The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 730: The long-lost villain (51)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Senior Sister Han, look, they have indeed gone to the deep undersea prison!"

Senior Sister Zhao (Stupid author: ahem, I just don’t want to give you a name, (* ̄rǒ ̄))’s eyes are full of madness.

When she saw He Tiantian and his party heading straight to the Wuji Sea outside the city, she shouted excitedly.

It looked like he had really caught some evidence of crime!

Han Susu:......

Although she also has some shady bad intentions.

But, she is just bad, not stupid! Not even crazy!

At least she's not as crazy as Senior Sister Han - come on, she's going to the Wuji Sea!

Of course, the undersea prison that suppresses nightmares is also in the Infinite Sea.

Senior Sister Zhao said that they went to the deep undersea prison, which is not considered slander!

At best it’s a bit far-fetched!

With a slight cough, Han Susu said in a deep voice: "Follow me!"

What, there is no need for evidence at all for slander.

If there is evidence, that is called a trial.

"Let's go!" Senior Sister Zhao was eager to try, her eyes full of madness.

The two of them followed closely behind He Tiantian and his party.

Su Nuan's cultivation level was much higher than that of Han Susu, so she discovered them immediately.

"Ignore them, they're just clowns!"

After hearing Su Nuan's reply, He Tiantian sneered twice and said disdainfully.


Su Nuan agreed, but still used a flash of consciousness to keep an eye on the two sneaky villains.

The group of people quickly arrived at the Wuji Sea, and He Tiantian directly released the black turtle shell flying spiritual weapon.

The small black turtle shell suddenly grew larger and then suspended in mid-air.

He Tiantian released his spiritual power and drove the black turtle shell to the deep sea far away from Wu Cang Mansion.

He Tiantian did not continue to use her spiritual power, but let the black turtle shell float naturally on the sea.

Afterwards, He Tiantian began to set up the formation disks and laid out formations one after another.

"Here, Su Xiaonuan. These are the Heavenly Tribulation Pill, the Qingling Pill, and the Spirit-Gathering Pill!"

He Tiantian threw Su Nuan a storage bag, which was full of top-quality elixirs.

"And you, Long Xiaojiao, this is the Xuan Lei Talisman! This is the Explosion Talisman!"

He Tiantian threw another storage bag to Long Jiaojiao, which was basically filled with talismans and spiritual weapons to help share Xuan Lei.

"Long Xiaojiao, once Su Xiaonuan succeeds in breaking through and causes a thunder disaster, you must throw all of this out! Do you understand?"

He Tiantian gave Long Jiaojiao a thousand instructions.

Ahem, there is nothing I can do, it concerns me. As a selfish and arrogant young lady, He Tiantian is naturally the most concerned about this matter.

"Yes! Sister Baozhu, don't worry!"

Holding the storage bag tightly, Long Jiaojiao made a solemn promise.

Everything that should be prepared was ready. He Tiantian thought about it again and again, and finally clasped her hands together and bowed to the sky again and again, "God, although I am not a good person, I have never harmed anyone else's life!"

"Besides, there are so many treacherous and evil people in this world, you can't bully me alone!"

There seemed to be thunder surging at the junction between the sky and the sea.

He Tiantian was startled and quickly said:

"...Uh, okay, okay, it's not bullying! But, please be merciful and give me a chance to survive."

"God, Lord Heaven, please, please, okay?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian kowtowed again and again, with an attitude that promised a bright future.

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...Okay, Sister Baozhu is just too scared, it’s understandable!

I understand, but I still feel speechless and choked for some reason.

Sister Baozhu, we are immortal cultivators, and we have long ceased to be mortals praying to gods and Buddhas.

Are you sure it will work if you do this?

He Tiantian: ... Regardless of whether it is useful or not, at least I have psychological comfort!

"Okay! Sister Baozhu, I'm going to start!"

Su Nuan stopped playing around, sat down cross-legged, held her breath and concentrated, and started running the Qing Emperor Changchun Jue.

She no longer suppressed the eagerness in her Dantian, but frantically absorbed the spiritual energy around her.

Su Nuan transformed into a suction machine, and countless spiritual energy poured into her body.

The spiritual power in the Dantian turned into liquid, and the liquid began to condense.

not enough!

Not enough spiritual energy!

The spirit gathering array beside Su Nuan started to activate, doubling the amount of spiritual energy in the Wuji Sea.

She continued to run the Qingdi Changchun Jue, converting all the spiritual energy into the spiritual power in her Dantian.

The elixir condensed from the spiritual energy liquid began to take shape, and the round elixir began to have dots of golden light.

not enough!

not enough!

Su Nuan's forehead began to shed fine beads of sweat.

She reached out and patted the storage bag, and a porcelain bottle flew out.

"Heavenly Tribulation Pill!"

"Oh, this little girl actually has the best Heavenly Tribulation Pill!"

In the mid-air in the distance, a flying boat was suspended.

On the flying boat, several powerful men at the Golden Core stage originally just looked at the huge surge of spiritual energy in front of them. They felt curious and took a few more glances.

