The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 729: The long-lost villain (50)

Su Hao will come to Wu Cang Mansion not only to meet Su Nuan, but also because of the sect's mission——

Han Susu and her party have determined that the demonic energy in Wu Cang Mansion has indeed leaked out.

Moreover, some low-level monsters or monsters were disturbed by the demonic energy, became restless, and attacked human monks for no reason.

Han Susu passed the news back to the sect. After discussion, the heads of the four major immortal sects prepared to send another group of elite disciples to suppress it.

Su Hao's cultivation may not be enough, but he has Tianlinggen and is the genius and pride of Tianyuan Sect.

In addition to Su Nuan's personal reasons, the leader simply waved his hand and added Su Hao to the list.

Of course, the leader of the team cannot be Su Hao, but the leader's direct disciple, a powerful man whose cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Golden Core.

The other three major sects also sent disciples with similar cultivation levels to form a team of more than a dozen people.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but in this team, there is also Yang Yunrong, the Dan Ding Sect’s Dan Fairy.

"Enemies meet on a narrow road!"

After hearing the news, Long Jiaojiao snorted coldly.

"Well, is this Yang Yunrong really good at alchemy?"

He Tiantian deliberately acted "feisty and competitive". She seemed to have not forgotten the direct cause of the dispute with Han Susu that day - Fairy Dan!

"Not as good as Sister Baozhu!"

This is Long Jiaojiao, who has met Yang Yunrong before and knows some details about her.

"Definitely not as good as Sister Baozhu!"

This is Su Nuan, who has great confidence in Sister Baozhu and is almost a crazy fan.

"Well, I also think she can't compare to me! I'm a rare alchemy wizard in the world."

He Tiantian puffed up her chest and laughed proudly, "Haha, I have only been studying alchemy for ten years, and I am already a prefecture-level alchemist!"

"Just ask, who else in this world can be as powerful as me!"

What a pill fairy, it’s just a name, how can it be compared with my Miss Chu!

"No! No one can compare to Sister Baozhu!"

this time,

It is a duet between two little girls, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao.

Of course, it's no brainer to brag. Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao didn't really ignore the facts.

After chatting for a while, Long Jiaojiao glanced at Su Nuan.

Su Nuan nodded slightly.

Long Jiaojiao carefully considered her words and whispered, "Yang Yunrong has not yet broken through to the Earth level, but her cultivation has reached the early stage of the Golden Core."

As for Sister Baozhu, she is still in the foundation building stage.

If Yang Yunrong didn't practice martial ethics, didn't compete with Sister Baozhu in alchemy, but used his cultivation to suppress him.

Sister Baozhu will definitely suffer.

As for their team, Su Nuan, who has the highest level of cultivation, has only completed the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Of course, after ten years of training in the Nine Nether Sea, Su Nuan has strong fighting power and can often leapfrog challenges.

Yang Yunrong was not good at fighting, so he focused more on refining elixirs and weapons.

Therefore, Su Nuan may not have no chance of winning against Yang Yunrong.

But the problem is that there is not only one Yang Yunrong in the Danding Sect, but also other elite disciples.

And the four major immortal sects are united and open to the outside world.

Uh, okay, Su Hao shouldn't be able to deal with Su Nuan, and even the Tianyuan Sect will be more tolerant of Su Nuan.

But what about other sects?

Lingjian Sect and Tianyan Sect are not as ranked as Tianyuan Sect, but they are not weaklings either.

Ahem, there is also Long Jiaojiao, she is already preparing to cut with Master Han Xiao.

In other words, she wanted to "deceive her master and destroy her ancestors" and betray her master.

Tianyan Sect probably won't let her go.

She also had a feud with Yang Yunrong. During this period, Long Jiaojiao was even more angry at Han Susu...

Gee, the hatred between her and the Alchemy Sect is definitely high.

Even if Yang Yunrong does not face "Chu Baozhu", there will still be an open and secret fight between Long Jiaojiao and the future master's wife, Fairy Dan!

In addition, does Yang Yunrong really not care about Chu Baozhu?


"Yang Yunrong looks gentle, kind, modest and generous on the surface, but in fact he is a selfish and domineering villain who is determined to retaliate!"

"What she is most proud of is her reputation as an alchemy fairy. If someone is better than her in alchemy, and the key is a young and beautiful female cultivator, she will definitely be jealous!"

Long Jiaojiao felt that she had definitely not wronged Yang Yunrong. The so-called Dan Fairy was originally a despicable person who was jealous of his talents.

"I want to form a pill!"

Su Nuan made up her mind and looked at He Tiantian with a slightly apologetic look.

