The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 728: The long-lost villain (49)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Fortunately, He Tiantian was no longer approaching, otherwise, when she saw Long Jiaojiao's behavior, she would have sighed silently——

My dear, you look like a vicious female villain.

"Long Xiaojiao, take less pills!"

Su Nuan was also a little confused. She resisted the urge to hold her forehead and reminded her.

When everyone heard Su Nuan's words, especially Han Susu, a light suddenly flashed in their eyes.

Obviously, they misunderstood and thought Long Jiaojiao was just bragging.

I didn't even hear Su Nuan start to "reprimand".

However, before they could be complacent for too long, they heard Su Nuan continue: "You are now a monk in the foundation-building stage, so you should take Xuan-level or even Earth-level elixirs!"

"It's better to go find Sister Baozhu quickly. She should have prepared enough elixirs for us!"

"...As for these! Tsk, you should keep it for fishing monsters, or reward people directly."

At the end of Su Nuan's words, disgust was written on her face.

It was as if these top-grade elixirs were just a bunch of worthless stuff to her!

Long Jiaojiao's eyes were shining, oh ho, Su Xiaonuan is more powerful, just a few words can make this group of people envious, jealous and hateful.

The native Long Jiaojiao doesn't know the meaning of "Versailles", otherwise, she would definitely praise Su Nuan as Versailles!

There is never a shortage of people with quick brains in this world.

Just when Su Nuan said these words, someone ran out of the door.

"Oh, it's Miss Su and Miss Long who are back!"

"Miss Long, you have succeeded in building the foundation. You are really amazing. You are worthy of being Miss Chu's good sister!"

Zhao Yuan, with a pig-headed face, surrounded Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, saying compliments attentively.

He was really smart. He didn't mention "Master" to Long Jiaojiao, but mentioned their Sister Baozhu.

As expected, Long Jiaojiao was "Dragon's heart is overjoyed."

Zhao Yuan is really just a villain. Long Jiaojiao cannot say whether he likes or dislikes him.

However, this guy is so smart, and the timing of his appearance is so perfect.

She simply followed what Su Nuan said just now and threw out a small porcelain bottle, "You are not bad, smart enough! You can also recognize who is the one who has no choice but to seek refuge! Here! I reward you!"

"Thank you, Miss Long! Thank you, Miss Long!"

Zhao Yuan grabbed the small porcelain bottle and knew that it was the best elixir without looking at it.

As for which kind of elixir it is, it doesn't actually matter.

If you can use it, naturally keep it for yourself.

I will use a lot of it myself, and I can also take it to the Two Worlds Trading Company to sell the spirit stones!

The best elixir, even the most basic yellow-level elixir, is worth at least a hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

Get rich!

Hehe, you know that these three eldest ladies are all generous masters. As long as they make others happy, a reward will be enough for him to work hard for a month or two!

Liu Cheng, who ran a step slower, was slightly embarrassed.

However, it doesn't matter, he is now the person next to Miss Chu, and the "waste pills" that Miss Chu usually dislikes are all excellent treasures for him.

After spending half a month squatting in the training room, Liu Cheng definitely made a fortune!

It's just a top-quality elixir, nothing at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Liu Cheng thought sourly.

However, he still remembered his errand, approached Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, and said respectfully: "Miss Su, Miss Long, the eldest lady is still in the training room!"

"Okay! Let's go to the training room to find Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao said in unison.

Long Jiaojiao seemed to have thought of something, and threw a small porcelain bottle to Liu Cheng, "Thank you for your hard work these past half month!"

"This is the Foundation Establishment Pill. Sister Baozhu will probably not refine this kind of pill again in the future. This one is what I have left and I give it to you!"

The best foundation-building pill? !

Liu Cheng's hands were shaking!

He is currently on the third level of Qi training. Although he is still far away from establishing the foundation, he should be prepared in advance so that he will not be in a hurry when needed!

If nothing else works, he can take this Foundation Establishment Pill to the Two Realms Trading Company to exchange for the pills and spiritual weapons he needs.

Well, actually it doesn’t have to be so troublesome!

He is the eldest lady now. It will not be an easy task for him to get any elixirs, spiritual weapons or talismans in the future!

Since meeting the eldest lady, he has been staying by her side these days.

Liu Cheng finally saw that the eldest lady and the other little girls were really very generous.

On the surface, he looks willful and eccentric, and he doesn't seem like a good person.

In fact, they are very easy to get along with as long as their hair is rubbed smoothly.

The key is that they are generous enough. A little leakage from their fingers is enough for his little follower to practice.

It's just that the image may not be very good, like a groveling little slave.

But, so what?

As long as you can get real benefits and help yourself successfully seek immortality, nothing else matters.

Besides, even if he doesn't kneel down to lick the eldest lady and "make friends" with those so-called famous disciples, it may look more respectable, but there is no real benefit.

Didn't you see that the female cultivator named Han was twisted with jealousy when she saw that she had easily obtained a top-grade foundation-building pill and had a pretty face? !

Haha, if they themselves are like this, how can they be too generous to a casual cultivator who comes to seek refuge? !

[Miss, I’m determined to follow her! 】

Liu Cheng secretly swore in his heart.

Not to mention Liu Cheng, even Zhao Yuan couldn't help but regret: Alas, it was a step too late, and I failed to hug the eldest lady's lap at the first time!

However, it’s not too late!

Judging from the posture of the eldest lady, she should still be in charge of Wu Cang Mansion for a while.

