The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 731: The long-lost villain (52)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao released their spiritual consciousness one after another.

Ahem, that's the good thing about immortal cultivators. You don't even need your eyes to watch the excitement.

In addition to them, there were some elite disciples with slightly lower cultivation levels on the flying boat. They also released their spiritual consciousness and paid close attention to the black turtle shell in the distance.

Su Nuan felt dozens of probing consciousnesses.

However, at this time, she was focused on making a breakthrough and could not care about this at all.

He Tiantian and Long Jiaojiao also felt it, and they exchanged a look——

He Tiantian: Long Xiaojiao, please pay more attention, there are people "watching"!

Long Jiaojiao: Sister Baozhu, received!

Although Su Nuan is not a monster, when he broke through, there were people snooping around, and it was difficult to judge whether he was an enemy or a friend, good or bad!

These people stay close by to prevent anyone from causing trouble at critical moments!

Or take advantage of Su Nuan to survive the thunderstorm and be seriously injured to kill people and seize treasures or something.

Of course, that is what happens when other monks break through.

For Su Nuan, she has her own fault.

Taken advantage of: He Tiantian: ...Are you polite?

Just as everyone was reacting, Su Nuan's breakthrough finally reached the most critical moment.

She took the Heavenly Tribulation Pill, and a huge amount of spiritual power instantly gathered in her Dantian.

In her dantian, the spiritual liquid had condensed into a round elixir, and her soul was instantly strengthened.



Thunder exploded in the sky.

The originally clear sky suddenly gathered large swaths of clouds.

The thunder is getting closer and closer, and the clouds are getting lower and lower, making people feel like they are in the end of the world.

"Su Nuan, she, she is actually going to form a pill?!"

"Isn't she only sixteen years old? Her brother, the genius who is said to have Tianlinggen, is over twenty years old and is only in the foundation building stage!"

"...Incredible, simply incredible!"

"Han, Senior Sister Han, what should we do?"

On a small island offshore, two sneaky figures tentatively released their spiritual consciousness, and then were stunned by what they "saw".

They looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"How about we go back first?"

Senior Sister Zhao was scared. No matter how much she hated Long Jiaojiao, no matter how much she hated the people in the "Eldest Lady Squad", she was still just a monk in the Qi refining period.

There is a huge chasm between the Qi Refining Stage and the Golden Pill Stage.

In Han Susu's eyes, Senior Sister Zhao was indeed stupid, but she was not extremely stupid.

After the impulse passed, and her rationality returned, she realized that her jealousy was so ridiculous, and the so-called "retaliation" was also ridiculous!

She, Long Jiaojiao and others were no longer on the same level.

"...Okay, let's go back first!"

Han Susu was also a little scared.

She is smarter than Senior Sister Zhao. She can't find the problems that Senior Sister Zhao is aware of.

However, when they decided to retreat and wanted to evacuate, they found that it was already too late.

The ninth level of thunder calamity came, and the whole world changed color.

The sea beasts and monsters in the sea were frightened by the power of God, and they either fled in a hurry, trembled, or went crazy and angry...

The entire Wuji Sea is like a boiling cauldron, with the sea water bubbling and bubbling.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Monsters with higher cultivation levels have already opened up their spiritual wisdom and may be able to escape in time.

Those low-level monsters, and even the sea beasts that have not developed their spiritual intelligence, can only rely on their instinct to seek good fortune and avoid disaster and flee randomly.

Such a violent scene,

It was like a huge beast wave broke out.

The seal somewhere under the sea seems to have been impacted.

The demonic energy that was already leaking out became more intense and pure.

Han Susu and Senior Sister Zhao were in the Wuji Sea, and they were hit the hardest.

"Hmm!" Han Susu panicked at first, then stood blankly on the spot. Her facial features were distorted and her eyes were full of struggle.

She seemed to be desperately resisting something, and it seemed as if there were two souls fighting in her body.

She looked in pain and couldn't help but moan.

But soon, the black energy spread to her Dantian.

The pain and struggle on her face disappeared instantly.

"Han Susu" slowly opened her eyes, which were filled with unnatural scarlet.

A demonic mark was looming on her forehead.

Senior Sister Zhao's cultivation level is lower than that of Han Susu, and her temperament is more susceptible to temptation.

She barely struggled before the demonic energy took over her entire soul.

There was also a faint fallen immortal talisman on her forehead.

On the other side, Su Nuan has already ushered in the first level of Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder.

"God, you are so cruel!"

He Tiantian's soul was trembling. At this moment, the last trace of fantasy in her heart disappeared.

Damn it, God has chosen her!

"Su Xiaonuan, you have to see clearly, it's me, your sister Baozhu, who risked her life to bear the tribulation for you!"

