The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 724: The long-lost villain (45)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a muffled thunder in the sky.

He Tiantian in the training room was full of excitement.

The alchemy furnace in front of her seemed to have a boiling pot inside, and the spiritual energy was surging, almost knocking over the lid of the furnace.

The thunder in the distance got closer and closer, and finally lingered over the alchemy furnace.

"Sister Baozhu? What happened?"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, who were waiting outside the training room, heard the thunder and rushed in worried that something might happen to He Tiantian.

"I advanced! Haha, Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, I am now an Earth-level alchemist!"

"Su Xiaonuan, this is the Heavenly Tribulation Pill. It will be finished soon!"

"With the Heavenly Tribulation Pill, when you form the Golden Pill, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

There is a Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation, and the Heavenly Tribulation Pill is naturally needed for the Gold Formation Pill.

In the past, He Tiantian's cultivation was not enough, and he did not have the recipe for the Heavenly Tribulation Pill.

That day at Liangjie Trading Company, He Tiantian, like a nouveau riche, almost bought out all the prescriptions in the Liangjie Trading Company's collection.

Among them is the recipe for the Heavenly Tribulation Pill.

When we arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, the interior was exactly as Liu Cheng said.

The only spiritual vein in Wucang Mansion is just below the Mansion Lord's Mansion.

The master of the palace built several training rooms at the center of the spiritual veins.

Normally, he would practice in the practice room.

After He Tiantian and his party arrived, in order to show his importance to Su Nuan, the master of the palace gave them the training room that he had used all year round.

Hearing that He Tiantian wanted to make an elixir, the master of the palace also found an alchemy furnace with a sixth-grade earth-level spiritual weapon from his storage bag.

He Tiantian:......

What, in the past, when I made alchemy, I always used hot pots made from turtle shells or animal bones.

Real hot pot!

It is usually used to cook the meat of monsters and beasts, and when making elixirs, it is used to make elixirs.

As a result, the elixir refined by He Tiantian always has a vague taste of hot pot soup base.

And the boiled monster meat they eat every day also has a faint scent of elixir.

"Haha, this alchemy furnace is excellent! Thank you, Master!"

Swapping shotguns for cannons, I finally don’t have to eat the meat of monster beasts that smells like elixirs!

He Tiantian was very happy.

Even Su Nuan, a big drug addict who is often left speechless by hot pot-flavored elixirs, was also very happy.

With the alchemy furnace, He Tiantian also had the Heavenly Fire Essence obtained from Tianshan Mountain, as well as various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs collected in the Jiuyou Sea.

She simply lived in the training room and started refining the Heavenly Tribulation Pill!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were in the training room next door, practicing by themselves while listening to He Tiantian's movements.

Nine days and nine nights passed, but He Tiantian didn't make any sound, but Danjie Xuan Lei came from the horizon.

"Heavenly Tribulation Pill? Sister Baozhu, are you saying that this is the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Tribulation Pill?"

Su Nuan was a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, there is no thunder disaster when refining ordinary elixirs.

However, if the type of elixir is too special or the quality is too good, it will also attract mysterious thunder.

The Heavenly Tribulation Pill is an Earth-level pill, a treasure used to assist the Gold Formation Pill.

And He Tiantian is the best at refining the best elixirs.

At this moment, the elixir is about to be successful, and it is reasonable for the mysterious thunder to fall from the sky.

"That's right!"

He Tiantian's face was full of pride.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She was not worried at all that the Heavenly Tribulation Pill would fail.


The first mysterious thunder struck down, and a series of sparks enveloped the alchemy furnace.

The three elixirs in the furnace have been tempered by thunder and fire, and their dark surfaces have a faint light.

boom! boom! !

The second and third mysterious thunder struck down one after another, and the alchemy furnace seemed to be unable to withstand this power.

However, the Heavenly Tribulation Pill remained motionless and continued to be tempered by thunder and fire.


A total of nine mysterious thunders.


The alchemy furnace, a sixth-grade earth-level spiritual weapon, finally could not withstand the impact of the thunder tribulation and broke into pieces.

But the three Heavenly Tribulation Pills were intact.

On the black pills, there were faintly shining runes!

The strong medicinal fragrance and vigorous spiritual energy spread in the training room instantly.

He Tiantian had quick eyes and quick hands. The moment the elixir was completed, he hurriedly threw out a jade box and collected the three elixirs.

There are restrictions on the jade box, and the spiritual power of the Heavenly Tribulation Pill does not continue to disperse, but remains in its most perfect state!

"Sister Baozhu! You, you are so amazing!"

Su Nuan did not deliberately praise her sister Baozhu this time, but sighed sincerely.

Long Jiaojiao couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Sister Baozhu, you are the best!"

