The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 727: The long-lost villain (48)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Su Xiaonuan, let's go back!"

Long Jiaojiao's chest was full of pride, and she looked so high-spirited.

She stood up, waved her hand, and shouted to Su Nuan to go back to the city.

"Well, you, Long Xiaojiao, have been led astray by Sister Baozhu!"

I used to call her Nuan Nuan, but now she even talks "Su Xiao Nuan"!

Su Nuan complained deliberately and angrily.

Long Jiaojiao gave Su Nuan a playful eye roll, "You still talk about me, don't you do the same!"

Her name is clearly Long Jiaojiao, but if you learn from Sister Baozhu, you still call her "Long Xiaojiao" every now and then!

We are just as good as each other, the eldest brother, let alone the second brother.

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

They are fifteen or sixteen years old (at least that's how someone looks on the surface). It's normal for them to be lively, out-of-the-box, innocent and unrestrained.

"Let's go, I don't know what's going on with Sister Baozhu!"

"That Han Susu doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp!"

After joking for a while, Su Nuan stopped smiling and said seriously.

She is not worried that her sister Baozhu will suffer a loss. The main thing is that having such a sweet-faced, bitter-hearted and ulterior villain secretly coveting her is more or less a trouble.

"Yeah, Sister Baozhu will definitely not suffer a loss, but we can't let some people fool around!"

Flies don't bite, but they are disgusting!

Long Jiaojiao has regarded Sister Baozhu as her most important person, and she doesn't want her to feel any discomfort.

The two of them talked and laughed all the way back to Wucang Mansion from Wuji Sea.

Perhaps they were enemies on a narrow road. When Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao walked outside the gate of the Palace Lord's Mansion, they happened to bump into Han Susu and others who had returned from outside.

"Oh, look who this is? Isn't it our Miss Long?"

"It's different to have a good master! We work hard to do tasks, but others can be free and easy!"

"Miss Long, have you forgotten that we have a mission to come to Wu Cang Mansion this time!"

"...You're only going out for ten days and a half. Isn't that a bit too much?"

It's still the same female nun, she looks about twenty years old.

Of course, the appearance of a cultivator can be deceptive.

Her actual age is already in her forties, but her talent is not high. She has practiced for more than ten years and has not yet established a foundation.

She is a disciple of Tianyan Sect. Logically speaking, she and Long Jiaojiao are from the same sect.

No matter what kind of grievances there are within the sect, when they go outside, they are all members of the Tianyan sect and should support and take care of each other.

However, the word jealousy is too harmful.

Yes, this nun is jealous of Long Jiaojiao.

Jealous that she has a good master, jealous that she can rely on Han Xiao's power to dominate Tianyan Sect, jealous that she is so valued by everyone in the sect even though she is just a picked-up wild girl!

Seeing the scenery of Long Jiaojiao when she first entered Tianyan Sect, she only had to wait for the meeting gift from the boss, and Long Jiaojiao got many treasures of heaven and earth.

There is also a monthly supply of spiritual stones, tsk tsk, it’s like blooming flowers.

It's not like her, who has endured hardship in the Tianyan Sect for nearly twenty years and only has a pitiful dozen or so low-grade spiritual stones every month.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If you want to get the training materials you need, you still need to run around and complete tasks.

The more the female cultivator thought about it, the more she felt it was unfair, and her heart gradually became distorted.

Later, Long Jiaojiao had a conflict with Dan Xianzi, and Dan Xianzi almost broke off her engagement with Han Xiao because of this "bad guy".

Long Jiaojiao's life seemed to be getting worse.

Seeing Long Jiaojiao go from being the proud daughter of heaven to being an eyesore overnight, the female cultivator couldn't be happier.

The demonic energy of Wucang Mansion is leaking out, and the steward of the sect is planning to send several disciples who are in the early stage of foundation building to investigate.

It's just a matter of investigation to confirm that there is indeed demonic energy in Wu Cang Mansion.

Subsequent matters, such as sealing the nightmare again, are the tasks of the elite disciples within the sect.

Therefore, this mission is not dangerous. It basically gives those disciples with low cultivation a chance to go out and practice!

The head took the opportunity to stuff Long Jiaojiao in to prevent her from causing trouble at the double cultivation ceremony between Han Xiao and Dan Xianzi.

The female cultivator saw the opportunity and volunteered.

The steward saw that she was older and her cultivation level was not particularly low. She had reached the Great Perfection stage of Qi refining and was only one step away from building the foundation.

If you go to Wocang Mansion, you might have a chance to make a breakthrough.

The older person is more stable and can always "take good care" of Long Jiaojiao.

The leader just wanted to temporarily separate Long Jiaojiao and Han Xiao, and did not really want to do anything to this disciple.