He Tiantian resignedly threw out the formation plate, talismans, etc. to resist, and rushed to Su Nuan's side, but she did not forget to "take credit" and sell well!

Su Nuan:......

I was very touched and full of guilt at first, but when Sister Baozhu shouted like this, the atmosphere was completely ruined.

She even wants to laugh a little now!

Su Nuan suppressed her rolling smile while running the technique.

Ahem, she was so worried that if she suddenly laughed, Sister Baozhu would go berserk!

"Sister Baozhu, thank you!"

Holding back her smile, Su Nuan earnestly cooperated with He Tiantian's words.

Long Jiaojiao:......

I really want to help myself. How long has it been since this happened? Why are you still making such a fuss?

She tightened her storage bracelet and carefully watched Sister Baozhu confront Xuan Lei.


A spiritual weapon and several talismans collided with the Xuan Lei rushing down.

There was a fierce explosion in mid-air.

The first Xuan Lei was finally carried over, and several talismans and the spiritual weapon were all destroyed.


The second one quickly chased after him.

He Tiantian continued to throw out talismans and spiritual weapons to resist.

Although there is some physical pain, the spiritual weapons and talismans are destroyed and can be refined again.

If she was scorched by lightning, it would be painful.


The third mysterious thunder, carrying a greater power than the first two, struck down accurately.

Su Nuan was worried that Sister Baozhu had not thrown out enough things, so she quickly took out a handful of talismans and three or four spiritual weapons from her storage bracelet and threw them out.

It's a matter of his own, so He Tiantian won't be stingy.

She also threw out a lot of money very richly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

On the flying boat in the distance, not to mention low-level monks like Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao, there were several golden elixir-level experts who led the team.

Seeing that Su Nuan and his party were such rich people, they threw out the spiritual talismans one by one, and took out several spiritual weapons to resist the thunder disaster...

I can't say that I have never seen this kind of method of overcoming tribulation with krypton gold, but it is also very rare.

It is true that there are some disciples of great immortal cultivating families, or N generations of cultivators with reliable masters and parents. When they are going through a calamity, they will come up with a lot of good life-saving things.

However, this situation is very rare!

After all, spiritual talismans, spiritual weapons, formation disks, etc. are all very expensive.

No matter how rich the family is, they cannot afford such squandering.

However, what surprised everyone even more was yet to come——

The sixth mysterious thunder, carrying Wanjun's momentum, shattered the heavenly materials and earthly treasures thrown by Su Nuan, He Tiantian and Long Jiaojiao. However, it did not dissipate, but its power was weakened.


He Tiantian let out a painful cry, and her hair was burnt.

Su Nuan, who was supposed to suffer a thunderstorm, stayed by her side unharmed.

He Tiantian: ...Master Tiandao, you have really identified me.

Muttering secretly, He Tiantian didn't dare to delay and quickly started the Five Elements Jue of Jitian.

She couldn't see her spiritual roots, but she had a clear feeling——

After being struck by this wave of lightning, the efficiency of storing spiritual power in her Dantian seemed to have improved a little!

This is a manifestation of the spiritual roots being purified again.

Only the three good sisters of the "Miss Squad" know the truth about He Tiantian being struck by lightning.

Others, especially those secretly watching, did not know the truth.

In their opinion, it was He Tiantian who was worried about Su Nuan and risked his own life to rush forward and resist the thunder disaster for Su Nuan.

"This young female cultivator is very affectionate!"

"Maybe it's a dear relative or friend..."

On the flying boat, several golden elixir masters nodded slowly with approval in their eyes.

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao "saw" this scene with their spiritual consciousness, but they felt inexplicably familiar.

It was Su Hao who had a higher level of cultivation. He concentrated all his attention and tried to increase the intensity of the investigation, and finally "see" a face clearly——

"Chu Baozhu! It's actually Chu Baozhu!"

Su Hao almost shouted in surprise.

Not only because he saw an "old acquaintance" whom he hadn't seen for many years, but also because he was so smart that he immediately thought of something.

The master of Wocang Mansion sent Su Hao a transmission talisman. The master said very clearly:

Two female nuns came to Wocang Mansion, one was Su Nuan, and the other was affectionately called "Sister Baozhu" by Su Nuan.

Su Hao then knew that his sister had been with Chu Baozhu all these years.

The only thing that the master of the palace did not reveal was Su Nuan's cultivation.

At first, the master of the palace thought it was unbelievable that the foundation building period at the age of sixteen was complete.

Simply a genius among geniuses.

The master of the palace was worried that even if he told the truth, Su Hao wouldn't believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes.