"Haha! It's okay, it's okay!"

He Tiantian laughed proudly, and said a few modest words that were not very sincere.

"What about that, Su Xiaonuan, you can find a place to form the golden elixir yourself!"

"Oh, by the way, I want you, Long Xiaojiao, you should also practice quickly and try to form the golden elixir as soon as possible!"

"Haha, we have elixirs, you can take them as you like!"

He Tiantian waved her hand, very boldly.

The corner of Su Nuan's mouth twitched. It was obvious that she did not ignore Sister Baozhu's words of "forming the elixir yourself."

Well, actually, she didn't want Sister Baozhu to bear the thunder disaster for her.

It's just... Su Nuan secretly glanced at the proud and high-spirited Sister Baozhu, and couldn't help but wonder:

Even if I go to the Wuji Sea alone to break through, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder can accurately hit Sister Baozhu's head from thousands of miles away!

Of course, Su Nuan definitely couldn't say this to Sister Baozhu.

"Okay! Sister Baozhu, don't worry, I will definitely make the golden elixir alone!"

Su Nuan nodded firmly, she would never harm Sister Baozhu again.

"..." After hearing Su Nuan's words, He Tiantian's proud smile faded and was replaced by confusion.

"Would you be in danger if you were alone?"

Su Nuan smiled sweetly, "Don't be afraid, Sister Baozhu, just prepare some more talismans and formation disks for me!"

When a breakthrough occurs, it is best to have someone to protect you.

But if there is really no one around, enough talismans and formation disks will do!

"..." He Tiantian was a little moved, but more importantly, she was still worried.

"Oh, forget it!"

He Tiantian waved her hands impatiently, "I'll protect you. I don't believe it yet, God will always be against me!"

After saying this, He Tiantian muttered: "Being struck by lightning is not a bad thing. My cultivation level should also be improved!"

Su Nuan's heart warmed up, and she knew that she was the second most important person to Sister Baozhu.

The person that Sister Baozhu values ​​most is of course herself!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is nothing wrong with this.

Selfishness is human nature.

Of course, speaking of literature and art, if a person doesn’t even love herself, how can she love others? !

The kind of person who loves others more than himself may exist.

But Su Nuan doesn't support it, and she never wants herself or the people around her to become such a love brain.

Moreover, such a person is either really pure or really hypocritical.

Su Nuan doesn't like it.

She still prefers Sister Baozhu's straightforward and unabashed true nature!

Like is like, selfish is selfish, even if it hurts the other person, just bear the consequences.

Just like Su Nuan herself, she values ​​Sister Baozhu and misses her brother, but if she says she can abandon herself for them, she absolutely can't!

She is no longer the poor little girl who only had her brother in her life, nor is she the little girl who only has Sister Baozhu by her side.

She embarked on the path of cultivating immortality and had the goal of seeking eternal life.

Her cultivation has also reached the foundation-building perfection, and she is about to form a golden elixir!

She is really no longer just Su Nuan.

The relationship between her and Sister Baozhu was not just pure affection, but also mixed with many things.

"Sister Baozhu, thank you!"

Su Nuan sincerely thanked her. Although she was no longer pure, Sister Baozhu was always the most special person to her!

none of them!

Even the only blood relative has become a bit strange because of ten years of separation.

The second most important person to her is Sister Baozhu.

The person who values ​​​​the most, ahem, is of course herself.

Su Nuan may have noticed that she has become somewhat similar to Sister Baozhu.

Perhaps unlike Han Xianzi and Dan Xianzi, who are kind and beautiful, she and Sister Baozhu are more perverse and willful.

Being happy with one's grudges and being straight forward do not meet the requirements of a righteous person for a "good person".

No, when they were confronting Han Susu and others that day, the so-called righteous disciples from the famous family just called them "little witches".

"We really need someone to protect the law! Sister Baozhu, Nuannuan, I don't know if you have noticed that there is a demonic energy leaking out of my Cang Mansion!"

"Me, Han Susu and the others were all sent by the sect to verify and handle this matter!"

When Long Jiaojiao saw that the two sisters He Tiantian and Su Nuan had finished their flirting, she lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "I heard that hundreds of years ago, my Cang Mansion was haunted by nightmares."

"This nightmare uses inner demons to drag people into dreams. If a monk has a stable mind and can realize that he is 'dreaming', he can break the nightmare's evil spell."

"But if you can't wake up, you will continue to sink in the dream, but your spiritual energy will be exhausted and your body will die!"

"He is also a powerful golden elixir from the Tianyuan Sect. He united with people from the four major immortal sects and worked together to break the nightmare demon's illusory formation and suppress the nightmare demon in Wu Cang Mansion!"