Because no matter what, Long Jiaojiao is Han Xiao's only disciple.

Qi Long Jiaojiao was just a little naughty and had no real bad deeds.

The leader will not beat someone to death with a stick.

At first, the leader couldn't bear it;

Secondly, I am also afraid that Han Xiao will be blamed for it in the future!

Knowing that the mission of Wu Cang Mansion was simple and that there was an older disciple leading the team, the headmaster felt relieved and stuffed Long Jiaojiao into it.

How did the master know that this female cultivator was so jealous of Long Jiaojiao that she was about to go crazy.

And she wanted to get the Foundation Building Pill from the Dan Fairy... Along the way, she actively cooperated with Han Susu and bullied and isolated Long Jiaojiao!

Half a month ago, the two sides met by chance in the Palace Lord's Mansion and had already had a quarrel.

Long Jiaojiao's rare arrogance made the female cultivator unable to get off the stage, and the two of them seemed to be at odds.

Now that they had a falling out and met again, the female cultivator didn't even try to hide herself at all. She opened her mouth and scolded Long Jiaojiao.

This time, the female cultivators were smarter and did not start with "private grudges". Instead, they raised the topic to the level of "sect missions."

There was one meaning in her words: Long Jiaojiao was arrogant and arrogant, ignoring the sect's mission and just playing around on her own!

"Tsk!" For such a jealous clown who was beyond recognition, Long Jiaojiao, who had completely removed her shackles, was too lazy to deal with it.

She sneered, not even interested in replying.

Such contempt is actually more humiliating than scolding a female cultivator!

The female cultivator turned red with anger.

Another Tianyan Sect disciple saw that the situation was too embarrassing, so he tried to smooth things over: "Oh, Junior Sister Long, why is this necessary? We are all from the same sect!"

"Besides, Senior Sister Zhao is just a sharp-tongued person, she is not a bad person!"

"Everything is for the mission... Haha, Junior Sister Long——"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Before she could finish speaking, Long Jiaojiao flashed a mischievous look in her eyes and suddenly interrupted her, "Senior Sister Long! You should call me Senior Sister!"

What she said was a bit mindless.

Neither of the two Tianyan Sect disciples reacted.

The female cultivator named Zhao was a little angry and said, "Long Jiaojiao, don't be too arrogant!"

"Yes! Your master is the ancestor Han Xiao! But in Yuancang Continent, strength has always been respected."

"It's not that your master is great, you should be great too!"

"You want to be our senior sister, huh, I'm in the Qi Refining Stage, so you're worthy of me!"

Another disciple was also a little displeased, "Yes, Junior Sister Long, stop messing around!"

"This is not Tianyan Sect, but Wu Cang Mansion!"

"If you act too wildly, you will make people laugh!"

Although he is not at the Dzogchen stage of Qi refining, he has already reached the ninth level of Qi refining.

Both of them have higher cultivation than Long Jiaojiao.

Therefore, calling Long Jiaojiao junior sister is not belittling Long Jiaojiao.

At most, he is not too flattering.

After all, not everyone is Su Hao from Tianyuan Sect.

Even though he only has the cultivation level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, because he has the extremely high cultivation Ancestor Yan Yuan as his master, many monks at the same level as him in the four major immortal sects will respectfully call him "Uncle Master".

Long Jiaojiao wants to be like Su Hao and be able to show off her power in the Far Cang Continent with the help of her master, but she is still far away!

At least they have to wait until Han Xiao enters the Nascent Soul Stage and reaches the Great Consummation Stage, or directly breaks through to the Divine Transformation Stage.

It's a pity that the current Han Xiao is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, and is really nothing in the Yuancan Continent!

"Why am I making people laugh? Or am I, a monk in the foundation building stage, not qualified to be your senior sister?"

Long Jiaojiao smiled as she watched the two so-called senior sisters and brothers reprimanding her "righteously".

After seeing enough jokes, Long Jiaojiao slowly said something.

"What? You, you built a foundation?"

Senior Sister Zhao exclaimed.

She subconsciously released her consciousness and wanted to explore Long Jiaojiao's cultivation.


Then there was a painful groan, and her consciousness was pushed back by a huge spiritual power.

There was a sharp pain in her soul and she was seriously injured.

"Senior Sister Han!"

Senior Sister Zhao subconsciously called for help to Han Susu.

Han Susu is the person with the highest cultivation level among their group and has successfully built the foundation.

The key is that Han Susu's master is Dan Fairy, and she has pills in her hands.

With just one soul-fixing pill, her damaged soul can be repaired!

Maybe the soul-fixing pill in Han Susu's hand is not of high grade, but, but for Senior Sister Zhao, it is already a life-saving medicine!

Wow, she is a disciple with low talent and does not have a reliable master. She is really poor.

