The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 725: The long-lost villain (46)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sister Baozhu, do you still have enough materials for refining the Qingling Pill?"

After Su Nuan was pleasantly surprised, she thought calmly.

As she spoke, she took off her storage bracelet and handed it directly to He Tiantian's hand.

A few days ago, two trading houses held auctions.

Su Nuan took the token given by shopkeeper He and went to see the excitement.

She sent and photographed several top-quality Qi-Blood Pills, Foundation-Building Pills, and Spirit-Gathering Pills, as well as several spiritual weapons in good condition.

Made a huge profit.

The spiritual stones obtained were no less than those obtained during the "dumping" at the two trading houses that day.

You know, He Tiantian almost emptied all her storage bracelets that day.

But Su Nuan only took out a small part.

However, Su Nuan can also understand this.

Auctions are inherently different from daily acquisitions.

The hundreds of thousands of spirit stones obtained did not enter Su Nuan's storage bag at all.

She was at the auction site and bought a lot of things.

Su Nuan took pictures of some natural treasures, rare flowers, and rare herbs sent by casual cultivators because they were pleasing to the eye.

After a final calculation, Su Nuan only got less than 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones from the two trading houses.

Now, Su Nuan handed all these directly to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian did not refuse, released her spiritual consciousness, put it into the storage bracelet, and explored it briefly.

"Yeah, Su Xiaonuan, it's very good. The materials I bought this time are all useful!"

"In addition to refining the Qingling Pill, I will also upgrade the level of the weapon. By the way, let me re-temper your nine-section black iron whip."

He Tiantian said casually, as if it was just a matter of her words to upgrade the weapon refining from Xuan level to Earth level.

"Okay, leave everything to Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan did not hesitate, not only handed over all the contents of the storage bracelet to He Tiantian, but also took out her natal spiritual weapon and gave it to He Tiantian.

"What about you? Long Xiaojiao!"

He Tiantian turned her head and looked at Long Jiaojiao again.

Long Jiaojiao: Huh?

What does Sister Baozhu mean?

Should she also hand over her storage bag?


Long Jiaojiao suddenly realized that she was very, very poor!

In the past, she followed Master, and whatever she wanted or needed, Master would provide directly.

This time, Long Jiaojiao felt aggrieved and angry at being forcibly taken away from her master by her master.

She did not ask for any charity from the master, nor did she accept the "compensation" given to her by her master before leaving.

Yes, the sad Long Jiaojiao was a little sensitive. She always felt that the master was no longer the master in the past.

She simply couldn't continue to ask for things from her master with her palms upward.

After leaving Tianyan Sect, Long Jiaojiao sadly discovered that she actually had nothing.

She hunted a few monster beasts, secretly went to the market to exchange for some spirit stones, and bought the most ordinary storage bag and a yellow-level magic weapon, so that she would not be too shabby.

Of course, Long Jiaojiao is a demon, and her most powerful thing is her body.

Even without a magic weapon, she can easily kill opponents of the same level or even one level above her!

It's just... ahem, her current cultivation level is relatively low, only the eighth level of Qi training!

"I really can't blame others for looking down on me. In the past, I relied too much on my master and didn't practice well. I only knew how to eat and play..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Long Jiaojiao realized that she was useless after leaving her master, and she couldn't help feeling inferior.

Now, she chose to follow Sister Baozhu, but found that,

It seems that I am not even qualified to be a "little follower".

Wow, she is really poor and poor!

With Su Xiaonuan, ah, no, there is no comparison with Su Nuan.

"Sister Baozhu, I, I——"

Long Jiaojiao felt even more inferior. She lowered her head and tore at the hem of her clothes with her little hands, not knowing what to say.

"Long Xiaojiao, why are you so coy?"

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Long Jiaojiao's embarrassment and inferiority. She glanced at Long Jiaojiao pretending to be confused.

Then, she said impatiently, "Oh, why are you so stained? Let me ask you, what kind of storage bag do you want?"

He Tiantian shook the storage bracelet on her wrist and pointed to Su Nuan's right hand, "Is it the same bracelet style as Su Xiaonuan and I? Or is it a ring, hairpin or purse style? "

Long Jiaojiao suddenly raised her head and blinked her innocent eyes like a deer.

After a long while, she seemed to have finished digesting He Tiantian's words, and stammered: "Sister Bao, Bao Zhu, you, you want to refine a storage bag for me?"

"That's right! Don't you want to follow me? I, Miss Chu, never treat my own people badly!"

He Tiantian raised her chin high, looking dignified and arrogant.