Perhaps this would lead to the conclusion that he was lying, which would greatly discount the authenticity of the discovery of Su Nuan.

Secondly, the master of the palace also has a bit of a bad taste - isn't Su Hao the number one genius in Tianyuan Sect? What will his reaction be when he sees a genius who is even more evil than him? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Uh, okay, the master of the palace admitted that he was actually jealous of Su Hao.

How not to be jealous?

A small casual cultivator who has been in the sect for ten years can actually become the pride of Tianyuan Sect with his heaven-defying spiritual roots and super awesome master.

He, a powerful person in the Golden Core stage, would in turn curry favor with him, a small monk in the Foundation Establishment stage.

The master of the palace guards a remote town like Wucang Mansion, and he already has some resentment and injustice.

Meeting Su Hao, a "proud man of heaven", he secretly felt a little emotional, which was all within reason.

The master of the palace would not target Su Hao intentionally, but he "unintentionally" forgot some facts and gave Su Hao a "surprise". You can't blame him, right? !

... Su Hao only knew that his sister was traveling with Chu Baozhu, and that her sister had also embarked on the path of cultivating immortality, but the specific cultivation level was not clear.

Su Hao was very "optimistic", "Nuan Nuan is my biological sister, and her spiritual roots should not be too bad. It's a pity that there is no serious sect, wild ways, and the unreliable Chu Baozhu beside her." !”

"Oh, Nuan Nuan may have been delayed!"

"However, it doesn't matter. I have already begged the head brother, and he agreed to let Nuannuan join the Tianyuan Sect!"

Maybe you can't directly become the direct disciple of Ancestor Yan Yuan like him, but you can also be a disciple of the head senior brother like Mo Xiaoxiao.

Anyway, with him here, Nuannuan will definitely not suffer!

However, at this moment, it was clear that the person next to the talented girl who was going through the tribulation in front of her was Chu Baozhu, and Su Hao was not feeling well!

How smart he is, just by looking at Chu Baozhu, he can tell that the genius girl who is praised by several golden elixir masters is none other than his biological sister Su Nuan.


Su Hao's mind went blank, and he didn't know how to react.

Logically speaking, Su Hao should be extremely happy that his sister is so outstanding and her only relative in the world.


Su Hao's mouth felt bitter, and an emotion called jealousy quietly crawled into his heart.

That’s right!

Just jealous!

This is human nature. Wouldn't there be jealousy between brothers and sisters, and between flesh and blood?

In addition to instinctive jealousy, Su Hao also had a trace of fear and panic in his heart.

As the first genius of Tianyuan Sect, he was only a foundation-building monk at the age of twenty-six.

Whether inside or outside the sect, there has never been a lack of criticism about him.

Su Hao was not worried at all because he was confident.

He has a Heavenly Spiritual Root that is rare to see in a hundred years, and is the true darling of Heaven.

It doesn't matter if his cultivation speed is not satisfactory, as long as he has Tianlinggen, Tianyuan Sect and the four major immortal sects will still treat him as a treasure.

When Han Xiao returned, Su Hao was worried for a while.

However, although Han Xiao is the youngest Nascent Soul monster, he established his foundation later than Su Hao.

Therefore, this "immortal cultivation record" is still maintained by Su Hao.

In the future, as long as Su Hao forms the golden elixir within twenty years, he will surpass Han Xiao and become the youngest golden elixir master.

...Su Hao still has hope of surpassing Han Xiao!

Not only Su Hao comforted himself like this, but also many people from the four major immortal sects thought so.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, now a real monster has arrived.

Receive a golden elixir at the age of sixteen!

This is no longer Tiandao's illegitimate daughter, she is simply Tiandao's only beloved daughter.

Even a proud man like Su Hao can't compare to him.

Such a genius, once her existence is known to the four immortal sects——

Ten years ago, Su Hao personally experienced a "battle to steal a disciple". He was the protagonist, shining brightly.

The feeling of being praised, envied, and envied is simply too wonderful!

Su Hao wanted to always be like this.

However, if Su Nuan succeeds in forming the elixir, she will replace herself as the target of competition among the four immortal sects.

Its importance is very likely to far exceed mine!

"No! How could I think that?"

"Nuan Nuan is my biological sister, my only relative in this world!"

"I, we used to depend on each other, we were each other's most important people!"

Su Hao said desperately in his heart.

But he himself also mentioned, "once"!

Yes, their brother and sister have been separated for ten years.

He missed his sister's growth, and now that he met her, he didn't even recognize her.

It was only by relying on Chu Baozhu beside him that he guessed his sister's identity.

He is no longer the Su Hao he was in the past, and my sister is probably no longer the little thing who regarded him as her only one...

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