He Tiantian: ...Actually, forming pills is quite good. Even if your thunder disaster happens, I will still have to bear it in nine or nine cases.

He Tiantian pretended to be resistant and panicked.

After a while, she seemed to have figured it out, and she probably had an element of "accepting her fate".

She said bitterly, "If you form a pill, you will form a pill... Damn, I still don't believe it. God can kill me!"

Long Jiaojiao: @[email protected]

Her cute little expression seemed to be saying: Su Xiaonuan has a golden elixir, why is Sister Baozhu worried that God will kill her? !

Seeing Long Jiaojiao's appearance, Su Nuan glanced at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian curled her lips, her expression slightly aggrieved, but she didn't stop him.

Su Nuan briefly talked about his foundation-building experience.

Long Jiaojiao: Σ(⊙▽⊙“a

Is there such a thing?

She looked at Su Nuan and then at He Tiantian.

Suddenly, she felt extremely sympathetic. She took He Tiantian's hand and cried out, "Sister Baozhu, you, you are so pitiful!"


He Tiantian slapped Long Jiaojiao's hand away angrily, "Why are you pitiful? I'm not pitiful!"

She is a proud and noble young lady!

Su Nuan suppressed her laughter and added, "Actually, Sister Baozhu resists Xuan Lei for me, which is not entirely without disadvantages! She can improve her cultivation!"

This is another main reason why Su Nuan is eager to form a pill.

Sister Baozhu is usually too lazy. Apart from refining elixirs, refining weapons and drawing talismans, she rarely practices.

The reason why her cultivation has stagnated is really not because of her poor spiritual roots, but because she is too lazy! Too, too ignorant of progress.

Sometimes, Su Nuan couldn't help but feel resentful that "I hate iron but cannot become steel".

Of course, she was even more reluctant to bear the hardships of Sister Baozhu.

I originally thought that if I worked harder and became stronger as soon as possible, I would be able to protect Sister Baozhu.

However, her promotion was closely related to Sister Baozhu.

This, I can only say, God is very good at playing tricks on people.

Therefore, when sometimes she hears Sister Baozhu secretly scolding God, Su Nuan understands it very much!

"Tch, who cares?"

He Tiantian curled her lips and cursed angrily.

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...I obviously feel that Sister Baozhu is so pitiful, but why do I find it so funny?

"That's enough for you two! Don't laugh!"

He Tiantian became angry and shouted angrily.

"Okay! Okay! We won't laugh!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao zipped their lips together, then suppressed laughter until their faces turned red.

"Su Xiaonuan! Long Xiaojiao!!"

He Tiantian roared angrily.

"Uh! Uh-huh! We didn't laugh, hahaha! Sister Baozhu, I'm sorry, we really couldn't hold it in!"

The two little sisters hugged each other and laughed.

He Tiantian was so angry that she also laughed in the end.

It's not a tragic matter of life and death.

Thunder tribulation is indeed terrifying.

However, He Tiantian's talismans, alchemy, weapon refining, etc. all broke through to the earth level.

He Tiantian can make a lot of preparations.

In addition, He Tiantian also had a hunch that God would not kill her!

After all, after Su Xiaonuan's golden elixir, there are still stages such as Nascent Soul, Transformation, and Ascension.

And every breakthrough has its own disaster and requires a "lightning rod".

He Tiantian:...Fall! Who is the lightning rod? !

"Sister Baozhu, don't worry, I will help you and Su Xiaonuan protect the law!"

Just when He Tiantian was secretly struggling with the name of being a tool, Sister Long's voice rang in her ears.

"Hmm, Long Xiaojiao, although your cultivation level is a bit low, it is still better than nothing. When the time comes, I will give you some talismans and spiritual weapons. If you see that the situation is not good, just throw them in!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction. She was obviously asking for help, but when she spoke, she was so shy!

Although Long Jiaojiao reunited with Sister Baozhu for a short time, she was already used to her temperament.

In Su Xiaonuan's words, that is: a knife with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart.

If Long Jiaojiao were to live in the next life, he would call Sister Baozhu "arrogant".

The two of them wore filters named "Sister Baozhu".

In the eyes of others, Miss Chu's words and deeds are venomous, selfish, and inconsiderate of other people's feelings.

"Okay, Sister Baozhu, I will definitely protect you and Su Xiaonuan!"

Long Jiaojiao nodded vigorously.

She not only said this with her mouth, but also thought it in her heart.

In the following days, the three eldest ladies began to get busy.

He Tiantian stayed in the training room, refining elixirs, refining weapons, and drawing talismans.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao will either go to the Wuji Sea to hunt monsters or go to the islands to find natural materials and treasures, or they will go to the two worlds trading houses to sell and buy like crazy!