"But, I, I only have a few spirit stones on me, and I--" I can't afford a storage bag, and I can't hand over all my things to Sister Baozhu like Su Nuan did!

If you don't pay the protection fee, how can you have the nerve to ask for Sister Baozhu's things?

Feeling the poverty again, Long Jiaojiao's face was filled with shame and embarrassment.

"Do the accounting first!"

He Tiantian didn't say much, but acted businesslike.

She was very aware of Long Jiaojiao's low self-esteem and sensitive mentality, but she would not protect him carefully, nor would she give alms from above.

She will slowly build up Long Jiaojiao's confidence.


I heard that Sister Baozhu was not giving charity, but wanted to "settle accounts" with her.

Long Jiaojiao's eyes lit up instantly.

So what, isn't it just hunting monsters and beasts, or searching for heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

Outside the city of Wocang Mansion is the Wuji Sea. Although it is not her real territory, it is not much different.

Even if Long Jiaojiao's cultivation level is not high, entering the sea is her home field.

She has no problem hunting any monsters she wants!

"...Don't just say 'yes'! Hurry up and tell me what kind of storage bag you want!"

He Tiantian rolled her eyes in disgust.

Strangely, Long Jiaojiao was not sad at all.

You must know that when she followed Master, Master almost treated her like a treasure.

Not to mention such an obvious dislike, even if he said something serious, he couldn't bear to say it.

But now, having been directly rolled her eyes by Sister Baozhu, Long Jiaojiao only felt an inexplicable sense of closeness——

Sister Baozhu treats me as one of her own!

"I want a storage bracelet!"

Long Jiaojiao was in a good mood and seemed to have regained some of her early liveliness and escape.

She pointed to the bracelet on Su Nuan's wrist and said with a smile: "Sister Baozhu, I want the same one as Su Nuan!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tch, if I hadn't said that earlier, it would have been over! I have to waste so much time!"

He Tiantian waved her hands impatiently and said to Long Jiaojiao and Su Nuan like shooing away flies: "Okay, okay! I'm going to continue practicing. You guys can do whatever you need to do!"

"I got it, Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao responded in unison.


The door to the training room was closed.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao looked at each other——

Su Nuan coughed lightly, "I want to go to the Wuji Sea!"

She could no longer practice, and the spiritual liquid in her dantian almost condensed into pills.

The breakthrough is just around the corner.

Unfortunately, she can't break through yet!

And Sister Baozhu doesn't seem to need her protection.

Sister Baozhu needs a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to make elixirs and weapons.

Their inventory in the Wuji Sea and Jiuyou Sea in the past ten years has been sold and used, but there is hardly much left.

Su Nuan didn't want Sister Baozhu to hinder her practice because she didn't have enough training materials.

Just go to the Wuji Sea again, it just so happens that you can take Long Jiaojiao to practice!

Long Jiaojiao smiled and frowned, "What a coincidence, I want to go to the Wuji Sea too!"

What's that? Not to mention experience, she still owes a debt to Sister Baozhu.

"Then let's go together!"


The two little girls made a decision quickly.

"Sister Baozhu, Jiaojiao and I are going to the Wuji Sea!"

Before leaving, Su Nuan and the two came to the training room to say goodbye to their sister Baozhu.


The door of the training room opened a crack, and two storage bags flew out from inside.

Su Nuan was so used to it that she raised her hand and caught one.

Long Jiaojiao hesitated for a moment, and when she saw that Su Nuan only took one, she knew that the other one should be hers.

She quickly reached out and took it.

"Be careful, don't kill the monsters in the Wuji Sea!"

He Tiantian said a word, then waved his spiritual power to close the door of the training room.

Su Nuan put the small storage bag into the storage bracelet without even looking at it.

Long Jiaojiao secretly used her spiritual consciousness to explore and found that there were some small porcelain bottles inside.

"Mine is the best Qi-Blood Pill and Spirit-Gathering Pill, and yours should be the best Yuan-Pei Dan!"

Su Nuan's cultivation level was much higher than Long Jiaojiao's, so she naturally didn't miss her little moves.

As she turned around, she whispered to Long Jiaojiao, "Sister Baozhu has such a temperament, she is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. She was worried that we would be injured in Wuji Sea, so she refined these pills overnight!"

"..." A warm current surged through Long Jiaojiao's heart.

She knew that Sister Baozhu was reliable, and she also wanted to follow Sister Baozhu.

But she still didn't expect that Sister Baozhu would take such care of her.

Maybe not as good as Su Nuan, but not too far behind.

Long Jiaojiao seemed to feel that tolerance and preference again!