Immediately, everyone realized: Someone is trying to form a golden elixir!

But Wucang Mansion is just a small border town, and the only owner is a Golden Core Stage monk.

I haven't heard of any extraordinary genius coming out of Wucang Mansion.

That’s right!

Incredible genius!

Several powerful men had already released their spiritual consciousness and investigated it carefully.

They were shocked to find that the monk who was making the breakthrough was only sixteen years old!

Received a golden elixir at the age of sixteen!

Is this a descendant of an ancestor in the transformation stage, or a descendant of a large family?

What’s more, this person started practicing right from his mother’s womb!

This cultivation speed is no longer flying speed, but the speed of light.

Of course, all the powerful practitioners are natives and do not know what the speed of light is.

But they just find it incredible.

"This little girl may also have rare Tianling roots!"

And Tianlinggen and so on are God's favorites.

Others have to work hard to advance, but for them, they can break through just by eating and sleeping.

"The Tianling Root doesn't stop there!"

Another golden elixir stage powerhouse, as he spoke, did not forget to glance at Su Hao who was meditating in the corner with the corner of his eye.

He is a member of the Lingjian Sect, which is the ten thousand-year-old second among the four great immortal sects.

When Tianyan Sect was still the boss, Lingjian Sect ranked second.

The Tianyan Sect declined and the Tianyuan Sect rose, but the Lingjian Sect still could not compete with the Tianyuan Sect.

Wannian's dick and all that, it's so cruel!

If you are severely abused, you will become easily distorted.

The Lingjian Sect does not go to extremes, but they are always instinctively hostile to the sect ranked first.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, hostility is just a joke.

The four great immortal sects are famous and upright sects, and they are the four pillars of the Far Cang Continent. They will not fight among themselves, let alone destroy the Great Wall.

However, within a certain reasonable range, Lingjian Sect prefers PK Tianyuan Sect.

During the last disciple recruitment event, a genius with Tianling roots finally appeared.

Su Hao's family's inherited technique is Hongmeng Chaos Jue. Before he practiced it, he was a master of palm techniques.

However, Su Hao also likes to use swords.

In the Wuji Sea, I encountered a big storm and accidentally entered an ancient ruins.

Su Hao accidentally discovered an ancient sword cultivator's sword manual and a damaged spiritual sword.

He liked practicing swordsmanship, so he tried to practice this sword manual.

Su Hao once demonstrated his swordsmanship after passing the test of Wenxian Stone.

The big boss of the Spirit Sword Sect was very happy when he saw this, and said that he was a genius in swordsmanship and deserved to be admitted to the Spirit Sword Sect.

However, there was ancestor Yan Yuan who cut off Hu, and later Su Hao paid more attention to the reputation of the first sect.

In the end, he became a member of the Tianyuan Sect.

The Second Immortal Sect Spirit Sword Sect is so aggrieved.

"Su Hao does not recognize Tianyuan Sect, but recognizes the number one ranking!"

"...It's so superficial. Doesn't he know that we sword cultivators can leapfrog challenges?"

What, in the world of immortal cultivation, sword cultivators are notoriously poor, but they are also notoriously fierce!

The combat power is fierce, and you can easily jump to higher levels to challenge.

Under normal circumstances, skipping a level or something is the treatment of the protagonist.

The only exception is the fierce and powerful sword cultivator!

However, Su Hao had identified the No. 1 Immortal Sect. No matter how powerful the sword cultivator was, the Spirit Sword Sect was only second.

The second child of Wannian·Lingjian Sect: Got stabbed hard again!

However, what makes the big guys of Lingjian Sect secretly happy is that Su Hao, a genius, did not perform too amazingly after joining the Tianyuan Sect.

In ten years, he has only advanced to two minor realms, which disappointed all the masters of cultivating immortals.

Tianyuan Sect also had an explanation for this: "Our Su Hao has accumulated a lot of experience! He successfully built the foundation in less than half a year of practice. The speed is too fast and he needs to stabilize his cultivation!"

"Ancestor Yan Yuan also said that Su Hao is not allowed to form elixirs too early! Just because he is a genius, we cannot encourage him to thrive!"

This makes sense.

Because even if Su Hao doesn't have any extraordinary performance, it is very rare for him to reach the middle stage of foundation building with a bone age of twenty-six years old.

Still maintaining his reputation as a "genius"!

However, people always have too high expectations for geniuses.

Su Hao has indeed been too mediocre in the past ten years.

Not to mention the other three major sects who were gloating about their misfortune, even some people in the Tianyuan Sect began to whisper secretly——

"Could it be that Su Hao hurt Zhongyong?"

Su Hao concentrated on his cultivation and ignored the rumors from the outside world.

On the contrary, Mo Xiaoxiao was very angry.

"What's hurting Zhongyong? Brother Su is clearly accumulating! He, he -" But the male protagonist.

How could the male protagonist be inferior to those supporting characters and cannon fodder?

Mo Xiaoxiao said desperately, still feeling a little worried in his heart.

