The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 723: The long-lost villain (44)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and my family had to recognize my family!

Although, everyone present basically did not regard each other as family members.

However, they were both disciples of the Four Immortal Sects. Long Jiaojiao broke up the relationship between Su Nuan and Su Hao. Han Susu wanted to make things right no matter how much she resisted in her heart.

Otherwise, it would be a real quarrel.

Han Susu was born in a family of immortal cultivators and joined a prestigious sect like the Danding Sect. She knew the ways of the world better than anyone else.

"...It turns out she is Master Su's sister! We really don't know each other until we fight!"

Han Susu endured her disgust, smiled, and took the initiative to give in.

If it were another person with the same knowledge and interest, he would follow Han Susu's words and laugh twice, which would be considered as exposing the matter.

Unfortunately, Han Susu encountered the combination of "Chu Baozhu" + Su Nuan.

Miss Chu is a willful eldest lady who never wants to suffer, let alone "tactfully" submit to the world!

"Hmph, who is saying 'no fight or acquaintance' to you? You just wanted to settle a score with us with a fierce look on your face, and you even slandered us as what kind of witches we are!"

He Tiantian snorted coldly, with a look of disgust on his face, "You are so polite now, how hypocritical!"

Han Susu:......

Where did this stupid young man come from!

I don’t know what I mean, how are you and how are you?

Does she understand the ways of the world? !

Also, your mother-in-law is not Su Hao's biological sister. Su Nuan hasn't spoken yet, so why are you yelling?

Han Susu glanced at He Tiantian coldly with an evil look in her eyes, "Fellow Taoist, I wonder what your relationship is with Master Su -"?

Originally, according to Han Susu's acting style, she would not speak so straightforwardly.

Because of this, it is easy to make people unable to get off the stage.

But the problem is, the arrogant young lady in front of her shows no mercy to others. Han Susu feels that the other party really cannot blame her for being too mean.

"Sister Baozhu is the benefactor of our Su family and my good sister!"

Su Nuan is young, but she is not someone who cannot understand the "underlying meaning".

She is smart, but the key is that she cares about Sister Baozhu very much.

Han Susu's performance was so obvious that even if Su Nuan couldn't understand the meaning of her words, she still felt her malice towards Sister Baozhu!

Su Nuan was not polite, wiped her tears, stood up from He Tiantian's arms, turned around, and blocked He Tiantian behind her.

"Benefactor?" Are you okay, sister?

Han Susu's face didn't look good.

If it was just the latter, Han Susu might not take Chu Baozhu seriously.

But, the benefactor is still the benefactor of the Su family!

In other words, Su Hao also owed this Miss Chu a favor.

This is a bit difficult.

Han Susu is not afraid of Chu Baozhu or Su Nuan, but she must take into account the face of Su Hao, the number one genius of Tianyuan Sect!

Enduring the grievance and unwillingness, Han Susu's smile became brighter and brighter, "As expected, we are all a family! I was presumptuous just now, please forgive me, two sisters!"

"When we first met, I didn't have anything good. Master gave me two high-quality spirit-gathering pills——"

As Han Susu said this, she took out two small jade bottles from her storage bag.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She spoke generously, but there was a flash of pain in her eyes.

The master only gave her two high-grade spirit-gathering pills.

Now, they are all cheaper than these two country bumpkins from overseas!

In addition to being reluctant to give up, Han Susu also felt aggrieved.

It was obviously the other party who was disrespectful to Fairy Dan first, so she came to teach two people who made rude remarks on behalf of her master, but the result——

Han Susu felt that she had compromised enough, but she didn't expect that the treasure she was reluctant to take out would not even reach out to the other party.

"Tch! You are of high quality! You have the nerve to show it off!"

"That's right, the pills Sister Baozhu gave me are all top quality!"

He Tiantian and Su Nuan are indeed good sisters, and they don't understand the principle of "giving up when things go well".

One was disgusted and the other was supportive, which only made Han Susu, who wanted to smooth things over, turn blue with anger.

"Blame me! It's all my fault!"

Zhao Yuan is the most clever.

He soon realized the dilemma he was about to face.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had become stagnant again, he hurriedly rolled over.

He rounded his arms and pointed his bow left and right at his already swollen pig-headed face, "It's all my fault that I have blind eyes for gold and jade, so I bumped into the noble man!"

"I, I also deliberately provoked in front of Fairy Han. Fairy Han misunderstood, so she came to confront the two fairies!"

"...Actually, it's all the villain's fault. I was jealous of Liu Cheng and angered the two fairies, so I deliberately instigated it!"

"Two fairies, please don't misunderstand me, let alone get into trouble with Fairy Han because of the villain..."

I have to say that Zhao Yuan's performance set a new level for Han Susu.