"After hundreds of years, in the past one or two years, the nightmare seems to want to break through the seal, and a lot of demonic energy has leaked out..."

He Tiantian pretended to be shocked, "Devil energy? There is actually devil energy in my Cang Mansion?"

Long Jiaojiao nodded, "Yes! But it's not very obvious. At most, monks are always entangled by inner demons when they practice!"


Speaking of this, Long Jiaojiao hesitated.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"And what? Long Xiaojiao, don't say half and keep half!"

He Tiantian scolded him unceremoniously.

"Yes, Sister Baozhu!"

Long Jiaojiao responded obediently and said quickly, "Besides, I heard that the nightmare can endlessly amplify the evil thoughts in people's hearts!"

"Back when the Nightmare was raging in Wu Cang Mansion, it once lured a talented monk at the Golden Core stage into becoming a demon!"

"Also, there are several spiritual beasts. They were invaded by demonic energy, and suddenly they couldn't suppress the instinct of beasts, and they turned from spiritual beasts into monsters!"

The monk becomes a demon, the spiritual beast becomes a demon, and the nightmare kills people without any blood.

When he said "spiritual beasts become monsters", a flash of panic flashed through Long Jiaojiao's eyes.

So what, she has been feeling a strange power since she came to Wu Cang Mansion.

There is always a voice calling from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness——

"You are Jiao, the daughter of the noble Demon King!"

"How could you be deceived by a human monk and willingly become his demon pet?"

Long Jiaojiao was very resistant to this voice, and she couldn't help but argue with it: "I am not a demon pet! I am the master's apprentice!"

"Master? Haha, does Han Xiao really regard you as his disciple?"

"Now for a so-called fiancée, even though he knows that you don't want to leave him, he still allows the boss to exile you to Wocang Mansion!"

"Long Jiaojiao, you are not a humble low-level monster, you have the noble blood of the monster king flowing in your body."

"Han Xiao not only rewarded the ninth-level guard who protected you, but also stole you from the Dragon Palace! He lied to you, he has always lied to you!"

That voice continued to scream in the depths of Long Jiaojiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

At first, Long Jiaojiao was very determined.

However, being "exiled" by her master, being ostracized and bullied by Han Susu and others... all kinds of dissatisfaction made her feel a trace of resentment in her heart.

The demonic energy from Wu Cang Mansion took advantage of the situation and intruded in, endlessly amplifying Long Jiaojiao's resentment.

Slowly, she began to doubt Han Xiao, and even felt resentful!

Long Jiaojiao was very scared, worried that if she couldn't control herself, she would eventually become a slave to the demons like the spiritual beasts hundreds of years ago!

She doesn't want to become a monster, she is a human being, and even if she is not a pure human being, she does not want to lose her intelligence and reason!

But when she encountered this situation, Long Jiaojiao couldn't tell outsiders yet.

She didn't even dare to ask Master for help!

That voice, "brainwashing" every moment, still affected Long Jiaojiao.

She herself was not sure whether the current master still loved her as much as he did back then.

What if the master doesn't believe in himself, but feels that he has become a demon, then, then——

Long Jiaojiao could only bury the secret in her heart.

Just when Long Jiaojiao was about to drive herself crazy, "Chu Baozhu" and Su Nuan appeared.

A chance encounter that year made Long Jiaojiao unable to help but want to get close to them.

She has an inexplicable trust in Sister Baozhu.

Her intuition told her that Sister Baozhu could save her and help her reverse her fate!

Long Jiaojiao is a demon clan and has racial intuition that surpasses humans.

She trusts her instincts.

Apart from the fact that she was a dragon, Long Jiaojiao told He Tiantian and Su Nuan everything she knew.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Well, this nightmare is a bit interesting!"

He Tiantian rubbed her chin and mumbled softly.

"You don't do anything yourself, but you use your inner demons to make other cultivators and spiritual beasts 'fall to their own devices'!"

Su Nuan also echoed thoughtfully.

"What are you afraid of! I'm not afraid of any bullshit inner demons!"

He Tiantian suddenly looked fearless, "I did do bad things, but I don't regret it, let alone feel guilty!"

It’s so bad that even the inner demons can’t do anything about it!

Su Nuan:......

Sister Baozhu, don’t be like this.

It makes you look like a crazy devil.

In fact, you are just a bit willful and a bit bad boy.

They are far different from the real bad guys and villains.

"Besides, I have a prescription for the Qingling Pill! Hehe, it can expel evil spirits and reduce inner demons!"

He Tiantian proudly shook the storage bracelet on her hand, "I am already an earth-level alchemist, and I can definitely refine the best Qingling Pill!"

"What kind of nightmare? In front of this young lady, it is just a minion!"

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, just don't worry, hey, I'll take care of the best Qingling Pill!"

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