The two young followers, Liu Cheng and Zhao Yuan, seemed to have heard something and started busying themselves.

Their cultivation level is low, but in Wu Cang Mansion, they are like "local snakes".

They can provide Su Nuan with a lot of useful information, and then Su Nuan will come forward to make the deal.

Anyway, this team headed by the "eldest lady" is very busy performing their respective duties.

Han Susu looked at it coldly, but the jealousy in her heart became even stronger——

She was jealous of "Chu Baozhu's" alchemy talent, jealous that Long Jiaojiao had a good master, jealous that Su Nuan not only had a good brother, but was also a genius in cultivation...

She didn't realize at all that her soul was almost swallowed up by the dark demonic energy!

And Senior Sister Zhao is jealous and regretful.

Several times, she wanted to put aside her pride and shame and run to Long Jiaojiao to "reconcile."

However, every time she faced Long Jiaojiao's pretty face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she flinched again.

It's not that she's not shameless enough, it's that she knows Long Jiaojiao's character very well: she seems lively and innocent, but in fact she is happy with revenge!

I have done so many things that offended people in the past, and it really cannot be covered up by just saying "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Senior Sister Zhao suspected that if she really said begging for mercy, not only would she not be forgiven, but she might also incur a new round of humiliation!

Senior Sister Zhao didn't want to get herself into this miserable situation.

She was embarrassed enough and didn't want to be the butt of the joke.

If peace cannot be achieved, then one can only become more jealous.

Her soul was also stained with a layer of black demonic energy.

He Tiantian's "Miss Team" didn't know what Han Susu and others thought, and they didn't care if they knew.

They are all irrelevant people, and they are all just jealous weaklings.

It is impossible for them to cause any harm to themselves.

Su Nuan and others will not waste time paying attention at all.

After more than a month of busy work, everything is finally ready.

"How about choosing an auspicious day!"

At the last moment, He Tiantian actually "flinched".

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao:......

The two of them were speechless, but they could also understand Sister Baozhu.

After all, the one who was struck by lightning was not them, but Sister Baozhu.

Especially Long Jiaojiao, she had just experienced the thunder disaster in the foundation building period, and she was almost hacked to death.

To this day, when I think back to that scene, I can't help but shudder.

Although Su Nuan did not experience the lightning disaster personally, she witnessed the scene of Sister Baozhu and Long Jiaojiao being struck by lightning.

How tragic!

"...Sister Baozhu, maybe this time it won't be like last time!"

In order to appease Sister Baozhu, Su Nuan went to great lengths to appease her, even telling lies that she didn't believe!

Although there is no evidence, Su Nuan and He Tiantian both have this hunch: This time Su Nuan forms the golden elixir, God will still strike the "Chu Baozhu" with lightning!

"Oh, forget it! It's just that I was struck by lightning. It's not like I haven't been criticized before!"

He Tiantian pretended to be impatient, waved her hands and said, "It's only tomorrow! No matter if it is an auspicious day or not, no matter what happens to it! I still don't believe it, God will bully me like this!"

He Tiantian had a look on her face that said, "I'll do my best."

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao looked at it and couldn't help but feel distressed.

However, there is nothing they can do about it. They both want to share the burden, but God doesn't agree!

After all the talk and trouble, the matter was finally settled.

Early the next morning, the three eldest ladies left the Palace Lord's Mansion together.

The master of the palace has a high level of cultivation and a lot of eyes, so he should have noticed their actions.

However, the master of the palace is not a nosy person.

At most, for the sake of Su Hao, a cheap junior brother, he secretly sent a few monks from the palace master's palace to guard them and secretly followed them out of the city.

If there are three people, or to be precise, Su Nuan is in danger, the guards will let out the news and try to rescue them.

No matter how many there are, the Palace Master will have no arrangements.

Han Susu and Senior Sister Zhao were jealous and had been secretly paying attention to her.

Although I am not sure what these three women are going to do, they are definitely doing something big.

"They may have been bewitched by the nightmare and want to release the nightmare!"

On Senior Sister Zhao's distorted face, the malice almost turned into reality.

She simply used her best imagination to speculate on He Tiantian and her group.


Although Han Susu thought it was ridiculous, the facts were no longer important.

As long as they can accuse "Chu Baozhu" and others of "colluding with the demons", they will be the scum of human monks, and they will be complete little witches!

"Senior Sister Han, for the sake of our Cang Mansion and the Far Cang Continent, we must eliminate harm for the people!"

"...Let's go and take a look!"

"Eliminating harm for the people" was a bit nonsense, but Han Susu still wanted to see it in person.

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