She took advantage of the situation and straightened her face, pretending to be angry and said, "Zhao Yuan, it turns out you are causing trouble!"

"You, you are so brave, you dare to take advantage of me and try to use me as a gunman?"

Zhao Yuan increased the intensity of his self-punishment, and his face was impossible to look at.

He didn't even use spiritual power to protect his body and used his own body to withstand such a simple violent blow!

"Excuse me, Fairy Han! It is indeed the villain's fault!"

Zhao Yuan continued to beg for mercy.

He knew that he should have passed the test on Han Susu's side.

Next, there are the sisters He Tiantian and Su Nuan.

Zhao Yuan's mind was spinning rapidly.

Don't look at how arrogant he was when he bullied Liu Cheng before, but he is actually very smart.

When he wants to curry favor with someone, his verbal skills are no worse than Liu Cheng's.

"Chu, Miss Chu!"

Yes, he remembered that Liu Cheng called this so-and-so Baozhu Sister.

Zhao Yuan was even humbler than Liu Cheng, and he said to He Tiantian with great respect, "Miss, this villain deserves to die. Please have enough power to bypass this villain!"

Zhao Yuan made a puff sound and fell to his knees directly.

He is indeed smart enough to see clearly who is the "backbone" between He Tiantian and Su Nuan.

Sure enough, hearing the title "Eldest Miss" and seeing Zhao Yuan being so respectful, He Tiantian, as the dignified Miss Chu, was instantly pleased.

"Huh, you're quite sensible!"

"Get up, you, even if you want to curry favor with your master, you still have to see clearly who is the real noble one!"

When He Tiantian said this, she didn't forget to glance at Han Susu from the corner of her eye!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Han Susu:’s dirty!

I have already given in, are you not done yet?

Besides, if it weren't for Su Hao's sake, would I let such an arrogant fool like you go?

Are you really afraid of you? !

"Oh, by the way, I see you're not stupid enough yet, I'll reward you with this pill!"

He Tiantian touched the storage bracelet and pulled out a small porcelain bottle from the corner.

Zhao Yuan hurriedly took it, carefully opened the lid, smelled it, and blurted out, "The best Peiyuan Pill?"

He Tiantian nodded proudly, "Of course it's the best elixir! I'm not some people who look noble and glamorous, but in fact they can't be on the stage."

"Tsk, why are you so embarrassed to take high-grade elixirs as a favor?"

He Tiantian pretended to be confused and shook her head.

That look is simply not too hateful.

She didn't mention her by name, but no one present was a fool. How could they not hear her criticizing her?

Han Susu:......

She could hardly control her anger!

What's wrong with Su Hao being a genius of Tianyuan Sect?

I, I am still the direct disciple of Fairy Dandingzong!

They are all disciples of the four great immortal sects, who is nobler than the other? !

The key is that Han Susu did not directly offend Su Hao, but only had a conflict with Su Hao's sister's "good sister"!

Han Susu didn't think that once she really got into trouble with the annoying "Chu Baozhu" in front of her, Su Hao could really break up with her!

Just when Han Susu was thinking about the pros and cons and hesitating whether to take action, a rich male voice came from the air——

"I heard that Junior Brother Su's sister came to my Wucang Mansion. Haha, they are all members of my family. Junior Sister Su must not dislike my Mansion Master's Mansion!"

Han Susu's murderous intention dissipated instantly, "My Lord, the Lord of Cang Mansion!"

Yes, the head of Wucang Mansion is also a disciple of Tianyuan Sect.

He and Su Hao are from the same sect.

It stands to reason that Su Hao is only a monk in the foundation building stage, while the master of the palace is a powerful person in the golden elixir stage.

They are not brothers at all.

However, Su Hao's cultivation level was low, but his seniority was high.

Behind him stood Ancestor Yan Yuan, the ancestor with the highest cultivation level in Tianyuan Sect.

Not to mention the Palace Master, a monk in the early stage of Jindan who was sent to the most remote Wucang Mansion to be the Palace Master, even a big boss like the master of Nascent Soul Perfection would call Su Hao affectionately "Junior Brother" !

Therefore, when the master of the palace calls Su Hao Junior Brother Su, it is definitely not a sign of condescension, but a sign of admiration.

Because of Su Hao, the master of the palace was also very polite to Su Nuan.

In other words, being able to help Junior Brother Su find his only biological sister is definitely a great achievement.

Even if you just send a communication talisman to notify Junior Brother Su, you can still make the other party remember how much of a favor you are.

As for Han Susu and others who had a conflict with Su Nuan, haha, they were just rookies from a few sects.

Although he is said to be an elite disciple, he is actually not an important person.

The master of the palace said he was respectful, but in fact he didn't take them seriously.

If Han Susu really gets into trouble with Su Nuan, the master of the palace will directly side with Su Nuan without even thinking about it!