[Long Xiaojiao, what are you thinking? Sister Baozhu is not the master, they, they are not the same kind of people at all! 】

Long Jiaojiao shook her head to get rid of the strange thoughts.

"Let's go to the Wuji Sea!"

Long Jiaojiao guarded her storage bag, straightened her back, and left the Palace Lord's Mansion with Su Nuan.

When they passed through the gate of the Palace Lord's Mansion, the two of them happened to bump into Han Susu and others who were coming back from outside.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Hey! Look who this is? Isn't this the little princess of our Tianyan Sect, Long Jiaojiao? Why, do you really want to go and work as a lackey for a casual cultivator from the sea?"

As a beautiful and kind-hearted fairy, Han Susu would naturally not say bad words to Long Jiaojiao.

There are female nuns around her who are fawning over her and jump out to act as "evil dogs".

"It's better for me to follow Sister Baozhu than for you to be a dog for Han Susu!"

When Long Jiaojiao saw this group of people, her mind instantly flashed back to their cynicism, exclusion and isolation during this period of time.

She was furious for a moment, so she retorted, "Did you see that Sister Baozhu gave me a storage bag of elixirs? They are all top quality!"

"What about you, you follow Han Susu wagging your tail every day, what did she give you!"

"Long Jiaojiao! You! You!"

The female cultivator who was the first to provoke suddenly turned red with anger.

They, disciples from well-known and upright families, are best at pointing out the mulberry trees and cursing the thorn trees, and hiding needles in the cotton.

It is absolutely rare for someone like Long Jiaojiao to directly point her nose at someone and call them a dog.

This is the rhythm of breaking up!

"What are you doing! Humph, if I were you, even if I want to find a master to kneel down and lick, I have to see if this master is worth it!"

Long Jiaojiao hadn't cursed so happily for a long time.

Ever since she followed her master back to the Far Cang Continent, the master began to restrain her.

And after being forced to leave her master and follow this group of people to Wu Cang Mansion, she was even suppressed and looked like a pitiful little girl!

Sometimes, Long Jiaojiao almost forgets that she was once a "little witch" who was willing to take revenge and be outspoken.

What happened to the little witch?

Maybe it has a bad reputation, but it will give you freedom and spontaneity!

Unlike her before, she suppressed her true nature for the sake of her master... She no longer looked like herself.

Long Jiaojiao didn't realize it before, but she saw with her own eyes the behavior of Sister Baozhu and Su Nuan, and she suddenly became alarmed!

She should stop being cautious and timid!

She wants to live confidently and openly, not to be bound by the world or rules, and not to lose herself for someone.

"Long Jiaojiao, what you said is really too much!"

Han Susu, who originally didn't want to stand out, saw that Long Jiaojiao was so unscrupulous, so she couldn't continue to hide behind others and pretend to be a fairy.

She lowered her face and put on the posture of a caring elder sister disciplining a naughty little sister, "Although I am not from the same school as you, my master is about to hold a double cultivation ceremony with your master!"

"We can be considered a family. I am a few years older than you, and my cultivation level is higher than yours. I am the leader of this mission! It is my responsibility to give you a few words-"

Seeing Han Susu's hypocritical appearance again, Long Jiaojiao felt bored.

She has chosen to follow Sister Baozhu, and everything about Master and Tianyan Sect seems to have nothing to do with her.

She doesn't even want her master, and she won't tolerate his cheap wife and her disciples!

"Han Susu, you also said that you and I are not from the same sect. Since we are not from the same sect, there is no need for you to act like a senior sister and reprimand me!"

"It's you, even your master, Dan Fairy, is not qualified! If I'm not good, my master will discipline me!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And her master seemed to give up on her.

Although she was not explicitly expelled from the master, the fate between their master and disciple was broken as early as the day when the master allowed Fairy Dan, the head of the Tianyan Sect and others to expel her from the Tianyuan Sect.

In the past, Long Jiaojiao had illusions and was unwilling to face such facts.

She still met Sister Baozhu and Su Nuan, which reminded her of the past.

Long Jiaojiao had experienced true preference and pampering, so when her master began to stay away from her, she knew better than anyone else -

The master is no longer the "master" in the past. The relationship between her and the master is only a master and a disciple in name, and there is not much friendship anymore!

She was abandoned by her master!

Fortunately, she has Sister Baozhu and Su Xiaonuan.

In this world, Master is not the only one who loves her the most and cares about her the most. There are also other people who can treat her sincerely!


The invisible shackles that bound Long Jiaojiao's soul were instantly broken.

A wisp of black demonic energy in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness was evaporated instantly...

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