In the past ten years, Brother Su has indeed been too "smooth".

Yes, it went too smoothly!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Before, Mo Xiaoxiao was secretly happy, thinking that everything going smoothly was a good thing.

It was only recently that Mo Xiaoxiao suddenly woke up after hearing Han Xiao's experience——

To practice immortality is to go against nature.

Su Hao is a male protagonist of the revenge style who breaks off his engagement and destroys his family. His cultivation path is destined not to be too smooth.

Not to mention anything else, just his set of ancestral skills is a bit abnormal.

If you want to practice cultivation, you must first destroy your Dantian!

What kind of bullshit setting is this?

It was clear that he was deliberately abusing the male protagonist!


Abuse the male protagonist!

This book actually abuses the male protagonist all the time.

The family was exterminated, hunted down, the engagement was broken off, humiliated, and mutilated...

This journey has been filled with blood and tears.

And every disaster is both harm and opportunity for the male protagonist.

The male protagonist rises from disaster after disaster and eventually becomes a truly strong man.

However, what about Su Hao's experience in the past ten years?

Mo Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully, and she found to her horror that Su Hao's last disaster was the big storm ten years ago.

This big storm brings a great opportunity to the male protagonist in a secret place under the sea.

Since then, Su Hao has never encountered any danger.

Arrive at Wucang Mansion smoothly, pass the Wenxian Stone smoothly, and become the disciple of Patriarch Yan Yuan...

It was so smooth, there wasn’t even half a disaster!

If there is no disaster, there will be no chance!

Therefore, Su Hao obviously has heavenly spiritual roots and has a very high starting point, but in the past ten years, he has not performed too well.

"Disaster? Yes, Brother Su needs disaster!"

Mo Xiaoxiao finally realized the crux of the problem.

But, a new problem came.

Disasters cannot be controlled by humans.

It's not that Mo Xiaoxiao wants to give Su Hao a disaster, she can create one.

"...This is easy to handle! Then go out for a walk more often! If you always stay in the sect, what kind of disaster will happen?"

Mo Xiaoxiao had an idea and whispered it into Su Hao's ear.

Su Hao's face was as dark as water.

He is far smarter than Mo Xiaoxiao, and he is the person involved.

His feelings are deeper and more intuitive than those of outsiders!

Su Hao had already discovered the problem, but——

That day in the Wuji Sea, the violent wind and rain that could destroy the world was really terrible.

He is no longer an ant with no foundation and no backing. Behind him is the No. 1 Immortal Sect Tianyuan Sect.

He also has a master like Patriarch Yan Yuan.

Whether it is status or cultivation resources, they are envied by countless people but difficult to achieve.

He needs cultivation resources, and the sect or master will provide them.

He doesn't need to fight or grab at all.

Why should he risk his life when he has something so easily available?

As for the criticism from the outside world and the speculation about hurting Zhongyong, Su Hao had already heard about it.

He didn't care, those people were just jealous.

Of course, you still have to participate in the necessary experience.

For example, during this trip to Wu Cang Mansion, there was a powerful Jindan who led the team. He didn't need to be responsible for it as a young monk in the foundation building stage. He could come along and have a look.

And Nuannuan!

She is actually still alive!

She has also embarked on the path of cultivation, but she still doesn’t know her cultivation level.

It shouldn't be bad, Nuan Nuan is Su Hao's sister.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if he is not a genius, he is definitely not mediocre.

But after so many years, Su Hao could only remember his younger sister's appearance.

Alas, I don’t know what Nuan Nuan is like when she grows up?

Like daddy, or like grandma?

Or is it very similar to him as an older brother?

He Tiantian: ...hehe, I'm afraid you haven't heard of the saying, "Those who are close to ink are black."

In other words, whoever raises children will look more like whomever they raise.

Even if the appearance is not very similar, the words, deeds, behavior, temper, and personality are all affected subtly.

The once sweet and cute little loli has turned into a perverse and willful little witch!

Su Hao didn't know about his sister's change. To put it bluntly, even if he saw Su Nuan in person, he might not be able to recognize her at a glance.

For example, at this moment, Su Nuan in the black turtle shell in the distance is making a breakthrough, and the big guys on the flying boat here have stopped to watch.

To put it bluntly, Su Hao had no interest in joining in the fun. Even if he followed everyone to watch, he might not be able to tell that the talented girl who was praised by everyone was his biological sister.

"Genius? Tianlinggen?"

"Ha! Is it true that the spiritual root of Heaven is just cabbage? It's all over the street?"

"...But, is it too exaggerated to form a golden elixir at the age of sixteen?"

Su Hao looked like he was meditating with his eyes closed, but in fact he listened to all the big bosses' discussions.

"Brother Su, let's go take a look too!"

Mo Xiaoxiao is a person who loves to have fun. If someone breaks through in front, there will probably be a thunder disaster. It is a rare event, so of course she will have to watch.


Su Hao has been tempted for a long time, but he just likes to put on airs.

Mo Xiaoxiao's suggestion gave him a step, and he readily agreed...

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