During this period, he will definitely work hard to flatter him and strive to get the same treatment as Liu Cheng as soon as possible!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao didn't know what Liu and Zhao were thinking, and they didn't care if they knew it.

Sister Baozhu is so powerful and good-natured that even they themselves can't help but follow her, not to mention some poor casual cultivators.

He Tiantian: ..."Chu Baozhu" is so good, why didn't I know about it?

Su Nuan and the others did not delay any longer, left Han Susu and his party behind, and went straight into the Palace Lord's Mansion.

Liu Cheng and Zhao Yuan, one on the left and one on the right, followed diligently.

Han Susu's face turned pale, and she could hardly maintain her kind and beautiful persona.

Senior Sister Zhao and others had complicated expressions.

I have to say that Long Jiaojiao's actions just now were really a slap in the face.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It was obvious that they were just randomly rewarding the two minions, but the sound of slaps in the air was heard.

Han Susu, the direct disciple of Fairy Dan, was certainly disgraceful, but Senior Sister Zhao and the famous disciples who surrounded Han Susu all day long had no luster on their faces.

"It's all Long Jiaojiao's fault, her words are so unpleasant!"

"That's right, if she hadn't been talking nonsense, Senior Sister Han wouldn't be too ugly!"

"It's not just Senior Sister Han, Senior Sister Zhao is also——"

In order to get a foundation-building pill, Senior Sister Zhao almost offered Han Susu as an ancestor.

Alas, kneeling and licking her for a long time is not as good as Liu and Zhao saying a few nice words.

The results of it--

Several other disciples of the Immortal Sect felt a little pity for Senior Sister Zhao.

Female cultivator surnamed Zhao: ...It's a shame, I want a foundation-building pill, even if it's not the best, just a high-grade one!

Han Susu felt that everyone looked at her with mixed looks, including sighs, concern, sympathy, and gloating.

She knew that the image she had finally built up and the position of "lead senior sister" that she had worked so hard to build had been greatly impacted.

These people may not look down on themselves, but in the future, when there is a need to charge into battle, they will not be the vanguard for themselves.

Especially Junior Sister Zhao, she most likely already hates herself!

Han Susu clenched her fists hard!

The best elixir?

Ha, Han Susu doesn’t even have it herself.

Not only her, but also her master, who was famous for his alchemy, could rarely refine the best elixirs.

Dan Fairy Yang Yunrong actually has a bit of a "famous reputation that is hard to live up to".

Her reputation is more due to her family background, sect, and followers.

At least for Han Susu, what the master can give her is really limited.

However, for this small "gift", she had to be a dog for the master and help her deal with Long Jiaojiao.

Now, being slapped in the face by Long Jiaojiao in public, Han Susu almost lost her face.

Ultimately, it's Dan Fairy's fault!

Han Susu felt resentful, and strands of black energy enveloped her soul.

She didn't even realize it, but the evil thoughts in her heart were infinitely amplified.

For a moment, she even wanted to bully her master and destroy her ancestors!

That bullshit elixir fairy is just a hypocritical and pretentious bitch. Her greatest skill is not making elixirs, but seducing men.

And Han Xiao from the Tianyan Sect, who looked like a smart man, was actually confused by Yang Yunrong, and even gave up on his most beloved disciple!

What a pair of bitches, they are so disgusting!

Han Susu was like a vacuum cleaner with full power, and countless demonic energies rushed to be sucked in by her!

"Sister Baozhu, we are back!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao came to the training room and shouted happily.


The door to the training room opened.

"Stop talking nonsense and come in quickly!"

He Tiantian shouted impatiently.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao took it for granted and walked in with smiles.

"Oh, that's good, Long Xiaojiao, have you established a foundation?"

He Tiantian glanced casually and saw that Long Jiaojiao's cultivation level had improved.

"Thanks to Sister Baozhu for refining the elixirs and spiritual weapons, Nuannuan gave them to me and helped me heal my wounds..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If Master gave her a chance to be born, then Sister Baozhu and Nuannuan gave her a new life.

She was grateful to Master, and also to Sister Baozhu and Nuannuan.

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about?"

He Tiantian waved her hand and threw out a jade bracelet, "Here, Long Xiaojiao, this is for you!"

"I put some elixirs inside, all of which are Xuan-level, just right for you to use!"

"Oh, right--"

When He Tiantian said this, he threw out another thing.

"Spirit sword?"

Long Jiaojiao raised her hand to catch it and found that it was a sword made of unknown materials.

The sword is full of spiritual energy, as if it were an earth-level spiritual weapon.

What Long Jiaojiao liked the most was the seven gems of different colors inlaid on the hilt of the sword.

If other sword cultivators saw such a flashy sword, they would find it irritating and think it was the biggest failure of this spiritual energy.

However, Long Jiaojiao is a demon and has dragon blood in her body.

Ahem, dragons and the like love these gold, silver, jewelry and other common things.

"Sister Baozhu, thank you! I, I really like it. Especially this gem, it's so beautiful!"

Long Jiaojiao thanked her repeatedly.

He Tiantian was pleased and raised her chin arrogantly, "I knew you would like it! Hehe, that's right, Long Xiaojiao, you are as discerning as me!"

Su Nuan: ...Colorful gems and the like are a bit wealthy, but they are not unacceptable.

"By the way, Su Xiaonuan, the palace master sent a message saying that Su Hao is about to arrive at Wu Cang Mansion!"

When He Tiantian said this, her eyes shone with excitement——


We haven’t seen each other for ten years, and I don’t know what happened to the hero and the wild copywriter!

I'm really looking forward to meeting them again...

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