

Unexpectedly, decades later, Han Xiao returned from overseas and took the initiative to mention the marriage.

The Yang family was overjoyed.

The Han family also seemed to see "hope"——

When Han Xiao was in despair, the Yang family had been standing by and watching.

After Han Xiao rose to prominence, he treated the Yang family without hypocrisy.

But now, Han Xiao's renewed engagement with the Yang family, does this mean that he wants to reconcile with his "past grudges"?

The Yang family can all forgive him. As Han Xiao's closest blood relative, everyone in the Han family also has expectations.

It happened that Han Susu was the disciple of Dan Fairy Yang Yunrong. Han Xiao was very polite to Yang Yunrong and even looked up to several of her disciples.

The Han family asked Han Susu to take the opportunity to get closer to Han Xiao.

After some hard work, although Han Xiao did not return to the Han family, he no longer rejected or resisted the Han family.

Everything is going in the right direction.

Han Susu has also become a hero in the family.

She hopes more than anyone else that her master can marry Han Xiao, a cheap cousin.

The only eyesore is Han Xiao’s disciple Long Jiaojiao!

The head of Tianyan Sect sent Long Jiaojiao to do the task, and Han Susu asked for help.

Along the way, Han Susu often united with other disciples of the Immortal Sect to exclude and isolate Long Jiaojiao.

Seeing this dead girl becoming more and more quiet and timid day by day, Han Susu was satisfied and a little happy at the same time!

Humph, you have been pestering your master all day long, and you don’t even know the slightest bit about male and female defense. You deserve it!

However, this little stinky girl who was about to be suppressed by her and turned into a pitiful little girl was now getting together with the two little witches who were humiliating the master.

Seeing them chatting eagerly like friends reunited after a long separation, Han Susu's already filled anger started to burn even more.

"Long Jiaojiao, you are a disciple of the Tianyan Sect and a well-known sect. How can you mix with the evil and evil ways?"

While Han Susu reprimanded, she also didn't forget to give Long Jiaojiao a hat.

"Senior Sister Han, Sister Baozhu and Nuannuan are not evil and evil!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Long Jiaojiao may have met an old friend and has a tendency to regain her true nature.

She stood firmly beside He Tiantian and Su Nuan and said seriously: "My master also knows them."

"Oh, right!"

When Long Jiaojiao's eyes passed by several famous disciples, she happened to see the disciples of Tianyuan Sect. She seemed to have thought of something and said quickly: "Senior Brother Feng, Su Nuan is not an outsider, her brother is Su Hao! "


Su Hao, the only Tianlinggen disciple of Tianyuan Sect!

Although Su Hao's performance in the ten years since he joined the Tianyuan Sect has not been so extraordinary.

However, the road to cultivation is not always smooth.

Su Hao was able to reach the middle stage of foundation building with a bone age of more than 20 years old, which was already very good.

Su Hao has only been practicing for ten years. As long as he forms the golden elixir within twenty years, he will break Han Xiao's record of forming the elixir.

Even if he can't break the record, he can't be denied.

Perhaps, people have accumulated a lot of experience.

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, but it is a definite fact that Su Hao's Tianling Root is!

Therefore, he is still the pride of Tianyuan Sect and a genius valued by the head and the disciples within the sect.

His sister?


Senior Brother Feng, who was named by Long Jiaojiao, had an idea flash in his mind and said excitedly, "Yes! Yes!"

"Uncle Su does have a sister! She seems to be called Nuannuan!"

"Uncle Han has been looking for her all these years, and even spent a lot of money to go to Tianji Pavilion to buy information!"

Senior Brother Feng said while looking at Su Nuan.

At this moment, he no longer felt that the little girl in front of him was "perverse", but instead felt that she did look familiar.

Well, look at those facial features, they are almost exactly the same as Master Su.

"My brother is still alive? Is the Su Hao you are talking about the person who crossed the Infinite Sea and arrived at the Far Cang Continent ten years ago?"

Su Nuan was extremely excited when she heard Su Hao's name.

She changed her eccentric and willful attitude and asked Senior Brother Feng eagerly, "By the way! Mo Xiaoxiao, my brother also has a little friend named Mo Xiaoxiao!"

"They, they are all still alive? And they have joined the Tianyuan Sect?"

As Su Nuan spoke, tears flowed out.

When He Tiantian saw this, she felt very emotional.

But she cannot be thoughtful and understanding.

He Tiantian had dissatisfaction on his face and said with disgust, "Su Xiaonuan, I have told you so many times that Su Hao must be alive!"

"It's been ten years and you still don't believe it. You are crying and laughing at the same time. What do you look like? Are you embarrassed?"

Being scolded by Sister Baozhu, Su Nuan didn't care at all.

She hugged He Tiantian, buried her head in her chest, and started crying, "Sister Baozhu, my brother is still alive! He is still alive!"

"Wow, that's great, Sister Baozhu, I'm so happy!"

He Tiantian looked like an old man on the subway looking at his cell phone. He squeezed his neck back, fearing that it would get stained by Su Nuan's tears and snot.

Long Jiaojiao looked at their sisters holding each other's arms and crying, a look of relief and confusion flashed across her face.

Once upon a time, she was so close to her master.

The master is the first person she sees after opening her eyes, and he is also her only relative in this world.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She originally thought that she would always be on good terms with her master.

did not expect--

Alas, things are unpredictable and people's hearts are changeable!

I only hope that Sister Baozhu and Nuannuan, the good sisters, can last forever!


Han Susu was stunned and couldn't believe that things would unfold like this.

The young woman in front of me who looks like a little witch is actually Su Hao's biological sister?

That, that——

The person who is more speechless than Han Susu is Zhao Yuan!

His face was beaten into a pig's head, and he originally thought that Fairy Han would stand up for him.

But now, what is the situation?

Although Zhao Yuan has been staying in Wucang Mansion, he has also heard about some major events in Yuancang Continent.

For example, ten years ago, Tianyuan Sect accepted a disciple from Tianlinggen.

Although this lucky man named Su Hao did not continue to write myths, he was still the best among the monks of his generation.

He is truly the proud son of heaven, and even Zhao Yuan, his cheap uncle who is in the golden elixir stage, does not dare to offend easily.

He, Zhao Yuan, wanted to provoke Su Hao's only biological sister Su Nuan...

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