Han Susu is not stupid, but she got some clues from the words of the master of the palace.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Forget it, let's go around them first! Once we leave Tianyuan Sect's territory, see how I deal with you!"

Han Susu was secretly cruel, with a gentle and tolerant smile on her face, as if she didn't care at all about He Tiantian's provocation.

Han Susu didn't challenge, and He Tiantian felt a little resentful.

"Sister Baozhu, shall we go to the palace master's palace?"

Su Nuan felt Sister Baozhu's loss and knew that she was not enjoying herself to the fullest.

But after all, they were new here, so they shouldn't act too arrogant.

Su Nuan was not afraid of Fairy Dan or Fairy Han, but the other party had already given in. If she persisted in holding on to them, it would appear that her sister Baozhu was unreasonable, willful and arrogant.

Su Nuan was sincere for Sister Baozhu, and selfishly did not want her to bear such a reputation.

She quickly found a topic to distract Sister Baozhu's attention.

"Mansion Lord's Mansion?"

He Tiantian hesitated.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng hurriedly came up to remind him, "Miss, there is a spiritual vein in the Palace Lord's Mansion, which is the place with the most spiritual power in the entire Wu Cang Mansion!"

"In addition, the Palace Lord's Mansion also has training rooms for alchemy and weapon refining. It is very cheap to practice!"

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "The Palace Lord's Palace has spiritual veins? Then can we -"

Occupy the best training room.

Halfway through the words, He Tiantian laughed.

She glanced at Su Nuan proudly and said with an arrogant look, "We can definitely go to the best training room! Hehe, I have a big killer like Su Xiaonuan!"

Su Nuan, who was treated as a tool: ...Sister Baozhu, just be happy!

"Let's go! Let's go to the Palace Lord's Palace!"

He Tiantian waved her hand and said boldly.

Before leaving, she did not forget Liu Cheng, "Well, you are not a bad person! If you are willing-"

Before He Tiantian finished speaking, Liu Cheng said eagerly, "Miss, I am willing to follow you!"

Liu Cheng originally thought that Miss Chu was just a big dog. He just wanted to get more pills by confronting Zhao Yuan for Miss Chu.

However, after hearing about the relationship between Su Nuan and Su Hao, and the palace master's obvious words of wooing and flattering, Liu Cheng immediately understood that he had really met a noble person.

"Haha, okay, I will accept you!"

He Tiantian immediately beamed when she saw Liu Cheng's pious look.

There is another little follower, haha, I am indeed the most distinguished young lady!

"Sister Baozhu, I want to follow you too!"

Long Jiaojiao saw Han Susu deflated with her own eyes, and the villain in her heart was already cheering.

When everyone was preparing to return to the Palace Lord's Mansion, Long Jiaojiao did not "return to the team", but chose to side with He Tiantian.

She took He Tiantian's other hand, blinked her wet, round eyes, and said softly.

"Okay! I, the eldest lady, will accept you too!"

He Tiantian was extremely proud. She led Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao arrogantly, followed by Liu Cheng.

The group of people walked swaggeringly in front of Han Susu and other immortal disciples.

Among them, Senior Brother Feng from the Tianyuan Sect looked at Han Susu, then at He Tiantian and others who were walking away. He hesitated for a moment and then followed.

He does like Han Susu and wants Danxianzi's elixir.

But he is from the Tianyuan Sect, and Su Nuan is Uncle Su's biological sister. He, he must follow.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I don’t dare to say protection, but I have to go with you anyway.

There is no way, they are from the same clan.

Of course, Senior Brother Feng, like the Palace Master, also has some small thoughts.

Su Hao was the number one genius in the Tianyuan Sect, and with a master like Ancestor Yan Yuan, there were many people in the sect who wanted to curry favor with him.

Even Mo Xiaoxiao, who was next to Su Hao, became a celebrity in the sect.

If I could use Su Nuan to establish a relationship with Su Hao...

Senior Brother Feng felt excited just thinking about it. How could he care about Fairy Han and Fairy Dan? !

Besides, even if you want pills, Miss Chu seems to have them.

I didn't see her casually giving me a reward, so I took out the top-quality Yuanyuan Pill.

Senior Brother Feng felt that with his status as a Tianyuan Sect disciple, if he "takes care of" Miss Chu and Miss Su more, he might have unexpected surprises!

"Senior Brother Feng, you, you!"

The other Immortal Sect disciples suddenly changed their expressions when they saw that Senior Brother Feng had "rebelled".

On the contrary, it was Han Susu who gently persuaded everyone, "It doesn't matter, Senior Brother Feng just cares about the friendship with fellow disciples, so he wants to help Senior Uncle Su look after him more!"

As she said this, Han Susu's fingernails dug out little crescents in her palms...

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