Han Susu didn't seem to hear Senior Sister Zhao's plea for help. She carefully released her consciousness and tried to explore Long Jiaojiao's power.

Han Susu thought, even if Long Jiaojiao really succeeded in building the foundation, she had only just established the foundation.

The cultivation level is at most one level of foundation building, and the realm and so on should not be too stable.

As for Han Susu, she has been building the foundation for several years, and her cultivation is stable on the second level of the foundation.

Compared with Long Jiaojiao, a newbie who has just established a foundation, even if she cannot be crushed, she will not be "counter-killed" by her!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


Han Susu had just released her spiritual consciousness, and her soul was agitated!

She made the same moaning sound as Senior Sister Zhao.

With her face pale and her body swaying, Han Susu didn't dare to delay and quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from her storage bag.

High-quality soul-fixing pill!

This is one of the few high-quality elixirs that the master has given her!

Originally, Han Susu planned to take a soul-fixing pill in order to stabilize her soul when she entered the small realm of the third level of foundation building.

Unexpectedly, such an important elixir would be wasted like this.

Han Susu took the elixir, and the shocked soul was finally repaired.

Her face looked much better.

She suppressed the resentment in her heart and looked at Long Jiaojiao with complicated eyes, "Junior sister Long, congratulations!"

Seeing Han Susu's appearance and hearing her "congratulations", everyone present didn't understand anything.

"Dragon, dragon...have you really built a foundation?"

The other disciples didn't know what to say for a moment.

After they were stunned, they felt faintly envious.

Alas, I still need to find a good master.

Look at how old Long Jiaojiao is. She can build a foundation at the age of fifteen or sixteen!

Ancestor Han Xiao must have given her the Foundation Building Pill and many natural and earthly treasures, so that she could successfully break through.

"Han Susu, you are still so hypocritical! Haven't you heard that Zhao has been begging you?"

"Tsk, tsk, you are a kind and beautiful little fairy. Your son's leg was seriously injured. Are you even reluctant to part with a pill?"

Long Jiaojiao ignored the other people's inquiries.

These people may not be as hateful as Han Susu and Senior Sister Zhao.

But they acquiesced in the humiliation and isolation caused by Han Susu and others, and sometimes even became accomplices.

Long Jiaojiao didn't target them like she did Han Susu and others, because she was kind and generous enough.

If Long Jiaojiao is asked to pretend that nothing happened, sorry, she can't do it!

Long Jiaojiao just ignored these people, and her fire was still focused on Han Susu and Senior Sister Zhao.

Senior Sister Zhao:......

Her face was very ugly, and it wasn't just the severe trauma to her soul that made her suffer.

The key is that Han Susu's indifference made her extremely sad.

Why would she be severely injured by Long Jiaojiao?

Isn't it because she has been helping Fairy Dan to vent her anger and acting as a spearman for Fairy Han Susu? !

She offended Long Jiaojiao to death. Long Jiaojiao made a breakthrough in her cultivation and came back with revenge. Han Susu, a bitch, knew she had the elixir, but she only cared about herself!

Senior Sister Zhao was filled with resentment towards Han Susu.

Han Susu:......

She has always been a kind-hearted Fairy Han.

Han Susu knew very well that the disciples of these four major immortal sects would respect her. In addition to her "good temperament", the main reason was that she had elixirs.

But if the critical moment comes, Han Susu is reluctant to take out the elixir to save people.

Then her personality would completely collapse, and she wouldn't have so many famous disciples around her!

Gritting her teeth and enduring the pain, Han Susu took out another small porcelain bottle from her storage bag.

"I was injured just now, so I didn't notice Junior Sister Zhao!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Han Susu forced a gentle smile and fed the elixir into Senior Sister Zhao's mouth with her own hands.

"Tsk! You're so talented! Han Susu, you are really selfish. You take high-grade soul-fixing pills for yourself, but you give mid-grade pills to your bastard!"

"Think about it, you are a bitch, how can you compare with yourself?"

"Junior sister Zhao, I really sympathize with you! I have said it before, even if you want to find a master, you must find a reliable master!"

"Here, look at me, I chose to follow Sister Baozhu, and Sister Baozhu casually gave me a lot of pills!"

"The best foundation-building pill! I used it when I was building the foundation! When I suffered a thunderstorm, I had the best spirit-gathering pill, the best qi-blood pill, the best soul-fixing pill... everything!"

Long Jiaojiao ridiculed.

She seemed to want to "speak with facts", and with all her firepower, she took out small porcelain bottles one by one from her storage bag.

She first showed it to everyone, and then threw a top-quality spirit-gathering pill into her mouth.

The best elixir can be eaten directly as jelly beans. What kind of rich man is this, and how hateful he is!

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